One Swinging Summer: (Corrupted 1-4)

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One Swinging Summer: (Corrupted 1-4) Page 21

by Klaire, Jamie

  "Fair enough. I understand. Would you be open to swapping?"

  "Honestly? I am a guy. Seeing what goes on in there, I would be open to a lot, but only if you are too. That is why the ladies are in charge of this stuff. It is messy business, and if the guys were in charge, there would be a lot more hurt feelings and a lot less ladies willing to even try."

  "You get all weird when I mention going to the gynecologist. You don't want to know my doctor is a guy, but you would be fine watching someone else do me?"

  "I know. It doesn't make sense. But it makes as much sense as your argument, I guess. It's OK on a Friday, but not on a Sunday afternoon. I don't want anyone else around you intimately, unless I'm there too, and we are all playing together. I don't understand it, but there it is."

  "All right. All I've ever asked of you is honesty, and I appreciate you telling me the truth. Even on the hard stuff."

  "Always." He said, and we tried to put all that away and enjoy our Sunday afternoon.

  Chapter 32

  Back In The Swing Of Things

  "I am such an awful person, I swear." I said to Kate, once I slid in beside her at the bar the next Friday.

  "Why? What did you do?"

  "Just now in line, I was behind a little person. Wait, is that still right? They like to be called little people, not dwarfs or midgets, right?"

  "Right, oh jeez. What happened?"

  "Nothing, relax. It's just that when she paid the bartender I saw cigarettes in her purse, and my warped mind thought 'She's a smoker? Didn't anyone ever tell her cigarettes stunt your growth?' That made me laugh, and then I felt guilty for laughing. That's all. I'm a bad person."

  "Actually, that is funny, but yes now you are going to hell."

  "Well considering the places we hang out, I think you may be sweating in hell right beside me. I'll save you a seat."

  "Speaking of the places we hang out, are you going to That Other Club with us tonight? We didn't see you here or there last weekend."

  "We didn't plan on skipping last Friday. We were out to dinner when our plans changed. Some friends canceled, and another friend mentioned this gay bar she wanted to try. So we went that way instead. We thought about swinging by That Other Club afterward, but we went back to Caleb's."

  "A gay bar? Have we corrupted you completely and turned you toward women?"

  I laughed. "Hardly. No, none of us had ever been, and Brenda had a friend from work that worked there too, so we checked it out with her. It was fun. They were very welcoming. The atmosphere was very similar to any club. You didn't have the nakedness and blatant sex of That Other Club, but almost, since there was a lot of girl-on-girl and guy-on-guy. No one was naked, but seeing guys openly together was odd. It was something different on a Friday night, that's all."

  "Well you didn't miss anything on this end. This club was its normal packed mass, but the other one was pretty empty for some reason. Only about forty people all night. A couple of topless ladies, one in just a thong, but it was a quiet night. No one even went into the other room."

  "Wow, really? I've never seen it like that. That club has been hopping every time we've gone."

  "Maybe, you bring the party." Kate teased.

  "Yeah, I'm sure that's it."

  "Tonight should be full It always seems to be really full the week after it is empty."

  "Is there a theme tonight? It's been about three weeks since vampires took over."

  "No but next Friday is something. I'll have to ask when we get there. Where's Caleb?"

  "He's over with Maria and Mark. They were the ones to cancel last week. I guess Mark's mom is pretty sick. I left him to get a drink, and then came to tell you about my 'stunt your growth' thoughts. Want to dance before I go back over there?"

  "Oh, hell yeah."

  After a few dances with Kate, I headed off to find Caleb. He and Maria were alone at the table. I slid up to Caleb and said, "My bra is killing me tonight, I need to lose it." I grinned wildly at him. Maria agreed companionably, like most women do, but Caleb's eyes lit up, and he grinned right back. That man was a quick study. He knew I was not so subtly announcing my intentions to be topless soon.

