Courted: Hyacinth Brides Box Set

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Courted: Hyacinth Brides Box Set Page 48

by Bree Cariad

  His arms tightened so hard she felt like she was part of him. “Thank you, Celia,” he murmured. “My darling, thank you.”

  They stayed in the little room for another half hour before going back into the main part of the house. When he called Vanna down, she ran down the stairs and attached herself to Celie. “Are you okay?” she asked in a loud whisper when her father went to go make them some sandwiches.

  “I’m fine, honey.”

  She nodded. “When I get a spanking, I feel sorta fine, and sorta not. Do you want to hold George?”


  “My frog. I hold him after a spanking. He helps me.” The little girl’s eyes were so earnest, Celia didn’t see that any spanking would be too bad to want to give this up.

  “Your daddy helped me. And you holding me helps even more.”

  Vanna beamed and wrapped her arms around Celie’s leg.


  It was a beautiful sunny day, Celia thought, as she looked out the window of Marcus’s home. The sun was out, there wasn’t a storm in sight, and she was too excited to stand still. Currently she was in the bedroom that as of tonight would be hers, pacing the full length up and back slowly, as she waited for the right time to finally get here.

  A June bride. Never in her life had she ever truly thought of what time of year she would want to get married. Of course, just thinking of her coming nuptials made her think of the proposal.

  Valentine’s Day had dawned the exact opposite of her wedding day. It was storming, snowing, the roads were in white-out conditions and Celie had stayed home with Nana to cook, clean, and otherwise pout because her and Marcus’s plans had been thwarted by the weather. Her grandmother had taught her how to make mulled cider over the holidays and needing a pick-me up, she had made some more, figuring the warmth would help, no matter what.

  “Celia,” Pappa called and she left the kitchen to find him in the living room, removing his winter coat and boots. “Ah, there you are,” he said with a smile. “How’re you liking the storm?”

  “It couldn’t have waited until tomorrow?” she asked him with a raised eyebrow making him laugh.

  “Don’t worry,” he said, patting her shoulder. “Things have a way of working themselves out. Jude!” he called, walking into the living room. “We’re going to have guests tonight.”

  “How many rooms?” her grandmother asked, heading for the stairs.

  “Just one. Make up Martin’s room.”

  Wondering why her uncle was coming on a day like today, Celia wandered back into the kitchen to stir her cider. The scent was wonderful and she leaned against the counter and inhaled as she thought about the last couple months. Her and Marcus’s relationship had intensified after that spanking. It was like it vaulted them forward in how they felt toward one another. Since then, it had been easier to share with him her thoughts—even the crazy ones she had never told anyone. Plus, to her surprise, it also came with more freedom to touch and kiss. It was a good thing Vanna was there when they were in his home, because sometimes she didn’t want to stop when they were making out. With Vanna able to pop into the living room at any moment, that had kept them from doing something they might have regretted.

  As her grandmother prepared her uncle’s room, Celie fixed dinner, a huge pot of split-pea soup, as well as put a loaf of bread into the oven to bake. When the front door opened and a cool breeze zoomed through the house before it was shut again, she huddled even closer to the warm oven. Jude came into the kitchen with a smug look on her face. “Is dinner ready?”

  “Almost. How many?” Celia asked, opening one of the cupboards.

  “Five. Four adults, one child.”

  “All right.” She pulled down the bowls and set the places at the table, softly humming to herself. As she removed the bread from the oven, a softly cleared throat made her turn and smile at her grandfather. “Yes, Pappa?”

  “There’s someone here to see you. Are you in the middle of something?”

  “Nope. Just got the bread out. Dinner’s ready when we are.”

  “Perfect. Come out to the living room.”

  Wondering who could be out to see her in this horrible weather, she followed him into the living room, happily surprised to see her two favorite people. “Marcus!”

  “Celie!” Vanna squealed, hopping off her father’s lap and running to her. “It’s snowing outside.”

  “So I saw,” Celia said, hugging her tightly, before turning to Marcus and wrapping her arms around his shoulders and accepting his warm kiss. “Hey.”

