Courted: Hyacinth Brides Box Set

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Courted: Hyacinth Brides Box Set Page 34

by Bree Cariad

  Her friend just laughed. “That’s okay. We’re taking a long weekend in March. Hopefully the weather will be just as nice then.”

  “It is beautiful, isn’t it?” It was supposed to be sixty degrees and the air already felt like spring.

  “Ready to go?” Chris asked, walking to the door.


  Stephanie drove them to the inn as she needed the car and there was a wonderful upbeat feel to the place, or maybe it was just how Dora felt. For once, all the hearts all over the room and the roses adorning almost every surface didn’t depress her. The morning was busy as she helped all the lovebirds who were there for the holiday choose things to do in the area. Just before noon, Minnie appeared at her side. “All right. You can go now.”

  Dora stared at her in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “Chris said you were needed outside.”

  Shaking her head as that probably meant there was an activity he forgot to mention, she walked out, looking for him. She didn’t see Chris, but she did spot someone else. “Mr. Covington?”

  Alex Covington turned and smiled. “Dora, how are you doing?” He hugged her lightly in greeting before pulling back. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  “Thanks. Have you seen Chris? I was told he wanted to see me.”

  “Actually, he’s over here.” Alex guided her over to the outbuilding that one day would be Chris and Stephanie’s home and opened the door, allowing her to enter before he did. She walked into the living room and stopped.

  The entire room was stuffed with flowers. Roses of every color encircled the entire space. And at the far end it stood Chris and Gaelic.

  Before she could say anything, Alex spoke. “Miss Dora Jane Lexington, we the undersigned have given our permission for you to be courted by Mr. Gaelic Alexander Covington for the process of one year, starting on this date and ending no later than one year from today. As a courted female, you are never to be in the presence of another male without either Mr. Covington or Mr. Triton present or a female trusted by one of the aforementioned gentlemen. Your rights from Mr. Covington are as follows…” He spoke for quite some time, but Dora barely heard him as she watched Gaelic.

  She couldn’t believe it. It was actually happening. Dora had never expected for anyone to court her and if it had happened, she had expected it to be a courtship and possibly a marriage more for friendship sake than anything else. But this…this was everything she had hoped and dreamed and was sure would never happen. That a wonderful guy that she really liked would actually like her enough to want more.

  “If this agreement is entered into willingly, then we the undersigned give our seal of approval.” Alex’s words broke through her thoughts as he read off the names of the council including his own and ending with Chris’s. “Miss Lexington, if you agree to this courtship, please sign by the X.” He handed her a contract on a clipboard.

  A lighthearted bubble rose up her throat and she found herself giggling as she signed her name. Another giggle came from behind her and she turned to see Stephanie grinning at her. Understanding that her roommates had known this was going to happen and that Stephanie had probably taken the car so she could be here during this time meant everything to Dora. They were her family. As soon as her signature was on the document, Alex took it from her and nodded to Gaelic.

  It almost seemed magical the way he strode forward, reaching her quickly. One hand cupped her cheek while another rested on her lower back, pulling her forward. “My Dora,” he murmured as he pressed his lips to hers. Her heart felt as though it leapt into her throat and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. “I’m excited.”

  “Me too.”

  Alex cleared his throat. “Chris and I have talked,” he said and the two turned toward him. “He considers that you two have more than graduated stage one, so you can officially consider yourself in stage two. For Dora’s sake, you might want to have a couple dinners at her place before you take her out, but as of right now, that is up to the two of you. And Dora, you might want to call Kathy and let her know. We’ll let Cami know once she’s delivered.”

  “She’s in labor?” Dora looked up in surprise.

  “As of last night.”

  “Yay!” Stephanie said, walking over to her husband. “This is a day of all sorts of celebrations.”

  Alex barked a laugh. “You could say that. Alexander called us last night to let us know that Kathy’s pregnant again. Their second child is due in early September.”

  “I thought she was thinking of going to med school,” Dora said in amusement.

