Broken by Love

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Broken by Love Page 7

by C. A. Harms

  “I’m so close… don’t stop. Please don’t stop, Carson. Oh god, keep going. Faster!” She panted and moaned, which made it harder to hold back. It was the sexiest fucking sound, and I started thrusting faster and harder. She clenched me tightly as I pumped my hips, slamming against her with everything I had.

  “Fuck yes! Oh my god, yes! I’m coming!” Kate’s body tightened and her back arched, bringing her perfect breasts up tighter against my chest. I slammed in to her once more, allowing myself to release deep within her warmth, and buried my face in her shoulder.

  We both lay chest to chest coming down from our shared high. She ran her hands across my back, and I slowly raised my head to look into her eyes.

  The smile on her face was the best fucking thing. It was pure and absolutely beautiful. She giggled and wiggled her hips against me. “What are you giggling about?”

  “We were like wild animals.”

  I chuckled and kissed her once more. “Hell yeah, we were. Give me about ten minutes and I’ll be ready for round two.”

  With that, her gaze became lust-filled, and she gripped the back of my neck, pulling my lips down to meet hers.

  Hell with ten minutes. I was ready to go again… now.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I woke up for the first time in a long time feeling better about my day ahead. For once I felt like I didn’t have the weight of the world on my shoulders.

  I turned my body toward Carson’s, snuggling into his chest. I placed a gentle kiss at the base of his neck. His arms wrapped around me just a little tighter, followed by a sigh.

  “Morning, beautiful.” His sleep-filled voice broke the silence, and my heart ached. It was the best feeling to be in his arms. It had been so long and desperately missed. I felt his lips against my temple, and I looked up into his ocean blues.

  “Good morning,” I whispered in return.

  “A very good morning. In fact, this is the best morning I’ve had in months.” He smiled just before brushing his lips over mine. “The only thing missing is Carley.”

  We stared in one another’s eyes, and a new sense of security washed over me. “I think we need to go pick her up and bring her home. What do you think?”

  He smiled brightly. “I’m ready to have both of my girls home… with me.”

  I blinked away the tears that had gathered. “Me too,” I breathed just before our lips met once again.


  When we pulled into Carson’s parents’ driveway it was just before noon, and it was already overflowing with houseguests. Carson took my hand and kissed me. “Let’s go face the troops.” I smiled and followed closely.

  I knew the word was already out that we went home together last night. Riley was a squealer, and I had a feeling the first thing she did when she found out I wasn’t home was send out a mass text. I could bet within minutes half the family knew Carson and I got our freak on. I felt my cheeks heat at the thought of it.

  The voices erupted once we entered the front door. Max had Tanner in a headlock as Zander and Mason stood on the sidelines laughing uncontrollably. It was an ongoing game with this group. The goal was to bring down the badass Max and claim victory among the meatheads. No one had been able to claim the title yet, but it didn’t ever stop them from trying.

  Zander noticed us standing in the doorway with Carson’s arm draped over my shoulders, holding me close to his side. He winked and turned back toward the testosterone fueled display in front of us.

  Riley entered the room rocking Carley in her arms. She looked up, and a smile spread across her face. She was busting at the seams, and I waited for what I knew was coming. Five four, three, two, and…


  I shook my head, and Carson chuckled against me, kissing my temple. He released me as soon as his mom walked toward us. She pulled me into her arms and hugged me. “It is about time I see that sweet smile of yours. I missed your glow, Katelynn.” She stepped back and pointed at Carson. “You, my son, better remember the heartache you felt over the last few months. I saw it, and you were lost. Treat her like she deserves, Carson.”

  I let my gaze connect with his, before looking down.

  “I know, Mom. I don’t ever want to feel that way again.” His fingers laced with mine. “It took almost losing what I had to wake my ass up. I will never make that mistake again. This girl right here holds my heart in her hands. Kate and Carley are my world.”

