In the Valleys of the Noble Beyond

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In the Valleys of the Noble Beyond Page 29

by John Zada

  Matthiessen, Peter, 35

  Mattson, Peter “the Swede,” 239–240

  McAllister, Ian, 76–79, 189–190, 234–235, 265–266

  McAllister, Karen, 76

  McGill, Lance, 286–287

  McLoughlin Lake, 96–101

  Medicine Bowls, 46–47

  Meldrum, Jeff, 39, 101, 115

  memory, 160–161

  “men of snow,” 32

  mental models and habits, 159–160

  Messner, Reinhold, 83–85, 86

  Mid and North Coast Timber Supply Area. See Great Bear Rainforest

  Milner, Robert, 31–32

  Montana, hoaxing in, 47

  “Mountain Devils,” attack by, 80–81

  Mount Saint Helens, Washington, 80–81

  My Quest for the Yeti (Messner), 83

  mysticism, 200–201, 242

  National Geographic Adventure, 86

  Necleetsconnay River, 6, 243, 248–250

  Nelson (British Columbia), 29, 31–32

  Niagara Escarpment, 32–33

  Nickell, Joe, 82

  Nisga Nation, 87

  Noble Beyond

  explained, 219

  personal significance and, 261

  the Noise, 275–277

  North America’s Great Ape: The Sasquatch (Bindernagel), 36, 44–45

  Northern Gateway project, 78

  Nuxalk Nation, 230. See also Bella Coola community

  ceremony to prevent Sasquatch haunting, 9

  Four Mile reserve, 236, 237

  sightings and, 237–238

  tales of Boqs and Sninik, 8

  Ocean Falls

  arrival in, 191–192

  current conditions, 194–195, 210–211

  history, 192–194, 210

  rain in, 202, 204–205, 216, 220

  Saggo’s Saloon, 205–207

  oil industry

  Heiltsuk First Nation opposition to megaprojects, 74, 75, 89–91

  oil spill in Gale Passage, 279–280

  pipelines and seaport terminals, 16, 78

  Old Town area, 96–101

  Oregonian, 80–81

  Ornstein, Robert, 159

  Ostman, Albert, 80, 177

  Owikeno Lake, 149–150, 172

  Pacific Mills, 193

  Pacific Wild, 76

  paranormalists, 24–25

  pareidolia, 162

  “pattern matches,” 161, 162–163

  “pattern mismatches,” 162

  Patterson, Roger, 23

  Patterson-Gimlin film, 23


  cultural responses to mysteries, 240–241

  development of abilities of, 159–161

  limitations of binary thinking of existence and nonexistence, 273–274

  personal mythmaking and, 259–261

  reality and, 158–159, 223–224

  Phantoms in the Brain (Ramachandran), 169

  population requirements, 117

  Port Hardy, 14

  potlatches, 92–95, 102–103

  psychological mirror, Sasquatch as, 126–127, 128, 136

  Qqs Project Society, 105–106

  Queen of Chilliwack ferry journey, 188–189, 191

  Q’vúqva oil spill, 279–280

  Raincoast Conservation Foundation, 111, 235

  rainfall, 57, 202, 204–205, 216, 220

  Rain People, 193–194

  Rain People: The Story of Ocean Falls (Ramsey), 211

  Ramachandran, V. S., 169

  Ramsey, Bruce, 211


  as not accessible to conventional senses, 200–201, 274

  perception and, 158–159, 223–224

  Sasquatches as existing in place between different, 213–214

  Sasquatches as mental signatures representing impulses from beyond conventional, 201

