Rico’s Way

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Rico’s Way Page 14

by Joy Blood

  Gin and a bandaged-up Ringer are outside the door when we get there, Gin not looking all too happy to be on babysitting duty. "You still pissing and moaning about having to stand here, G?" Rock's graveled voice jabs at Gin, who narrows his eyes at Rock.

  "We’ve got plenty of people here to watch the door. Don’t see why I have to. College is all patched up, but still hasn’t taken a shift. You don’t see Ringer not taking a shift ‘cause he got his nose broke."

  "College got fucking shot, asshole. He has a hole in his side. Doc told him to stay put for a few days. Just stay there and quit your bitchin’ or I’ll make you the only watch," Rock snaps, pushing through the door and inside where Steven is sitting on the small bed, long legs stretched out across the mattress as he watches something on TV.

  "You gave him a TV?" I ask Rock, taking in the perplexed look on his face.

  "Fuck no we didn’t. Where the fuck did that come from?" Rock growls, looking over the small space, as if trying to find what else has been put in the room without his knowledge.

  "I brought it in here when the two by the door were distracted. Found it in the room across the hall. Nice setup you got here, brother." Steven smirks, reaching to his side for a remote to pause his program.

  "You’ve got to be kidding me," Rock grumbles, and I try my best to hold back the laughter threatening to bubble up. It doesn’t work.

  "It’s about time you came to see me. I’ve been here for days. There’s only so much Iron Chef a person can watch, Rocky." Shit. This guy has a fucking death wish.

  "You son of a—"

  "Yeah, she was quite the bitch, wasn’t she?” he says, finishing Rock’s words. “How long did she stick around for you? Thanks for killing her, by the way. Saved me the trip." Who the fuck is this guy? "Listen," Steven says, standing from the bed and taking a few steps in the direction of a very red-faced Rock, "I’m no threat to you or your club. Think I proved that when I led Reek to the girl and your biker minion."

  "Fine. You want to leave, leave," Rock huffs, extending his hand toward the door.

  "Not that easy. Like I said before, I was in a hole—a very deep, dark hole—and you dug me out." His eyes cut to me. "Thanks for that, by the way. Now I’m a wanted man."

  "Who the hell are you wanted by?" I ask, getting annoyed at the circles he keeps talking us in.

  "Everyone." He clicks his tongue. "That nice little list you turned over to the FBI?” His gaze flicks to me. “Yeah, I know you know about it. That was my get out of jail free card. How do you think that little tech boy found it? I did everything but put a bow on it and hand it over to the kid." He chuckles. "He's here now too, isn’t he? What do you call him? Wiz?"

  "What the fuck? You bugged the place?" I step forward, getting in his face. "That’s enough of this shit. Can we just kill him, Rock?"

  "You could. Or you could let me help you."

  "How the fuck can you help us? You don’t have shit we need," I growl. Rock squeezes my shoulder to get me to back up a step.

  "You have someone in this club who tipped off the bounty hunters. Only question is if they were the only ones."

  "The bounty hunters you still haven’t clarified why were after you in the first place," Rock declares, vexing Steven.

  "Will you keep the fuck up? I got all those sex trafficking pieces of shit busted! Jesus, I guess you didn’t get the brains." Rock's fist connects with Steven's chin before he even has a chance to take another breath.

  "I’m the President of this MC. You don’t get to speak to me like that, blood or not, prick." Steven stumbles back, but rights himself, grinning with blood gleaming in his mouth for the second time this week.

  "You fuckers don’t hold back your punches. Shit. My pretty face is going to be a mess." The livid mood shifts, and Steven is once again smiling in good spirits. Maybe he is a little unhinged.

  "Learn to quit running your mouth. Shit, you're like a thirteen-year-old,” Rock gripes, shaking out his hand and flexing his fingers. "Damn jaw is like punching a brick." Steven chuckles. "Now, back to it. What fucking rat bastard in my club do I have to kill this time?"