  “It was a surprise to them too,” Gaelic said. “My cousin’s exact words to Uncle Alex were ‘As it turns out, the pill is not one hundred percent effective. You’re going to be a grandpa again.’” He grinned. “The pleasure in his voice and Kathy’s made it obvious they’re incredibly happy about it. That will make four grandchildren. I bet you and Aunt Charlotte are thrilled.”

  “A bit,” Alex agreed. “Drake is excited as well. He helped Jerod with the baby room at their house for the twins and wants us to turn Camille’s old room into a nursery for our grandkids when they come to visit. Charlotte is very taken with the idea and I have to admit, I’m not against it.”

  “Chris!” They all turned to the door as Minnie burst in. “Sorry, but we have a small emergency. Mitsi fell down the stairs.”

  “I’m on it.” Chris walked out, giving Dora a hug on his way out. “We’ll celebrate later. You have the rest of the day off.”

  “Thanks, boss!” she called after him, grinning as his laughter bounced back to her.

  “This is beautiful,” Gaelic said as they put a blanket on the grass and sat down. With the weather being so beautiful and it being such a wonderful day, Dora suggested they go to Hins Creek Lake. They could have driven, but he remembered her mentioning walking there, so they had taken a leisurely stroll and found their way. With it being winter and the fact it would get cold early, Stephanie would pick them up near Cami’s house later.

  “I love it here,” she admitted, lying down next to him looking at the soft blue sky.

  There was a companionable silence between them and when his long fingers entwined with hers, a huge smile crossed her face.

  “Where are you living while you stay here?”

  “With Uncle Alex and Aunt Charlotte.”

  “That makes sense. Is your dad older or younger than his brother?” Dora found that everything was fascinating about Gaelic, but even with all the times they had talked, she had never really asked about the Covington clan. In some ways, it had felt like an intrusion.

  “Younger, by five years. By the time Dad entered college, Uncle Alex was already married to his first wife and—”

  “Wait. First wife?” Dora sat up and stared at him in surprise. “He was married before Charlotte?”

  “Yeah. I guess their marriage lasted less than two years. I don’t even know what her name was, except that she had no intention of submitting to Alex and, well, I’m sure you notice that all the men in my family are natural leaders.”

  Giggling, she nodded. “Yeah, it’s kind of obvious.”

  “Well, they divorced when Xan was barely two months old and—”

  “Charlotte isn’t Xan’s mom?” she gasped, gaping at him. When he raised an eyebrow, she realized she had interrupted him twice. “Oh, dear. I’m sorry, Gaelic. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Please continue.”

  A slow grin crossed his face and he sat up and took her hands in his. “She’s his mom in all ways that count. Alex married her when Xan was one and from what Dad says, she was a much better fit right from the beginning. Though I guess she found Hyacinth a bit of a shock.”

  Slowly, Dora shook her head in wonder. “I’ve known Cami for so long and I never knew.”

  “They never talk about it. Like I said, as far as Xan’s concerned, Charlotte’s his mom. I asked him once if he ever wanted to find his real mother and hi
s reaction will always stay with me.”

  “What did he do?” she asked, fascinated.

  “He fixed me with a stare and said, ‘my real mother is Charlotte Covington. Whoever gave birth to me doesn’t matter.’”

  Watching as his thumbs rubbed lightly over the backs of her hands, Dora was sure nothing could be better than this very moment.

  “I used to have such a crush on him,” she admitted and he looked up and smiled. “But he also kind of scared me. Really,” she said when he started to laugh. “Xan always has this kind of energy that wears me out.”

  Nodding his head, he leaned in and kissed her lightly. “I know what you mean. He always has to be doing something, going somewhere. My cousin thinks very highly of you.”

  Blushing a little, she shrugged. “He was already away at college when I became friends with Cami. I’m sure, to him, we were very bothersome teenagers.”

  “Naw. He adores Cami. My mom thinks it’s because he always wanted a younger brother or sister and Charlotte had a hard time getting pregnant. So when Cami was born, all three of them were thrilled. Drake was a bit of a surprise a few years later.”

  “And you’re an only child, too?”

