Kyle, Jack and Ryan:: Devil Souls Motorcycle Club Novellas

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Kyle, Jack and Ryan:: Devil Souls Motorcycle Club Novellas Page 4

by Ashers, LeAnn

  I look around and notice how filthy the place is; trash is piled all around the room. Chrystal’s father is sitting on the couch, not even bothering to look at us.

  "Richard!” Chrystal’s mother yells and walks over to him.

  Then he glares at her. “What do you want, Casey?” I can see the hate written all over his face. Then he looks over and sees all of us.

  “These men just busted in the house!” she screeches, like she isn’t standing right in front of him.

  He stands up and faces us. “What do you want?”

  “Your daughter—” I start, but he holds his hand up.

  “I am not telling you shit. I didn’t even know my daughter was being forced to marry that stupid motherfucker until my wife told me we had to leave our apartment. Nor did I know he fucking beat her until I saw a doctor’s report sitting on his desk.” He takes a step toward me, his eyes bloodshot. “Please kill me. I don’t deserve to live, not after I let shit happen, right under my nose, to my baby girl. For years I allowed myself to be used and abused by this bitch standing behind me.”

  I was not expecting that. I assumed he and his wife were equally responsible for what happened to Chrystal. I had no idea he was an abused man who has been stuck in hell for a very long time. That doesn’t discount the fact that he let this stuff happen. But I think he’s suffering enough as it fucking is. I can see the pain written all over him.

  “Now I can’t find her. I want to find her so I can apologize to her for failing her as a father.” I can see tears in his eyes.

  I look at Torch and he shrugs. “Watch them,” I tell the guys, and I step out onto the porch to call Chrystal.


  “Hey baby.” I instantly feel better just hearing her voice.

  “How’s the trip? Where are you, by the way?” she asks.

  One part of me doesn’t want to tell her, but I need to see if she’s strong enough to be a part of the MC. She can be a part of the MC and be blind to it or she can stand by my side because that’s what I want from her. “Maryland.”

  She gasps and a door slams shut. My guess is that she’s shutting her office door so nobody can eavesdrop. It’s silent for a few beats before she finally speaks. “Did you?” she whispers.

  I stare out across the park and let out a deep breath. “Kill him? Yeah I did, angel.” I lay it all out for her.

  My phone starts vibrating. I look at the screen and see it’s a FaceTime call from Chrystal. I answer it and sit on the edge of the porch so I can talk to her. She has tears in her eyes and is holding her stomach.

  “Are you okay?” I ask. I don’t want to lose her before I even have her.

  It may be stupid, it may make me a pussy, but this girl could own all of me, and I knew it the second I saw her sitting at her desk in my garage.

  She laughs, wiping her tears. “Am I okay? I’m amazing right now. Do you know how it feels to be able to breathe and not be scared, Kyle? My baby will be safe.” Her voice softens at the last part.

  Fuck me, I just can’t… Seeing those tears in her eyes. “Don’t cry, baby.” I want to reach through the screen and wipe away her tears.

  “I may be crazy to be so relieved, but I really am, Kyle. I never thought for a second you would hop on a plane to Maryland the very next morning.” She laughs and holds her stomach, her smile doing shit to my heart.

  “I have one more question, baby. Your dad? How did you feel about him?” His words don’t mean shit to me until she gives me the go-ahead.

  She settles back in her seat. “My dad is fucked up because my mother did that to him. He used to be a really great dad back in the day, but he stayed away from home more and more because she is just awful. I’m not mad at him. I don’t blame him. He could have done better, but he’s the only parent I ever had. He took care of me when I was little, my mother did nothing. He didn’t know she was forcing me to marry him. She kind of used my dad as an excuse, because he worked so hard.” She looks behind me. “Wait, you’re at our old house.”

  I nod. “I was coming here to beat the shit out of your dad, but then I noticed that he wasn’t the real devil…it was your mother.”

  “My mother is pure evil, she doesn’t have one ounce of goodness in her heart. I wish my father were away from her so he could manage to start over and maybe be happy, maybe even be in the baby’s life. Maybe I can build some type of relationship with him.”

