by Ed Douglas
Freikorps, 425
Geluk monks in, 432
Gleichschaltung, 424, 425
Holocaust (1941–1945), 433, 434
Jews, persecution of, 104, 409, 425, 426, 433, 434
Kangchenjunga expedition (1931), 425–6
Nanga Parbat expeditions, 426–7, 428, 455
Schäfer expedition (1938–1939), 433–4, 436
Siniolchu expedition (1936), 428
World War II (1939–1945), 318, 447, 469
Gesar, 478
gharial, 29
Ghastoli, Uttarakhand, 440
Gholam Hyder Khan, 270
Ghunsa valley, 337
giant pandas, 345
Gibbs and Peek Brothers, 332
Gibraltar, 254
Gibson, Jack, 443
Gilgit, 30
Gillespie, Robert Rollo, 191–2, 194, 200
Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, 75
Gippenreiter, Evgeny, 510
giraffes, 302
Giro del mondo (Gemelli Careri), 206
Girvan Yuddha Bikram Shah, King of Nepal, 184, 187–8, 196, 246
Glacial Lake Outburst Floods, 29
glaciers, 3, 6
Baltoro, 359
Biafo, 359
climate change and, 29
Gangotri, 6, 19
Hispar, 359
Kalindi, 440
Khumbu, 464, 521
Milam, 261
Pindarim, 353
Rongbuk, 417, 420, 457, 509
Siachen, 366
Gladstone, William, 349
Glamaig, Isle of Skye, 444
Glasgow University, 323
Gleichschaltung, 424, 425
Glenburn, Darjeeling, 342
gneiss, 24, 25
Goa, 76, 77, 93, 96
goats, 14, 40, 154
Bogle mission (1774), 129
Chang Tang, 154, 276
Gartok trade, 154, 276
Kirkpatrick mission (1792–1793), 99
Ladakh trade, 77, 161
Moorcroft expedition (1812), 270, 271, 272, 276
Neolithic period, 40
Webb expedition (1807–8), 221
Gobi Desert, 36, 42
Godan, 88
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 214
gold, 18, 40, 123, 138, 156
British Empire and, 123
Ganden Phodrang and, 128, 138
Guge Kingdom and, 70, 71, 87, 112
Khasa Kingdom and, 112
Kumaon, smelting in, 264
Nirupa story, 158
Zhang Zhung Kingdom and, 64
Golden Throne, 359
Golden Urn, 293, 389
Goldie, George, 395
Gonbo Tashi, 506
Gonbu, 510
Gondwana, 21, 23
Goosson, Stephen, 429
Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, 181, 193, 219
Gordana Khan, 268
Gori river, 261, 265
Goring La, 315
Gorkha, Nepal, 110, 111, 113
Gorkha Kingdom (1559–2008)
agrarian-military complex, 120
Aufschnaiter’s visit (1952), 458
Bailey in (1935–1938), 408
Bhandarkhal massacre (1806), 174, 183, 249
Biratnagar Jute Mill Strike (1947), 449
British residents in, see British residents in Nepal
British War (1814–1816), 16–17, 183–200, 335
Burkill’s visit (1907), 344
Chhetris, 113–14, 155, 186, 233, 449
China, relations with, 380–81, 460, 506–7, 510–11, 514, 519
Chushi Gangdruk in, 506, 511, 515, 519
Communist Party, 108, 109, 511, 515
Cooch Behar conflict (1772–3), 138
coup d’état (1960), 500, 512, 513, 514
Curzon’s visit (1901), 387–8
Desideri’s visit (1721), 95–8
education in, 259, 387, 445, 448, 449
electricity in, 447, 448
Elizabeth II’s visit (1961), 513–14
emigration, 522, 524
Everest expedition (1953), 467–8
Garhwal, conquest of (1804), 174, 177
general election (1959), 460, 501
Gorkha Parishad, 511
Hawley in (1959–2018), 500–502, 514, 516, 521
Hindur, conquest of (1805), 187
Hooker’s visit (1848), 337
hulak postal system, 195
India, relations with, 449, 450, 459, 514–15, 516
Indian Rebellion (1857–1858), 239, 249, 259, 377
Jang Bahadur’s UK visit (1850), 253–8
Japan, relations with, 445–6, 448
Kangra, invasion of (1806), 180, 187
Kathmandu, conquest of (1768), 123–5, 137, 147, 214
