Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series)

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Embraceable You (Irish Hearts Series) Page 18

by Mary Tate Engels

  I do, sometimes, host a luncheon for the Lacy Ladies and give them nice little gifts. But beyond that, I fall short of offering them what they really need. Money. For one thing, it would be too embarrassing for them. And that's the last thing I want for my friends. That's why I so want this lace thing to work for them. To bring them some profits.

  Danny, now he was the generous one. He never worried about money, and it just came to him. He was the only generous one in his family. Lord knows where he got that trait. But he had property and investments and ran the bank all his life. Now, Rich has taken over. He's a tad too tight with the dollar, if you ask me. Never willing to help, unless he can see something in it for himself or his darling daughter, Monique. He's all about profit.

  Danny confided to me once that he had loaned Jon Cassidy money for his lobster boat and equipment to get his business going. And when Jon died that awful way, Danny wrote that loan off because he knew Jon's widow, Roberta with those three kids, could never pay it. He never mentioned it to Roberta or to anyone.

  It was our secret, and will remain so. He said the best thing you could do for someone in need was to give them a job, or the wherewithal to get a job. And he never had any regrets about loaning Jon the money, or about writing off the loss. It was the best he could do for the man.

  When Siena told me what Rich did when she applied for a loan to renovate Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon, I wanted to march right down to that bank and slap him up side of the head! I was so angry! But I knew that wouldn't help Siena any.

  Danny would have been so proud of me. Without another thought, it was the most natural thing in the world to give her the money. She insisted on it being a loan, but we'll see.

  My Danny was right. I had the most wonderful, uplifting feeling when I wrote her that check. Powerful, but not in a controlling way. Warm and rewarding. Like it was exactly what I was meant to do. Besides making lace. Amazing, magical lace.

  Oh Lord, I have doubts about the turn Siena's taking. Not about the shop, or even the new name Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon. That's exactly the right thing to do. My concern is about Siena's bold marketing. She's a bit of a wild child, like her great-aunt.

  Siena has some bodacious ideas for getting attention and she's pulled us right along with her. These wild ideas might work well in the big city, but here in little Haven's Point, I don't know.

  Now she's talking about a style show to show off our beautiful lace in a bra and panty show. Lord knows what will be revealed.

  Lots of questions are roaming around in my mind. Will that work here? Will they let her get away with it? A show like that will certainly draw attention, which is what she wants. I'd like to see her succeed, I really would. After all, I willingly gave her the money she needed to remodel the business. But I am afraid this time she's walking out on the end of the pier and taking us with her.

  For now, I will speak only positive words about this. Out loud. "The power of the lace will triumph."

  Chapter Seventeen

  "Going live on St. Paddy's Day! Pass the word!"

  Siena didn't know which spread the word faster, the Lacy Ladies or the Facebook page Zoey had opened. Everyone was excited to see the virtual store online. And so was Siena. Things had moved fast during the last month since Zoey jumped on board. She bought several pieces of lace and sewed them like patches to her jeans, to a jacket, to a sweater. That girl was amazing, just like the lace she touted.

  On the day before the go-live on St. Paddy's Day, Siena was vacuuming some of the construction mess when Zach appeared at the shop door. "Hey, have you always wanted to live in a grape house? This is the primer, I hope."

  She switched off the vacuum and squared her shoulders, feeling proud of the way the place was shaping up. She came over and put her hands on his shoulders and gave him a kiss. A real kiss. Then she twisted away doing an impromptu dance across the room. "Zoey’s a real color genius. Real designer eye-catcher. I love it! Don't you?"

  He ambled in, looking around at the empty spaces. "Zoey's idea, huh? Figures."

  "She designed the dressing rooms and R.J. constructed them. Nice job, don’t you think?"

  Zach glanced quickly over the framed booths and nodded. "Yeah, my little sis is quite talented. Not very smart, but capable. That’ll serve her well in life since – "

  Siena held out her palm to stop him. "Zoey is brilliant. She has been a tremendous help to me, to all of us, actually. Right now, she and George are working on a website for the business." Siena wanted to share her excitement about the project, but Zach was less than enthusiastic.

