Rico’s Way

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Rico’s Way Page 8

by Joy Blood

  I start running back to my place. With each slam on the sidewalk, I revel in the fact that I can’t feel the impact jarring my spine. Each day, when I wake up and stand from my bed, I’m still amazed at how minimal the pain is. On bad days, plain old ibuprofen is enough to make it go away. The doctor wasn’t lying when he said he was the best.

  Rounding the corner to my house, I damn near stop dead in my tracks and fall flat on my face when I see the small blue Mazda parked next to my truck. Is that really her fucking car? Then I see her sitting on the porch. My thudding footfalls slow as I reach the house then I make my way up the few steps on the deck. Her eyes are wide as she takes me in, assessing me in the same way I am her. Then, she stands, and I almost drop to my knees. Her hair is slightly longer, and the pink she had when she left has since faded, leaving her silver-blonde hair behind. That isn’t what has my jaw nearly hitting the floor, though. It’s also not the fact that she looks even more beautiful than the day she drove away. No, what has my attention is the much larger, rounded bump she now carries around her middle. "Hey, Puerto Rico," she says in that sassy tone of hers, swinging her hand to the side with a single wave.

  "Ree." My voice is raspy, out of breath from the run, but more from the shock of seeing her there on my porch. "Fuck," I whisper under my breath.

  "What?" She looks down at herself, trying to figure out what my problem could be.

  "Look fucking beautiful, Ree." As much as I want to go to her, take her in my arms and drag her into my bed, I know I have some groveling to do. Lots of it. "I’m so fucking sorry," I start, but she stops me by stepping forward, a piece of paper in her hands.

  "It’s a boy," she says, holding out the paper. I take it from her, realizing it’s actually a photo of the baby. One of those grainy black and white ones that shows the kid's junk and says, “It’s a boy!”

  "A boy?" she nods in confirmation as I study the photo.

  "Yeah. He's healthy and growing like crazy. Doesn’t stop kicking me either," she says with a slight smile.

  "You want to come in?" I ask, going to the door and opening it for her.

  "No." She shakes her head and steps away from me. "I only stopped to give you that. Thought you’d want to know."

  "Ree, come inside," I try, but she shakes her head again and starts to leave.

  "No. I’m glad you’ve gotten better. Really, I am. But...I'm not...I just can’t do this right now, okay?" Reluctantly, I nod and swallow down the anger welling up in my chest.

  "I get it. Bye, Ree,” I force myself to say before walking in and shutting my door behind me. There’s a pause, then her footsteps start clapping down the steps.

  Well, that went fucking well.

  Chapter Sixteen


  "This is long overdue," I sigh, relaxing into the chair as my feet soak in the water.

  "I second that. Jake has been trying his best to knock me up again. I’m so tired," Kimi says, and we all laugh.

  "Ehhh, I don’t know how you’ve done this twice. I’m am so tired and fat, and I’m hardly halfway there," I complain. We’re all lined up next to each other getting pedicures. Kimi, Grace, Ellie, Buggs, and me.

  "It gets worse. So much worse," Buggs says, making Grace and Ellie both laugh.

  "How are the teenagers doing?" I ask Grace, who rolls her eyes.

  "Oh god, don’t even get me started. They are Gin's kids, no doubt. Jason has been a great help with Tay, but Brook…oh my gosh. I don’t even..." She bows her head into her hands in frustration.

  "She's been doing good at the store. I think she’s just acting out because of her mom leaving her here without a look back," Buggs throws in, trying to offer support for the frustrated stepmother.

  "Yeah. The woman hasn’t called once to talk to her kids. That has to be rough on them," Grace says.

  "Jason was little when she took them with her, so he probably has no memory of Gin, but Brook does. She has abandonment issues and is being a brat to get attention. Trust me, I know this," Ellie states with a reassuring smile. "She’ll be fine. Just be there for her when she needs it. And scold her when she fucks up. Don’t be afraid to discipline her. She needs to have boundaries."

  "Well, if this isn’t a therapy session," I say with a smirk.