Kinloch expedition (1767), 123–5, 149, 189, 214
Kirkpatrick’s visit (1793), 98–100, 166, 171, 172, 181, 327
Knox’s mission (1802–1804), 173, 174, 177, 181, 185, 217
Kumaon, conquest of (1790–1791), 172, 177, 242
Le Bon’s visit (1885), 102
Lévi’s visit (1898), 103
Lissanevitch in (1951–1985), 469–71, 514, 517
Maoist Insurgency (1996–2006), 80, 121, 516, 523, 525
minting of currency, 163, 168, 169
Muluki Ain, 258
Mustang shooting (1960), 511
nationalism, 467–8
Nepali National Congress, 448–50, 457–8
pahadis, 449, 458
Praja Parishad, 447
radio posts in, 459, 511
Rana dynasty (1846–1951), see Rana dynasty
Rana palaces, 259
Ranodip assassination (1885), 377
Raksha Dal, 458
Revolution (1951), 107, 450, 457
Ripley in (1947–1948), 461
royal massacre (2001), 513, 516
sati in, 445
Shah dynasty (1559–2008), see Shah dynasty
Sikkim occupation (1788–1793), 334
Sikkim invasion (1814), 189, 335
slavery in, 445
statue destruction (2007), 106–8, 523
taxation in, 198, 460
Tibet War, First (1788–1792), 98, 164–5, 168–72, 177, 185, 186, 292, 381
Tibet War, Second (1855–1856), 258–9, 377, 380
Tilman’s visit (1949), 461
Treaty of Danapur (1801), 173, 185, 217
Treaty of Kyirong (1789), 169
Treaty of Sagauli (1816), 195, 196, 198, 236, 239, 260, 263, 279, 376
Treaty of Thapathali (1856), 377, 380, 388
tourism in, 517, 520, 521–3
Tucci’s visit (1929), 81, 451
United States, relations with, 448–9, 460
Wallich’s visit (1821), 327, 344
World War I (1914–1918), 152, 444–5
World War II (1939–1945), 447–8
Gorkha Parishad, 511
Gorkhaland, 18
Gorkhali, 108, 111
Gorkhapatra, 467
gosain, 137–8, 146, 162, 201, 220, 270, 275, 299
Gould, Basil, 435–6, 491
Graham, William Woodman, 355–8, 366, 367
grain, 31, 125, 154, 199, 262, 264, 265, 276
Grains of Gold (Gendun Chopel), 485
granite, 19–20, 25
Grant, Cary, 469
Great Closed Land, The (Marston), 310
Great Game (1830–1895), 289, 357, 376
Great Prayer Festival, 132, 402
Great Treatise, The (Tsongkhapa), 132
Great Trigonometrical Survey of India (1802–1871), 225, 285
Great War, see World War I
Greeks, 43, 103
Greene, Graham, 349, 357, 429
Greene, Raymond, 349, 365, 417–18, 420
Greenland, 22, 351
Greenwich, London, 226
Griffin, Cornet, 230
Griffith, William, 150, 225, 330, 333, 344
Grimethorpe, South Yorkshire, 402r />
Grueber, Johann, 93–5
Guangxu, Qing Emperor, 394
Guangzhou, Guangdong, 282, 291, 298, 308, 331
Guge Kingdom (c. 967–1680), 64, 68–74, 77, 78, 83, 87, 112, 304, 440
Gujarat, India, 160
gum arabic, 333
Günther, Hans Friedrich, 433
Gupta Empire (c. 270–543), 13, 84
Gurdjieff, George, 318, 321, 432
Gurgyam, Tibet, 65
Gurkhas, 186, 187, 232–8, 244, 259
Indian Rebellion (1857–1858), 231, 232, 233–6
mountaineering, 349, 363, 364, 367
Nepal, recruitment in, 260, 378, 450
Trisul expedition (1907), 395
World War I (1914–1918), 152, 233, 404, 444
World War II (1939–1945), 233
Younghusband expedition (1903–1904), 390
Gurla Mandhata, 367, 414
Guru Rinpoche, 52, 72, 209, 473–4
Gurung people, 108, 113, 186, 187, 233
Gurung, Om, 109
Gushi Khan, 134
Gutschow, Niels, 104
Gyalo Thondup, 436, 505, 506
Gyanendra Shah, King of Nepal, 106, 107, 108, 450, 516–17
Gyantse, Tibet, 391, 398, 403, 408, 436
Gyegu, Tibet, 311
Gypsy Moth, 420
Haddington, 253
Hadow, Arthur, 391
haemoglobin, 33
Hagmüller, Götz, 104–5
Haig, Alexander, 320