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, dearest.”

  “What brings you out in this horrid weather?” she asked, sitting down on the couch next to him and grinning as Vanna crawled up into her lap.

  “Well, our Valentine’s Day plans were thrown off balance,” he said and Vanna nodded. “So, she and I talked and decided that if we could get out of our drive, then we could make it here. And if we could make it here? Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be ruined.”

  “Well, I’m glad you came,” she said, seeing her grandmother come into the room and stand next to her grandfather. Before she could ask them what was going on, Marcus slid off the sofa and onto one knee.

  He lifted her hand in his own and looked directly into her eyes. “My beautiful Celia,” he began, “You are the most amazing woman I have met. Not only were you willing to open your heart to a widower, but to his daughter as well. Not many women would do that. And you did it without thinking. I’ve been happier since I met you than I can remember. I love you and want to create a life with you. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Say yes,” Vanna suggested, looking up at her when for a moment, Celia was too filled with emotion to speak.

  Celia and her grandparents chuckled even as Marcus grinned. “Yes, yes, oh, yes,” she finally managed to say, leaning forward and kissing him. He pulled a small box out of his pocket and removed a ring.

  “There’s a story to this ring,” he said as he slid it on her finger. “First, there’s the color. Stacy wore white gold. I hope you don’t mind, but I chose yellow gold for you. You’re not her. You are a wonderful woman in your own right and I never want you to think differently. Second, the diamond. You own my heart, my darling, in a way I don’t think has ever been done before. That’s why I chose the shape. Now, as for the small stones on each side. Amethysts are said to keep the wearer clear-headed and quick-witted and as a mother, you will need it. But also…” He paused and looked at his daughter. “Cavanaugh?”

  Vanna sat up straight and looked up at her with the most pleading eyes. “My first mommy told me she would find me a new mommy. I’ve been waiting my whole life for you, Celie. Amethyseses,” she said, not quite pronouncing them right, “are my birth stone. I asked Daddy if I could be on there, too. And…” She paused and turned a little pink, casting a glance at her father who nodded encouragingly. “Will you be my mommy?”

  Bursting into tears, Celie wrapped her arms around the little girl. When she could finally speak, she said, “I’ll try my hardest to be the best mommy I can. I love you, Vanna.”

  Her new daughter wrapped her arms around her neck and sobbed, holding on tight.

  As it turned out, they were the reason her grandparents had prepared a bedroom. Martin’s bedroom contained a little couch that Vanna was able to sleep on, though to the rest of the group’s amusement and Celie’s joy, she crept out of her father’s room and into Celie’s, climbing into bed with her.

  And now today, they would be married. It was almost too much to take in. For the last three months, Celia had spent most of her time—except for her nights—at this house, spending time with her daughter, making meals for her fiancé, and as she considered Hins Creek her home, getting to know her neighbors, which Cami had been thrilled to help with.

  The door opening broke her pacing and Celia paused, looking over her shoulder and smiling. “Hi, Momma.”

  “Oh, you look beautiful,” Kaycee said,
already dabbing at her eyes. “I’m sorry we were almost late. Stupid planes.” Rushing forward, she hugged Celie, though not tight. Pulling back, she clasped her hands together. “You’re a beautiful bride, honey. And that outfit is unusual, but absolutely stunning.”

  Laughing softly, Celia nodded, turning to the three-way mirror Marcus had set up for her wedding preparations. The wedding ensemble had a strapless pale, ice green bustier. Elbow-length gloves of the same color just added to the effect. The cut, itself, was not a dress at all. To the casual observer, they might think she was wearing a dress, but the bottom of the outfit, while of the same material was actually pants. Just pants with voluminous legs. It had been Stephanie’s idea and she had been thrilled when her friend offered to make her dress. A three-inch band went around her waist, making it look like all one outfit.

  “Stephanie has brilliant taste.”

  “You’ll have to introduce me,” Kaycee said, nodding. “I love unique clothing.”