  "You could start now, I've held onto your bra in this bar once before." Caleb whispered into my ear.

  "Not so fast, Charming." I winked at him. "This 'Sin'derella's coach arrives at midnight, and a glass slipper isn't what I plan on losing tonight."

  Midnight came quickly, and when we walked into That Other Club I realized Kate hadn't been kidding. There were more people here than I had ever seen in here before. Most of the ladies were already topless, and I quickly joined them. I had a breezy bar top on with jeans, and while walking with Caleb from the front door to a table already occupied by Kate, Michael and their usual group, I pulled my top off over my head. I unhooked and removed my bra, and was topless by the time we pulled up a chair.

  "What took ya so long?" Yelled Michael.

  "I'm topless five seconds into the club, quit bitching."

  He laughed and said, "I meant that we left you in the other parking lot 30 minutes ago. Did you get lost on the way over?"

  Caleb said, "We figured it was past our turn to provide the liquor, so we stopped at a liquor store. Merry Christmas." He plopped down an assortment of bottles. Vodka, tequila, and our usual Jameson. They were quickly opened, poured into various cups, and we toasted to another night of drunken debauchery.

  We danced, drank and visited all night. I took a few turns in the shadow box, but never could be persuaded to try out the stripper pole. I knew my limits. I wanted a fun, carefree and sexy night, not a night capped off by a trip to the hospital with a broken arm or tail bone.

  Speaking of knowing my limits, this was my first time to relax in this atmosphere since the night I couldn't remember. We had been back here once since then, but I was so on edge. I never planned on getting that drunk again. I swore I would know everything I did from here on out. I considered myself lucky nothing worse happened, and planned on using it as a learning experience I never wanted to repeat.

  I maintained my drinking at a nicely buzzed level, and Caleb asked me pretty often if I was doing OK. I was sure Caleb wouldn't mind another wild night like that, but I also knew if it ever did get wild again, he wanted me fully aware, willing and with full memory of it the next day.

  The back room stayed busy all night, but aside from the occasional peek in there, we stayed out. I kept my jeans on, but enjoyed the topless night fully and completely. We were surrounded by R and X rated sights and sounds all night long, but Caleb and I were able to keep our own personal activities to a PG-13 level, and had a blast doing it.

  The only awkward part to the entire night was when Caleb told me Laura and Ray were heading our way. We turned to face them as they walked up. Laura again did most of the talking, while Ray stood silently beside her. She started out with an apology.

  "Sorry, about calling Caleb instead of you last Sunday, we were waiting to see you here, but when you didn't show up I gave it a shot."

  "That's all right. You can only call the number you were given. I understand."

  I jumped right in and addressed the issue, so there would be no misunderstandings.

  "Caleb told me why you called, and we talked it over. We are both very flattered you guys reached out to us, but we don't swap. We mainly just watch and bring our excitement home to each other. We have had an occasional visit into the back room, but those nights evolved naturally, and there was no sex with anyone then either. We only have sex with each other."

  "I understand," She said. Ray nodded behind her. "We don't do it often either, but you guys caught our attention. I hope we can still be friendly? We like it here and we aren't looking for any trouble."

  "Oh, of course. No hard feelings. We really were flattered. You guys were the first time it seriously came up. You talk about stuff in general, and you know it is going to come up at some point. You were the first to actually ask, but we aren't that far yet. We
may never be."

  We assured each other that everything was OK and they went back to a table on the other side of the bar.

  I turned to Caleb. "Did I handle that alright?"

  "Yeah, you did well. I don't think they will be an issue any more."

  "That was the most serious conversation I have ever had while topless."

  "Well, while you are on a roll, let me ask you this. Would you be interested in trying The Lakehouse again tomorrow night? Now that we know more of what to expect there, I'd like to try it again. Any thoughts?"