  I smile because I can make that happen. “You got it, babe. You want to talk to him?”

  She smiles widely. “Yes, please.”

  I take the phone inside the house with me. Richard is still standing next to the guys. Casey is hovering in the back of the living room, pretending to be scared, but I don’t think she can summon up that emotion.

  “Daddy?” Chrystal says, and Richard’s head snaps to my phone. Casey gasps and takes out her phone, probably to call Joshua. I smirk at that.

  “Baby girl?” Richard takes the phone from me, and I watch it all play out. “You okay, honey? Do you need anything?” he asks.

  “I’m fine, Dad. I’m living with Kyle. He’s taking really good care of me. The best.” Well shit if it didn’t make me feel a hundred feet tall when she said that. Richard looks at me and smiles. I want to rip the phone out of his hand so I can talk to her again.

  “Let me have it,” I ask, almost nicely. He hands me the phone.

  “Angel, I’ll call you later. I got shit to settle.” She smiles and hangs up. I slip my phone in my pocket and look at her father—then her mother, which makes me want to puke.

  “Richard, it seems to me that it’s your lucky day. Chrystal said she wished she could have her dad in her life, in our baby’s life, in hopes of rebuilding your relationship. I’m offering you a choice to stay with us at the hotel and get on the jet with us tomorrow. I will help you find a place and a job and get your life in order.”

  I step closer to him, getting in his face. “If you take the offer, you will crawl on your hands and fucking knees and bend over backwards to be there for her and be what she wants.” I smile, loving seeing the fear in his face. “If you don’t, I will end you. You will be right back here with that fucking witch, which I’m sure would be worse than death.”

  “Richard, please don’t do this to me.” The witch slithers her way up to Richard and wraps her arm around his back. “Why don’t you take me with you, and I can be a good mother.”

  I laugh, because that is the dumbest thing I have heard in my life. I arch an eyebrow at Richard.

  “I take the offer.”

  I smile and then I look at her. “You don’t ask shit of me. I don’t even want to look at you, and you better be fucking glad you’re a woman because, luckily for you, I don’t hurt women. Gather your shit, Richard.” He walks to the back of the house, and I go outside with a mission in mind.

  I spot a woman with a permanent scowl on her face, who looks like she could even beat me up. “Come here,” I tell her and she makes her way over. “How much would it take for you to beat up the bitch in that trailer after we leave?”

  Her eyes widen before she grins. “Shit, I hate that bitch. I’ll take five hundred because I have kids to feed.”

  I take out my wallet and hand her five hundred along with a cell phone. “If you send me pictures, I’ll give you a hundred more. If you torment her a little every week or so, and provide proof, I’ll send you more.”

  “Fuck yeah, you got it!” She takes the money.

  “Make sure you don’t kill her though,” I call out, and she waves her hand over her shoulder. Well, I tried.

  Thirty minutes later Richard returns from the back of the house. Casey is still sitting on the couch staring at the wall. I guess she’s finally realizing she’s going to have to take care of herself for the first time in her life.

  “Ready?” I ask Richard.

  He nods and walks to the door without even looking in Casey’s direction.

  “Please don’t leave me, Richard. I am you
r family,” she yells, finally getting up and walking toward him.

  He shakes his head. “You’re not my family, Chrystal is.” At that he steps out onto the porch.

  “Have fun, bitch.” I smirk at her, leaving her standing alone, and the guys follow me out to the SUV, where Richard is already waiting for us.

  She watches us leave, and I take sick satisfaction in the fact that she’s going to suffer. She has lost everything and is going to be alone. The way she failed Chrystal, she deserves it.

  I unlock the SUV. My skin is crawling from being in that fucking pigsty but, most of all, I am more than ready to be home with Chrystal. Just as I’m pulling out of the driveway, in the mirror, I see the woman I paid stepping inside the trailer. The day is just getting fucking better.

  Chapter Six


  I’m finally home after another day at work. I’m staying upstairs now. I’ve slept in Kyle’s bed every night since he left.

