Wanted--Texas Daddy

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Wanted--Texas Daddy Page 12

by Cathy Gillen Thacker

  * * *

  FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER, Nick had arrived. But Sage was not allowed to see him until he gave the signal. Which seemed to be taking forever to come, Sage thought, in mounting frustration. She wanted to throw herself into his arms, hug him close and give him one hell of a welcome-home kiss that would make them both breathless for more.

  Instead, she was stuck in a corner of the bistro kitchen, as far away from the service entrance as possible, while her employees chuckled behind her.

  “Eyes covered and closed?” Nick asked sternly.

  “Yes,” Sage replied, for what seemed like the fourth time.

  “Okay.” He was suddenly beside her, his arms around her, warm and encouraging, while she kept her hands over her eyes. “This way...” He guided her forward, then said triumphantly, “Open your eyes!”

  Sage did.

  In front of her was a tall beribboned chrome work stool on wheels, with a cushy black leather seat.

  He grinned. “Happy Mother’s Day!”

  “It’s...” She was speechless.

  She had expected, if he gave her a gift, that it would be something like a necklace. Or flowers. Not...furniture.

  On the other hand, it showed the depth of thought and concern she hadn’t expected, either. And in that sense was incredibly sweet, as well as practical.

  “It’s completely ergonomic, with lumbar support, and adjusts dozens of ways. So you can cook in comfort, and won’t have to be on your feet quite so much.” He lifted a hand before she could interrupt. “I know. I know. We talked about this, and you have to do a lot of your prep work like chopping and dicing standing, but there are some tasks that can be done sitting, and if that helps you be more comfortable, or less physically stressed...” He nodded at her hand, which had, as it had so many times lately, unconsciously gone to her lower back.

  “Thank you.” Sage embraced him.

  Exuding tenderness, he cuddled her close. “You like it?”

  “So much that I have a feeling in a few weeks I’ll be wondering how I ever lived without it!” Aware the more time went on, the more happily married she felt, she stepped back far enough to prop her hand on her hip and tease glibly, “My only question is where are you going to sit, cowboy?”

  Grinning widely, he walked back out and came back rolling an identical fancy stool. “Problem solved.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh, as around them her employees cheered his ingenuity, then exited to give the newlyweds coveted alone-time.

  Sage went back into Nick’s warm embrace. “You really do think ahead.”

  He lowered his lips to hers. “You have no idea, sweetheart.” He started to kiss her, then drew back slightly to cup her tummy with the flat of his hand. The baby was kicking so hard her tummy was popping outward. “What is he or she doing in there?” he asked, astounded.

  “I don’t know. But it’s been going on for about two days now...”

  Sage’s OB noticed the change, too. As soon as he had finished the exam, he ushered them into his office. Never a good sign. Sage and Nick took seats while he circled around his desk. “Is there a problem?” she asked anxiously.

  “The baby is breech.”

  Nick clasped Sage’s hand. “So if Little One were to be born right now...?”

  “He or she would try to come out bottom first.”

  Which wouldn’t work. Sage drew a quavering breath. Suddenly cold, she began to shiver. “What do we do?”

  “Initially, we wait and see,” Dr. Johnson told her encouragingly. “You still have plenty of room inside of you for the baby to turn on his or her own, and get back in the right position.”

  Nick held tight to Sage. “And if that doesn’t happen?”

  “Worst-case scenario, we may need to do a C-section and deliver the baby that way. But there are still seven weeks until the due date so it’s way too premature for us to talk about that. Right now, we just need to wait and see.”

  Aware her first task as a mom was to stay calm, Sage sobered. “What can we do to precipitate that the baby gets back into position on his or her own?”

  “There are some at-home turning methods to try but they aren’t recommended for women who’ve had pelvic or back pain during their pregnancy, so I strongly caution you against those.”

  Briefly, Nick looked as disappointed as Sage felt. “Then there’s nothing to be done?” he asked.

  “Except relax, and let nature take its course,” Dr. Johnson soothed.

  Sage and Nick left the medical office, hand in hand. They walked wordlessly over to his pickup truck and climbed in. He started the truck, but made no move to drive anywhere just yet.

  With cool air blowing out of the vents, he turned to her. His deep blue eyes were as worried as she felt, and tension etched the planes of his handsome face. “Are you okay?”

  Sage caught her breath, trying not to cry. Finally, she swallowed. “Are you?”

  He didn’t answer, but then he didn’t have to. She could see he was just as overcome with emotion as she was.

