Meant To Be

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Meant To Be Page 31

by Karen Stivali

  “Please.” He held her gaze in the dim light then kissed her. “Please.”

  She hesitated. His fingers ran along her cheek, trailing down her neck, then beneath her collarbone. “Please,” he whispered, lips on her jaw, then beneath her ear. “I want to see you. I need to see that you’re here with me and not just a fantasy inside my head.”

  “A fantasy?” She’d never thought of herself as anyone’s fantasy.

  “Yes.” His voice was serious. “I’ve been with you like this a thousand times in my mind, maybe more.” His fingertips grazed her hips, her waist, up and down her spine, tracing every inch of her. “I need to see you.” The yearning behind his words made it impossible to say no.

  She bit her lip then turned on the light.

  The brightness made her squint. Her cheeks tingled as Daniel’s eyes passed over her. She looked at him and realized having the lights on meant she could see him, too.

  Her hand caressed the silky hair of his chest. Her knuckles brushed the line of his jaw. He kissed her hand, his eyes focused on hers. She raked her fingers through his hair. To finally be able to touch him, to have him right there, the way she’d been dreaming all this time, took her breath away.

  I love him so much. The words swelled in her throat. Her heart pounded. It’s too good to be true.

  Daniel’s eyes smiled. “You’re so beautiful.” His mouth found hers.

  The worry evaporated. All she felt was happy. The rumbling of a stomach made them both laugh.

  Daniel pulled back. “Was that you or me?”

  “I’m not sure. “

  “Are you hungry?” His thumb caressed her tummy.

  “Yeah, you?”

  “Starving.” He nibbled her neck.

  “There’s cold pizza.”

  “There’s Thomas Sweets.”

  She looked at the clock. “It’s past midnight. They’re closed.”

  He grinned. “There’s Thomas Sweets in your freezer. That was the bag I brought with dinner.”

  I love you. She almost said it, but the words still terrified her. Every guy she’d ever loved had hurt her.

  He reached for his boxer shorts and pulled them on. “You want to come downstairs, or shall I bring it up?”

  She smiled. The sight of him in his boxers, in her bedroom, made her heart tumble over. “Bring it up.”

  He bent and kissed her, an impossibly wide grin on his face, then turned and left.

  She pulled her t-shirt on and went into the bathroom. She flipped the bathtub drain lock and turned the faucet. The water cascaded over her hands as she adjusted the temperature. The Jacuzzi tub had been installed right before the accident, and it had never been used. Marienne hadn’t had time for a bath; she was always watching Ella. She was beyond happy that her first time would be with Daniel. She lit candles along the low tile wall and turned off the light. The walls danced with the flickering glow.

  “Wow.” Daniel’s voice came from behind her.

  She turned to see him holding two spoons and a white bag. “Here.” She took the bag and placed it next to the tub. She felt the water. “Is that too warm?”

  Daniel dipped his hand in. “It’s perfect.” He kissed her, working her t-shirt up over her head.

  They settled into the bath and turned on the jets. Water bubbled and rushed around them.

  Daniel held a spoonful of ice cream in front of Marienne. She parted her lips, curling her tongue around the spoon before taking the mouthful.

  He moaned, eyes half closed, but still twinkling. “You have no idea what watching your tongue does to me.”

  She grinned. “I have some idea.”

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Daniel awoke to the aroma of bacon and eggs. He yawned and stretched, grateful to realize he was naked, which meant the events of the night had been real. He’d been afraid he dreamt them.

  Although he was starving, he was far more interested in seeing Marienne than food. He snuck up behind her as she was placing the last slice of bacon onto a plate. Her hair felt satiny against his face.

  He brushed his nose along her ear and kissed her neck. “I knew something smelled wonderful. Breakfast smells good, too.”

  The vibration of her laughter rippled through him. She turned and kissed him.

