Courted: Hyacinth Brides Box Set

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Courted: Hyacinth Brides Box Set Page 27

by Bree Cariad

  “Shall I leave?” Dora asked, already turning toward the door.

  “No. But… please tell me again how you felt after a spanking.”

  “Oh.” Dora grinned. “Well, um, first off, they do hurt. A lot. But at the same time? It’s crazy but you feel loved and when it’s over, all’s forgiven. It takes time to get used to and you might hate it for a while. I don’t know. I was spanked from the time I was a little girl. I think growing up with it is different to having your first one at almost twenty years of age.”


  “Sure,” Dora shrugged. “And um, if you want to use my Dad’s old study? It’s the room across from yours, Stephie. It’s actually kind of sound proofed.”

  Grinning at her friends’ subtlety, Stephanie nodded. “I suppose you’re right. Discipline probably belongs there, doesn’t it?”

  “Did in this household,” she giggled. “I’ll have dinner ready when you’re done.”

  “Thanks,” she said dryly, grinning despite her nervousness as Dora’s laughed.

  Christopher followed her, closing the door to the small study after they entered. Looking around, Stephanie had the feeling nothing had changed since Daniel had died. There was even the tail end of a cigar sitting in an ash tray on the old wood and leather desk. From the feeling of the leather, someone kept it oiled.

  “Are you all right?” Chris asked quietly in her ear.

  “Nervous,” she admitted. “I’ve never been spanked before.”

  “First off, let’s get something straight,” he said, leading her over to a small, comfortable sofa in the corner. She curled up next to him after he sat down. “This is about positive discipline. If this brings back any memories of what your father did to you, you tell me instantly and it stops. I never want you to think of me like that.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t think it will. He punched and kicked me.”

  A low hiss slipped from his lips. “I swear if I ever see the man, I’m giving him a piece of my mind.”

  “Shh,” she said softly. “He was sick.”

  His arms wrapped around her. “I don’t care. Nobody hurts my girl and gets away with it.” Smiling at the absurdity of feeling so incredibly loved in this moment, she curled up closer. “I may not have known you then, but if I’d been here, Steph, I would have gone with Alex to come rescue you.”

  They lay curled up on the sofa for a few minutes before she pulled away. “Okay, let’s do this thing.”

  He snorted. “I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to go.”

  “I don’t care. We might as well get this first one over with.” She looked over at the wall where a strap and a paddle hung.

  “No. Not at first. This time I’ll use my hand.” Stephanie should have felt more relaxed at that thought, but she still remembered Kathy describing how hard Xander’s hand was.

  “O-kay.” He guided her over his lap, with the top part of her body lying across the sofa and her hips sitting high over his knees. It was a rather startling position to be in as her toes just barely touched the floor and as she lay there with his hand sitting on top of her linen skirt, Stephanie found herself wishing she was wearing jeans. It would probably hurt a lot less.

  “Why are you here?” he said in the firm voice he had used when he originally assigned the lines.

  Having to repeat back her offense was slightly humiliating. “When Marjorie showed off her baby at the Lava Lamp today and said that maybe someday she would marry into a family like the Covingtons, I very loudly replied, ‘Drake has better taste.’” She had said a few other things too, but hopefully he hadn’t heard about those.

  “And you shouldn’t have said it, because?”

  Drat. He was going to make her say it. “It was rude and below me. Even if it’s true. Ow!” she cried as his hand collided with her rear end in a loud and rather painful swat.


  Grimacing, she said, “I’m sorry. I was mean to her and I shouldn’t have been. It made me look bad and you as well. She just gets under my skin.”

  “I know, but you need to be the bigger person.” Without another word, his hand fell again. Each swat was sharp and the heat it left behind surprising. By the fifth blow, she squirmed, by the eighth, she couldn’t have stayed still if she tried. Cries left her lips and she blubbered and cried as he continued to turn the heat up on her derriere. When he stopped, his hand resting lightly on her lower back, she sobbed into the seat cushion, tears running hard down her face. “Come here,” he murmured after she started to hiccup the sobs back. He lifted her up, sitting her on his lap and pulling her close.