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Gathered around the table, the tension is thick enough to slice through with a knife. "It has come to my attention that we have us a little problem." Rock nods toward the door where Ringer is waiting. "Bring her in," he demands in his no bullshit tone. Ringer does as instructed, opening the door and dragging in a woman behind him. There hasn’t been a woman brought into this room during a meeting until now, and to have it be Cira lets them all know shit is serious.

  "What's going on, Pres?" Wiz asks, looking over to Cira. Turns out, Wiz was the dick Cira jumped on after I kicked her off mine.

  "I swear I didn’t know anything about it. They only told me to plug in the USB thing and take it to them after. That was it. They said they would kill me if I didn’t do it. Please, Rock. I didn’t know," she pleads, trying to get a sympathetic vote from the Pres, but it falls on deaf ears. Tears fall down the girls face as she begs for her life.

  "The fuck, Cira? That why you were all up on my cock? To get into the tech room? Fucking hell," Wiz shouts, then looks to Rock. "Didn’t know shit about it, Pres. I'll take care of her." He stands, but Rock holds up his hand.

  "What do you want done with her, Reek? Your woman was affected by her fuck up." He looks from me to College. "You too. You want her dead, say the word and we’ll bury her out back." Her sobs get louder, and I slam my hand to the table to shut her the fuck up. When Steven told us about the situation, I wanted to rip her head the fuck off, woman or not, but he also informed us of the details pertaining to her blackmail. Maybe it’s because of what happened to Ari that I find myself not as furious as I would have been under different circumstances.

  "You will keep your mouth shut, C," I growl, getting to my feet. "Brother," I say, looking over to College, whose eyes are narrowed at Cira, "I won’t defend her, but I won’t kill her. You want her dead, that’s for you to decide." I sit back down. Cira lets out a little breath at my declaration, then swings her head to College, a hopeful look in her eyes.

  "You will get in your little fucking car and drive away from the clubhouse, and when you reach the South Dakota border, you keep fucking driving, until you reach the next border, and the next one. Keep fucking driving until that little piece of shit cage you have stops, and don’t ever fucking come back." College stares her down as her lip trembles with silent sobs. She gives a shaky nod and tries to back out of the room, but Wiz is on her before she can.

  "You ever come back here, you won’t have to worry about them, you’ll have to worry about me. I will cut you limb to limb and watch you bleed to death," Wiz grits out between clenched teeth. She whispers her understanding and quickly scrambles out of the room. It’s quiet for a few minutes, everyone around the table settling, but there’s still one problem to take care of.

  "Steven is my brother, and I don’t expect you to welcome him with open arms, the guy is a cocky prick, but the cocky prick needs a place to lay low. I don’t want to ask, but I will only because he gave us the intel on Cira and helped us find Ari and College."

  "Can stay," Jake rasps, knocking his knuckle to the hard wood of the table.

  "Second that," Gin declares, knocking the table too.

  "Right. Any opposed?" Silence fills the room before Rock slams down the gavel. "Now, don’t know about any of you fuckers, but I need a goddamn drink." Rock rises from his chair and stomps from the room straight for the bar.

  "I second that one too," Gin says, smacking Jake on the back as he goes.

  "Ari?" Jake questions at my side.

  "She's good. Getting rest. Kimi was supposed to be over there today." Jake nods in confirmation.

  "Boyd gav'er baby fever." His silent laughter shakes his shoulders. "Thanks for that."

  "Anytime, man," I shoot him a grin and head out, ready for this shit day to be done. I want to get on with the life I have planned
for my girl and I.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  "How long do I have to wait ‘til I can knock you up again?" Rico says, coming from Boyd's room and out to the kitchen where I’m attempting to bake cookies. More like eat the cookie dough before it gets baked.

  "Uh...try four years from now," I scoff, leaning back into him as he wraps his arms around me. It’s been nearly three months since he came home from the clubhouse telling me he put an end to the prick who assaulted me. He also told me about what Cira had done. First, I felt bad for the woman, but Rico didn’t let me feel remorse for what she’d been backed into a corner and forced to do for long. Said it was a part of us moving on—forgetting about her.