  He couldn’t get over how soft her lips were, how sweet she tasted. “You’ve no idea how good it feels to be able to kiss you.” He rested his forehead against hers.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you to.”

  He grinned.

  “You hungry?” she asked.


  “Can you get the juice? Everything’s ready.”


  She’d watched him get juice out of her fridge a hundred times, but today was different. It had felt like they were a couple for ages, but now they finally were. Her heart beat faster.

  She carried the bacon, eggs and toast to the table while Daniel brought over the juice and glasses.

  He dug into his food looking happier than she’d ever seen him.

  She took a sip of juice. “What do you want to do today?”

  His face broke into a wicked grin.

  “Besides that?” She blushed.

  “Whatever you’d like. Want to catch a movie?”

  “Sure. But I have errands to run. There’s no food in the house.”

  “No problem. We can shop first then catch a movie. And I want to take you out for dinner. A proper date.” His eyes glimmered.

  A date. Her heart skipped a beat. “Okay.”

  They finished breakfast and carried their plates to the sink. Marienne turned on the water to begin washing the frying pan, but Daniel put his arms around her and spun her toward him.

  “Thanks for breakfast.” His lips were on hers, sweet from orange juice.

  “Any time.”

  “Round three,” he whispered.

  They didn’t make it past the center island. The floor was cool against her legs as she knelt above him. His long fingers curved around her hips, holding her tight. She ran her hand down his length. He was irresistibly smooth, like buttery leather warmed by the sun.

  He smiled. “I’ve always loved your kitchen.”


  Marienne sifted through the closet in search of her black rayon dress. It was the softest item of clothing she owned and she wanted to be extra touchable. Daniel had gone home to change.

  In spite of the fact that she’d showered, she was still tingling. She could still feel him.

  She found the dress and slipped it on. Short and casual, cool against her skin, it was exactly what she wanted. She dried her hair and went downstairs.

  To her surprise Daniel was already sitting in her family room. He’d changed into a blue shirt she’d never seen before and khaki pants rather than his usual jeans. His hair was damp. The sight of him left her breathless.

  “Ready?” His hand skimmed her lower back as he opened the front door.


  Daniel was in a ridiculously good mood, giddier than she’d seen him in ages. He rode the grocery cart down aisles, snuck food in while she wasn’t looking, and pulled her behind the Twinkie display for a long, decadent kiss.

  They unloaded the groceries at her house and barely made it to the theater in time. Marienne went to find seats while Daniel bought snacks.

  The lights were dimming when Daniel walked in, a Coke in each hand, a huge bucket of popcorn cradled in one arm and a package of Twizzlers sticking out of his pants pocket.

  “Anyone sitting here?” He slipped into the seat beside her.


  “Oh, sorry.” He started to get up.

  She laughed. “Shhhh, sit down.”

  “You just want the snacks, don’t you?”

  She shrugged.

  “It figures.” He handed her a Coke, the popcorn balanced on his knee. “Twizzler?”

  “Are you one of those people who talks all through the movie?” she whispe

  “You have a better offer?” He leaned in for a kiss.

  I love you. The words were right there on her tongue, but she still couldn’t say them. “Shhh.” She shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

  Halfway through the film he moved the empty popcorn bucket onto the seat beside him. His hand reached onto her lap and slid against her palm. Her stomach flip-flopped. Their fingers entwined. His thumb traced the inside of her wrist, making her tingle. She laid her head on his shoulder and felt him sigh as he rested his head against hers.

  She had no idea what the rest of the movie was about. All she remembered was being there with Daniel.

  After they left the theater, they parked the car at her house and decided to walk to New Brunswick for dinner. They strolled across the bridge, hand in hand. The late summer breeze lifted the edges of Marienne’s dress. She caught Daniel watching her. “What?” she asked.

  “Just happy.” He stopped and pulled her close. He brushed her windswept hair away from her face and kissed her. His lips were still salty from the popcorn.

  She pulled back. “Daniel, we’re on the bridge.”

