Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros Book 2)

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Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros Book 2) Page 7

by M T Stone

  “Amber! Don’t talk like that. He’s not that fucking crazy is he?”

  “No. I don’t know. He really gets a crazy look in his eyes sometimes,” she said wearily. “I don’t know if he does it to scare me or if it’s real.”

  “Well, just don’t run off with him or do anything stupid.”

  “No. I’m trying to keep everything in perspective. He’s expanding my horizons and I’m hoping to make enough from it to buy a house and maybe even a new car.”

  “I’m amazed by how grounded you seem to be. I thought you would probably be freaking out when you got past the first couple of levels,” I admitted.

  “I did, too. But I keep telling myself that you are kind of blazing the trail for me. You seem to be handling everything okay, so I can be strong, too.”

  “Good for you! I’m proud of you.”

  “Besides, I don’t have to do those super freaky levels,” she said teasingly. I didn’t find it all that funny.

  As predicted, Amber’s little munchkin, Abby, showed up at the door just after eleven. I was a little disappointed because it had been awhile since we had just sat and talked. While she put her to bed, I pulled up Uber on my phone and booked a midnight ride home. I definitely won’t risk walking home alone on a Friday night.


  After hearing that Carter had left the mansion, I drove back, poured myself a drink and pulled up a chair next to the pool. It was a beautiful night with a full moon and a million stars. What will happen to us if Carter is sent to prison? It seemed as if Suzanne was the one running the dungeon, so maybe Carter disappearing would actually be a good thing. Then a string of terrifying thoughts came to mind. What if the payment he made to the SEC agent comes to light during the investigation? Or what if he decides to take all of us down with him? It wouldn’t be the first time that someone in dire straits had taken others down with him. The fact that he had brought it up earlier that evening had drawn fresh blood from an old scar.

  After refilling my glass, I once again looked to the heavens above. It occurred to me that maybe the reason I wanted Raven to stay was because I wanted her to be trapped here with me. She was every bit as naïve as I had been, and having her around made me feel better. I thought back to the advice that I had given her a few weeks earlier. It’s time to focus on how I want things to turn out, instead of on my worst fears. I deserve to be happy for once.


  Just before midnight, a black Mercedes pulled up outside of Amber’s apartment. God I love Uber! I could hear the backbeat of Begging For Thread by Banks emanating from the speakers before the driver even opened the door. Sure beats a taxi.

  “You okay with my music?” the driver asked as he got out and opened the door for me.

  “Love it!” I smiled and hopped in the back seat. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and instantly wished that I hadn’t stripped off all the makeup. The sexy short dress and high heels looked a bit out of place without it.

  “Heading home?” he asked, presuming that I wouldn’t be going out looking that way.

  “Definitely… Diamond Heights and Duncan please.” I sat back and stared out the window wondering what Gunner was doing at the moment.

  “Did you have a good night?” the driver asked in search of conversation.

  “It was definitely interesting,” I smiled in return.

  “Good interesting, I hope.”

  “Yes, it was very good.” The smile on my lips continued to grow.

  “I know that smile,” he teased. “It was so good you needed a shower before heading home.”

  “Yeah, something like that.” I turned back toward the window, not wanting to share too much with a complete stranger.

  When the car came to a stop on my corner, I tossed him a fifty and told him to keep the change.

  “Seriously? It was only twenty-two.”

  “Just keep it.” I had a habit of being overly generous whenever I had a nice wine buzz.

  I pulled out my phone and sent Gunner a text letting him know that I had made it home without incident. After waiting ten minutes or so for a response, I decided to give him a quick call.

  “Do you miss me?” Sapphire answered, sending my brain reeling.

  “Where’s Gunner?”

  “I’m sorry, he’s not able to come to the phone right now,” she replied coldly.

  “Where is he?” I insisted, feeling an immediate sense of frustration as she sidestepping the question.

  Instead of an answer this time, I was greeted with the silence of a line gone dead. I looked down at my phone, the bitch hung up on me!

  Refusing to give up so easily, I immediately redialed his number. It clicked immediately over to voice mail. Fuck! She must have turned off his phone. Nothing kills a nice wine buzz like calling your boyfriend’s phone and talking to his ex. There I go again, calling him my boyfriend. The fuzzy warm feeling had been replaced by a sickening feeling that came from deep within me. Ugh, why do I let myself get hurt like this? I slipped off my heels, slid out of my dress and fell into bed.

  Part of me couldn’t forget those last few moments with Gunner. Feeling his fullness buried so deeply inside of me was amazing. It made my toes curl just thinking about it. Then the other side of my brain would kick in and hear Sapphire telling me he couldn’t come to the phone. There is no way he is doing anything with her. She pisses me off so bad.