  While exhausted and limp, Stephanie had to admit that she felt better. Which was bizarre. Dora, Cami, and Kathy had been right. Spanking was a release. “She’s always been mean to Dora,” she murmured against his chest. “Dora takes it well, but Marjorie goes out of her way to comment on her weight. I hate her for it.”

  “James needs to take his wife in hand a little more often,” he mused. “Dora’s a wonderful woman. Why hasn’t anyone courted her?”

  “I don’t know. She’s sweet and funny and can cook like nobody’s business. She would make any man an amazing wife but none of the guys notice her.”

  He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “How do you feel?”

  “Lighter,” she admitted. “There may be something to this spanking thing after all. But my rear end burns.”

  “It’ll be gone tomorrow,” he said quietly. “Are you ready for dinner?”


  Dora didn’t say a thing about what had just happened. She served up dinner when they got there and Stephanie winced as she sat down. “Dora,” Chris said as he took a bite of the meatloaf she made, “have you ever thought of going to cooking school? You’re a great cook.”

  She beamed at him. “No. I’m happy where I’m at. I like doing the backend stuff where I’m helping out.”

  “Well, if you ever decide to branch out, I’d give you a recommendation,” he said as he took another bite. “As a chef, we’re taught all the fancy stuff, but you cook the basics people love.” Pausing, he turned toward her. “What all do you do at the ladies auxiliary?”

  “Oh, answer phones, do correspondence. Stuff like that. I keep their schedule running and keep track of the important dates.”

  “Executive secretary skills, too,” he murmured, shaking his head. “You’ve got it all, Dora.” She blushed but beamed all the same and the conversation turned to his business.

  “How’s it going?” she asked, referring to the inn.

  “Good. Interior is getting redone now. Gran knows what she’s doing on the inn side. I’m mainly focused on the kitchen. It’s going to be have everything I love in it.”

  “That must be exciting. Starting your own business from scratch.”

  “It is. Rather terrifying, too,” he admitted. “But Gran has done this before and from some of the interest we’ve had from the townsfolk, I’m excited for our opening. Though,” he added with a frown, “Gran doesn’t seem to want to make her mind up about things. I always remembered her as being forceful and opinionated – which she is – but it always had a purpose. Now, she...” Shaking his head, he shrugged. “It’s probably just been too long since she’s been in business. I’m sure once the inn opens everything will be great.”

  “Do you know when? We could do something with the ladies auxiliary as a celebration. Maybe have one of their lunches there. It would really help get the word out.” Dora began chattering about marketing and who to get to know in town and by the time dinner was over, Christopher had a gleam in his eye.

  “What are you up to?” Stephanie asked him after Dora went up to bed and they were curled up on the sofa in the living room.

  “Think the ladies auxiliary would hate me if I stole Dora out from under them?” he asked.

  “To do what?”

  “Everything she’s doing for them. Accounting, marketing, administration. She has the business acum
en to really go far if she wanted to.”

  “Wow, I don’t know if Dora would do it. She’s a pretty faithful person. They offered her a job when nobody else would and she’s likely to stick with them forever because of it. But I agree. She would do a great job for the inn. Have you decided on a name yet?”

  “No. Gran thinks we should keep it simple. Triton Bed and Breakfast. I would like something more ornate. So far we’re at a stalemate.”

  Giggling, she lay her head against his chest. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “You’ll get your wish next week. She flies in on Tuesday.”

  Emily Benton was a formidable woman with sharp eyes and an even sharper tongue. From the moment they met, she and Stephanie did not see eye-to-eye, not the least for the fact that she thought her grandson could do better in the dating department.