  Tomorrow night would be a month since our first visit. I thought back to the hot tubs, the orgy rooms, the squirting lady and the curtained beds. Maybe we would enjoy it more now that we weren't scared rabbits and wouldn't be shocked by the place. I was intrigued by the thought. I might really enjoy the curtained bed again.

  "Alright, yeah. Let's really do it this time. We wanted a place to play, and I'd feel more comfortable experimenting there than here. Plus, beds beat a couch or a mat any day. OK, I'm game."

  Chapter 33

  When In Rome

  We decided to get to The Lakehouse early, that way we had some time to relax before the place really started swinging. Pun totally intended this time. The place looked like a resort already, so we figured that since July nights were so steaming hot we could spend some time in the pool. Sip our drinks, swim and lounge a bit, and pretend we were far away on some island vacation. And if the natives got a little wild and kinky as the night progressed, well... when in Rome, right?

  There were a few couples already there when we arrived, but they seemed to all be hanging out in the nightclub portion of the place. We took a quick look around and when we realized we would have the entire outdoor patio area to ourselves for a while we threw our suits on and headed outside with our drinks.

  We claimed a couple of lounge chairs by draping our towels over them, set our drinks on the edge of the pool and slid into the cool water. The water felt heavenly against my skin, it had been a hot and clammy day. The sun had already dipped below the horizon, and we were happy to see it go.

  We swam in leisurely strokes and let the water soak into us. I wasn't even half-way through my drink before I'd slipped off my bikini top. There was just something about this place. Plus, with the fantasy we had going on about being far away on a hedonistic vacation, it seemed right. We could hear music from the hidden speakers, and with the little waterfall someone had turned on, all we were missing was a couple of little cherry-stabbed umbrellas in our drinks. And maybe a steel-drum and a few hula girls.

  Every now and then a couple would walk out here. They all seemed to make the same friendly comment about how it looked like we were enjoying the beautiful night and to make the most of it before the growing crowd spread out here.

  We could see what they meant about the growing crowd. With the darkness out here and the bright lights on inside, we could tell by looking through the glass that the place was filling up fast.

  A little while later another couple came out. They were wrapped in towels so we knew they were staying this time. They said hi as they passed by us and went to the hot tub farthest away from us and the building, and closest to the lake. When they laid their towels aside we could see that he was wearing shorts and she was already topless and had on only bottoms. They climbed into the tub and visited quietly.

  Soon it was pretty full out here as well. That same couple still had their tub to themselves, but the other ones were now occupied. One held three women and one guy. The way they were sitting it looked like the man and one woman were a couple and the other two ladies were a couple.

  Most of the lounge chairs and the porch swing had people on it, and even one of the cabana beds was occupied. Most of the ladies out here were still fully dressed. A few, me included, were topless. No one was completely naked yet, but some of the outfits they were wearing were pretty skimpy.

  There were a small handful of people in the pool with us and everyone seemed friendly. Some small talk was bantered back and forth, but mostly everyone stayed coupled up, visiting with the one they came here with.

  After a while, Caleb got hungry and I was ready to check out the night club activities and do some dancing. We excused ourselves from the pool and dried off. We headed to the locker room to change. I took a fast shower to rinse the chlorine smell from my body, and changed into a lace dress.

  The dress was one of the lace dresses where there is a tan liner or attached slip under the lace, to simulate skin. But I had cut the liner out. The only thing under the lace cut-outs was me. The dress was made in the mermaid style, tight and body hugging all over with a flare starting just above the knees. I had seen nightgowns in this style, but had fallen for this dress. Cutting the attached slip out made it into a beautiful nightgown.

  The black lace covered a lot, but the cut-outs allowed my skin to show through. I had tiny skin tone panties underneath, but no bra. My nipples could plainly be seen through the lace. I felt scandalous but in an elegant and sexy way.

  Caleb had been busy too. He was dressed for the club as well, and he smelled fantastic. I took his arm and we walked into the throbbing neon lights. I think he enjoyed showing me off.