  “Yep. Mom and Dad only wanted one. I spent a lot of summers with Xan when I was a kid.”

  Realizing she had never brought up what she knew, she squeezed his hands. “Gaelic?” He looked up into her eyes. “I know you stuttered as a kid.” A deep flush entered his cheeks and to her horror, his eyes dropped in shame. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” she said, shaking his hands. “I’ve been teased all my life about being overweight. I’m just trying to tell you, I understand what you’ve been through.”

  Startled, his head came up. “Overweight? Dora, you’re beautiful. I’ve always thought so.” At the last few words, his face became even redder and she stared.

  “What do you mean you’ve always thought so?”

  “I saw you for the first time four years ago,” he admitted. “I was here visiting the family and you were having a sleep over with Cami. I only saw you as the two of you zoomed in and out of the room, but I-I was stunned by how preh-etty you were back then.”

  Tears pricked her eyes. He saw her years ago, and she knew the timing. That was the summer she had been her biggest, a size eighteen. “You thought I was pretty when I was that big?”

  Confusion crossed his face. “Dora, you’re beautiful. I don’t understand.”

  That’s when it struck her. “You don’t see my weight, do you?”

  His eyes looked down her body and then back up. “You look amazing. You always do.” After a pause, he continued. “I like your body. You have the curves of a woman. So many girls look like pre-teen boys anymore. It works for some guys, not for me.” His hands slid up her arms and throat, finally cupping her face. “I’m a man, Dora. I won’t lie to you. I’ve been with other women. There’s something about the softness of a full-figured woman that is comforting and gentle. And when it comes to making love, is the best thing in the world.”

  Moving in, his lips touched hers and as his arms wrapped around her, she kissed him back, trying to make sense of the fact he actually liked her as she was, whether she was a size twelve or a size eighteen. It was a very freeing thought.

  News of the courting banns being posted brought more of a reaction than she had expected. As soon as she walked into work the next day, Tatum hugged her. “Congratulations!” he said enthusiastically. “I thought he liked you. Good for you, Dora.”

  Blushing, even while her high was still floating along, she received three more hugs within the next fifteen minutes from other employees who were excited about her news. When Chris firmly sent them on their way to get some work done, she was relieved. He just winked and went back to the kitchen.

  And then the phone calls started.

  “Hyacinth Inn.” Dora barely had the chance to say the words before a squeal cut her off.

  “My cousin! You’re gonna be my cousin-in-law!” Cami laughed. “Perfect, isn’t it? All my best friends are now related to me.”

  “Cami, how are you doing?” Dora asked, pulling out a list she needed to go over from the shelf under the counter.

  “Fine. Exhausted and hating being at the hospital,” she moaned expressively making Dora grin. “But my babies are too cute for words.”

  “What names did you give them?”

  “Jasper Benjamin and Leyla Kimberly. And we can talk about them any time—I’ve been told I will annoy people all the time now with talking about my gorgeous children—but I want to talk about you! I didn’t even know Gaelic was courting and they never told me that whole skiing trip was a dating rouse. Tell me!”

  Giggling at the excitement and joy that poured over the phone, Dora sat down on a stool as there were no guests present and told her a little. “I’m kind of surprised about it, too. One day Kathy suggested he use the inn for a business luncheon, next thing I have a ski outing and ta-da! I’m courted.”

  Delighted laughter poured over the phone. “Oh, Dora, I’m so happy for you. Gale is a sweetie. He still has that commanding presence but he isn’t as…forceful as Xan or Daddy is. He’s more like Jerod in that way. I…it…” She sighed in exasperation. “I’ll have to talk to you later, Dora. My husband has just come to tell me I need to nap.”

  Dora bit back the snicker that wanted to come out as she could just imagine the expression on Cami’s face. “That’s fine. I need to work, anyway.”

  “All right. We’ll catch up soon!”

  Placing the phone down, she felt the presence more than saw someone and turned her head. Mitsi was fidgeting, going back and forth from foot to foot. “Hi, Mitsi,” she said pleasantly. “I don’t have the room cleaning list ready yet.”