  “Yes, I know. And I hope everyone we know drives by.”

  The line outside Old Man Rafferty’s was long, as usual. Marienne didn’t mind the wait. She leaned against Daniel.

  “Do you have your cell?” she asked. “My battery is low.”

  He handed her his phone. “Checking on Ella?”

  She nodded and held the phone to her ear.

  “Hello?” Ruth said.

  “Hi. How’s it going?”

  “We thought it would be you, but I didn’t recognize the number.”

  “I’m using Daniel’s phone.”

  “Oh, you out?”

  “Yeah, we’re grabbing some dinner.” She smiled at Daniel.

  “That’s nice, I’m glad you’re not sitting home.”

  “Me too.”

  “You wanna say hi to Ella?”


  “Hi Mommy!”

  “Hi sweetie.” Tears prickled behind her eyes. “Are you having fun with grandma?”

  Daniel reached for her hand. His skin was so warm.

  “Grandma made cookies.”

  “That sounds great.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, sweetie.”

  The phone thumped twice then Ella hung up.

  Daniel squeezed her hand. “Everything okay?”

  “She’s fine. Ruth made cookies.”

  He kissed the side of her head.

  The hostess stepped outside. “Daniel, party of two.”

  Daniel smiled. “That’s us.”


  They ate and drank until they were full, but the dessert case still beckoned.

  “Let’s get them to go,” Daniel said.

  “You’re so smart.”

  That’s why you love me. Normally he would have said it out loud, but this time it carried too much weight. Do you love me? I hope so.

  They debated which cakes to get, but there were too many choices and they wound up ordering four. Key lime pie, chocolate mousse torte, chocolate covered cheesecake and Oreo layer cake.

  He carried the bag. The sun was setting, the sky streaked with pink and purple. The breeze had turned cooler, and Marienne shivered. He wrapped his arm around her as they walked.

  They watched TV snuggled on the couch until Marienne yawned.

  “Tired?” he asked, rubbing her back.

  “I am.”

  “You want to go to bed?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Daniel stepped out of the bathroom, wearing boxers and a t-shirt. He smiled as he saw Marienne lying on her bed, waiting for him. The bedside lamp had been dimmed to a mere glow, and it cast deep shadows on the walls.

  She wore a sleeveless summer nightshirt that came down to her mid thighs. She’d folded down the covers to the bottom edge of the bed. One hand fiddled with her necklace while the other rested on the soft, cottony sheets.

  He lay down beside her and propped himself on his elbow, facing her. “What are you thinking?”

  A shy smile crossed her face and she looked away, biting her lip. Her expression intrigued him. He tilted his head.

  “Honestly?” She glanced at him.

  “I would hope so.”

  “I was thinking about the other morning when I showed up at your house.”

  His eyebrows arched, and he licked his lower lip, his jaw jutting to one side. “What about that morning?” he asked, with as much nonchalance as possible. His hand traced the edge of her body. He was more than a little pleased to find that she wore no underwear.

  “What were you doing when I arrived?” She tried to catch his eyes, but he was busy watching his hand as it continued its path between her waist and her legs.

  “I was lying in bed.” True. A smile tugged at his mouth. A hint of embarrassment lingered. Given the events of the weekend, he was far more amused by her continued curiosity than he was worried about disclosing anything. The fact that she was asking at all was actually turning him on.

  “Sleeping?” Her voice was rich with curiosity.

  “Not exactly.” He dared to look at her. The expression in her eyes was so intoxicating he had to stop himself from ravishing her. He let his hand rest atop her hip as his fingers traced tiny circles on her back.

  Her hand stroked his forearm in a way that was starting to drive him mad. “What exactly were you doing?”

  “I was fantasizing about you.” He kept his voice steady, his eyes focused on hers. Her mouth dropped open, and she seemed at a loss for words. “Again.” He added. “Why do you look so surprised? I know you had your suspicions. I could see that when you walked in the door. I was totally freaking out, as you probably noticed.”

