Kyle, Jack and Ryan:: Devil Souls Motorcycle Club Novellas

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Kyle, Jack and Ryan:: Devil Souls Motorcycle Club Novellas Page 9

by Ashers, LeAnn

  “Are you okay, baby?” he asks. I can hear the worry in his voice.

  I wipe the water out of my face with my hands. “I’m fine, honey. I’m just confused to what his deal was with me especially. Torch was looking just as much as I was…” I trail off, thinking.

  “He’s a pathetic piece of shit. It takes a stupid fucker to even dare to speak to a Devils woman like that. Trust me, he is being handled.” A sinister smile slides over his face.

  I really don’t want to know.

  I think about the amazing time we had before we got to the clubhouse. I will never be able to look at a bike again without thinking of what we did on his.

  “How’s your hand?” I wiggle for him to put me down, taking his hand in mine and letting the water run over it.

  His knuckles are cracked. I run my finger over the cuts slightly. “I’m sorry, baby. Do they hurt?”

  “No, not my first rodeo, sweetheart. No sadness for me, okay?” He tugs on my chin slightly.

  “Got it. Now turn around so I can get a full glimpse of that ass.” I make a spinning motion with my hand and he slowly turns around for me.

  I moan loudly. “It’s even better than I imagined, dear god.” I cover my face dramatically and he laughs.

  “Quit fucking with me.” He smacks my ass hard in retaliation.

  “Ouch!” I screech with laughter. I wasn’t expecting that. My pussy, on the other hand? Loves it.

  “Come just shake for me a little bit!” I pinch my fingers together and he glares at me before he attacks.

  I laugh loudly at him tickling my sides. “Stop, stop, I’ll be good!” I scream as the tears roll down my face from laughing so hard.

  He lets me go and I eye him suspiciously, “You are a menace!” I wag my finger at him, but you couldn’t take the smile off of my face even if you tried.

  I’m happy.

  He came into my life when I least expected it. I kind of hit the lowest I could go in my life, but he just turned everything upside down.

  And now?

  I can’t imagine my life without him in it. I know that sounds crazy as I just met him, but I don’t think it’s how long you know someone, it’s the way they make you feel.

  My connection to him is a different one.

  Looking at him, the water dripping down his body down to his hands that he hurt defending me, I think to myself, holy shit. This is really happening. Whatever this is between us is real and it’s happening.

  We don’t speak during the rest of the shower. We wash each other’s bodies with care. It’s the most intimate thing I have ever experienced.

  We don’t bother getting dressed and we crawl into bed together. Jackson moves in between my legs, already hard and pressing against my clit.

  He kisses me, carefully, so tenderly, but it’s full of so many feelings. My fingers trail up his back, burying in his hair as the kiss gets more heated.

  I can’t resist the urge to tilt my hips, letting his dick rub over my clit. “Is my baby hungry for me?” Jack whispers against my lips, pushing my hair out of my face and cupping my neck.

  “Yes,” I moan.

  He grips my face, tilting it to the side so he can kiss my neck, licking, sucking gently as he makes his way to the other side.

  “Let me see how wet you are for me.” His hand snakes in between our bodies, and my whole body jolts the second his finger barely grazes my clit.

  “Soaked,” his voice rasps, his teeth nipping the side of my neck.

  “Only for you.” I feed his need to own me.

  “That’s fucking right, baby, this pussy is mine and mine alone,” he growls, pressing his thumb against my clit.

  “Fuck, Jack,” I grit between my teeth. I’m still sensitive from the many orgasms he gave me earlier.

  “You want my dick? Is that what you need?” he demands an answer, tugging on my earlobe with his teeth.

  “Please, Jackson,” I beg and I’m not ashamed to do it.

  He reaches over into the night stand and takes out a condom, rolling it down his dick. I need him so bad, my whole entire body is shaking with it.

  He presses the head against my entrance, teasing me, and I want to cry with frustration. He grips both of my hands and throws them above my head, holding me down with one arm.