  My throat felt tight as I attempted to swallow. I wasn’t used to the sweet side of Carson. He occasionally showed it when we first started dating, but only when he was trying to charm his way into my bed. He wasn’t a big cuddler or very affectionate. He was the guy who didn’t feel the need to repeat himself. He rarely said he loved me because in his mind I should just know. He seldom held my hand, and the only time there was a need for kissing was when it was the intro to the big finale. This sweet guy standing before me looked like my Carson, but I was having a hard time accepting this sweetness could last. I secretly hoped I was wrong and that he had changed. I didn’t want to be the needy girlfriend, but dammit, I needed to know he loved me. I needed his love to be evident.

  I escaped into the kitchen with the girls while Carson took his place on the couch. Tanner had finally surrendered, admitting defeat at the hands of the ‘Infamous Max.’ Of course Max spent the next twenty minutes gloating that his brothers were pussies and would never be able to take him. Boys and their egos, this house was full of arrogance. It was busting at the seams.


  “So things are good?” I was leaning against the countertop rocking Carley. I looked up to find Riley, Rayann, and Kelly staring at me, waiting for me to explain. I smiled and bit my lips to hold back the laugh bubbling in my chest.

  “I think we’re gonna be okay.” I traced Carley’s cheek with my fingertip. “In no way are things perfect. I know we have work ahead of us. We’ll get there, but we’ll do it together. Carson’s my home, and I’m ready to go home. We both know what’s at risk, and I think we both have come to realize we are worth fighting for.” I kissed Carley’s forehead, looking up to meet Carson’s eyes over Kelly’s shoulder.

  He winked and smiled. “You’re damn right we are.”

  He took the few steps that still separated us and stood before me. “Are my girls ready to go home?” He lifted his hand to sweep away the hair that had fallen in my face. I nodded, and he leaned forward, bringing his lips to mine. For a few short moments I forgot we were not alone. Riley’s squeal and Kelly’s sigh brought me back to the present.

  Kelly stalked from the room with her hands on her hips. Before she even entered the living room, she started on Mason. “Why don’t you ever woo me anymore? I don’t get the sweet words and soft kisses. I miss when you used to be sweet. What happened to the Mason who made my knees weak?”

  I giggled, and Carson hung his head. “Shit, here we go. I’m about to get my balls busted. Get ready for it.”

  “Damn, dude, really?” Mason grumbled as he followed behind a pouting Kelly. “Can you check the sweet-talking shit at the door? You’re getting my ass in trouble with my wife.” Mason spun and grabbed Kelly around her waist, dipping her backward in a dramatic hold. With quick movement, he placed his lips over hers, pulling away just as quickly and making a loud smooching noise. Kelly giggled and swatted at his chest while everyone else watched the playful display.

  “You know I love your crazy ass, so stop busting my chops, woman.” Mason hurried from the room, narrowly missing the half empty bottle of water Kelly threw at his back. She turned back around, pouting, but you could clearly see the smile she was fighting against. The two of them were honestly adorable, and I envied their silly banter. They were so comfortable and secure.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Explain to me again why we’re hosting this thing here?” I wrapped my arms around Kate’s waist and rested my head on her shoulder, kissing the exposed skin at the base of her

  Her body relaxed, and she stretched her neck to the side, indicating she wanted me to continue. I trailed kisses over her shoulder, up the side of her neck, and stopped just below her ear. She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes, letting her head fall back against me.

  “Kate?” I waited patiently, hovering just above her skin, lightly blowing on her neck.

  “Hm…” she breathed.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle, and she spun around to face me. “I asked you a question.”

  Her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion. “What question?” I took a step toward her, pinning her to the counter with my hips. I licked my lower lip, and her eyes followed my tongue.

  “The cookout,” I whispered as I pressed against her a little tighter. “Why is it here again?” I traced her neck with my tongue, and her head once again fell backward with a low moan. The moment I reached her ear, I flicked it with my tongue before sucking it into my mouth.

