Hell To Pay

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Hell To Pay Page 5

by Marc Cabot

  He took in a breath and let it out slowly. So much for an alternative plan. “Duly noted. I’d hate to make you mad at me. And I wouldn’t dream of trying to cheat you. According to the stories that never works.”

  She stretched and smiled lazily. “Smart boy. You deserve a little reward for being so good...” Catlike, she crawled to him, and started kissing his foot and then slowly moving upward...


  Simon would never have believed that he could get bored with Lily, and so far, he would have been right. But he was feeling just a little bit restless. Fucking, sleeping, eating, fucking, recharging, and fucking again sounded like a dream come true - if you were a teenage boy. He wasn’t, and now that he had his initial raw need (mostly) out of his system, he wanted something more.

  So on the fourth evening, after supper (incidentally eating the last of the food he had handy,) he said, “Lily, get dressed. The outfit you had on before will be fine.”

  It appeared on her instantly and he paused to appreciate the view. Her body would have made Michelangelo throw his chisels in the Tiber, but hiding part of it just threw the rest into sharp relief. She spoke with mild curiosity.

  “Are we going somewhere? Or are you just being perverse?”

  “Yes, we are. We’re going out. Do you like dancing?”

  “What difference does it make?”

  He gave her a severe look. “You’ll do what I want, when I want. We’ve established that. If what I want is for you to tell me what you like and don’t like, you’ll do it. Answer the question.”

  She gave him one of her you’re-so-confusing faces. “Actually, I do like dancing. Anything that makes men want me is my idea of a good time.”

  “Much better, thank you.” Being thanked also made her look confused, but he had no plan to stop. Besides, it was cute. “Then we are going out dancing.” She just nodded.

  He headed for the bathroom. She followed along and he said, “Oh, no. I let you in this shower and you’ll get all soapy and slippery and there goes the plan. You wait in the living room. I’d tell you to make yourself pretty while you wait but you’re already there.”

  She giggled. “Smooth talker.” He shooed her away from the door and got himself cleaned up. Lily didn’t seem to care one way or another, and he’d ducked out for a quick swipe with a washcloth from time to time, but he needed a shower. He shaved, put on cologne and so forth, and slipped into the bedroom through the connecting door. Having outflanked the enemy, he managed to get dressed without interference and walked out to where she waited.

  Lily looked him up and down. “Yummy. You sure you want to go out?” She came toward him with obvious intent and he held up one hand.

  “Hold it.” She stopped with an exasperated look. “Plenty of time for that. We... are going out. Besides, sharing you was part of the deal, remember?”

  She perked up. “Oh, I remember. And I like that idea. I haven’t done a group job since the Eastern Empire fell. All those alchemists and witches had no imagination whatsoever. ‘Wham, bam, thank you ma’am, aiee, my immortal soul.’ No sense of style.”

  Simon ignored this. “Succubi swing both ways, if I understand correctly. That right?”

  Lily nodded enthusiastically. “I’m more interested in boys, incubi are more interested in girls, but if it has a soul, lusting it up works for me. Besides, not all the witches were straight. A girl’s got to do what it takes to get the job done.” She looked quite pleased with herself. More so than usual.

  He paused. “It needs a soul? So no playtime at the zoo? I thought some of you were into that kind of thing. Goats and dogs and bulls and such.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know if they have souls or not, but animals can’t be corrupted. At least, there’s none Down Below. And they don’t really feel lust. I will if you ask, and I won’t say I won’t enjoy it, but it’s not really how I’m wired.”

  “Me neither, and I don’t think I’ll have time to get that depraved in a year. So I’m glad to hear that.”

  Getting back to the matter at hand, he said, “Now, the book claimed that you could induce feelings of lust in others. I mean other than the regular way. Is that true too?”