  They sat for another moment in silence. “It’s funny,” Sage said finally. “I’ve been worried about how I’m going to manage in such a close space and where the baby is going to sleep when he or she does get here. Even though I knew problems could occur, I took for granted everything would go smoothly with the actual birth.”

  The irises of his eyes turned a darker blue. “Me, too.”

  Another silence, this one more fraught with emotion than the last. Finally, Nick cleared his throat. “Maybe it still will.”

  Sage drew a shaky breath. “What if it doesn’t?”

  “We have each other, sweetheart. And our baby has us.” He flipped up the seat divider in his pickup truck, and moved across the space to take her in his strong arms. “Whatever happens,” he promised her resolutely, “we’re going to get through this.”

  * * *

  NICK APPEARED IN his bedroom doorway, that evening, looking ruggedly sexy in a chambray shirt and jeans. “How is the relaxation going?”

  Sage lounged against the pillows on his king-sized bed. She put down the novel he had insisted she read, in lieu of helping him with their dinner dishes. “How do you think?”

  He handed her a bowl of praline ice cream—her newest craving—and settled beside her. “Is the baby kicking?”

  Sage savored a spoonful of the rich delicious treat, then fed him one. “I feel movement every now and again but it’s all up near my rib cage.”

  Nick stroked a tender hand over her baby bump. “Which means Little One is still positioned bottom first, near the birth canal.”

  “Probably.” Sage sighed and ate some more ice cream.

  Nick lifted the hem of her blouse and rested his head against her tummy.

  Sage knew what Nick felt and heard. Absolutely nothing. “Where’s our stunt-riding rodeo darlin’ when we need him or her?” Nick asked, perplexed.

  Sage sighed. “No kidding...” Of all the times for Little One to be content hanging out, doing absolutely nothing.

  Nick pressed a soft kiss against her tummy, then sat up. “Seems to be sleeping now.”

  Sage gave Nick the last bite of ice cream, then set the bowl aside. Wondering what she had ever done without him, she informed him of their baby’s schedule. “That’s usually the case, early evening. It’s in the middle of the night, when I’m trying to rest, Little One typically goes hog wild.”

  Nick’s eyes twinkled. “Well, you know what they say about smart parents taking advantage of their kids’ nap times...” He began to unbutton her blouse.

  A thrill swept through her. When Nick kissed her, he made her feel cherished and adored, as if nothing mattered but the two of them, and what they felt now. With a soft exhalation of breath, she asked, “You really want to make
love?” Earlier, neither of them had been in the mood.

  His eyes sparkled with mischief. “I want to kiss. The making love can come later, or not. Depending.”

  She chuckled at his exaggerated sternness. “On...?”

  He waggled his brows. “How relaxed you are...”

  “Nick...” He only looked at her like that when he intended to give her an amazing climax. He only gathered her in his arms, the way he was now, when he wanted them to feel connected, body and soul.

  Smiling, he let his eyes drift over her, then lowered his lips to hers. “Just kiss me, Sage.”

  So she did.

  Once. And then again. And again...

  Afterward, they clung together. Feeling like husband and wife. Bonded as only worried parents can be. Which made their coming together all the sweeter. And Sage was very glad she did not have to face this alone.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Is that better?” Nick asked his wife, two weeks later, as he adjusted the pillows and heating pad behind her.

  Sage nodded, turning to make sure the heating pad against her lower back was set on the lowest setting. Satisfied, she settled back into the cushy nest he had made for her. “Oh, yeah...” She gave his hand a squeeze and sighed luxuriantly, leaning back to wiggle her toes. “I can feel myself beginning to relax already.”

  Aware she only seemed to get sexier the further into her pregnancy she got, he lifted her hand to his lips and rubbed his lips across her palm. “I can think of another way.”

  She turned their twined hands over, and bent to kiss the back of his wrist with sensual accuracy. “You already gave me a back massage.”

  His body stirred. Lower still, he felt himself hardening. “Another way...”

  “We did that, too,” she reminded him. When they had turned in, the night before, and awakened this morning.

  As if he could forget how good she felt, wrapped in his arms, her body pliantly entwined with his. He met her smile indulgently. “So how is Little One today?”

  Sage curved a hand protectively over her rounded tummy. “Sleeping, I think, after being up most of the night.” Which, he knew, had become typical in her third trimester.