  “Mine,” he says slowly as he finally sinks inside.

  “Jackson,” I hiss. He’s much larger than anyone I have been with. The sting of him stretching me is there, but it’s just fueling my pleasure.

  “Yours,” I agree.

  He lets me adjust for a few seconds before he’s pounding into me. I can’t move, I can’t breathe, I am overwhelmed with the pleasure.

  Both of us are overtaken by it.

  I tilt my hips, wanting more and more.

  Both of us are slick with sweat and he moves harder, faster, until everything around me freezes. I dig my nails into his back and come harder than I thought possible.

  My whole entire body jerks from the tremors, my pussy clenching down on him so hard I’m not sure how it’s not hurting him, and a second later he comes with me.

  His arms are unable to hold him up anymore so he settles his weight on top of me. “Am I too heavy?” he asks breathlessly.

  “No, never.” I snuggle deeper with him and close my eyes.

  You will never be too much.

  Chapter Six


  Waking up the next morning should be blissful, amazing, but we awaken to the sound of an alarm going off in the house.

  Before I can roll over, Jackson is out of bed and pulling on his sweatpants, a gun firmly in his hands.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, slipping out of bed too and putting on clothes in a hurry. Jackson walks to a screen on the wall, looking at the surveillance cameras.

  “It’s your dad and two women.” He sighs and disables the alarm.

  “Oh.” I wince because I’m not sure if he’s ready to meet the madness that is my family. “Well, I guess it’s as good a time as any?” I laugh it off.

  He walks to the closet and throws on a shirt. “I just unlocked the gate. They’ll be here any minute.”

  “Come here and give me some smooches before my dad decides to cock block us all day.” I grumble at the fact. I just got a small piece of him and I want more.

  Jackson gives me a look. “I am a grown-ass man. Your dad isn’t cock blocking shit.” His hand slowly drags down my back before fully gripping my ass, squeezing.

  “Good luck with that, baby,” I tease, kissing him one last time before I make my way downstairs, excited to see my parents and sister.

  When my dad sees me coming down the stairs, his face lightens with a certain happiness that is only reserved for us girls.

  I swing the door open. “What a surprise.” I run straight into my dad’s arms, hugging him, then my mom and sister.

  “Well shit, sister, did you get a sugar daddy or what?” My sister Jennifer slides right past me into the house, and my mother nods as she takes in the house too.

  “Chill, women, try not to act like hoodlums,” my dad scolds the both of them, and I step past, letting them inside.

  I shut the door, hugging Mom. “How did you know where I was?” I ask. I’m not sure how they knew where Jackson lives.

  Mom looks at Dad, who shrugs his shoulders. I hear footsteps on the stairs, and as one we look up to see Jackson walking down the stairs, now dressed in jeans and a shirt.

  My sister grips my arm. “You lucky bitch!” she hisses, giving me a look that would kill a lesser person, but I know deep down she’s happy for me.

  I look Jackson dead in the eye. “I know, right?”

  His lips curl up slightly, and he walks straight to my dad, shaking his hand. I can see both of their arms flexing as they squeeze the shit out of each other.

  Men are such weird creatures.

  “Are y’all done trying to break each other’s hands or not? I want to meet the guy who kidnapped my daughter,” my mom—Janna
—tells the both of them.

  Jackson looks amused and lets my dad’s hand go, stepping back to face my mother. “It’s very nice to meet you. I see where Jean got her looks from.” He takes her hand gently.

  Oh, he is good.

  She blushes, giggling slightly. “I definitely can see how now.”

  My dad steps beside her, pulling her into his side and glaring at Jackson. Every guy that has met my father in the past has been deathly afraid. Usually I didn’t see them again once they have their official meet.

  I don’t know what he tells them, but he takes them outside for the talk and then, bam, that’s the end of it.

  “This is my sister Jennifer. This is Jackson, my…” I trail off, wanting him to fill in.