  "Since we’re at it, how about you tell us what’s been going on in Siberian country?" Kimi asks, and everyone’s head snaps my way. I narrow my eyes at her.

  "Thanks, Keeks," I grumble.

  "Yeah, out with it. You were gone for…what? Three months?" Buggs says. "How’s Premo?" She waggles her eyebrows up and down, and I laugh. The woman is gorgeous with her long, dark hair and high cheekbones. She looks almost identical to Kimi, even though they aren’t blood-related. They are complete opposites too. While Kimi is quieter, Buggs speaks her mind, unfiltered mostly. Suppose she would have to with that husband of hers. While living in the clubhouse, I caught lots of loud conversations between Buggs and Rock. A few arguments too, which always ended with them making the walls shake from his office.

  "I didn't really see him much. He had club things to do. I lived in his apartment until I decided I needed to come back home. I was kind of being a chicken shit," I admit to them.

  "What are you going to do about Reek?" Kimi questions. There is a lull in the conversation at the loaded question I don’t know how to answer.

  "I saw him yesterday," I admit, but they don’t respond, just wait for me to continue. "I gave him an ultrasound picture and told him I’m having a boy. Then I left."

  "You just left?" Grace asks, and I nod in confirmation.

  "I didn’t know what else to do. He wanted me to come inside, and I panicked. I wanted to. I really did, but...I just don’t know where to go from where we left off."

  "Just go to him. The guy has been working himself to death. Did you notice how well he’s doing? Doctor Lodestone did an amazing job," Kimi says. "I checked in on him while he was admitted. He’s not a good patient." She chuckles.

  "I wouldn’t doubt that," I say, laughing at the thought of Rico lying in a hospital bed being told to be patient. “Okay, enough about me and my screwed-up love life.” I brush off the conversation, trying to direct it toward someone else. “I say we talk about...Grace. I think it's time for us to hear the story of why they call Gin, Gin."

  "Oh no. I’m not getting trapped into that one. He would kill me." She shakes her head and picks up a magazine to busy her hands.

  "No, he wouldn’t. Might fuck you within an inch of your life, but he wouldn’t kill you." Her jaw drops at my statement, and the girls all boom with laughter. Even the poor women scrubbing away at our toes give a small chuckle.

  "I don’t really know anyway. I have a few guesses, but I’m still not sure. You wouldn’t know, would you, Ellie?" Grace asks.

  "He was named Gin long before I came to the clubhouse. I’m not a good source of information," Ellie deflects.

  "Buggs?" I ask, because the girl, despite her darker complexion, has started to turn red.

  "No! I’m am sworn to secrecy. If it comes out that I know...I’m married to the President of the Hell's Riders MC, and with that comes certain privileges. I won’t—"

  "Oh, can it, Buggs, and tell us. It won’t leave this group, promise," I say, batting my eyes. She shakes her head. "Come on!" I whine, and if it weren’t for my feet being buffed, I would stomp them for effect.

  "I...fine. But if it gets back to Gin, you’re no longer allowed to shop at Rider's Wear," she states, threatening to take away our shopping rights at the store she runs. It’s owned by the club and creates a legitimate income.

  "You’re threatening to take away your most loyal customers, just so you know," Kimi says, eyeing Buggs.

  "I can’t hear it. You know me, I won’t be able to keep it from him that I know," Grace complains.

  "Well, you’re going to have to. Go on, tell us," I urge. Buggs opens her mouth and starts to spill.

  "So, I guess it was the night of his patch in party..."r />
  * * *

  Hours and many, many, Cinnabons later, I’m standing by my car debating whether or not I should go through with what I’ve already talked myself into doing. "Just go. You know you want to, and if it doesn’t go well, come back here. You can stay as long as you need," Kimi says as she grips her purchases in her hand from the back of her SUV.

  "I know." I let out a long sigh. "I’m just scared. What if he doesn’t want me?" The fun afternoon with the girls is now doused by the heavy reality that I need to talk to Rico.

  "Oh please. He isn’t going to be able to take his hands off you. Now, get going."

  "When did you get so bossy?"

  "Since I married a stubborn biker." She chuckles. "Now, go get yours."