Haileybury College, 175, 239, 240–41
Hajo, Assam, 209–10
Hakluyt, Richard, 92
Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson, 368
Halley’s Comet, 397
Hamilton, Alexander, 141, 145, 148
Hamilton, Francis, 113–14, 117, 173, 174, 217, 328
Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, Frederick, 1st Marquess of Dufferin, 385
‘Hamro Tenzing Sherpa le’ 467
Han Empire (202 BCE–220 CE), 42, 64, 65
Han people, 35, 37, 39
Han Suyin, 470, 480, 497
Hance, Henry, 345
Hanle, Ladakh, 281
Hanuman Dhoka, Kathmandu, 96
Happy Valley, Darjeeling, 341–2
Har-Balam, 267
Harballabh, 270–71, 273, 275
Hardinge, Henry, 251, 331
Hardwicke, Thomas, 326
Haridwar, Uttarakhand, 220
Harkh Dev, 271, 278
Harley, John Brian, 210
Harrer, Hanna Charlotte, 455
Harrer, Heinrich, 364, 455, 456, 491
Harrison, George, 1
Harsha, 48
Hasti Dal Chautariya, 195, 220
Hastings, Geoffrey, 360–61, 363, 364
Hastings, Marquess of, see Rawdon-Hastings, Francis
Hastings, Warren
Bengal famine (1769–1773), 125
Bogle mission (1774), 127, 128–9, 138–41, 142, 147, 165, 201, 327
Cooch Behar conflict (1772–1773), 138–9
impeachment (1788–1795), 139, 168, 291
Markham, relationship with, 148
potato planting, 327
Regulating Act (1773), 127, 140
Hatha yoga, 443
Haushofer, Karl, 432
Hawkesworth, John, 141
Hawley, Elizabeth, 500–502, 514, 516, 517–, 521
Hay, Thomas, 320
Hay, William, 231, 232
Hazlitt, William, 308
Hearsey, Andrew, 219
Hearsey, Hyder Jung
Ganges expedition (1807–8), 200, 219–23, 266–7
Moorcroft expedition (1812), 268–77
Hearsey, John, 220
Heathcote, Nora, 149
Hebei, China, 148
Hedin, Sven, 284, 295, 312, 433
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 78
Heim, Arnold, 25
heliocentrism, 297
Hemkarna, 116
Hengduan mountains, 382
Herbert, James, 223
Hergé, 470–71
Herodotus, 48, 75
Heron, Alexander, 22
Herrligkoffer, Karl, 468
Hertford, Lord, see Seymour-Conway, Richard
Herzog, Maurice, 463–4, 471
Hess, Rudolf, 426, 432
Hesse, Hermann, 430
Hetauda, Nepal, 95
Heuvelmans, Bernard, 471
Heyer, Heather, 106, 107
hill stations, 200, 228
Hillary, Belinda, 518
Hillary, Edmund, 441, 465–8, 470, 507, 518, 522
Hillary, Louise, 518
Hilton, James, 78–9, 429
Himachal, 15
Himachal Pradesh, 63, 195
Bilaspur, 177
Chhota Simla, 231
Hindur, 187
Jaithak, 194
Jutogh, 228, 231
Kanam, 378
Kasauli, 234
Kinnaur, 40, 224, 378
Lahaul, 62, 154
Nahan, 194
Nako monastery, 453
Nalagarh, 194
Pekar, 69
Pooh, 68, 69
Simla, 7, 200, 227–35, 241, 328, 399
Spiti, 62, 69, 270, 281, 443, 453
Tabo, 70, 453
Himalaya, pronunciation of, 7–8
Himalayan Club, 7, 357, 442, 467
Himalayan Committee, 465
Himalayan Gazetteer, 8, 16
Himalayan Journal, 8, 425–6
Himalayan Journals (Hooker), 339
Himalayan Research Institute, 432
Himalayan Trust, 518
Himmler, Heinrich, 432–3, 436
Hindi, 7, 8, 108, 230
Hindu Kush, 2, 22, 123
Hinduism, 3, 137
Advaita Vedanta, 13
Bhagavad Gita, 432
caste, 113–14, 255, 449, 470
Ganges river in, 6–7
gosain, 137–8, 146, 162, 201, 220, 270, 275, 299
Kartik Naach, 81–4, 85, 94, 100
kshatriya, 113–14
Kumbh Mela, 220
Mahabharata, 6–7, 8, 10, 12, 30, 40, 89, 184
Manasakhanda, 15–17
nationalism, 17
in Nepal, 46, 81–4, 113, 137, 155, 184
pilgrimage sites, 10–17
Puranas, 14, 15, 81, 100, 137, 210
Ramayana, 8, 184
Rawats and, 264–5
Shaivism, 16, 46, 85, 209
Shambhala, 63, 210