  Kyle is coming home from Maryland today with my father. I never expected him to leave my mother. I guess my leaving opened his eyes. My stomach is in knots waiting for Kyle to walk through those doors. I’m more than ready to touch him and breathe in his scent. I never feel more safe than when he is here.

  I hear a vehicle outside, and I can’t stop the grin that spreads across my face.

  The door is unlocked, and when Kyle steps inside the house, it’s like I can breathe for the first time since he left. He smiles when he sees me, and it lights up his whole face, showing the softer side of him.

  When he said he was leaving on a trip, I never once expected that he was going to Maryland, that he was making my wish come true. That’s when I realized how Kyle felt about me. If you don’t deeply care for someone, you don’t take such extreme measures to protect them. On top of all that, he brought my dad home to me.

  He took me in when I was homeless, gave me a job, and has made me so happy. He has made me feel safe, and he has made me start to fall in love for the first time in my life. He has wiped away my tears and seen the absolute worst of me. But he walks into the house with a smile on his face, excited to see me, and my heart is so full that it feels like it’s going to burst. Kyle has completely changed my life.

  When he walks over to me, I stand up and wrap my arms around him, the smell of him covering me from head to toe, wrapping me in a blanket that feels so safe. Kyle is home. It’s not the things he’s done for me; it’s who he is that makes me feel this way. His arms are wrapped around me tightly, and I’m shaking. He loosens his arms around me, his hand coming around to cup my face. “Why are you shaking? Are you cold?” He rubs my arms.

  I smile, shaking my head. “I just missed you,” I admit to him. I’m not going to hide myself anymore. All of that went out the window when he took the thing I feared most and ended it.

  His face softens, and he closes his eyes and rests his forehead against mine. “I missed you too, sweet girl.” His voice is soft. I stand up on the tips of my toes, kissing him while wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands cup my ass, lifting me off the floor and carrying me up the stairs as I kiss him. I love that he is so strong that he can carry me like I weigh nothing.

  A minute later, I feel the soft bed at my back as he lays me down gently and stops kissing me. His eyes are filled with need as he looks down at me. “Are you sure?” he asks before even touching me.

  I nod, reaching out and intertwining our fingers. “I want you, Kyle.” He pulls his shirt over his head, and my eyes feast on his abs.

  My god. His body is utter perfection, his skin tan without a blemish. I lean forward, running my hands down his chest to his stomach, stopping right at the top of his belt.

  “Raise your arms.”

  I do as he asks, watching him watch me as he pulls the shirt over my head. He takes me in, he licks his lips, and I shiver at the pure need on his face. I should feel self-conscious right now, I am pregnant, but the way he’s looking at me makes me feel like I’m beautiful. He smiles, making his face softer. His fingers push my hair over my shoulders, and he drags them gently down my back and unsnaps my bra. He slides the straps down my arms, freeing me completely. “Perfection,” he whispers, dragging his hands down my sides, oh so gently, like he’s afraid to touch me.

  I am at his mercy. I am surrendering all of myself to him. I am ready. He pulls my shorts down, bringing my panties with them, and he throws them to the floor. “Fuck.”

  That simple word is my undoing. I smile widely and grab his hands, pulling him to me, kissing him, needing him. He laughs and grips my jaw, kissing me fully, making my toes curl. I run my fingers down his back, loving the feel of his muscles. His mouth drifts down to my neck, and my head tilts instinctually as his lips kiss, lick, and suck tenderly.

  This is all new for me. Someone just loving me is something I’ve never experienced. I bury my hands in his hair, enjoying every single second of this.

  He looks up at me, right before his lips wrap around one of my very sensitive nipples. I hiss and arch my back into him, pleasure shooting straight down to my pussy. He lets me go with a pop, swirling his tongue around the tip. I shiver and lift my legs so they’re resting on either side of his hips. He grinds himself against me, and I jolt at the sudden pleasure.

  Kyle slides off of me and moves toward the end of the bed. He strips himself out of the rest of his clothes. His hands wrap around my thighs, spreading my legs fully, and he’s looking at me. I blush deeply, because I have never been this exposed before. I cover my face instinctively.

