Name Height and Weight Racial Physical Char.
___________________________________________________Names Approx. 6' White Slight in build
Himself Large Penis
The Ghost May be Left
Rapist Handed
Very Cocky
Very Young, maybe 18-25
Addition after the killing of Rebecca Daniels
Name Jefferson Wells III
Place of Residence--with father and mother on Scalian Campus
Age 22
Height 5 feet 8 inches
Weight 125 lbs. approximately
Names of DecedentsPhysical Characteristics
Marilyn CummingsSmall, thin, brunette,
athletic looking, 5' 2"
to 5' 4" tall, unimposing.
Rachel McGuire Very similar to Marilyn
Celia Ventura (alive)"""" " "
Caroline Manners(deceased)Same but off campus
(Ghost Rapist self identifies)
Melanie Campbell first victimOn campus
probably. Still alive. Beaten but
not so severely she had to be
Celia Ventura a rape victim asOn campus
representing those who said he
is not strong but scares them
very badly right away.
Billie James-a waif-dark red On Campus-eighteen, a
hair. Her throat cut. but the tiny girl, only about five
bruise on the neck evident, feet tall, a hundred or so
evident use of restraints.pounds at the most.
Rebecca Daniels--photographyAt Jim Wilson's home in
tech, forensic unit, Phoenix P.D. the process of photograph-
-ing graffiti left by the
Ghost Rapist.
Once many years ago I put on a seminar for police officers of an organization that shall remain unnamed for obvious reasons. In that seminar I asked the question "In which room of any home is a rape likely to take place?" The answer I expected came of course. It was unanimous that it would be in the bedroom. Of course that is completely and totally wrong. A rape can occur, does occur in ANY room of a home. Often, once a rape starts, it continues in all the rooms of any home.
I gave the group a set of facts to start our discussion. I said, "A nun alleges rape. A prostitute alleges rape. Which do you believe?" Again the obvious and unanimous answer came. My question was why? They had no answer. The point is there are many myths about rape. In part this book deals with some of them.
On any given day on any college campus in the country a rape may take place, and in point of fact probably more than one.It is a travesty that this is true. It is true. And what is also true from all outward appearances is that the administrations of the universities and colleges on which these rapes occur are often impotent to do anything about the subject or choose not to do anything.That is a harsh but justifiable criticism.You need only look at the headlines of newspapers or listen to the news programs on television to know the truth of this criticism.
The Duke University events of the class year of 2014 brought me to write this story. Those events never resulted in anyone being charged with a crime. The victim was castigated by the police, by the university and the local press. Maybe there was no rape there. I don't know. But this book started as a germ in my mind as I listened and thought about the events at Duke.
There is no Scalian University. It is a name I chose. It does not derive from the name of Antonin Scalia though I suppose you could take the position there is a resemblance there. It does not signify anything about the religious sect named Roman Catholicism though one could certainly argue that the events of recent years in the churches and cathedrals of that sect would indicate some of the ideas set forth in this book might have a basis in a Catholic university.
There are no people named with the names I chose for the rapist, the rapist officials of the university (notice clearly how I put that), or the rapist officials of the initial Campus Police that I know about. If there are people using those names in reality it is entirely a coincidence.
Everything about this book is cut from the whole cloth. It is entirely fictional.But it could be real. It could be ALL TOO REAL! There are beasts among us. There are those whose minds are so warped they cannot or will not control their behaviors.
Finally, I want to say a simple thank you to my readers. Without you this book and all the others I have written would be meaningless. Every writer reveres his readers. I hope you found some enjoyment in this story. I also hope it will make you think. Rape is about power, not sex. It is a crime which creates circumstances that seem to go on and on, repeating the horrors of the rape itself but only in the mind of the victim. Peace.
The Ghost Page 16