  "Hmmm… so you're going to sell this stuff over the Internet?" He shook his head. "Damn, she sure has you convinced."

  "Or maybe I have her convinced. It's just a thought, but maybe you ought to consider a website for Haven's Point. Might encourage businesses. I'm sure she and George would help with that." Siena switched the vacuum back on and continued scrubbing the floor.

  He switched the vacuum back off again. "Siena, you have my own sis turning against me."

  Siena turned to face him. "Stop it! No one is against you, Zach. We're trying to do our own thing, just like you are. Only we're working together. And you're on a single, narrow track. Yours."

  "I am trying to broaden my perspective, Siena," he said. "I just got off the phone with Warren Blythe of Puddlejump, Inc. It’s a software company in Boston. Are you familiar?"

  "Very." She leaned on the vacuum handle and gave him her full attention. "I used to work there."

  "And Warren is . . ."

  "Otherwise known as the jackass I was engaged to. Oh, and his other job is Veep of Marketing. Pardon me while I barf." She could feel a little heat building in her chest just thinking about Warren talking to Zach in a civilized manner.

  Zach shifted. "Did you know that the company was considering a satellite office in Haven’s Point?"

  Siena faltered. "I… well yes, I’d heard something about a satellite office long ago. But they were talking about several other small towns, too. In Massachusetts. And maybe Vermont. "

  "Well, Maine seems the best prospect for them right now. I've been courting them, along with some other businesses. And they seem eager to work with us. If it takes place, you might want to consider renovating the empty part of this building and renting to them."

  "Why would I want to do that?" Siena stared at him, dumbfounded. She wanted to scream, Not here! No way! I’m not hungry enough!

  "Just business, if you can separate yourself from the emotional end."

  "There’s no emotional end," she denied, knowing she was lying through her teeth. "Besides, I thought your advice was to tear this old building down because it wasn't worth anything."

  "Listen, this in your best interest, Siena. If you need to defend keeping your business here, it might help to have another business too, a profitable one."

  "Why the hell would I need to defend my business?"

  "You should know that there was a closed-door meeting of the City Council this morning. And your business was the major topic."

  "Why?" Siena walked away from the vacuum and folded her arms. "If it was about my building, why wasn't I invited?"

  "Apparently they aren’t crazy about your plans for this little shop. But you’ll have an opportunity to speak for yourself at the next Town Council meeting."

  "I have to go before the Town Council?"

  "Normally it's routine. You need to get council approval to open a new shop. All new merchants have to do this."

  "But this is the same shop, Amazing Lace. Just different merchandise."

  "Well, the name's different. That’s the problem. Your new merchandise is . . . risqué." Zach looked at the colorful pile of bras and panties in the nearby shipping box. "It may take some persuasion on your part. A bra shop isn’t like an ice cream parlor or knick-knack store. This town is old-fashioned about such things as underwear."

  "Underwear is crude and old-fashioned. Lingerie is classy. These are basic clothing
items." Siena stared. Her heart pounded. It was nuts to think that with all the support she’d gotten from the women for the new and improved Amazing Lace, there were still some people in town who objected. "You don’t think I can get it approved?" she asked finally.

  He sighed. "To be honest, Siena, it’ll be tough."

  The silent tension between Zach and Siena was heavy. Siena turned away, wondering what the hell Zach was doing to her. But deep down, she knew. Business first. Feelings, personal or otherwise, didn’t matter when it came to business. "Are you for me? Or against?"

  "For you. Always. But you might want to consider Puddlejump's needs. Of course, you have the freedom to negotiate whatever will work for you, like a hefty rent. It could be a good business deal for you, Siena."

  She walked away from him and sat on a work stool. "You know Zach, I was desperate and angry when I came to Haven’s Point."

  Zach folded his arms, turned away and looked at her sideways.

  "But I didn’t realize then," she continued, "that out of my anger would come so much good."

  "What good?" He shifted and shook his head.

