Model Bride: A Hotwife Novel

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Model Bride: A Hotwife Novel Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  I shook my head. "No babe. Nothing of the sort. I just think it's a little silly that's what you're worried about when we're talking about me getting turned on by you with other guys!"

  She blinked. "Oh. Well I suppose that makes sense. Sort of."

  She nestled up against me again. I didn't say anything else. I figured now wasn't the time to say anything anyways. No, I just wanted to sit back and relax. Enjoy feeling her head pressed up against me. More than anything I wanted to bask in the strange sensation that was knowing she was with me on this weird fantasy we'd discovered. Knowing that she was getting turned on by guys watching her as much as I got turned on thinking about it was a comfort. It felt like I was less fucked up if she enjoyed it too. It certainly had my cock rock hard!

  And as I sat back, as I relaxed with her nestled up against me, a situation that was causing my cock to throb even more so than it already was, I started thinking about what had caused this whole thing to come out in the first place. I thought about that modeling profile she'd put together. I thought about those pictures she'd put up, and more than anything I thought about the guy who said he was interested in having her come in for an interview.

  There was something that felt damned peculiar about that. Sure those pictures were pretty good, but they didn't seem like anything approaching truly professional quality. And besides, there was also that nagging doubt as to why somebody who was interested in having her in a movie would only be interested in her looks. I thought about certain industries where I knew that young girls thought they were going to be stars, and then it turned out the part they were auditioning for was for some less than savory "film." I found myself wondering if maybe something like that was going on here. Only she was so excited. I was hesitant to even bring it up.

  "So this agent who was interested in you…"

  Vanessa looked up at me and smiled. It was an absolutely radiant smile. It was the kind of thing that would make your cock immediately stand to attention. If my cock wasn't already standing at attention, that is. Which just went to show the power of this fantasy considering I'd just blown a load and already I felt ready to go.

  "Yeah? What about him?"

  "Do you actually know anything about him?"

  Vanessa frowned. Then she shook her head. "I just know that there were girls on his page talking about all the great opportunities he provided for them. It seemed legit enough."

  "But he didn't tell you what company he worked for? No details like that?"

  "No," she said. "I tried asking him about it, but he hung up before I could ask any questions."

  There was something about the way she said that, something about the way her voice caught as she mentioned him hanging up on her, that made me wonder if there wasn't something else going on there. But I didn't want to press too much. Not considering the amazing time we'd just had. No, the last thing that I wanted to do was ruin the mood!

  And so I decided not to say anything more. At least not to ask any more questions about who this guy was.

  "Where is the meeting supposed to happen?"

  "It looks like an old strip mall on the other side of town," she said. "He texted me the address and I looked it up, but I can't remember exactly where it is."

  I paused again. Wondered if I should say anything else. But my worry for my fiancée overrode my desire to keep the peace. Besides, I figured that another simple question wouldn't be too much harm.

  "Do you want me to come with you? Maybe wait outside and make sure you're okay?"

  Vanessa shrugged. "I suppose that would be okay. I can't guarantee they'll actually let you in though."

  "That's fine," I said. "I'd just like to be there. Provide moral support."

  Of course what I wasn't going to tell her, what I wasn't going to breathe a word about, was that part of the reason why I wanted to go in the first place was that I was a little worried about the intentions of this "talent agency." Visions ran through my head of people taking advantage of pretty young girls just like my fiancée.

  Not that I ever thought she'd actually get taken advantage of. No, if she was already such a stickler for waiting for marriage when it came to me, the guy she was going to marry, I didn't think any sort of casting director or agent or whatever the hell he was, unscrupulous or otherwise, was going to be able to get anything out of her.

  They were welcome to tilt at that windmill for as long as they wanted.

  5: Drop Off

  I was nervous. Like so fucking nervous. I was glad Nathan decided he was going to come along today. I was glad he decided to come along for moral support, because I didn't know if I would be able to concentrate on driving.

  I don't know why I was so nervous. It's not like this was something I'd even given much thought to before I got that message. Only now I had visions of stardom dancing in my head. Now all I could think about was how incredible it would be if I lived the dream. If I found myself whisked away to Hollywood and a career in the movies. After all, wasn't that every girl's dream?

  Okay, so maybe not every girl's dream. It was still a hell of a lot better career opportunity than what I had when I graduated in a few months with a degree in creative writing. I guess that said more about creative writing as a career than it did about Hollywood though. I really hadn't thought the long-term employability of that career choice through when I signed up for my first class almost four years ago.

  Of course I knew this probably would come to nothing, but still. It was nice to dream sometimes. Like buying a lottery ticket. You weren't buying the ticket so much as you were buying the dream.

  I looked over to Nathan who was glancing at me as he pulled into a parking lot. This looked like a strip mall, though one that had been mostly abandoned. It definitely wasn't as busy as it looked on the online satellite images.

  Oh well. I had Nathan here, after all. Maybe it was a good thing he decided to come with me after all. Not only for moral support, but for security.

  "Here we are," he said.

  "Here we are," I replied.