  "Do I have to?" I whine, smiling as she swats her hand my way. "I think I distinctly remember you telling me I didn’t want one," I pout.

  "What the hell did I know?" She laughs. "They’re a pain in the ass and will drive you crazy, but at the end of the day, when they wrap their arms around you and make you feel like you’re the only woman in the world, it’s worth it." She has that wistful look in her eyes, and I find myself envying it.


  "It won’t be that bad, Ar. Just...I don’t know, maybe don’t fight with him?" That makes me laugh.

  "Ha! Easier said than done. He’s such an ass, Keeks."

  "I know, but he’s your ass. Now, get going." She saunters off toward the house, where Jake’s standing on the porch holding their youngest. Such a big, badass, brooding biker, but when he holds that little girl in his arms, my heart melts. Will Rico be the same way? What am I even saying? Of course he will. He’s wanted nothing more than to be the father of my unborn little boy and has been fighting me every step of the way to stake his claim.

  I guess I’m going there tonight to find out if that’s still what he wants.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Soft knocking pulls me from my string of pushups. It’s nearly five in the evening, and all my brothers are probably partying it up at the club, which I opted out of, so I don’t know who would be stopping by. I just couldn’t bring myself to go there now that I know Ari is back. Guess I didn’t want to run into her.

  When I get to the door, I see Sunny standing there, a big bright smile on her face. I bite back a curse and open the door. "Hi!" Her high-pitched voice assaults my ears as she steps inside, inviting herself in.

  "Sunny. What—?"

  "I brought beer. I figured we could have a drink here, then...I don’t know, maybe—"

  "I can’t tonight." She doesn’t listen, just keeps walking into my house to place the beer on the countertop, along with herself.

  "I hope you don’t mind, I got your address from your paperwork," she explains as she situates herself. "Come and have a beer, Rico," she says, pulling a bottle from the six-pack and popping it open. She takes a long pull from the neck, then drags her gaze up to me. "You look tense." I start making my way over to her with the intent of getting her the hell out of my house. "I can help with that," she says with a smirk, then wraps her lips around the top of the bottle and brings her mouth all the way down to where the paper starts on the glass. Jesus.

  "You need to get out of my house," I say, eyes narrowed in on her, trying to get my point across in a hard tone. She pauses, slight disappointment flashing across her face before it vanishes, then she tries a different tactic. Instead of giving her beer bottle head, she jumps down from the counter and starts walking over to me, intent on going for the real thing this time.

  "But I just got here." Her lips poke out into a pout before she lifts her shirt above her head. She has no bra on, and her nipples are already hardened into stiff pink peaks.

  "Put it back on," I order on a growl, growing irritated at her forwardness. Grabbing the shirt from the place she tossed it on the floor, I chuck it toward her with force. "Put it on and get the fuck out," I repeat, leaning in toward her, keeping my voice low but harsh. She grows pale and starts putting the shirt back on, but a voice from the door stops her.

  "Am I interrupting something?" And damn it all to fucking hell my luck is fucked. I close my eyes and let out a groan. Keeping my eyes leveled on Sunny’s face, I say, "Nope. She was just leaving." Sunny looks up at me, and shake my head, silently telling her not to even try it. She finally does as told and pulls her shirt over her head, then rushes out of the house, leaving behind the beer.

  I steal a glance at Ari to find her staring daggers in my direction, then she shifts the icy gaze to Sunny as she bustles past her. Ari slams the door shut behind the retreating woman, then crosses her arms over her swollen belly, narrowed eyes landing back on me. "I see things haven’t changed."

  "You're one to talk. How’s Premo?" I bite back, not wasting any time in being a dick. Frustrated, I stomp over to the forgotten beer, pull one out, and twist off the top to chug down the liquid. Not my first choice of brew, but it will do.

  "As far as I know, he’s doing fine," she quips.

  "What are you doing here, Ree? You couldn’t get out of here fast enough the other day." Taking another swig, I notice as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other, clearly nervous.

  "I panicked. So—"

  "So what?"

  "I would like to talk."