soul, conception of, 13
tantra, 138, 209
in Tibet, 138
Vaishnavism, 16–17
Vedas, 7, 56
Hindur, Himachal Pradesh, 187
Hindustan–Tibet road, 234
Hinks, Arthur, 369, 400, 406, 407
Hiranyakashipu, 81–3, 97
Hirt, August, 434
Hiru Dham Singh, 263
Hispar glacier, 359
History of India (Mill), 240
Hitler, Adolf, 104, 409, 424, 425, 426, 428, 432, 433
Ho-shou, 203
Hobson, John Atkinson, 362
Hodgson, Anne, 239
Hodgson, Brian Houghton Jr, 84, 175, 237–48, 260
Darjeeling, retirement in, 333–4
Hooker, relationship with, 333–4, 337, 338
Indian Rebellion (1857–1858), 237–8, 249, 259–60
Nepal Residency (1829–1845), 84, 198, 237, 238, 245–8, 250, 279, 379
Tibet trade lobbying (1873), 383
Hodgson, Brian Sr, 240
Hodgson, Catherine, 240
Hodgson, Edward, 245
Hodgson, Fanny, 243
Hodgson, John, 221, 223
Hodgson, William, 245
Holdich, Thomas, 294, 374–5, 396
Hollywood, 410, 421, 429, 434, 443, 470
Holmes, Arthur, 22
Holy Roman Empire (800–1806), 206
Hong Kong, 32, 340, 519
Hongbian, 43
/> Hooghly river, 147
Hooker, Joseph Dalton, 238, 281, 324–6, 332–9, 344, 352, 356
Everest sketch (1848), 337, 424
Sikkim expedition (1849), 326, 332–9, 516
Tibet trade lobbying (1873), 383
Hooker, Mary Harriette, 326
Hooker, William Jackson, 323, 339
Hooker, William, 326
Hopkinson, Arthur, 490
horned eagles, 65, 66
horses, 269–70
Hoskin, Cyril, 318
hospitality, 154–5
hot springs, 36, 391
Hotan Rokashi, 210
House of Twinings, 332
Houston, Charles, 416, 428
Houston, Lucy, 422
Houston, Robert, 422
Howard-Bury, Charles, 370, 400, 421
Howrah, Bengal, 147, 150
Hu Jintao, 489, 499
Huang Mu-sung, 434
Hublin, Jean-Jacques, 37
Huc, Évariste, 297–8, 307–9, 379
Hughes, Thomas, 283
Hulagu Khan, 88
hulak postal system, 195
Humboldt University, 295
von Humboldt, Alexander, 216, 224–5, 268, 351, 352, 354, 424
Hump, 492
Humphreys, Christmas, 431
Hundred Flowers Campaign (1956), 489
Hunt, John, 465, 466, 468
hunter-gatherers, 29
Hunter, John, 269
Huo Wei, 65
Hyde Park, London, 320
Hyder Ali, Sultan of Mysore, 219
hydroelectricity, 18, 402, 447, 492, 523
hypoxic environment, 32–3, 38–9
Ibi Garmin, 354
Ice Age, 36, 37, 38, 39
Iceland, 323
Il-Khanate (1256–1353), 88
L’Illustration, 257
Ilyas Shah, Sultan of Bengal, 119
Imboden, Josef, 355
In Forbidden Tibet (Landor), 316
Inca Empire (1438–1533), 354
British colonies (1612–1947), see British India
Delhi Sultanate (1206–1526), 86, 113
Dominion (1947–1950), 440–43, 458, 495
Dutch colonies (1605–1825), 207
Gupta Empire (c. 270–543), 13, 84
Maratha Empire (1645–1818), 123, 173, 176, 185, 187, 190, 197, 220
Maurya Empire (323–184 BCE), 43, 63, 112
Mughal Empire (1526–1857), see Mughal Empire
Pala Empire (750–1174), 41, 45, 72, 85, 86, 87, 90, 147
pilgrimage sites, 10–17
Portuguese colonies (1505–1961), 76, 77, 93, 96
Republic of India (1950–), see Republic of India
Sikh Empire (1799–1849), see Sikh Empire
Indian National Congress, 377, 422, 444, 447, 490
Indian Rebellion (1857–1858), 220, 227, 229–36, 268, 375
Dalhousie and, 332
Gurkha battalions, 233–6, 237
Jang Bahadur and, 239, 249, 259, 377, 380
mountaineering and, 355
Siege of Delhi, 235
Siege of Lucknow, 284
Simla panic, 231–4
Indo-European languages, 61, 103
Indra Jatra, 118
Indra Rajya, Queen consort of Nepal, 512
Indus river, 2, 7, 24, 28, 29–30, 59, 154, 210, 275