Royalty (RiffRaff Records Book 1)

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Royalty (RiffRaff Records Book 1) Page 3

by L. P. Maxa

  I gasped in mock outrage. “What kind of man do you think I am?” I smiled and held up the blue foil packet I’d palmed before jumping in after her. I backed her up against the mosaic tiled wall and captured her mouth with mine. The rain was coming down harder so I sank farther into the pool’s warm water, leaving only our necks and heads above the surface. I kept up the slow and lazy pace that I’d used earlier, I didn’t want to rush things. I didn’t want her to change her mind. I let my hands roam over her body and I—

  “Fuck me.”

  I pulled back, my eyes wide. “What?”

  She cocked her head to the side. “I said yes to one night with a rock star, Mason. I don’t need you to treat me like I’m made of glass. Now, fuck me, or I’m going home.”

  The grin that overtook my face was so big it was almost painful. “You are a dream come true.” I fused my mouth to hers, taking without permission. I used one hand to put on the condom, which wasn’t easy underwater. Then surged inside her without warning, causing her to cry out into the night. “Yes. Mace. Just like that.”

  She wanted to get fucked, I’d fuck her. I set a relentless pace, making waves in the pool. She put her hands up on the ledge, keeping her legs locked around my waist. “Good girl.” I dipped down, sucking on her shoulder, nipping at her collarbone. She was so tight around me, so fucking flawless. I kept one hand in a punishing grip on her hip and used my other to tease her clit.

  “Don’t. Stop.” Her head was thrown back, half her body out of the water, and her mouth was open, rain was running down her face. Dripping off her perfect jawline. I took her nipple in my mouth, sucking all the water off her skin, biting down slightly. “Oh god, Mace.” Hearing her moan my name as she came made me lose it. Nothing was better than that. I pulled all the way out, and then buried myself to the hilt, coming harder than I had in a long time.

  Chapter Four



  “Well, you didn’t disappoint.” Payton was lying naked in my arms in my king-sized bed, her luscious body surrounded by my royal blue bedding. The moonlight was streaming in through my window, and I was trying really hard not to be bummed that I was leaving tomorrow.

  “Did you think I would?” I kissed the top of her head and let my other hand caress her bare rib cage. I may be into one-night stands, but I liked to cuddle. I was a player with a heart of gold. “I promised I’d make it count.” Over the past two hours Payton had kind of wormed her way into my heart. I wasn’t in love or anything, but I liked her. None of my lines worked on her. She called me out every single time. It was different than what I was used to. Refreshing and fun.

  “I actually did. I thought you would be all talk and subpar action.”

  I scoffed. “Well, I thought you would be all meek and naïve.” I didn’t, not really. But I had to counter with something.

  She let out an amused sigh. “I have three older brothers, Mason. If I didn’t have a backbone I’d still be locked in my room sporting pigtails and a Rainbow Brite sweatshirt.” Her statement made me think back to yesterday when M Kat told me she was pregnant. I’d for sure try and lock up my little sister and throw away the key, especially if she looked like Payton. Gorgeous fresh face with a body made for sin? Irresistible to scoundrels like me. “Where are you headed next?”

  Payton was sexy and she was a wildcat in bed (and the pool and the shower), and she was smart and driven. She was the whole package and she was going to make some guy the luckiest man alive one day. “Seattle. Then San Diego, then Baja. Baja should be a blast. I’ve always loved it down there.”

  She rested her chin on my chest. “Do you surf?”

  “Yeah. I learned when I was a kid. My dad shot a film in Baja. We were there for four whole months. It was amazing.” I put one hand behind my head. “What about you? What do you do when you leave here tomorrow?”

  “I graduated last week and I start my new job on Tuesday. Not nearly as exciting as traveling through North America singing and surfing my days away.” She laid her head back down and started tracing the tattoos on my pec, music notes from the first song I’d ever written. “But I’m excited to actually start my career. School was grueling. I’m ready to put it all to use.”

  It was three o’clock in the morning and I knew the sun would be coming up soon, but I wasn’t ready to let her go. I liked the sound of her voice. It was soft and it almost put me in a trance. Put me at ease. “What made you want to be a nurse?”