  "Yes, good. Positive affects. I never would have had this opportunity to build a business from the bottom up. To feel this kind of passion for doing something, for creating something good for people. To know such passion for my work and for my life here in Haven’s Point. My love for a town that could be my home. I wouldn’t have gotten to know and love Claire and Roberta, and especially Zoey. And all the Lacy Ladies. You know, we have over twenty ladies working now? And even George, with all his pessimism. He's a very intelligent and interesting guy, if you'd just give him a chance. It’s exciting to know that maybe I can do something to help them fulfill a dream, along with my own."

  "This is just about business, Siena. Nothing else. Not dreams. Not what's best for the people."

  "Oh, that's where you're so wrong, Zach. This whole project, it’s about everything. But most of all, the people." She choked back tears. "I've had a chance to know you all over again. All along, I wanted to love you and maybe I slipped into that old boyfriend fantasy too far. Zach, it hurts to say this. I love you, but I really don’t like you. Don’t like the way you work. The way you treat people. You have one goal, and that’s yours. You insist on being in charge. And life doesn’t always work that way."

  "I can't believe you're saying this. I'm here to help you, Siena. You know I'm glad to have you in my life again. But you need to learn that in business, as in politics, you have to work the system."

  "I don’t give a damn about the system," she said, her voice growing higher with tension. "What I care about are the people. And obviously, you don’t."

  "That’s not true. I care about . . . everything and everyone. And especially you. That’s why I’m here. To make this town better, for my mother and sister. For you. For everyone. And you – you have just --"

  "I screwed it up for you, didn’t I?" She noticed that he didn’t say he loved her. Maybe theirs was just a good-sex relationship. And she needed to accept that.

  Zach started to leave, then halted. "One more thing, Siena. I’ve been hearing rumors that may make this whole damn thing explode in your face."

  "Rumors? About us?" She wondered how long they could keep their affair a secret. For some, it ruined their political career. Could happen here. Haven’s Point was far from broad-minded about much of anything.

  "No, not us. I've heard that you have plans for a nudie show."

  She whirled around to face him, fists on her hips. "Damn it! No! How did that get so twisted? We’re having a lovely grand opening style show. It’s very common in women’s wear to have a style show. And it’ll be done in damn good taste."

  He put his hand to his forehead. "It’s true? What are you thinking, Siena?"

  "I’m thinking that you – and this town – need to grow up!"

  "I honestly thought I might find a way to help you keep your business going. But now, I’m not sure anything or anyone can help you survive here."

  "Don’t bother. Your help, if that’s what you call it, is worse than nothing!"

  "There are other ways to revive the town than stripping down to your bra."

  "Oh yeah? A good old-fashioned topless bra-burning might get the attention we need for what we want." She smiled wickedly. "What do you suggest to revive the town? Tearing down my business to build your own?" She waggled her finger ‘no’. "It’s not going to happen, Zach."

  "Take some time and think about your situation, Siena. You might see it more clearly."

  "See it your way? Don’t count on it." She felt like a bottle, filling up with anger, ready to explode.

  "Get real, Siena."

  "You know something, Zach? You and I are on different tracks, parallel, but going in opposite directions."

  "No, Siena, you’re like a train wreck rushing forward all by yourself on the wrong track. Look at this place – purple!"

  "Lilac Allure," she corrected with a thick voice.

  "Hopeless." He shook his head.

  "Tell me something. Is there one woman against what we're doing here? One woman on the Town Council who thinks this a bad idea? One freakin' woman in town opposed to my business? Or do the objections all come from men?"

  "You-you're impossible!" He slammed the door, leaving her staring at the walls of her empty shop.

  Strangely, Siena imagined herself driving a runaway train, crashing through the woods and heading hard for the harbor where there were no tracks. And there was no one in the engine but her.

  That night, Dana called. Siena half-heartedly answered. "Yes Dana?"

  "I did it."

  Siena's heard pounded and she sat upright, nearly spilling her wine. "What? Don’t tell me you and Chaz got married? Without me? How could you?"