  “Your man, darlin’,” he finishes, giving me that million-dollar smile, his dimples popping out. He is a total lady killer.

  One by one all of us women sigh in sync. His beauty is something texts and pictures don’t do justice.

  “It’s nice to meet you. Remember, if you hurt her, I will be your worst nightmare,” my sister warns him.

  Jackson takes it all in stride.

  “Want me to make you guys some breakfast?” he offers, walking into the kitchen. The house has an open floor plan, which I love.

  He is sweet. I love that he’s trying.

  I look at my mother. She has a soft look on her face and I know she’s thinking along the same lines as me.

  “Actually, Jackson, I need to speak to you about some things.” My dad’s voice changes when he says this.

  “I can make breakfast if you guys want to go talk.” I try to play it off like it doesn’t bother me.

  But it does.

  I know deep down that this has something to do with me and Gary. Why else would my dad make the trip down here like this?

  I watch them retreat to the back of the house where Jackson’s office is located.

  * * *


  I sit at my desk. Fredrick, Jean’s dad, sits in front of me. He pulls out a manila envelope and slides it towards me.

  “This was sent to me last night through my email.”

  I open it and I pull out the contents. Pictures scatter across my desk. Fuck.

  They are pictures of what happened between me and Jean last night. There is a shit ton of pictures of me eating her out.

  This shit was sent to her dad.

  This is fucked up beyond measure.

  I look at him, covering the pictures so that shit isn’t right in his face.

  “He also left me a note.” He nods to a single piece of paper.

  The note reads, “Do you see what a whore your daughter has turned into?” The paper crumples in my fist.

  I thought I was angry last night?

  This is a whole different level. No one disrespects and degrades her like this. “Is this her ex?” I almost don’t recognize my own voice

  “You know it fucking is.” He rubs his face hard, trying to avoid the pictures at all costs.

  I feel bad for him. I can’t fucking fathom getting pictures like this of my daughter sent to me.

  That is horribly fucking wrong and I am going to kill him. There is no doubt about that.

  The shit he’s playing is going to end.

  “I don’t want to tell her about this. She doesn’t need that kind of pain, and knowing that you saw her like that would kill her,” I tell Fredrick.

  I want to protect her. I want her to forget that fucker even existed, like he just dropped off the face of the earth.

  Which is going to happen.

  “I agree with you. Jean is a tough girl and I’m proud of her for that, but she’s soft inside just like her momma.” He sits back in his seat, grinning, “I met her mother when I had her arrested for beating up some chick. I forgot what it was even about, honestly. I never took her to jail. I took her to my house and she never left.”

  He looks me dead in the eyes. “My baby likes you, I can see that. Take care of her. If I lost her or she got hurt, I don’t think I could survive. Those girls are my whole entire world.”

  He scoots closer. “Me trusting you with that, my whole life, just know what you have in your hands.”

  At that, he leaves me reeling. I respect him. I respect how he has taken care of Jean her whole life, but now it’s my turn. I will take care of her until I die.

  Chapter Seven


  One Month later

  Life here in Raleigh, Texas has been everything I had hoped for and more. Right now we’re babysitting Chrystal and Kyle’s daughter Cassandra.

  Jackson is lying on the couch with her tucked into his side, her small head resting on his chest.

  Can I say I have baby fever?

  I think that’s certain. My ovaries are clenching right now wanting him to impregnate me.

  Could it be too soon?


  But I don’t think I will be anywhere else than right here with him for the rest of my life. I can see myself marrying him, having a bunch of babies and having that white picket fence shit.

  He would make the best dad to a bunch of little boys that will look exactly like him. His calm demeanor but fiery temper.

  Let’s not get into what it would be like to have another one of me, because I’m not sure the world can withstand it.

  “She is so beautiful.” I sit down beside him, running my hand down her sleeping back.

  Jackson looks down at her, his face showing how much he loves her. I love that every guy in the club somehow has a hand in raising her.