  Her words as Stephanie walked into the room the day after they met would stick with her for a long time. “I cannot believe you broke up with Stacy Rendon for someone like her, Christopher. She’s a nobody from nowhere.”

  “Enough, Gran,” Christopher said sharply. “She’s the woman I love and you might as well get used to it.”

  “And what if I pull my support from the inn? What will you do then?”

  Stephanie turned and ran out not wanting to hear anymore. Chris caught up with her moments later.

  “Steph, wait,” he said, grasping her arm. “Don’t listen to her.”

  “She doesn’t think I’m worthy of you.” The words hurt as they pulled out her worst feelings about herself. Half the time she didn’t think she was worthy of him either.

  He rolled his eyes. “Sometimes Gran has strange ideas. Stacy Rendon is my ex-girlfriend. We dated for five years but neither of us ever wanted more. We broke up way before I met you, Steph.”

  “But what if she takes away your dream?” she asked, her lips quivering. Stephanie wasn’t stupid. If Chris lost his dream because of her, that would put a wedge in their relationship that could destroy their future together. And from the way she’d sounded, Emily was set on breaking them up. Just how far would she go to do it was the question.

  “Then I’ll hire another partner.” He took a deep breath. “Steph, I love Gran, but I’d forgotten just how snobbish and opinionated she could actually be. To be honest, I’m angry at her. Nobody talks about the woman I love that way, not even my relatives.” Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he pulled her trembling body close, enclosing her in warmth. “I love you, Steph. Gran had best get used to the idea that you’re in my life. Or she can go back to live near my parents.”

  What should have been an exciting time as he worked on the inn and prepared for it to open was filled with stress. His grandmother didn’t like anything he had done if she even thought Stephanie had suggested it. It took less than a week from the time she arrived in town for the whole thing to explode.

  Stephanie was patiently trying to learn how to make the meatloaf he had loved and Dora was giggling as she screwed up again when the phone rang. “Lexington’s house of cooking horrors,” she said into the receiver making her friend laugh.

  “Steph.” Christopher’s voice sounded dead.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m… Gran’s gone.”

  “What… Chris, what happened?”

  “She gave me an ultimatum, I told her it was unacceptable, and she left. She’s going back to live near my parents.”

  “Oh, Chris. I’m sorry.”

  He huffed softly. “Can I come over?”

  “Of course. Come on. I promise not to feed you any of the horrible food I’ve been cooking. Maybe to make you feel better, Dora can make you something edible.” Stephanie shot a pleading look in her friend’s direction. Dora nodded and started pulling ingredients out of the fridge.

  “I don’t care about food. I just want to be with you right now.”

  He looked awful when she opened the door, as though he’d been through a war. As soon as they got into the living room, he collapsed onto a sofa and pulled her close. He buried his head in her hair and to her horror began to sob. Pulling him close, she just held him as he cried. When he was done, he let out a shaky breath. “Sorry.”

  “I’ve cried on your shoulder tons of times,” she reminded him.

  “I didn’t realize my grandmother was so incredibly… judgmental. I remember her as being this kind, loving woman. She’s changed.”

  “I wish it hadn’t been over me,” Stephanie admitted.

  “In the end, it wasn’t, sweetheart.” It was the first time he had called her by a pet name and she just about managed not to grin as right now she needed to be serious for him. “She might be losing it for all I know. For the last two days, she would change her mind from one moment to the next and when I called her on it, she would explode.” He grunted. “I thought it would be great to run a business with Gran. Instead it was horrible.”

  “So what will you do now?” Dora asked, walking into the living room with a tureen of something that smelled wonderful and three bowls.

  He looked up and shrugged. “Look for someone to hire to run the inn. It isn’t my forte. And I need to concentrate on the food.”

  Dora filled the bowls and passed them around. “You plan on opening mid-summer, right?”

  “That was the plan.”

  “Well, I’ve got some vacation time coming. It’s only a couple weeks but I could help out.”