  state of mind and, 200, 274

  “receptive mode” as state of human mind, 200, 202

  Regal, Bran, 21–22

  The Righteous Mind (Haidt), 170

  Riwoche, 115

  Robbins, Ian, 176

  Robson, Bill, 252

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 20

  Roscoe Inlet, 66–70, 221

  Salish people, 87


  bears and, 153

  decline of, 152–153

  as fishing bait, 135

  hatchery, 96–97

  Heiltsuk First Nation and, 113, 120–121

  major Pacific species, 59

  overfishing of, 120, 128

  Sasquatch and, 24, 38

  Sanderson, Ivan T., 35–36

  saola, 115

  Sasq’ets, 20. See also Sasquatch


  as cultural response to mysteries, 240–241

  desire to believe in, 243

  diet of, 24, 38, 55

  existence of, as unimportant, 270–271

  as existing in place between realities, 213–214

  as immaterial and preternatural, 96

  indigenous accounts of, pre-arrival of Europeans, 20, 48

  main groups of investigators of, 24–25

  as mental signatures representing impulses

  from beyond conventional reality, 201

  as modern-day holy grail, 260–261

  names for, 8, 25, 68, 87, 88, 156

  in popular American culture, 11–12

  as psychocultural or metaphysical phenomenon, 213

  as psychological mirror, 126–127, 128, 136

  rarity of, due in part to its natural elusiveness, 144, 145

  as superheroes or demigods apart from

  humankind, 242

  as symbol, 272–273

  Sasquatch, characteristics of, 82. See also tracks

  in accounts by indigenous peoples, 86–87, 88, 241–242

  aggressively territorial, 24

  avoidance of humans, 23

  behaviors as similar to other primates, 44, 48

  curiosity, 70

  failure to react to bear bangers, 110

  living groups, 24

  nocturnal, 23, 55

  physical description, 8, 23, 68, 87

  posture, 68, 71

  screams of, 11, 114

  size differences, 125

  smell, 4, 23, 69

  speed, 48

  stride, 48, 68

  Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science (Meldrum), 115

  Sasquatch fever era, 26–28

  Schäfer, Ernst, 84–85

  Schaller, George, 41

  Scotland Yard, 39

  sea apes, 130

  Selkirk range (Canada), 31

  Shack Bay, 209

  Shah, Idries, 149, 242

  shape-shifters, 25, 87

  Sheemahant valley, 183

  Shino Mohenu, 32

  Shipton, Eric, 85

  sightings and incidents

  “Ape Canyon incident,” 80–81

  by author, 223

  Bella Coola and Four Mile reserve as hubs

  of, 237

  at Bluff Creek, 23

  by Burns, 21

  in Coast Mountains (Canada), 32, 33

  crossing Bella Coola valley highway, 11

  at Deer Pass Cabin, 283–285

  eyewitness testimony reliability, 160

  by frontiersmen, 19–20

  by Clark Hans, 3–6, 7–8

  at Heiltsuk First Nation youth camp, 10, 109–110, 113–114, 136–137

  Hoodoo Valley incident, 157–158, 166–167, 179–180, 286–288

  by James Hans, 246

  in Kashmir, 32

  Kitasoo/Xai’xais First Nation and, 190

  by Clayton Mack, 237

  at Medicine Bowls, 47

  near Nelson, 31–32

  at Niagara Escarpment, 32–33

  Ostman kidnapping, 80

  at reservoir behind Bella Bella, 127

  in Roscoe Inlet by Brown and companions, 68

  on Sonora Island, 50

  on Stryker Islan
d, 72–73

  by William Housty, 138

  Silver King Mountain (British Columbia), 29

  The Six Million Dollar Man, 27

  Skeptical Inquirer, 82–83

  “slaughter Illahie,” 157

  smell of Sasquatch

  creature’s gamey, 4

  wet dog, 23, 69

  Sninik, 8, 239

  sockeye salmon, 152–153

  Sonora Island (Canada), 50


  of creature walking, 4, 30, 252

  to draw out Sasquatch, 31

  effect of total lack of, on human mind, 175–176

  of Little People, 174

  of modern big-city life, 275–277

  panting, 30, 252

  to scare Sasquatch away, 110

  screams, 11, 114

  “wood on wood,” 114

  species, discovery of new, 115

  Spirit Bear Lodge, 190–191

  Spokane indigenous people, 55

  Steller, Georg, 130

  Storr, Will, 170, 260

  Stowe, Leland, 244

  Stryker Island, 72–73

  Sufism, 200–201

  “survival mode” as default state of human mind, 200, 202

  Taylor, Daniel C., 85, 270

  Thla’thla, 68, 87

  Tibetan blue bears, 84–85

  Titmus, Bob, 237

  Tlingit people, 88

  Toronto suburban woodlands, 17–19

  tracks, 65

  as bear impressions, 85

  dermal-ridges on, 39

  footprint sizes, 11, 55, 208–209

  found by Bindernagel, 38–39, 43–44

  inability to be hoaxes, 38–39

  in Koeye valley, 138

  photos of McLoughlin Lake, on Facebook, 97–101

  plaster-of-Paris casts of, 21, 38–39

  seen by Chartrand, 174

  Trailing, Bill, 287, 288

  trees, 57–58

  Twin Lakes, 208–209

  Tyrrell, Ivan, 161

  Vancouver Island, deforestation, 15

  Walker, Elkanah, 55

  Wallace, David Rains, 105

  War in the Woods, 77

  Wendigo, 88

  Wexler, Bruce, 169

  Wheeler, John Archibald, 3

  whistling sound, 65

  wilderness areas, 117

  The Wilderness Hunter (Roosevelt), 20

  “wild men” of North America, 19–20

  Willful Blindness (Heffernan), 171

  “wood on wood,” 114

  “worldviews,” 168–171

  Wuikinuxv First Nation community

  bald eagles and, 154

  grizzly bears and, 153–154

  Heiltsuk and, 109, 151, 157

  location, 149–150

  name for Sasquatch, 156

  sockeye salmon and, 153

  village described, 154–156

  Yagis (supernatural Heiltsuk First Nation sea creature), 17

  Yetis, 19, 83, 84–85




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