  “Oh my god.” Kate fisted my shirt, and my dick twitched. For a brief moment my resolve slipped and I lost my train of thought. Fuck, her moans were so damn sexy. The sound of it had my mind running through all the ways I could make her moan again. I grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her, placing her on the countertop in front of me.

  Running my hands up the inside of her bare thighs, I tried to clear my head. “I asked you why we were hosting it here. It appears you are having a hard time answering me, though.”

  It had been a week since Kate moved back in, and every day I woke up with one goal in mind. Make her feel cherished. I would have to say I was enjoying the cherishing part equally.

  My fingertips skimmed over the crease of her thighs at the edge of her panties. Her breathing became labored and faster. “You honestly expect me to concentrate when you keep touching me like you are? I can barely remember to breathe.” I grabbed at the hem of her skimpy sundress and began inching it up, bringing it over her head.

  Sitting before me on display was a very beautiful woman in yellow lace, and I was standing at full attention. I forgot what the hell I was trying to get her to answer. At that moment it no longer mattered. Carley was down for her nap, and I had a good hour before she would need either of us. I wanted nothing more than to sink into my girl and get lost.

  “But I love touching you. You feel good against me. I love tasting you too.” I lowered myself between her thighs, looking up to meet her glazed eyes. She panted and gripped the edge of the counter. “What are you doing?” she whispered.

  I ran the tip of my tongue up her thigh, never taking my eyes from hers. “I’m having a little taste of my favorite treat.” Teasing the tip of my tongue over her lace covered center, I heard a thud. I looked up to find Kate’s head leaning back into the cabinet above her. I fought the urge to laugh. She loved having my mouth between her thighs. I had to admit it was also one of my favorite places to visit.

  Keeping my gaze on hers, I eased her panties to the side and swept my tongue over her. “Fuck.” She groaned, and her eyes rolled back into her head. This time I pressed a little harder as my tongue parted her wetness. “Please… oh my god.”

  “Please what, baby?” I hovered over her glistening pussy, waiting for her to tell me what she needed.

  Kate slowly lifted her head, reaching out to grip the back of my hair. She pulled me toward her until my lips were exactly where she wanted them. She looked at me intensely, whispering with such force, “Stop being a tease, Carson, and get that tongue busy.” I grinned and flipped my tongue against her clit. She groaned as I pulled back once again.

  Kate glared at me. “Don’t mess with my pleasure, Carson. You know it makes me cranky.” I chuckled, and her lips pulled at the sides as she fought to appear angered. “Do you like it when I tease you?” I shook my head no, and she grinned. “Well, let me just tell you this. If you don’t stop teasing me, you won’t like what I do in return.” She grabbed the back of my head again and guided my mouth to her pussy. “Now get busy, sweet boy. I’m a woman in need, here.” I lifted my finger, running it through here wetness, coating it before pushing it inside her. “Fuck, yes...” And once again I heard a loud thud as her head fell backward against the cabinet.

  She gripped my hair tightly as I got to work pushing her over the edge. Her hips began to rotate, pushing herself forward, grinding against my mouth. Fucking hell, she was so god damn sexy. “Don’t stop, oh holy fuck. Just don’t stop.” Adding a second finger, I continued to thrust inside her with one goal… make her lose her fucking mind.

  Chapter Twenty


  The last thirty minutes were a complete blur. I wasn’t sure exactly how it happened, but I was on the kitchen floor, sprawled across Carson’s bare chest. Both of us were fighting to control our frantic breaths. My legs were numb, and my inner thighs throbbed.

  My mind was a fuzzy filled mess as I attempted to remember how we ended up in our current position.

  The doorbell sent me shooting off of Carson in a panic, covering my bare breasts with my hands. “Who is it?” Carson grumbled beneath me, running his hands through his hair.

  “Shit… Riley.” I crawled around the floor gathering my panties and dress. I quickly got dressed as the doorbell rang a second time. Carson chuckled behind me, and I spun around. “What the hell is so funny?”