  “Congratulations,” she said, not looking at Dora. “I hear you caught Covington.” Something in her tone did not sound necessarily congratulatory, but Dora figured she was embarrassed given her claims a few weeks previous.

  “Gaelic and I have a lot in common.”

  Snorting, Mitsi shrugged. “Whatever. Tricking someone into courting you won’t work well.”

  Stunned, Dora stood up straight, not that that was imposing. She was five feet tall in her stocking feet, her heels only added two inches. “I didn’t trick Gaelic Covington into anything.”

  “Once he sees all the girls he missed out on by not taking his time, I’m sure he will regret cour—”

  “Mitsi!” Chris’s voice snapped through the room and the girl next to her jumped as if shot. “My office. Now.” Between his tone and the expression on his face, the girl moved quickly across the room and into his office. Before he joined her, he walked up to the desk. “Look me in the eyes.” Startled at the seriousness of his tone, Dora did. “Do you know she’s just being a spoiled brat? Gaelic adores you.”

  Realizing he was worried about her reaction, she nodded. “Thanks, but I’m good.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Mmhmm. I know we’ve only been talking for a couple months, but I feel like I know him pretty well. He wouldn’t jump into this unless he was really sure.” She winked at him. “I mean, he sees pretty girls all over the world and he thinks I’m more beautiful than any of them.”

  A slow smile spread across his face. “Well, it’s good to know he’s highly intelligent. You go, tiger.”

  “Chris!” she said with a laugh and he winked, before turning and striding into his office.

  And that wasn’t the end to her day full of surprises. She received calls from Gaelic’s Aunt Charlotte, his mother Deidre, Carilyn Bretherton her former boss at the Ladies Auxiliary, and several old friends from high school. Except for the Mitsi incident earlier in the day, everyone had been positive and excited for her.

  Just before her shift was up, a person walked into the inn making her groan. Of all people to come in today, why did it have to be Marjorie? She didn’t even try to hide the fact that she was here to see Dora. She made a beeline for her the second s
he entered. “A Covington?” she asked haughtily. “However did you pull that off?”

  “What’s your problem, Marjorie?” she asked with a sigh. “I’m at work if you didn’t notice.”

  “Yes, work,” she said with a snide smile. “Does he know about your work?” Dora opened her mouth to reply when the door opened and the man in question walked in, smiling at her as he paused to wait. She figured he thought Marjorie was a guest. Until he heard her next words. “He must be using you. You aren’t the kind of girl a Covington marries, Dora. You’re noth—”

  His blue eyes deepened to an almost black and his expression hardened as he took three long strides forward and stepped between them. Marjorie looked up to see who it was and the blood drained out of her face. “Excuse me,” he said coldly, “but you have no say at all in whom I choose to love and marry. What is your name?”

  “I-I…” Her skin turned a little green as she took a step backward. Dora remembered the last time she had seen her like this, at the Memorial Day Picnic almost two years previous when Xan had come down on her. Marjorie Farthing didn’t learn very well.

  “Is there a problem?” Chris asked, stepping out of the kitchen and looking from Dora to Gaelic to Marjorie. As his eyes centered on her, they turned cold and he stepped forward next to Gale. “Were you giving our Dora insults again?” His voice was as cold as ice and Dora half expected the woman to pee her pants.

  “Again?” Gaelic asked, turning slightly toward Chris.

  “Yes, Mrs. Farthing has picked on your woman her entire life.”

  A low rumbling sound filled the air and Dora looked around trying to figure out what it was. When she realized it came from Gaelic, she just stared at him. He growled. Her man just growled at Marjorie Farthing.

  “Where is your husband?” he asked her in a clipped tone.

  “A-at work,” she said, stumbling over her words.

  “I see. I will be in touch with him about this problem you seem to have with Dora Lexington and it will not be pretty. If I so much as hear you have breathed even the slightest cruelty toward or about her, you will not like the result, Mrs. Farthing. Part of a man’s role is to protect the woman he loves and I will protect Dora with my life. Do we understand one another?”


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