  “Dory,” he said, using the nickname he tended to call her. Dora kept telling him to stop calling her a forgetful fish, but it was obvious to anyone who knew her that she liked the nickname. “I’m not going to allow you to work during your vacation. Vacations are supposed to be fun. You’re supposed to do non-work things during breaks. Obviously you didn’t get the memo.”

  “Probably, but if you need me. I’m here.”


  As if there wasn’t enough stress in his life, Alex reminded them as they started stage five that this was the month to decide if they wanted to go forward or not.

  “He could have chosen a better moment,” Stephanie complained to Cami a few days later as they went out to lunch. “Chris is stressed enough without this on top of it.”

  “True, but it is stage five. How are you two doing?”

  “Good. Except for his grandma being a pain, our courting has gone well.” Pausing to take a bite of her sandwich, Stephanie took a good look at her friend. It had been months since she had spent any time with her. Cami and Jerod had kept to themselves through the winter. From what she could tell, her friend was even happier now than she was on her wedding day. “Wedded life agrees with you.”

  Laughing, Cami nodded. “Yes, it does. I couldn’t be happier. Jerod’s blocked off two weeks this summer and he’s taking me roller coaster hopping. I’m so excited.”

  “What’s roller coaster hopping?”

  “We’re going to go from theme park to theme park to try out the scariest rides.”

  “Better you than me.”

  Grinning, Cami nodded. “Yeah, you’d hate it. Kathy thinks I’m nuts, too. Drake, however, is jealous.”

  “How’s little Brandon?”

  The newest Covington was a definite cutie. Stephanie was glad his parents decided to call him by his middle name as two versions of Alexander were enough for one family.

  “Ohh,” Camille said, her face lighting up. “You really need to stop in at the Brethertons’ and see him. He’s so cute. And he even giggles now. Unfortunately he got his mommy into trouble.”

  “How?” Stephanie couldn’t figure out how a four-month-old baby could get anyone in trouble.

  “Kathy’s so happy being a mom that she blurted out at the dinner table that she wasn’t going back to school. Xan was less than pleased. Something about he wasn’t letting her give up on her dreams. Next time I saw her, she said she’d forgotten what a hard hand her husband had.”

  Snorting a laugh, Stephanie grinned, turning a little pink. Looking around to make
sure nobody was listening, she leaned in. “I finally know how that feels.”

  Cami raised an eyebrow inviting more if she wanted to talk, but didn’t push.

  “I asked him to do it. I wanted to know how it felt. Plus,” she added dryly. “It was either that or write something five thousand times. Five thousand,” she stressed making Camille grin. “Turns out, I get what you guys were talking about. There is a certain relief that comes from it.”

  “What did you do that made him assign you so many lines?” her friend asked in amusement.

  “I told Marjorie off for thinking her little girl would end up with a Covington one day.”

  Laughing loudly, Camille leaned back in her seat. “I heard about that. Drake laughed himself silly.”

  In late April, two major things happened that made Stephanie wonder about life. And they both happened on the same day. The first was that Dora came home from work one day with a strange look on her face.

  “You all right?” Stephanie asked. “I promise I didn’t burn dinner.” In fact, she was rather proud of herself. She had finally managed to make meatloaf.

  Her friend offered a tired smile. “Budget cuts. As of June, my position will be handed over to a volunteer.”

  “That sucks!”

  “I know. Carilyn Bretherton was spitting mad. She wasn’t there when they passed the new budget for next year because she was babysitting her grandson and Mrs. Taylor got her stuff pushed through.”

  “Great. So they will have more comfortable chairs next year but no you.”

  “Well, on the bright side,” Dora said, taking plates down and setting three places at the table, “I’ll be able to help Chris at the inn.”

  Pulling her into a hug, Stephanie held her close. “You know we love you, right? You don’t have to do this.”

  “I know. But I hate not being busy and it might be kind of fun to boss your boyfriend around.”


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