  “My family is full of nurses and doctors and surgeons and paramedics. It’s just kind of what we do. It’s in my blood.” She kissed my chest and my dick began to grow hard again. This would be a record, even for me. She looked down when she felt me against her thigh. “Really?”

  I shrugged. “What can I say? You make my dick happy.” I winked and she laughed as she climbed on top of me.


  “Yes, ma’am.” She’d yet to let me forget. That also wasn’t something I was used to. A girl not trying to get me to knock her up. I grabbed yet another one from my nightstand and slid it on.

  She sank down on my cock and started a slow tantalizing grind. I looked across the room, watching her ride me in the reflection of my mirror and the glow of the moonlight. My hair was messy, sticking up everywhere from her constantly running her fingers through it. My jaw was set since I was trying like hell to hang on. She felt so fucking amazing on top of me. I ran my hands up her slender back, watching my forearms as they flexed. We would make one hell of a Tumblr GIF.

  Fuck, Payton turned me on. I ran my hands up her thighs, gripping her ass. “Ride me harder, baby.” Her skin broke out in goose bumps as she did what I asked. This was one girl who I would actually miss tomorrow. If I were a different guy, with a different life, I wouldn’t let this one go.


  I woke up when I felt Payton climb out of my bed. The sun was coming through the blinds, but it was still early. She was fumbling around looking for her clothes. “Hey, come back to bed.” I patted the mattress next to me. For the first time in my life, I wasn’t ready to kick a girl out. I wanted to spend the morning with her, have breakfast. Have more sex.

  “I can’t. I need to go.” She didn’t meet my eyes, just kept looking for her shoes.

  “Stay, we’ll grab something to eat. My flight doesn’t leave until this afternoon.” I was sitting up now, my sheets pooled around my naked waist.

  “I can’t.” She pulled her shirt over her head and stepped into her boots. “Uh, thanks for last night though. I had fun.”

  Of course she had fun. I was a fucking stud. “You’re really just going to leave? When I’m asking you to stay?” Did she have any idea how many chicks would have jumped at the chance to stay a little longer? How many girls basically begged me to let them stay for breakfast? And she was all but racing to get out of here.

  “Yeah, I, uh, I have plans and I really need to get home.” She piled her hair on the top of her head and finally looked at me. “My cab should be here any second.”

  She’d planned on sneaking out of here, and that thought alone made me say my next words. “I’d love to see you again.”

  Payton raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her face. “I thought it was one night with a rock star? Not a night, breakfast, and a second date.”

  Had she just used me? Had she really only wanted one night? I doubted she was one of those chicks that would bang someone famous just to prove she had. No. I was guessing her aloofness had more to do with protecting herself than anything else. Which meant she was smart. Smarter than any of the other chicks I’d ever slept with.

  “I said I’d love to see you again, not that I’d be able to.” I waited, watching her reaction. She didn’t so much as blink. “I’m traveling nonstop for the next year and a half.” I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. “But, maybe we can keep in touch?”

  She stared at my cell for a good thirty seconds before she grabbed it and entered her contact information. “Yeah, sure.”
r />   When she handed it back I took her hand and pulled her to me. She had to put one knee on the bed to keep from falling over. “I think you’re the coolest chick I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, Payton Adkins.” I met her halfway and kissed her perfect lips one more time. “Talk soon?”


  And with that, she was gone. I rarely asked for girls’ numbers. Like almost never. But there was something about Payton. Something that drew me to her, something that made me want more. I didn’t want her to feel like a cheap one-night stand, because it turned out I didn’t see her that way.

  About an hour later I finally decided to get my lazy butt out of bed. And the first thing I did? Text Payton. I wasn’t in love. That wasn’t for guys like me. I wanted to be a bachelor until I was old, then I’d find some hot young piece and start popping out kids. It was a good plan, a fool-proof plan that promised years of fun in my future. But, that being said, I did like Payton. And I didn’t want her to think I’d asked for her number, never to use it.