  "I was thinking maybe a few more months." He slides his hands along my fully healed stomach and moves lower, until they reach the juncture of my thighs.

  "I will give you two years. Final," I pant as his fingers start working me through the thin fabric of my leggings.

  "One." His whiskers scratch along my cheek, the cookie dough now completely forgotten.

  "Reek," I moan.

  "God, I love it when you call me that." He circles his hips, pressing his erection into my backside. "One year, Ree. One year, and we'll give Boyd a sibling."

  "How is the thought of knocking me up getting you so hot?" I gasp when he finds his way inside my panties and strums my seam.

  "You full of my baby is probably the sexiest I have ever seen."

  "So alpha," I grumble, and he chuckles.

  "You have no fucking idea," he growls, spinning me around to lift and wrap my legs around his waist.

  "You ever think about marrying me before putting another baby in me?" I ask halfway to the bedroom, making him pause. He looks at me as if it never occurred to him that I wanted marriage, or that he even did.

  "Shit," he curses, then continues the path to the bedroom. He tosses me onto the bed, then goes over to his dresser drawer where he retrieves a rectangular white box.

  "What’s this?" I ask, looking it over as he hands it to me.

  "Your ring. Open it." He smirks, and I place the box down on the bed, take hold of the top, and pull it away from the bottom, revealing white tissue paper. Glancing back up to Rico, I continue removing the tissue paper. Soft black leather greets me, and my body floods with laughter.

  "You got me a cut?" I gasp, pulling the vest from the box and holding it out to see my name, “Property of Reek,” and the Hell's Riders insignia. "This is amazing, Rico. Thank you." I hug it to my chest.

  "Put it on. Need to see you in it." He extends his hand to help me from the bed. I take it and stand to place the leather over my shoulder, sliding my arms through one at a time. "Damn it. It’s a tie."

  "What’s a tie?"

  "You knocked up and you wearing that fucking cut. Shit." He comes down on me, slamming his mouth to mine. I laugh through the kiss until his hands start to roam my body. He pulls my pants from my waist, along with my panties, then slides his zipper down. As soon as he lines his hard cock up to my entrance, the smoke alarm blares through the house, making both of us jolt from the bed.

  "The cookies!" I yell, taking off toward the kitchen as Boyd's cries sound out over the baby monitor. Rico curses behind me as I grab my oven mitts to take the torched cookies from the oven. Glancing over my shoulder, I see him tucking his hard-on back into his pants and realize I don’t have any on. Good god. I don’t stop, though. I take the sheet pan out of the oven and toss it into the sink before shutting the oven off, then find the broom and start waving it at the smoke doctor to try to get it to stop.

  "Gotta open the door. Smoke's got to go somewhere," Rico yells over the incessant noise. He has Boyd in his arms still simpering about the noise as he swings the front door open to let some air in the house. The smoke detector finally turns off right about the time Gin's voice booms out.

  "Shit, Reek, you trying to cook again?" he calls out, laughing as he steps through the door.

  "Just ‘cause the door was open didn’t mean it was an invitation to come inside," Rico snaps.

  "God damn, Ari, you always walk around the place like that? I might have to come over more often." My face heats and I start tugging down the hem of my shirt, frantic to cover up my parts on display.

  "Motherfucker. You best take your eyes off my girl before you get a swift kick in the nuts," Rico growls, going to stand in front of me. "The hell you want?" Gin's face turns serious, his fists clenching and unclenching.

  "Brook took off. Need you to track her down. Make sure she’s okay. I thought maybe she would have come back by now, but it’s been two weeks," he says, his voice now somber, not showing the fun-loving Gin who walked through the door a few minutes ago.

  "Yeah. Will do, brother," Rico says, turning to me and handing over Boyd. "We'll be in the office." I nod and take Boyd to my room so I can put on pants.

  * * *

  An hour later, Gin leaves, and I’ve somewhat gotten the stench of burnt cookies out of my house. "So, what happened?"