  A very evil smile. “You have no idea. I can’t do it to you... unless you ask?” He shook his head slightly and she sighed. “Oh, all right. But you don’t know what you’re missing. Anyway, yes, if the person has lust in their hearts, I can fan the flames, you might say. A person whose heart is pure, I can’t touch. And it doesn’t work on children. Don’t think I haven’t tried. You wouldn’t believe how often they ask for that. And they’re never happy with my acting job, they want real ones.”

  Simon was trying not to feel sick at the idea of using lust-powers on children. “Why not? You can look like anything, you can be anything.”

  “Because they don’t really want to have sex with children, they want to hurt children. Or to corrupt them. Which I can totally understand, but it won’t work. I think it’s the hormones.” She looked somewhat vexed at the memory and Simon said nothing. Forgive her. She knows not what she does. Or at least, she can’t help it. “They know I’m not a real child. I can’t really be hurt, I’m already corrupt. It just lacks a certain something. After a while they get frustrated.”

  “I’d say, ‘That’s sick,’ but I suspect you would either be confused or laugh at me, so never mind. Anyway, to be clear, I like women, not little girls. Young and cute women are fine, but no kids. So don’t try, and don’t offer. Understood?”

  She smiled. “I thought so. The ones who wanted children were no challenge anyway, their souls were almost already damned before I even came along. And they’re not filling at all. Thin. Sour. The ones like you, the strong ones, those are the tastiest.” She licked her lips as she so often did when this subject came up and a cold wind blew through Simon’s heart.

  He shook it off. “Excellent. Then we’re out for a night on the town.”


  Simon and Lily had no trouble whatsoever getting into the hottest club in Prague. They had the looks to get in and normally Simon would have just slipped the doorman a hundred Euros to pass the line. But Lily smiled at him and he opened the rope in a daze.

  “That’s handy,” he said. “You’ll save me time and money.”

  She giggled at him. Somehow even her giggle was perfectly audible over the driving music which filled even the entry bar and lounge area, and she could hear him over any distraction. “I’ve never paid for anything on Earth. Well, nothing money could buy. But how are you going to save time?”

  “You can read minds, if the books were right. Other than mine, since I summoned you. That will cut out a lot of wasted time.”

  “Yes I can, no I can’t, and what do you mean?” Her other masters - former masters - who had involved others had mostly skulked around with her picking out helpless peasant girls or the occasional forbidden noblewoman. They’d never dared take her out in public so blatantly, but once they had their prey cornered it had pretty much been over to the fucking. This was a new and confusing experience, but she was enjoying it. She was made to be vain and the looks she was getting were milk and honey to her.

  “You can tell me which women are honestly here looking to get laid. Then I’ll pick one, and you’ll encourage them to pick me. Or us, depending.”

  “But... what if one you want isn’t here for that?” Now she was very confused.

  He gave her a rather exasperating grin. “Look around, Lily.” He gestured broadly at the mass of people in the club. “Look at them. Even if you weren’t with me, I could almost take my pick. And I have a succubus at my beck and call. You can be anything I want you to be. It would be childish to take one who didn’t want to be taken just because I could.”

  “Well, then, why are we here at all?”

  “Because I like the idea of what you can do to a woman. What it’ll be like with your powers spicing things up. Besides, I like to get out. It’d be too easy to just sit in the apartment and s
crew you for a year. I might forget to eat or something.” He gave her a very insincere lovelorn gaze and she giggled.

  “Flatterer. Well, you’re in charge. Besides, I love to hunt. This is the most fun I’ve ever had in the hunting.” Her smile changed to something very predatory.

  “Good. You may enjoy it as much as you like, but let’s be perfectly clear. If I ask you a question about what someone is thinking, you are to answer honestly and directly. You are not to use your powers on anyone without my express direction other than to read their minds. Do you understand me?”

  She didn’t even blink, much less pout. “I understand and I will obey. There’s so much lust in here even I might be satisfied for a while.” Another giggle, although it wasn’t exactly cute. “I’ll be good. For a certain definition of ‘good.’”