  A small knock at the door was almost instantly followed with the door opening and Cami sticking her head in. “Time’s up,” she teased. “Your singlehood is about to go bye-bye.” She turned and smiled at Celie’s mother. “You might want to take your seat.” She left, closing the door behind her.

  “What a strange lady.”

  Celia laughed. “Cami’s wonderful, Momma. All right. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Kaycee hugged her once more before leaving the room and Celia took a last second to straighten her gloves and pat down her pants. She truly loved these things and was considering asking Stephanie if she could make her some for normal every day wear; essentially just as cute, but shorter and not as voluminous.

  She walked out of the room and made her way down the stairs where her grandfather waited in his Sunday-best suit. “Well, now,” he said, his voice gruff with emotion. “My little Celia looks amazing.”

  “Thanks, Pappa.” He hugged her lightly before pulling back and offering his arm. They chose to have their wedding in their own backyard. They didn’t want a lot of people there, just those they considered friends and having it at home, just made it even more special.

  The first person she saw when she walked out the back door was Stephanie who was leaning against her husband. Her friend winked at her making her grin. As her eyes slid over the small crowd and landed on Marcus, her breath stopped for a moment. He was stunning in a dark gray suit with a cummerbund that matched her dress. The small flower sticking out of his lapel even matched. Seeing the color again, Celia’s eyes moved and latched onto Vanna who was wearing the exact same outfit she was. Instantly, her hand came up to cover her mouth. That was a surprise nobody had told her. Looking back at Stephanie, she shook her head at her friend’s grin.

  “You look beautiful,” she whispered to her little girl as she reached the end of the aisle, but Vanna was barely listening. Her wide eyes were looking straight at Celie with an awed look.

  “Wow,” was all Vanna said.

  The wedding was short and simple, which was all either of them needed. They exchanged vows, rings, and I-do’s, staring into each other’s eyes, before the preacher said the words that sent Celie’s heart a’flutter. “You may now kiss your bride.”

  Marcus pulled her close, kissing her with more passion than he had up till this point and her arms wrapped around his neck, holding on. When he finally let her go, he leaned his forehead against hers. “More of that later, Mrs. Hotham,” he said, his voice slightly out of breath. Giggling out of pure joy, she stepped back only to have Vanna wrap her arms around her leg and latch on.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. and Mrs. Marcus and Miss Cavanaugh Hotham.”

  Everyone had brought food and Celia tasted a little of everything, Marcus’s arm never leaving her waist the entire time. When it came time for them to leave, she ran upstairs and her mother helped her change out of her outfit and into a simple, blue cotton dress. There were tons of hugs, some teasing, and even more hugs once she came downstairs. Vanna held onto her for ten minutes before she finally let go. Crouching down, Celia pulled her close. “Daddy and I will be back in seven days, honey. You be good to Uncle Chris and Aunt Stephie, okay?”

  Sniffling, Vanna nodded. “Yes, Mommy.”

  Beaming, Celie hugged her again. She didn’t think she would ever get tired of hearing Vanna call her mommy.

  The car sped along the road at seventy-five miles per hour and Celia hadn’t thought to ask where they were going. With her hand in her husband’s, she felt utterly content. But as the sun slowly made its way down and the car slowed, she finally roused herself up enough to ask. “Where are we?”

  “Leavenworth. It’s a small town that’s been given the look and feel of a Bavarian village. It sounded like the perfect spot for our honeymoon.”

  “Fun,” she said, sitting up and looking around. They drove through the small streets, pulling up in front of the Alps Romance Suites. Check-in was simple and next thing she knew, they were shown to their suite, which included access to a private hot tub and sauna. “Wow,” she murmured as she looked around.

  “Seven days in heaven?” her husband murmured as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her back against his chest. “I didn’t think this day would ever get here, my darling.”

  Turning around, she wrapped her arms around him and sighed. “I’m happy.”

  “Me too.” His lips drifted over her forehead as his hands slid down her body. “Are you hungry?” he asked softly, his lips planting kisses down her face and over to her ear where he pulled the earlobe in between his lips and sucked.