  I tried his phone one more time just for the hell of it. Shit, it went right to voicemail again. I buried my face in my pillow and could feel the rage coursing through my veins. Settle down, I told myself. Sapphire is just fucking with me. She most likely saw the show tonight and it triggered her jealousy. She heard Gunner’s phone ringing and answered it. He’s not interested in her anymore, I assured myself.

  I’m too old for this drama shit.

  Chapter 8

  Late Tuesday Afternoon


  “Did I get you in trouble with your girlfriend the other night?” Sapphire teased upon showing up at the dungeon.

  “Not at all, most people like being hung up on like that.” I glared, letting her know that I didn’t appreciate her interference.

  “You probably won’t leave your phone down by the pool again.” She laughed.

  You bitch… I finished getting dressed and went out to prep the room that we would be using for the evening. I can’t believe it’s level seven already. We are going to be finished in ten days and I will be out of my contract. Then we can work exclusively with each other. I put together an apparatus using a series of pipes that hung from the ceiling. My intent was to tie Raven to it using rope. She would be face down in a horizontal position, suspended in mid-air. This is going to be fun.


  Arriving an hour before the shoot, Sapphire was the first to greet me. I’m pretty sure that she had been hanging around in anticipation of my arrival. She normally didn’t spend so much time hanging out in the dressing room. This time, however, she was visiting with Jasmine when I showed up for makeup.

  “Hey, Raven, sorry about cutting you off the other night,” she said sarcastically while flashing me a pout. “His phone must’ve gone dead or something.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure that’s what happened.” I blew right by her. “I’m sure the fact that he couldn’t find it the next morning had nothing to do with you, either.”

  “Whatever, chickie poo.” She shrugged and kicked her feet up.

  “Chickie poo? I haven’t heard that expression in years.” I laughed. “Are you ready to make me gorgeous, Jasmine?”

  As I suspected, Sapphire had been just fucking with me. Gunner had accidentally left his phone down by the pool when he went up to bed. He found it the following day in a different spot, so he knew that someone had been messing with it. That someone was Sapphire. I didn’t want her to know that she had gotten to me, so I had decided to play it cool. The fact that she was sitting in the dressing room while I was getting ready was really strange. Maybe she t
hought that she could rattle me. Ha!

  “Does she know what she’s in for tonight?” she asked Gunner when he came to check on the progress of my makeup.

  “We haven’t really talked about it. Have we?” He placed his hand behind my head and leaned in for a kiss. He held it way longer than he had in the past and even used a little tongue.

  “Whoa, keep it PG for now,” Jasmine scolded, giving Gunner a swat with her makeup brush. “After I’m done here, y’all can get as nasty as you want.”

  “Oh, I definitely plan on getting nasty!” Sapphire gave me a glare and spun out of her chair. “I need to go find the scorpion.”

  “She’s full of shit,” Gunner assured me. “If anyone gets the scorpion tonight it will be her.”

  “What the hell is the scorpion?” Jasmine asked with a perplexed look on her face. “That sounds nasty!”

  “Come out back when you’re done with her makeup and I’ll show you,” Sapphire yelled back to her.

  “Yeah… no thanks there killer. I’ll stick to doing makeup, thank you.”



  It was going to take some time to get Raven situated for the shoot, so as soon as she was out of makeup, I started working on her ties. By the time the cameras were ready to roll, everything was perfect. Her arms were tied behind her back and her legs were spread wide. She was suspended face down at the perfect height, about three feet from the floor.

  “I should’ve asked what you two intend to do to me tonight,” Raven said as I spun her around checking the height.

  “Isn’t it more exciting when you have no idea what you are in for?”

  “It might be more exciting, but with Sapphire involved it’s also a little nerve-racking.”

  “Oh, I’m sure that you will like what she has in store for you tonight. You’re about to discover why women fall in love with her.” I smirked and gave her another kiss.


  While Gunner went back to talk to Carter and Suzanne, the sound technician, cameraman, and a photographer came into the room. It was the first time that a photographer had been onset and he immediately began taking pictures of me.

  “Very nice,” he commented as he kneeled in front of me for a shot.

  “Thank you?” I replied feeling a bit awkward.

  It turned into one of those moments where I actually stopped and thought about the fact that I was completely naked, tied up, and thousands of people were going to be watching whatever happened to me. I’m not sure I will ever get used to the idea of it.

  The photographer positioned himself off to the side when Carter told everyone they had one minute until show time. Gunner came walking up in front of me and had once again lost half of his clothes. All that remained was a pair of khaki shorts sporting an obvious bulge in front.

  “You look beautiful,” he said with a broad smile.

  “It looks like you are ready to go as well.” I nodded toward his package.