  Me: You get home okay?

  I sat my phone down and headed into my bathroom, brushing my teeth while staring at the shower where we’d screwed against the tile.

  “Put your hands on the wall Payton.” I waited until she did what I told her, then I used my foot to kick her legs farther apart. “You ready, baby?” I grabbed a handful of her wet hair as I slammed inside her tight body. My head fell back and my knees threatened to buckle. No one had ever felt that good wrapped around my cock.

  I was getting a hard-on just from the memories alone. I didn’t rush to my nightstand when I heard my phone ding. And I most certainly didn’t stub my toe in the process.

  Payton: I did, thanks for checking. Very un–rock star of you, friend.

  I couldn’t help but smile at her response.

  Me: Well, what can I say? Of late, I have been raised to be a gentleman.

  That was the truth. M Kat demanded no less from me, and I loved her for it. She was an amazing mom and my baby sister was going to be the luckiest kid in the world.

  Payton: Tell Kate I said thank you.

  Before I could type out a response my phone started to ding again.

  Payton: Wait. No. Don’t tell Kate anything about last night, or this morning. I don’t want her to think I’m a one-night stand kind of girl.

  I chuckled.

  Me: She won’t think that, because I don’t think that.

  Payton: You don’t think that? You offered me a one-night stand and I accepted. I did the walk of shame. It’s official.

  Me: If you were just a one-night stand, I wouldn’t have asked for your number. And I certainly wouldn’t have checked on you. I lied before. I’m an asshole. Don’t tell M Kat.

  Payton: Your secret is safe with me.

  I wasn’t lying. I really was a bit of an asshole. Which was evident by the fact that I forced myself to put my phone away. She’d texted last, which meant the ball was in my court and that was where I wanted it to stay.

  Chapter Five



  “Morning, sleepyhead.” I walked into the dining room where my dad and M Kat were sitting, each with their iPads in front of them. After I’d gotten done texting Payton, I dressed and repacked my bags. I hated having to leave already, but screaming fans and groupies waited for no man.

  “Morning.” I sat down next to my dad and across from M Kat. I grabbed a bagel off the platter in the middle of the table and M Kat poured me a cup of coffee. I grinned because we looked like a Norman Rockwell painting and I loved it. I’d never had this before M Kat came along, and I’d never take one second of it for granted.

  My dad cleared his throat. “Please tell me you took advantage of the pool during that rain shower last night.”

  M Kat sighed, her shoulders slumping dramatically and I chuckled. “You know I did.”

  He hit the table with his palm. “Damn, I am so jealous. Do you know how often that happens around here? Rain without lightning? The universe loved you last night, punk.”

  “You have no idea.” I took a large bite of my bagel and wagged my eyebrows a few times, shooting my dad a wicked smile.


  “Oh yeah. That chick was the perfect package of sexy and sweet. I felt like I was being bested by a Catholic school girl.” I swallowed my bagel and then took a sip of coffee. “We went five rounds in like three hours, man.”

  My dad nodded in approval. “Five? Good for you, punk.”

  “You know she’s someone’s little girl, right?” M Kat cocked her head to the side and placed her hand on her tiny baby bump. “Payton is someone’s daughter, someone’s baby sister. How would you two feel if twenty years from now someone was sitting at their dining room table talking like this about your sister? Your daughter?”

  Well that shut us both the hell up. I looked down at my plate like a scolded child and my dad choked on his yogurt. I winced and glanced over at the only mother I’d ever really known. “Sorry, M Kat.”

  “Me too, baby. You’re right.” My dad reached for her hand and then pulled her onto his lap. “Mace and I are so used to talking freely like this, but it’s not right and we need to stop. There is going to be a beautiful little girl with impressionable ears walking around soon.” He kissed her neck. “And I would kill anyone who talked about her that way. Kill them dead.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I kind of want to punch a hole in the wall just thinking about someone talking that way about my sister. We’re assholes.”

  “Very true. But your mine and I love you anyway.” M Kat climbed off my dad’s lap and then ruffled my hair on the way to the kitchen. “Make sure you shock the pool before you leave.”