  “Don’t hide yourself from me, sweetheart. There has never been anything more beautiful than you.” I can’t even stop the tears that fill my eyes at his unbelievably sweet words. I nod, because if I speak I may just cry.

  He leans down and kisses my stomach, before he puts his face right above my pussy. I widen my eyes. Is he really going to do what I think he is? At the first lick across my clit, my eyes close because it’s something completely new to me. Women have talked about the pleasure you can get from a man, but I never experienced it firsthand.

  “Mmm.” He moans, opens my lips, and sucks my clit deep into his mouth. My legs shake, and I lift them higher and drape them over his shoulders. He shakes his head, licking all around my clit. I feel him shift and he slips two fingers inside me.

  “Oh shit,” I hiss as he licks, sucks, and moves his finger in sync, curling. “Oh god, Kyle.” I bury my fingers into his hair, loving feeling the movement of his head as he pleasures me. His hands sneak under my ass, lifting me so he can reach me better. My legs are shaking, my whole body tightening, fighting to have my first orgasm. I press my hands against the headboard, bracing myself. “Kyle,” I whimper, freezing as my orgasm hits me hard.

  “That’s right, baby, come for me,” he growls, kissing either side of my thighs. I shiver, goosebumps wrecking my whole body. Kyle lowers my legs to the bed, running his hands from the tops of my thighs down to my feet. He crawls up my body, rests his elbows on either side of my face, and kisses me sweetly.

  “Ready, angel?” he asks when he pulls back. I nod and spread my legs further for him to fit better between them. I brace myself for the pain, because that always comes. I rest my shaking hands on his shoulders, as the nerves are ready to set in. He studies me, his eyes searching from my face to my hands.

  “Why are you shaking?” he asks, resting his forehead against mine. He sneaks an arm between our bodies, his thumb rubbing my clit. My body relaxes instantly.

  “Just nervous,” I tell him softly, trying not to moan.

  “Why are you nervous?” he asks, while continuously working my body, driving me wild.

  “It’s nothing.” I don’t want to talk about it, because it could stop him altogether. I pull him down to kiss me, and I feel him pressing against my entrance. He looks into my eye as he slowly, gently sinks inside me. My eyes roll back in my head because the pleasure is not what I’d ever expected. I tilt my hips up so he can go deeper. He is so thick. He drags his
tongue up my neck.

  “You can move,” I whisper.

  He scoots his body up, his hands sliding under my butt and thighs, and that’s when he first slams inside me.

  Oh shit. I open my eyes and he is watching me, his face full of emotion. His hands intertwine with mine, lifting them above my head. With every second, every breath, we are connected on a soul level. My heart fills.

  “You are mine, Chrystal. Fully, completely. Every single part of you belongs to me, and the baby inside you will be my daughter.”

  His eyes convey that he means it, and my lip quivers. “Kyle.” I shake my head, overwhelmed with tears, and I slip my hands from his to touch his face. I lean forward, kissing him, my whole body shaking from pleasure and intense emotions. I need to tell him how I feel. I pull back and rub his cheekbones. “I love you, Kyle. I think I’ve loved you from the second you practically kidnapped me.”

  He laughs, but I can tell that my words mean a lot to him. He takes my hand in his, resting it against his chest right above his heart. “This is yours, angel. You own all of me.”

  No more words are spoken, just feelings. Actions speak louder than words, and he loves me in a way that is going to stick with me forever. He may not have been my first, but he is my first lover in all the ways that count. Our eyes never leave each other’s as he moves inside me.

  He reaches between our bodies, rubbing my clit and moving faster, harder. “Come, angel.” He pinches my clit, and I clench down on him hard. I drag my hands down his back to his ass, pulling him as deep inside me as he can go as he comes.

  “Fuck,” he groans, his face buried in my neck, and he is mindful of my belly. He slowly slides out of me and pulls me into his side, wrapping his arm around me, his hand resting protectively on my belly. Baby girl kicks and bumps Kyle’s hands. “Did she just kick me?” he asks in wonder. He sits up, resting his head against my belly. “Kick for me, angel,” he whispers to her, rubbing my belly.


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