  Nathan paused for a moment. He opened his mouth as though he wanted to say something, but nothing came out. He waited another moment, but I waited him out. I knew when he got like this there was usually something bothering him. Something he wanted to get out. I also knew that it was usually best to just let him work through it. Let him say what he was going to say in his own time.

  Sure enough he finally opened his mouth again.

  "Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

  I shrugged. "Why not? What could it hurt?"

  He shook his head. "I don't know. You know what they say about girls and casting couches…"

  I rolled my eyes and grinned. "Is that what you're worried about? Is that why you decided to come along with me?"

  He fixed me with a sheepish grin. A sheepish grin that told me that was exactly what he'd been thinking. God, considering what he'd admitted to me last night when it came to me showing off for Jeremy he was probably getting off on that thought!

  I figured there was only one way to test that theory. On impulse I reached out and grabbed his cock. His eyes widened, but he didn't exactly pull away from the attention. No, if anything his grin got even bigger.

  "Damn Vanessa! What brought that on?"

  "I just needed to test something. I figured you were getting turned on by this, and it turns out I was right!"

  He shrugged. "So what if I am?"

  I reached out and gave his cock another squeeze. "You pervert! You getting turned on by the idea of your poor fiancee getting taken advantage of by some unscrupulous casting agent! I can't believe you'd do that!"

  Nathan grinned and shrugged again. "What can I say? It turns me on, whether it's Jeremy or some random guy!"

  I rolled my eyes. "Well you can just keep that in the realm of fantasy buddy," I said. "Because that's not happening. I'm not going to let some asshole take advantage of me!"

  "I'd expect no less. It just occurred to me."

nbsp; I leaned in and gave him a kiss. "Don't worry too much babe. Trust me, if you're not getting in my pants before our wedding night then there's no chance of some wannabe Hollywood agent getting in my pants! I'm sure I'll be in and out and that'll be it, but I'll text you if I'm going to go longer."

  "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

  "I'm sure." I wasn't sure why I had a feeling that they wouldn't exactly care for me bringing my betrothed along, but I just had that feeling. I'd barely exchanged a couple of messages with this guy, but something told me I should be unattached when I arrived.

  "Fine, whatever you want," Nathan said.

  "Thanks babe."

  I got out of the car and walked up to the door. I double checked the address to make sure it was exactly the same as what the guy had sent me in a message. Sure enough it was.

  The place didn't look all that impressive. It looked like it might've been a music store, or maybe a pet store at one time. There were a couple of faded letters on the front window. Maybe it had been both when this particular strip mall was going through its death throes.

  Either way, it wasn't exactly promising. The windows were tinted so heavily that it was impossible to see inside. Definitely a little seedy. It definitely had me thinking about what Nathan had just been going on about.

  Though if anything it was knowing that Nathan was right there, that he was in the car waiting for me if something should happen, that made me more confident. That had me pushing open that door when I might have hesitated otherwise. And so I pushed it open. The place looked like a normal waiting room. There were a couple of chairs and a wall with a door on the other end. A door that was closed. There wasn't even a window for a receptionist or anything like that. Just the blank room.

  No, scratch that, there was at least one other thing in the room. A security camera hanging up in the corner. And not one of those bubble security cameras or a cheapo camera that you might see in a place that was trying to save a dime. The thing looked old school. Big and impressive.


  I heard something rattling and I looked over to the door. It swung open with a creak and then I saw him. A beefy inside a tight fitting T-shirt. Even more interesting.

  The rest of the guy followed the arm into the room and my breath caught. Damn. I know yesterday I'd been thinking uncharitable things about this guy. Thinking he could be bald or older or any of a number of things, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

  Okay, so maybe he looked just a little older. Maybe in his mid forties with some silver in his hair, but if anything that just added to the whole picture. That just gave him a little bit of extra gravitas.

  In short, this guy was built, and he was hot! And he had a cocky arrogant smile on his face as he stepped into the room. As he looked at me and suddenly I felt like I wasn't wearing anything. As though I was completely exposed in front of this man.

  What an odd feeling.

  "You must be Vanessa," he said.

  I felt a chill run down my spine as he said that. Damn. That voice. So deep. So sexy. And I mentally shook myself. So sexy? What the hell was I thinking? I was engaged to be married! I was happy with Nathan! Our wedding was coming up in a couple of months, and the last thing I should be doing is thinking very forbidden thoughts about some older guy who invited me to an interview.

  And yet I couldn't help myself. He just looked so damn delicious! I found myself wondering what those muscles looked like under that tight shirt. Not that I had to use my imagination too terribly much. No, that tight shirt left absolutely nothing to the imagination to begin with!

  "I am," I finally managed to squeak out.

  He came across the room and his smile was warm and inviting. He held out a hand which I took. His grip was strong, and I found myself wondering what that grip would feel like wrapped around my waist.

  Damn it. I needed to stop thinking like that! I needed to get these thoughts out of my mind!

  "Nice to meet you," he said. "Are you ready for the interview?"

  "I am," I said.