  "No honey. Me, marriage? Nothing so dramatic." Dana paused and gave a little nervous laugh. "I have Aunt Addie."

  "You have her?" Siena swallowed hard. Was she hearing this right?

  "You know, I mean, her ashes. We’re leaving Florida, heading for New Orleans. Aunt Addie always wanted to see New Orleans. And Texas. And now, she will. She’s right with me the whole way."

  "Dana, are you all right? Have you been… drinking too many of those umbrella thingies in Key West?"

  "Siena, you know I wouldn't do that. More than one would upset my karma. Besides, too many calories will mess up my girlish figure."

  "Right. I forgot about your view of the world." She paused to breathe. "Dana, I'm proud of you for rescuing Aunt Addie. But taking her with you, on the motorcycle? Don't know if that's such a great idea. Why don't you just send her here? It's fine. I'm over it. Stop by Fed Ex and – " Siena had visions of a trail of ashes flying around the Harley all the way to Texas.

  "Everything's good here, honey. Chaz fixed a secure little niche for her and she's safe. I kinda like having her with me."

  Siena sighed, not sure what to say to all that. "So you're taking her along? Where?"

  "Going to N'owlns, as they say. Check out my blog. I have a lot to say about Florida, especially Disney World. And now, we're heading for the great French settlement on the banks of the Mississippi! Can't wait! Aunt Addie's going to love it!"

  "I'm sure."

  "How's the new shop coming along?"

  "Fine, just fine." Siena crossed her fingers. "We're getting a website for the shop, going live tomorrow. Amazinglacelingeriesalon.com. Check it out."

  "I will, I will! Then you got the loan?"

  "Ummm, yes. Everything's fine."

  "I can't wait to see your website! Amazing that both of us are online these days. Just thought you'd like to know that I have her, safe and sound, with me. Love you, honey."

  "Me, too." Siena sat on the corner of the bed, stunned. Both cats came running and Sally climbed into her lap. Siena stroked the thick fur. "Guess what, Sally? My mother just grew up a little. But she does it in the most unorthodox way."

  Siena could see it now. Dana sitting behind Ch
az as they barreled down the highway toward New Orleans, holding onto him with one hand and cradling an urn with the other. Bon voyage, Aunt Addie!

  Keep her ashes safe, she prayed.

  A week later, at nine o'clock AM, Siena made her requested appearance before the Town Council to apply for a new business license. No local citizens were present to witness the proceedings. No colleagues were there to give her support. Or not. No one was there except Zach and his council of six, half of whom were named Fairchild.

  "Isn't this illegal," she countered. "I have no witnesses. No supporters. I believe this must violate some laws regarding disclosure and transparency. And there's no news media to record all this and reveal it to the public."


  Zach whispered to his council, "Damn, she's right. Can't continue."

  They voted to delay proceedings. "This is just temporary," Zach said. "Until we can arrange a hearing that meets the government transparency laws."

  Siena gathered her papers and gave them all a generous smile. "Next time, announce the meeting publicly. And get a bigger venue." She left the room, her stiletto boots making the only sound as they clicked on the hardwood floor.

  Chapter Eighteen

  St. Paddy's Day gave a grand excuse for all of Haven's Point go green and dance in the streets. Irish music filled the air as the Lacy Ladies rushed to The Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon to see the brand new website. They found George and Zoey hovered in front of the computer, conversing with low voices and alternately touching the keypad. When Zoey gave her the high sign, Siena motioned for everyone to gather around so they could watch the screen. "They'll have it up soon, Ladies."

  "So what does it look like?" Claire voiced everyone's curiosity.

  "I don't know," Siena said. "They wanted to surprise me. All of us."

  "I just can't imagine!" Roberta said.

  "This is so amazing!" Camille was bouncing on the balls of her feet.

  "I can't wait! Hurry up, Zoey!" Roberta said, placing her hand anxiously on her daughter's shoulder.

  "Okay, Ladies. Are we ready?" George asked. "Voilà! I give you… the Amazing Lace Lingerie Salon website."


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