  We walked through the club looking for a table. I saw one and grabbed it, sitting while Caleb went into the kitchen for food. When he came out with two full plates and sat down, I made a run to the bar.

  When it was my turn at the bar, the bartender looked me up and down. "Damn." He said. "Now that is a sexy dress."

  "Thank you." I grinned at him while he poured the liquor we had turned into him when we arrived. I walked back to our table with our drinks in my hand and a feline sway to my hips.

  I didn't feel awkward walking through the bar in a dress that clearly showed all of my assets. I felt powerful, sexy and in control. I liked it.

  Once we filled up on food and drink, we hit the dance floor. He pulled me close for some slow songs, and ran his hands up and down my curves as we moved. He slid his hand behind my head, his thumb caressing my face, and leaned in for a long kiss. Suddenly, his hand fisted in my hair, and he pulled my head back, baring my neck to his mouth. He kissed and nibbled my neck, keeping a tight hold on my hair. When he was done with my neck, he looked into my eyes. His eyes sparkled with the knowledge of what that move did to me, and then he dipped his head for another kiss. That man learns fast. I needed to thank Jean again. When the song ended, and a fast, driving beat started up, Caleb and I went back to our table to watch people.

  The dance floor was packed, bodies bumping against bodies. Men danced with women, sometimes two or three women at a time. Women danced with each other, putting on a show. A lot of men seemed to sit out the faster songs, leaving the women to dance with each other and any men that stayed out on the floor.

  The dances were getting more and more erotic and sensual as the night progressed. One topless lady twirled around the stripper pole. She had a sexy librarian look going tonight, with her hair up in a bun, and glasses perched on her nose. The more she spun and twirled on the pole, the more clothes she stripped off. She loosened her bun and whipped her hair around, taking her glasses off occasionally and holding them in one hand while she held onto the pole with her other.

  Another lady joined her on the pole, and soon they had abandoned the pole altogether, the one leaning back on it for support while the other lady kissed her passionately.

  On the edge of the dance floor, close to our table, a guy was dancing between two women. The three were sandwiched together, moving to the hard beat of the music. He was facing one of the women, a brunette, kissing her deeply, one arm around her pulling her close. His free arm though was behind him, holding the lady that was dancing against his back to him as well. His hand was gripped firmly on her butt, moving with her as she rubbed herself against his back.

  He let go of the woman he was kissing, and brought both hands behind him. As they all moved as one with the music, he still kept his mouth locked
firmly on the lady in front of him, but his hands were busy behind him, pulling that woman's skirt up around her hips. Once he got her skirt up enough to get his fingers rubbing against her panties, he reached one hand toward the lady he was kissing in the front, pulling her closer and then using that hand to fondle her breast. He pulled her shirt up to her armpits and squeezed her bra-less breasts, as his other hand moved the other woman's panties aside. She, a blonde, held on to his shoulders, grinding herself with the music against his fingers as they danced, while he broke the kiss off and his mouth traveled down to the brunette's breasts.

  He used both hands on her breasts while he was kissing them, leaving the girl behind him without his attentions, so she came around to the front of him, and she joined him in kissing the brunette’s breasts. The brunette put a hand behind each of their heads, pulling the man's mouth more firmly to one breast, while simultaneously pushing her other breast into the blonde's mouth. All three of them never missed a beat, keeping all the rhythms of the dance.

  The whole time, Caleb's hands roamed over my body as we sat close together and watched people. We couldn't keep up with pointing people out to each other, there was something going on everywhere. It seemed the librarian's kiss had ignited something in here.

  Up closer to the DJ booth, another blond was dancing with her ass in the air, her hands either on her knees, or sometimes on the floor, bent over. The man dancing with her stood behind her, pretending to do her from behind. Once, when she bent all the way over with her hands on the floor and wiggling her ass with the beat, he rubbed her ass with his hands as she moved, then he moved her panties aside and got down on his knees, licking her as she moved against his mouth.


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