  "Talk." I wave my hand for her to continue, but she doesn’t. She takes a few tentative steps closer to me—close enough for me to smell her. The sweet scent that hasn’t been in my proximity for far too long sends that thrill right to my cock like it always does, making it instantly hard. Reaching down, I adjust myself and smirk when she catches the action.

  "I...uh...look, I wasn’t with Premo this whole time," she starts to explain.

  "So, you're telling me you haven’t been fucking him this whole time? While you were staying with him in Siberia." Her eyes dart down and with that one shy away look, I knew she fucked him. "Tell me you didn’t, Ree." My throat feels like it’s full of gravel. Swallowing down another pull of my beer doesn’t help one bit. I knew she didn’t just go there to cuddle with the man, but it still hurts. "Ree," I growl, prompting her to answer me.

  "I...oh god." She turns away from me and walks into the living room.

  "So, you did then?" I ask, placing my beer down on the countertop and following close behind her. She’s standing here, in my house, the house I bought to share with her, and it hits me. I don’t even care what her answer is. After all this time, I don’t give a shit, I just want to feel her. "You know what?" She turns to me, unleashed tears shining in her eyes. I need her—need to have her in my arms.

  "What?" she shudders out before I come down on her, slamming my lips onto hers with so much force, she might have fallen to the floor if my hands weren’t gripping her hips. I can’t get her close enough because of her baby bump, but it will have to do—for now.

  Pulling back when the wetness of her fallen tears seeps into our kiss, I take her flushed cheeks in my hands, framing her face, wiping away the moisture with my thumbs. "I don’t give a shit if you fucked him every day until you came back because you came back. You're mine, Ree. Mine," I growl, my mouth going to hers again. Lifting her up, I wrap her legs around my waist, carefully bring us to the bedroom, and place her down on the mattress.

  "Reek," she hisses as I grind my hard cock along her covered mound, the barrier of our clothes keeping me from getting inside her. "I didn't," she says, making me pause. "I couldn't. I realized…when I was there…I wanted you," she admits through labored breaths.

  "That’s my girl," I say with a cocky grin, holding back the urge to pound my fists on my chest like some cave man. My hands go to the waistline of her stretchy pants, and I peel them down until she’s in her panties. Suddenly, she pulls away, making me think she’s about to stop this.

  "I haven’t been able to bend..." she drifts off, situating herself on the bed, trying to hide from me. "I’m all National Geographic down there.” I want to let out a laugh. If she thinks that’s g
oing to stop me from getting inside her, she couldn’t be more wrong.

  "I don’t give a fuck." Springing forward, bypassing her attempt to keep me away, my hands make contact with her thighs.

  "No, Reek. It’s so...uh..." She doesn’t get to say anymore, because one hand is slipping beneath the thin cotton, thumb skimming along her clit, while the other finds her nipple through the fabric of her shirt.

  "Don’t give a shit how big your bush is, girl. I just want to get inside it." I chuckle when she gasps at my words, eyes widening in embarrassment.

  "You are so crude. Ah!" I slip two fingers inside her, stopping her from talking anymore. Her pussy clamps down on me as I start moving them in and out, sure to circle her clit with my thumb.

  "Going to fuck you no matter what." Her breaths come faster. "Give it to me, baby. Come for me."

  "Oh god!" she calls out, her hands flying to mine to both push me away and pull me closer as she comes all over my fingers. Pulling away, I look down at her laying on my bed, spent. Not for too long.

  "Ready for me?" I ask, stripping off my shorts and shirt. My boxer briefs are next as I watch her pull her shirt off, then her bra and panties. "I like it."


  Kneeling on the bed, I hover over her and place my hand on her rounded stomach. "This. So beautiful." I bring my lips to hers, pressing my tongue in. "All mine." Guiding the tip of my cock to her entrance, I slowly and painfully press in, stretching her to accommodate me.

  "Yes. I’m yours." Her breathy declaration sends a surge of possessiveness through me, but I keep my movements slow, needing to prolong the pleasure. The push and pull of my cock dragging along her inner walls causes unrecognizable words to mewl from her lips. "Reek. Oh...fuck me, Reek." I chuckle at her desperation, and her using my club name.


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