  “Uh…” Celie’s mind went blank. Hungry? At the moment she wasn’t even sure what that meant. All she could concentrate on was his hands and his lips. “No. Not for food,” she finally said.

  “Good. Why don’t you go change in the bathroom? I’ll be ready for you when you come out.” His hands softly squeezed her buttocks before releasing her and taking her suitcase into the bathroom. Celia had to take a few minutes to breathe and regain the ability to walk.

  The bathroom would have been a solace if she was nervous, but all nerves seemed to have left her when he had touched her before releasing her in the bedroom. All she wanted was to be with him again. Quickly, she washed her face and brushed her teeth, stripping out of the dress and pulling on the rather naughty nightie she found one day when shopping. Looking at herself in the mirror, she almost balked. It was a lot naughtier looking at it now. Oh dear. How could she exit the room looking like…this? It barely covered anything and even what it did cover was not really covered. The nightie was sheer white lace and showed everything. Yes, she knew she would be naked with Marcus at some point, but she had figured it would be after light’s out. Torn between wanting to be out with her husband and wanting to hide the nightgown she was wearing, she wasn’t sure how long she stood before he knocked.

  “Celie, are you all right?”


  “Darling, it’s okay to be nervous,” he said. “I know it’s your first time.”

  “Uh, well, that’s not really why I’m nervous.”

  “Will you tell me why?”

  Shaking her head as her cheeks filled with heat, she figured she might as well tell him. He knew all sorts of embarrassing things about her. She could just chalk this up among them. “I bought this nightie not realizing it was…so…um…see-through.”

  “Your nightgown is see-through?” His voice deepened sending a shock through her system.


  “My beautiful wife, let me see.”

  Taking a couple deep breaths and hoping he wouldn’t be turned off by her blatant…well, whatever blatant overtones this nightie was shouting, she took another deep breath, turned off the light and opened the door. Marcus was standing right there, right in front of her, wearing silk pajama pants and oh, he looked good. Blushing as she realized she was staring at his bare chest, she looked up to his eyes, surprised to find they had darkened considerably, he was s
taring at her with an expression she had never seen from him before. Pure. Unadulterated. Lust.

  “Ta-da,” she said, half way throwing her hands up to try and lighten the atmosphere.

  A low moan left his lips and finally his eyes rose to hers. “That has to be the best nightgown I’ve ever seen,” he said in a deep, husky voice.


  “Oh, yeah.” Reaching out, he took her hand and pulled her out of the bathroom and over toward the large king-sized bed. Drawing her close to his body, he leaned in and kissed her, his hands yanking her extremely close. “And I apologize ahead of time for destroying it. I promise to buy you a new one, many new ones, later.” Before she could make sense of his words, she heard the rip and her nightie was no more.

  All of her friends had been positive about their wedding nights so she had been cautiously optimistic about hers. But nothing anyone said could have prepared her for utter bliss. It was perfect. Even though everything was so new to her, Marcus made it all so wonderful. His soft whispers and the feeling of his fingers as they travelled over her skin. It all combined into ecstasy. As they lay in bed, curled up to one another afterward, Celia couldn’t believe her luck in finding the most amazing man on the planet. That he came with an exceptional daughter, just made things even that much better.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” he teased lightly, kissing her softly, languidly, but something told her it wouldn’t stay that way for long.

  “Just thinking about how amazing my life is. I always thought I knew what perfect was. I was wrong. This is so much better than anything I ever considered. I’m so lucky,” she said with a sigh, snuggling closer to him.

  “So am I,” he murmured against her skin, his fingers making lazy designs against her lower back. “I always thought it would be just me and Vanna. I never thought I’d find someone I loved like this. Now I realize someone must have been watching out for me. Travelling for several years, ignoring all the dates well-meaning friends wanted to set me up on, moving to a tiny town in Washington on a whim, all culminating in meeting you, Celia May Hotham. Thank you, love, for coming into my life.”


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