  He patted her on the bottom and she started. He ignored her expression, which was very similar to the one he would have gotten from a tigress had he done the same thing: equal parts “I’m going to eat your heart” and “I can’t believe you did that.” He simply said, “That’s my girl. Let’s go hunting.”

  Simon had never been a soldier and so didn’t know the phrase “target-rich environment.” But it fit the situation perfectly. Prague was a crossroads of Europe and while most of the clubgoers looked quite a bit like him, there was a broad spectrum of faces and bodies from all over the world. He pulled Lily out onto the dance floor and they were immediately the center of attention. At least, she was. Every man in eyeshot stared at her until something - usually a pissed-off companion - got his attention back. But Simon got more than a few appraising looks as women compared themselves to Lily and tried to tell themselves that they weren’t that outclassed.

  Lily danced as well as she fucked. She was the picture of sensual grace as she flowed across the floor. “I love this music!” she said in a whisper that filled Simon’s ears. “All the fuss they made about how licentious Beethoven was? They’d drop dead after ten seconds of this.”

  “It suits you,” was all he said. It took some getting used to to have a companion who could easily hear whatever he said no matter how loud the scene, and Simon had to resist shouting as he normally would. He was trying not to think about what had happened the last time he had danced with a hot girl in a club. Mostly the irony was making him want to laugh, and not in a pleasant way. A strained hysteria was trying to fill his head. They both wanted my soul. This one’s going to get it. The priests were right, women are man’s ruin.

  A song ended and the DJ started a little patter before queuing up the next one. Simon took advantage of the break to kiss Lily, who looked startled. Her expression helped him forget his apprehension.

  “Don’t like kisses? Did I forget to brush my teeth?” She had never tried to kiss him - not on the mouth - and her own mouth had usually been very busy doing something he couldn’t bear to interrupt.

  She grinned at him. “I almost never get kisses. I think it’s like with whores. Fine to fuck, but no kisses.”

  This got a real laugh out of Simon. “They didn’t know what they were missing.” He kissed her again and a flush of warmth filled him as she responded. She shuddered against him as the music started up again. Her hand stroked his cock through his pants and he pushed it away gently.

  “None of that. We’re here for something else.” She stopped trying to grope him and only a twinge of disappointment showed on her features before she smiled again.

  “Yes, Simon. Anything in particular I should be looking for?” Her eyes had narrowed and the predator was plain to see.

  “Maybe a little contrast.” He smiled as the music picked up and she moved more insistently. “I mean, if you had a twin sister that would be amazing, but I can’t pay you both. So some variety.”

  Her hand ran down his body possessively. “The more the merrier in bed. But what’s in here...” She touched his chest, over his heart. “... belongs to me.”

  Simon shook his head. “You have no idea.” At her lazy smile he shuddered. No, she really doesn’t.

  To get off that subject, he looked around and was immediately presented with a particularly tempting morsel. A short but willowy Asian girl with bobbed black hair and a lyrical face was laughing with another woman as they looked over the dance floor. He pointed.

  “How about her? What’s her story?” Lily followed his finger and looked at the girl casually. Her face immediately turned back to him.

  “She’s on the prowl. She loves Europe and European men. Guys where she’s from tend to be jerks toward pretty girls. Be nice to her, treat her right, she’s all over you.”

  “You got it that fast?”

  Lily shrugged. Even her shrugs looked like choreographed dance moves. “I read her whole story, Simon. It’s what I do.”

  A thought came to him. “Can you tell if she has any diseases, or if she’s pregnant, or anything like that?”

  Another shrug. “I can and she doesn’t and she isn’t.” Lily smiled. “She’s Grade-A Prime. And I’m getting hungry again.”

  Simon smoothly pulled Lily to the edge of the floor. “Lily, you’re a wonder. Too bad about the rules, I’d rent you out to the Mayo Clinic.” She giggled.

  “Can you... aim this lust thing? Not just turn her on, but make her want me?” A sultry nod. “Do it. Don’t hurt her, don’t make her do anything crazy. Just... reel her in.”