  I made a face. “We have a pool guy.”

  “Yes, we do. But he isn’t the one who fucked a girl in it last night, now is he?” Before I could get out another protest she added, “And take the sheets off your bed.”

  I looked over at my dad. “She’s the best thing that could have ever happened to both of us.”

  He winked and then followed her into the kitchen. “Here, baby, let me finish up those dishes for you.”

  Chapter Six



  “Hey, old man, how’s it hanging?” I cradled my phone between my ear and my shoulder as I pulled on a pair of tight, black jeans.

  “Thick and hard, punk. Thick and hard.”

  I snorted and put my cell on speaker, setting it on the bathroom counter while I started to fix my hair. “How is M Kat? She feeling okay?” She was six months along now and my dad sent me pictures and recordings of the baby’s heartbeat pretty much daily.

  “She’s great. She’s here, say hi.”

  “Hi, M Kat. Dad treating you well? You need me to come kick his ass for you?” I knew my dad was treating her like a queen. He worshipped that woman, and ever since she’d gotten pregnant, he hadn’t left her side, ready to hop up to fulfill her every want and desire.

  “He’s been wonderful.” She laughed quietly at something my father said that was too quiet for me to hear. It was probably about sex, because, horndog. “We were calling to ask you an important question.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s up?” I used my fingertips to tussle my hair, making it look just had sex messy. Chicks dug it.

  “We were hoping you’d agree to be in the room with us when the baby is born? You’re her brother and her godfather, and we just really want you to be there for everything. Starting from day one.” M Kat paused, she must have known I’d need a minute to let all that sink in.

  They wanted me in the delivery room? Wow. That was intense. “Uh, yeah, of course. Whatever you guys want, I’ll be there.” I made a cringy face just thinking about having to witness the miracle of birth.

  My dad laughed. “You’re making a face and trying not to gag right now, aren’t you?”

  “What? No.” I let the shiver run down my spine and gave myself a mental headshake. “I’m honored.”

/>   “You don’t have to watch, punk. We just want you to be in there, to hear her first cries.”

  Well that was sweet as fuck. Especially coming from my dad. You’d think I’d be jealous that my baby sister would get to have him as a real father and not as an older brother type. But I wasn’t. Not at all. I was so damn happy for her, so ready to see him with her. “I’ll be there. I promise.”

  “Have you talked to Payton lately?” M Kat chimed in again.

  I wrinkled my nose, looking at my reflection in the mirror. I should have never told them that I’d been staying in contact with Payton. Not a phone call went by without M Kat asking about her. I sighed. “I talked to her a few days ago. But things have been crazy around here. She’s usually asleep by the time I can break away and she’s at work when I have free time.”

  “I’ve had lunch with her a couple times over the last few weeks. She’s really thriving at the hospital. They love her. Hey, maybe you’ll get to see her when you come for the birth of the baby?” M Kat sounded super hopeful. Like she wanted to secure Payton as her future daughter-in-law.

  I had news for her. It wasn’t going to happen. As much as I liked Payton, husband with two kids and a dog wasn’t me. Not yet anyway, and I’d never expect nor ask someone to wait for me. “Yeah, maybe.”

  Luckily she let it go. “Talk to you later, Mace. Have fun tonight, love you.”

  “Love you too, M Kat.” And I did. I really did.

  “All right, punk, go make the ladies scream your name.”

  I chuckled. “You know it.”

  After we hung up, I finished getting dressed and then headed out of my hotel room. There would be a car waiting downstairs to take me to the stadium. I was in Portland, Oregon, for the next twenty-four hours and then it was off to Colorado. That gig I was pumped for. Smoke a little smoke, drink a little drink…find a hot random chick. That’s a good night right there.


  Two o’clock in the morning and I was alone in my room. There had been a girl, but she’d pretty much lost her shit when I told her one night was all that was on the table. Usually chicks were fine with it. This one? Wasn’t. I’d had to call security, and when they hauled her away her skirt had ridden up and showed the tattoo of my face on her thigh. People were fucking crazy.


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