  We made our way through the door, and I saw him reach out and grab something. When he turned towards me I realized he'd pulled a camera off of a shelf. It looked like your average run-of-the-mill digital video camera, and I thought it was a little odd he would have it waiting right there. Still, it's not like I was going to knock it. This was supposed to be an audition, after all, even if he said it was an interview. I suppose it shouldn't be that out of the ordinary that he would be carrying a camera. That he would be turning around and walking backwards as he led me deeper into what looked for all the world like an office in an old strip mall.

  "I hope you don't mind the camera Vanessa," he said. "We like to catch every moment of the interview process. It's part of how we audition girls."

  I fixed him with my best smile. I hope it was a dazzling smile. I got plenty of compliments about that smile over the years, at least.

  "No problem at all," I said.

  “So are you ready to start?”

  I looked at the camera and then back to the guy. Mike. And I nodded.

  “Yeah, let’s get started!”

  Mike smiled and held up the camera, its light blinking red as he launched into the interview/audition.

  6: Naughty Interview

  "So do you have any acting experience at all Vanessa?"

  I shook my head. "No. I just did those modeling photos that you saw online. My fiancé's best friend is a photographer, and he wanted to try out a new camera."

  The guy, I guess I should think of him as Mike since there was no one else he could possibly be, cocked an eyebrow. "Your fiancé, huh? So you're engaged?"

  I smiled. "I am! We're getting married in two months!"

  The hall opened into a wider area. There was a desk at one end of the room with a laptop behind it. There were also a couple of other cameras on that desk of varying size and I presumed quality. I also saw that there was a mattress of all things on the other end. Weird.

  He looked down at the mattress and back to me. Saw the look on my face and shrugged. "The company rents this office, but they're not willing to pay for a hotel. So I'm sleeping here while I'm in town doing interviews."

  "Oh," I said. "I suppose that makes sense…"

  He moved over to the desk and took a seat while gesturing for me to have a seat on the mattress. I looked at it. It definitely didn't look like a mattress that somebody had been sleeping on. The sheets were absolutely perfect. Actually, it wasn't even sheets. Just a fitted sheet on the top. Weird.

  Maybe he knew somebody would be sitting on it and he wanted to make sure the thing was clean or something.

  "So have you ever been interested in acting before?" he asked.

  I shook my head. "It never really occurred to me. I just did the modeling thing for fun, and then I got a call from you! It seems like opportunities are just opening up for me!"

  He grinned. "That they are."

  "So do you want a sample of my acting ability?" I asked. "Do I need to do a monologue or something? I don't have anything prepared but I'm sure I could look something up on my phone or something and do it for you."

  Mike shook his head. "Actually, I'm going to need something a little out of the ordinary from you. I'm casting for a show for a pay cable channel that you might be aware of but I can't name directly unless we hire you. It's going to be set in ancient Rome, and what we're really looking for is extras, attractive extras, who are willing to do nude scenes for some of the background flavor in the show. As soon as I saw your pictures, how hot you were, I thought you'd be perfect."

  I blinked. My eyes went wide. "Excuse me?"

  "I assure you that it's all on the up and up. I mean, how many movies have you seen where there are naked people moving around in the background?"

  I'd sat up just a little, and so I forced myself to sit back down. Okay, so that was a little surprising. And that wasn't exactly what I'd been expecting when I came in here, even if it seem
ed surprisingly close to what Nathan was expecting when he dropped me off.

  "I suppose," I said. "I just never thought of myself doing…"

  Mike shrugged and smiled. "You'd be surprised how many actresses got their big break doing stuff like this. It's actually kind of a specialty for my organization."

  It was weird, but what he was saying did sort of make sense. I mean there were plenty of shows you saw on pay channels these days that had plenty of naked people in them. I suppose somebody had to be naked in the background, but I found myself suddenly a little self-conscious about the idea of me being one of those people, no matter how complimentary this guy was about how hot I was.

  And yet…

  There was another part of me that was thinking about being in the background on one of those shows. There was another part of me that had recently discovered how turned on I got at the idea of guys getting turned on looking at my body. That exhibitionist streak that had recently been unveiled by Nathan's fantasies.

  Sure it was only Jeremy that I'd thought about up until now, I'd only had one day to really process everything, but at the same time the idea of being naked in front of a camera like that… Well, let's just say I heard how Nathan talked about some of those girls on those programs. Particularly that fantasy show that I was pretty sure he only watched because of the tits, because that wasn't something he or his friends had ever been interested in before and suddenly they were having viewing parties every week when it came on.

  I thought about a bunch of guys gathering around a television to look at me like that. To stare at my body. To get turned on, and to do some of the things that I was pretty sure Nathan's friends did when they got home after movie night.

  It's fucked up to say that was turning me on, but at the same time I couldn't deny it. I felt a thrill. I felt a chill run down my spine as I thought of guys staring at me like that, including this guy. It was a little fucked up, it went against everything I'd ever thought about modesty and showing off my body, everything I'd ever been taught in church, but maybe that was part of the reason why it was such a turn on in the first place.


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