  “Yes, Simon.” She turned to press her side to him so they were both looking in the Chinese girl’s direction. He felt a surge of... something. It felt a little like magic and a little like static electricity. The woman’s head snapped up and turned toward them. It was hard to see in the uneven light, but he thought her face was flushing.

  The woman turned back to the person she’d been talking to and said something, then started walking uncertainly toward Lily and Simon. The other girl looked confused for a second, then shrugged and melted into the crowd. He watched the slight form work its way through the bodies on the dance floor, hardly deviating from a straight line. In a few seconds she was standing just a few feet away, staring at him.

  “Hi there,” he said in English. “I’m Simon. This is Lily.” He nodded at the succubus, but her eyes stayed fixed to Simon’s face. After several seconds she blinked and managed to reply.

  “I’m Sheila. Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

  Simon smiled. Her English was heavily accented... but it wasn’t a Chinese accent.

  “I’ve never met an Australian who looked like you, Sheila. Is that really your name?” He kept his tone light so she wouldn’t think he was making fun.

  “Yeah. Me mum was new to Australia when I was born, moved there with me da. Me name’s really Chun Hua, but she thought ‘Sheila’ was what most girls in Australia were named so that’s what she called me.” Through the fascination there was a hint of challenge. “Wanna make somethin’ of it?”

  “No, it’s great. What brings you to Prague, Sheila?”

  “Studyin’ art. I’m an artist, gonna study at Charles in the fall.”

  He nodded. Charles University was hundreds of years old. Not surprising it attracted students from all over the world.

  “Would you like to dance, Sheila?” Simon wasn’t sure of the protocol for this lust thing.

  “I wouldn’t mind dancin’, but I’d rather fuck. You got a place?”

  He blinked and said, “Sure. You want to come home with us?”

  Sheila looked at Lily but only for a fraction of a second. “I want to go home with you. If she’s in on it, I can live with that. Not into birds, but whatever.”

  Lily was going into gales of laughter at Simon’s confused look and drawing even more stares that usual. “There you have it, Simon. She’s not into birds, but whatever.”

  “Settle down, Lily.” She quieted but her face was alive with mischief. “If that’s what you want, Sheila, let’s go.”

  Simon’s apartment was in a very stylish neighborhood, and was within walking distance of the best nightlife. The trio wal
ked out into the early autumn night, the streets still filled with people looking to enjoy life.

  When they got to the apartment, Simon closed the door and started to ask Sheila if she wanted some wine when he was interrupted by her jumping into his arms and kissing him like mad.

  “I’ll go turn down the bed, shall I?” said Lily with amusement. Simon waved her toward the bedroom and kissed Sheila back. She was a sweet contrast to Lily’s voluptuous figure and smelled like wine and flowers. He kissed her for several minutes and her breathing grew strained.

  “Fuck, you’re a good kisser,” she said when they stopped for breath. Simon laughed. She was the most direct Chinese girl he could possibly imagine.

  Her little fist dug into his ribs. “Stop laughin’ at me.”

  “Sorry. I just love a girl who knows what she wants.”

  Sheila pushed away from him, reached down, grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head. “What I want is your dick. Now. Quit laughin’ and get naked.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Simon was as good as his word. He shucked off his clothes and threw them on a chair while Sheila did the same with her panties. She hadn’t been wearing a bra - her breasts were small and firm and didn’t really need one. She looked at him with renewed lust as his cock sprang into view.

  “Fuck, that’s gorgeous too.” As soon as he had finished undressing she was in front of him on her knees. She had to rise up to reach it but nothing could keep her mouth off his cock. She couldn’t get but half of it in her mouth but not for lack of trying. Simon sighed luxuriously and stroked her hair while she sucked.

  She brought up her hands and jacked his shaft while she sucked and managed to cover the whole thing. He watched the drool run down her chin and his cock flexed, making her gag. She pulled it out and gasped for air.

  “You can come in my mouth if you want, but then I need you to fuck me. Please.” She looked up at him with raw desire in her eyes.


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