  "Guess they got into a fight and Brook decided she didn’t want to be here anymore. Took off out of town. California. Turns out she’s got a cousin there."

  "Poor girl. Is Gin going to get her?” Rico shakes his head.

  "No. Doesn’t want to force her to come home. Just wants her looked out for. I know people. I'll make sure she stays safe." He grins.

  "Know people?"

  "Yes. Lots and lots of people." He stalks my way. "Please tell me Boyd went back to sleep so I can bend you over this kitchen table and spank your ass for nearly setting the kitchen on fire," he growls, nipping at my bottom lip.

  "It wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t such a horny alpha," I scold, narrowing my eyes, only to have him grip my hips and cart me off to the bedroom once again. My pants come off, then his heavy cock springs from his jeans. He grips the base, stroking it a couple times before pressing forward to my entrance.

  "Now, where the fuck was I?"



  Smack! Smack! Smack! My hand comes down hard on her ass in quick succession as she squeals and squirms to try to get away. "Are you fucking kidding me!" she yells, but I tune her out and bring my hand down on her ass three more times before swinging her up to land on her feet. It takes her a moment to right herself, then her bright red face finds mine. Her hair is wild, long blonde locks splashed with every color of the rainbow flying around her as if she’s been caught in a storm. Only, she was caught doing something stupid.

  "You don’t get to come into this club and fuck around with the prospects. You are thirteen fucking years old!" I growl at her.

  "I turned fourteen last month!" Her hip juts out, and she gets that cocky smirk she always shoots my way.

  “Still too fucking young.”

  “You didn’t think so the other night.” Her words send chilled anger through my veins.

  "I was fucking trashed, and you came into my room, little girl,” I grit out, getting up in her face and gripping her jaw. “When I realized who the fuck you were, I kicked your ass out. Your fucking dad would have my ass if I touched you." The memory of her crawling into my bed after I passed out a few nights ago flashes in my mind, making me damn near lose sight of what’s happening right now.

  "Oh, and he’ll be fine with you beating me?" she threatens, jerking out of my grasp.

  "Will when he finds out why. You're lucky I sent that kid off before word got back to him. Your dad would no doubt gut the kid, prospect or not."

  "Ah! This is so stupid. Why did I have to be dropped off here with a bunch of stupid bikers!" she whines in frustration, now pacing the room—my room.

  "You need to grow the fuck up and quit being such a rebellious little shit." I point my finger at her chest, stopping her march. She instantly smacks it away.

  "This is bullshit. I don’t need this. When I turn eighteen, I’m out of here," she states, and I try to push past the annoyance of her declaration.

sp; "You do whatever the hell you want to when that day comes. Until then, you stay the fuck out of the clubhouse unless your dad is around. I so much as see you blinking at a brother wearing a cut, I will take you over my knee again." The girl has a serious problem with authority and is in need of a little reality check. If she were mine...oh fucking hell no. Not going there with that thought. I already feel like scum.

  "Whatever." She rolls her eyes and goes to the door, which is still wide open. Surprisingly enough, there’s no audience. I dial back the urge to beat her ass once again and storm down to the party starting in the bar. The Siberians are here, along with fresh pussy for the club—something I need to get my cock into so I can wipe the little shit from my mind. I keep finding myself needing to put her in line, discipline her. Don’t understand it one bit considering I don’t have a fatherly bone in my body and the thought of raising kids scares the piss right out of me.

  “Sage.” Pinky, a Siberian, grabs my attention with a spunky looking platinum blonde on his lap. Might have just found that distraction. “This is Violet. She likes big cock.” He smirks, and the woman gasps, then giggles. “More importantly, she likes two big cocks.”

  “You have my attention.” I shoot her my pussy melting smile and know instantly I have the bitch hooked. “Let’s grab a bottle and head on down the hall to my room.” I make my way to the bar to acquire an unopened bottle of Tequila before leading both Violet and Pinky to my room. A little Violet sandwich should be just the thing to get Brook Mathers far from my fucking mind.


  Read ahead for the first two chapters of Wraith.



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