  “I wouldn’t say totally.” She giggled.

  “Well, I would. I was afraid you’d think I was this pathetic perv.”

  Marienne laughed. “Not at all. As a matter of fact the thought of it turned me on.”

  “Really?” The intrigue dripped from his voice.

  “Really,” she said, with enough emphasis that his eyebrows rose.

  He noticed the flush in her cheeks.

  “How turned on?” His voice was thick. He continued stroking her back, his entire body straining toward her as he kept from kissing her so he could hear her reply.

  She blushed a shade darker, looking down. “So turned on I couldn’t stop thinking about it that night.”

  “And where were you doing all this thinking?” He enjoyed the way the tables had turned.

  “In bed.”

  Daniel’s eyes flashed, a sly smile passing across his face as he pulled her closer. The heat of their conversation passed through his body as they pressed against one another. They both gasped.

  “Were there toys involved in this ‘thinking’ you were doing?” he asked.

  Marienne giggled, the vibration of her laughter sending further ripples of pleasure through him. “No. I don’t like toys. I prefer hands.”

  He’d assumed all women had a preference for motorized devices. He was quite pleased, not to mention excited, to hear that she liked something as simple as hands.

  “Which hand?” he asked, taking her left hand and bringing it to his mouth. He kissed her fingertips. “This one?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  He licked his lips, trying to remember to keep breathing. He reached for her right hand and brought it to his lips. “This one?” He kissed her palm.

  “Yes,” she breathed, pressing her hips tighter against his with a wicked smirk. “Well, sometimes both.”

  The groan that escaped from Daniel’s throat caused another giggle to vibrate through her.

  “Show me,” he whispered, kissing her palm again.

  Her eyes were huge as she registered what he was saying.

  “Show me,” he said again. The hunger he
felt made it impossible to look away from her.

  He could see her mind racing as she struggled to buy herself some time.

  “We haven’t even discussed which hand you use.”

  Daniel chuckled, amused by her attempt to stall. “I favor my right.” He waved his hand in the air then moved it from her hip to his crotch. His erection had already maneuvered free from the confines of his boxers. “Though sometimes.” He took a deep breath as he wrapped his fingers around himself. “I also manage to use both.”

  She stared down at him, and his hand made one slow, tentative stroke. He so enjoyed the look of sheer wonder on her face that he boldly stroked a second time. “Show me. Please.”

  Her eyes were glued to his hand, which he moved again. He held his breath and watched in total fascination as her hand made a slow but deliberate descent down her body.


  Marienne’s fingers slid across her belly, curving downward as she reached the arched space between her legs. I can’t believe I’m doing this. She gasped as her hand made contact with her tender, swollen flesh. She was so aroused, from their conversation, from feeling Daniel pressed against her, from hearing him confess he was fantasizing, about her nonetheless, from watching his fingers play up and down the length of him, from the look on his face as he watched her. It made her so breathlessly excited, so ready, she thought she might come from a single stroke.

  She wanted to hold out as long as possible. Her fingers slid between the slippery folds of her overheated skin. The intensity was so overwhelming her eyes momentarily fluttered shut. She forced them to remain open, mesmerized by the view of Daniel.

  She stared, entranced, as their fingers worked magic. Their breathing and moans were in sync as they made their way towards the inevitable climax. Marienne came first, her hips lifting off the bed as the shattering orgasm shook through her. She knew he was watching, his eyes never leaving her.

  She felt the slick, hot, tip of him slide against the soft flesh of her inner thigh. A low moan rumbled deep within his chest. Before either of their shuddering began to subside, Daniel released his grip on himself and reached for her, swiftly placing his mouth on hers.

  She responded with equal intensity, wrapping her arms around him, her leg hooking over his, the two of them entwined. She was no longer sure where he ended and she began. She was lost in him.


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