  He pointed at my dress, and I looked down. Oh, you have got to be kidding. I gripped the hem, pulling it up and over my head. He was laughing and I rolled my eyes. “This is all your fault.” He slipped his shirt on and walked off to answer the door while I continued to adjust my dress.

  “It’s my fault you put your dress on inside out?”

  “Yes!” I heard him laughing while I ran down the hall toward the bathroom. I had forgotten Riley was coming over to help get things ready for the cookout. She originally came up with the idea, but when we put together the list of who we wanted to invite, it quickly grew, and we needed more space. Carson and I had the biggest yard next to her parents, so it was set. We were having our first get-together, and I had to admit I loved the idea.

  The last week had really been amazing. He had been so loving and affectionate. Every day I woke up snuggled in his arms, and there wasn’t a moment that passed by when I didn’t feel completely treasured. A girl could get used to this treatment. I was in my own little love bubble, and I prayed daily it was never popped.

  After I freshened up and fixed my freshly fucked hairdo, I checked on Carley. She still lay peacefully in her crib.

  I heard Riley’s voice flowing down the hallway. “You two were getting your freak on, weren’t you?” Carson chuckled, and a second voice broke through. “Are those your boxers on the floor?” My hand went over my mouth, trying to control my laughter.

  “Nasty, Carson. Were you two fucking in the kitchen? Around the food?” Riley tried to sound completely disgusted.

  “Don’t get your panties tied in a knot, Ry. We did it on the floor. The food was nowhere close.” I heard a long crack as Carson came running down the hall, Riley in hot pursuit. He hid behind me, still laughing as Riley tried to reach around me to hit him. “I swear, if I step in anything sticky, I am beating your ass.”

  I looked up to find Beth smiling in our direction. “Hey, Barbie.”

  I waved and smiled in return. “Hey bitch, how ya been?”

  Beth shrugged and tipped her head in my direction. “Apparently not as good as you were when we showed up. You want to get this food ready, or should we let you two finish?”

  Carson gripped my waist and pulled me back against his chest. “It’s all good, Beth. We finished just in time.” I swatted at him over my shoulder and struggled to get away. He darted for the bathroom and slammed the door, causing Riley to shake her head in defeat.

  She grumbled all the way back to the kitchen, saying something about kitchen sex and nightmares. Beth and I looked at each other and broke out in laughter. Riley glared. “You two are like horny damn teenagers. “

  “Oh please, Ri
ley. Who answered the door not even an hour ago with her shirt buttoned crooked and halfway hanging off?” Beth tried to keep a straight face. “It must be the day for horny teenagers, because you and Zander were caught with your pants down too.”

  Riley tried to appear offended, and when she failed miserably she broke out in laughter right along with us. I guessed we were both in need of some loving today.

  We were elbows deep in food when a very sexy, freshly showered, shirtless, blue eyed man walked into the kitchen. He carried our beautiful daughter in the crook of his left arm. His snug blue jeans hung low on his hips, showing just enough of his delectable V to drive me insane. I knew I was staring, but damn, he got inside my head without effort. It was hard to turn away.

  “Um… Kate.” I turned to the sink and shut the water off quickly. It was so full it was on the verge of spilling over. I pulled the plug to let out the water and saw the smug look on Carson’s lips. Yeah, whatever, jackass. He knew exactly what he was doing when he came out of the bedroom looking like that. Here I was all heated up again and couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

  He walked past us and made his way to the living room. Beth’s eyes followed him, and I shook my head. Yes, Beth, I know. Oh my god, do I know.

  “What time does this thing start?” Carson hollered from the couch.

  “Four. Oh, and Mom said she’ll be here around three-thirty to get Carley. Mason and Kelly are just meeting her here with Mariah. I guess Dad is on call, so she’s looking forward to having the grandkids.” Rayann was a godsend.

  A night alone with our friends and family sounded like a good time. It was great to have someone we felt safe leaving Carley with. It gave us time alone, time to be us.


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