  Instead of it taking a village to raise a child, it’s more like a whole biker club with big badass softies.

  Is it wrong of me to want to bring my babies up in this life? I have grown to love every single member of this club.

  “She is.” He kisses the top of her fuzzy little head, my heart crying at such a beautiful view.

  “Kind of gives you baby fever, doesn’t it?” I laugh like what I’m saying could potentially open a lot of doors.

  He gives me a look. “Is that a hint, baby?”

  I play innocent. “Uh, no,” I say dramatically.

  He arches a disbelieving eyebrow. “Cassandra is so precious, it can’t be helped.” He stands up and gently places Cassandra in her Pack N Play.

  “I got you something, doll.”

  I follow Jackson upstairs to our room. He takes a box out of the closet and hands it to me. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  He crosses his arms across his chest. “Open it, sweetheart.”

  I do as he asks, dying to see what he got me. I pull off the lid and I come face to face with something that is as sacred as marriage.

  A cut with the words “Property Of Jackson” on the back of it. My eyes sting and I try to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill.

  This is huge in the biker world. There is no higher privilege than this. There’s no mistaking when I wear this that I belong to him.

  “I take it back.”

  He looks shocked. I grip the cut out of the box and pull it to my chest. “You did have to get me this. Took your ass long enough.”

  “Get your ass up here and kiss your man, your ole man.”

  Oh, how I love the sound of that.

  I kiss him, just barely teasing him. “You will be getting your present later.” I cup him through his jeans, feeling him harden beneath my fingers.

  The doorbell rings. “I promised Chrystal I’d go shopping with her.”

  “Baby, you know that you need someone to be with you.”

  I put my hand up. “Yes, we have two prospects going with us,” I reassure him. He’s gotten more protective over me the last month.

  He takes my cut from me and holds it open for me to slip my arms into. “You have never looked more beautiful, my girl.” He kisses my forehead, once, twice, before he allows me to walk downstairs.

  I open the front door and let in Kyle, who is going to spend the day with Jack
son. “Ready, girl?” Chrystal asks.

  “See you later, Kyle. We just put her down, so she should be out for a while,” I tell him as I walk out the door, swinging my purse over my shoulder.

  “I love the cut.” Chrystal winks.

  “Oh, how I love yours.”

  We both laugh and get in the back of an SUV. Both prospects are sitting in the front. They’re newer and I haven’t gotten to know them yet, but I take the prospects with a grain of salt. They rarely make it past the first month or so.

  Chrystal and I walk in front of the prospects. I love how everyone stops and stares at us, avoiding eye contact.

  This is the power of the Devils Souls, their presence affects everyone around them one way or another.

  We dip into the first store as both of us need new jeans and we spend the next hour combing through everything.

  The prospects stand at the entrance, which is fucking foolish. The guys are going to be pissed, because they always seem to have a way of knowing everything.

  “I’m going to try these on,” I tell Chrystal, who nods. I slip into the dressing room, which is basically just a curtain covering a closet.

  I see feet standing in front of my curtain, which is closed, but I know it’s a man out there. I guess the stupid prospect is finally doing this job.

  I turn around to face the mirror and start to take off my pants when the curtain is ripped open and I come face to face with Gary.

  What the fuck?

  He has a gun in his hand. I look at the Glock and see that he has the safety on while he points it at me.

  “We are fucking leaving, bitch,” he hisses, grabbing ahold of my arm and pulling me out of the dressing room.

  I could have stopped him, made a scene, but no, I’m not going to be a damsel. I’m going to allow him to take me.

  I saw the report my dad sent to Jack. I’m not the first woman he has done this to and some of them have gone missing.

  So I play along.

  “Please don’t do this, Gary!” I plead, putting my hands up to cover my mouth like I’m trying not to cry.

  He drops his gun slightly, taking my cries seriously. He drags me towards the back of the building where there’s an emergency exit.


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