  “Seeing you this way always gets to me.”

  “Are you still using that tired old line?” Sapphire scoffed as she rolled onto the set just seconds before the red light went on.

  “And action!” Carter yelled, in a seemingly agitated voice.

  “Good to see you again my little slut,” Gunner said in that smoldering, dominant voice of his. “I’m just sorry that I have to share you tonight.”

  He grabbed my hair and pulled my lips toward him for our first on camera kiss of the evening.

  “I love how you taste,” he said, immediately going back for more. That was when a loud crack split the air behind me and I felt the initial sting of whatever whip Sapphire had chosen for the occasion.

  “Ouch!” I yelled only to have my words immediately squelched by Gunner’s lips.

  He attacked my lips with more intensity than ever before, which led to another blistering strike from Sapphire. This time a sharp pain seared through my other ass cheek. Fuck that hurts! I immediately felt Gunner’s tongue as he continued to kiss me fervently, allowing only moans to pass from my lips.

  “What am I going to have to do to get your attention?” Sapphire yelled before striking each of my ass cheeks again with her whip.

  “Ouch!” I accidentally bit down on Gunner’s bottom lip causing him to pull back.

  “Sapphire would you lighten up?” He scolded, giving her an intense glare.

  “Only if you send her to me. I want to have a word with her,” she replied, placing her hands authoritatively on her hips.

  “Fine,” he agreed, grabbing my hair and spinning me one hundred and eighty degrees.

  “What’s the matter man-stealer? Don’t you like my new whip?”

  “No, Master. It really hurts.”

  “Awe, that’s too bad. I certainly don’t want to cause you any pain.” She smiled before turning to retrieve some large, shiny nipple clamps.

  God those look heavy.


  Raven had several prominent red marks on her ass already from Sapphire’s whip. I was just relieved to see that she hadn’t broken the skin. She tends to get carried away by her emotions. I ran my hands over them lightly and then knelt down between her legs. Raven had some additional pain in store, but at least there would be an intense dose of pleasure to accompany it.

  “These are going to hurt a bit,” I heard Sapphire warning her prior to applying the first nipple clamp.

  “Thank you, Master,” Raven replied.

  What a good sub. I leaned forward and gave her waiting pussy a full-length stroke with my tongue. She let out a sigh.

  “You like that?” Sapphire asked, knowing damn well that I was the one that made her sigh.

  “Yes, Master,” Raven replied, not wanting to say the wrong thing.

  “Let’s do the second one,” Sapphire said, prior to placing the other nipple clamp.

  “Ow… fuck… thank you, Master.” Raven groaned.

  I buried my face deeper between her legs and drew her damp pussy lips into my mouth. A series of audible moans came from above as I massaged her with my lips and tongue.

  “You dirty little slut,” Sapphire mocked, attaching an additional weight to the first clamp.

  I forced my tongue as deeply inside of her as I possibly could, causing a pleasure filled moan from her lips.

  ‘I’m surprised you like this so much,” Sapphire teased, adding weight to the second one.

  I pushed my fingers inside of her and ran my tongue between her ass cheeks at the same exact moment that Sapphire released the weight.

  “Ow… oh my god…” Raven responded, having difficulty separating the pleasure from the pain.

  “I’m impressed that you’re such a pain slut.” Sapphire smiled as she began tapping the sides of the weights with her wooden cane.

  Cries of pain began to fill the room, so I became even more determined to offset her pain with overwhelming pleasure. My fingers were working her G-spot feverishly as I fought to restore the balance. As soon as her screams turned to moans, however, Sapphire increased the ferocity of her cane strokes thwarting my progress.

  Determined to win the battle between pleasure and pain I continued to work her G-spot with one hand while spreading her ass cheeks with the other. The moment my tongue rimmed her, the balance of power shifted in my direction. It was obviously something she had never experienced before based on her reaction. Growing frustrated, Sapphire hit one of the weights so hard that the nipple clamp let loose and fell to the floor. The pain had to be excruciating, but only cries of joy were coming out of Raven. Within a matter of seconds, her body began to tremble violently as she was obviously on the verge of her first orgasm.

  “You need to ask permission before you can come,” Sapphire warned her.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh shit,” were the only words that came from Raven’s mouth before she let loose in a full-blown orgasm.

  I continued to ravage her G-spot with one hand while slipping a finger inside her ass to stroke an equally sensitive are
a on the backside.

  “Holy fuck… oh my god… oh my god,” she cried, completely ignoring Sapphire’s calls for attention.

  When she arched her back and strained against the ropes, I knew that it was going to be another one of her powerful, soaking orgasms that members had grown to love. I refused to back off on the intensity until I heard her cry out and the expected flood of juices gushed past my fingers.


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