  But with only five and a half weeks left before the due date, it was something she swore she could handle. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, then stretched out next to her on the queen-sized bed that never seemed quite big enough. “Is that why you were so restless?” he asked, wishing he could take on some of the discomfort of pregnancy for her.

  She nodded, sweeping her hair into an untidy knot on the top of her head. “I’m sorry if my tossing and turning kept you awake.”

  He wouldn’t trade his time with her and their child for anything. Being awake with her just made him more present. But knowing she still wanted and expected them to keep things easy and casual, he shrugged off her restlessness and only said, “Gives me a chance to cuddle with the two of you.”

  Sage moved her head to rest against his shoulder. “You’re getting pretty good at that.”

  He chuckled. “Nice to know...” He lifted his arm, shifting his body to accommodate her already cozily ensconced form, until he had brought her all the way into the curve of his body, without moving her off the pillows and heating pad that brought relief to her aching lower back.

  Sage caressed her delectably rounded tummy. “I just wish I knew how to communicate to Little One it’s time to do another 180 degree turn.”

  Nick had been doing some reading while he was away. The more he learned about breech presentations, and pregnancy and birth in general, the more worried he became. He’d never known so many things could go so wrong. But he had also made it his business to learn what to do in case of an emergency.

  Knowing a positive attitude couldn’t do anything but help, whatever the outcome, Nick soothed calmly, “There’s still time for it to happen naturally. In any case, we’ve got a great hospital, with doctors and nurses that are prepared to handle everything.”

  Deliberately, Sage shook off her fear. Smiled, and said, “So true. And in fact...” She chuckled softly as her brows knit together in surprise. “I think someone else very important wants to weigh in on this discussion.” She took his hand and put it just beneath her breasts. Just that suddenly, he felt it, too. A kick or punch...then another...

  “See, even Little One is saying we should follow the doc’s advice and try to relax about everything, so...”

  Sage put a hand behind her, and awkwardly scooted toward the opposite side of the bed. She threw her legs over the edge, as restless now as she had been ready to take it easy a few minutes ago. “I think the best thing we can do is to stay busy. Because...”

  Knowing how difficult it could be for her to change positions, he rose and walked around to assist her to her feet.

  “It seems as if the more active I am, the more active Little One is.”

  Her delicate fingers encircled his bicep as she steadied herself. Lifting her face to his, she said, “And, the more likely he or she is to turn...”

  Belatedly, Nick realized they should have gone out to the ranch to sleep the night before. Sage would have had much more room to maneuver in his king-sized bed. He also knew, now that she was starting to get closer to delivering, that she wanted to stay in town, near the hospital, as much as possible, just in case. “Is this your way of saying you want to tag along while I do inventory at Monroe’s?”

  She beamed. “How’d you know?”

  Because like me, when we do have the opportunity to be together, you seem to want to be together nonstop. And that, too, was something new. Before they’d married, they’d both cherished their alone time, too.

  “You sure you shouldn’t stay here and rest, while I go look at the sales results?” He knew there were some problem areas with the current stock of Western wear. Apparently, the sales staff didn’t have the same feel for the projected marketability of items as he did. Hence, they wanted him to review the orders for summer. Make sure they were as on track as they should be.

  But none of that was Sage’s problem. Protecting herself and her baby was her first priority. And the two of them, were his. Sternly, he reminded, “After all, this is your only full day off, every week...” And only because The Cowgirl Chef was closed. “Maybe you should take advantage of the quiet and just lounge about while I work.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t really feel like napping.” She sashayed closer. “And since I don’t think you’ll have me climbing up on ladders to check the stock on the higher shelves...”

  He caught her in his arms and spun her around. “Definitely not.” He dipped her playfully, righted her slowly.

  “Then, I think I’ll be perfectly safe, tagging along with you and lending a hand. And—” she pirouetted as he spun her around one last time, and then rose on tiptoe, to kiss him slowly and leisurely “—let’s not forget, spending time with my favorite guy, to boot.”

  * * *

  THE WORDS ECHOED in Nick’s head long after they were spoken. Favorite guy. The endearment had been said with affection, he ruminated as they showered and dressed, and walked the short distance to Monroe’s. So why was it rankling?

  Maybe because he had figured they’d be really and truly married by now. Able to confess how much they had come to mean to each other. Because unless he was wrong, and he admitted ruefully he had been wrong in the past when it came to matters of the heart, Sage was as head over heels for him as he was for her. And had been for a while now...

  Mistaking the reason behind his concern, Sage asked as they reached Monroe’s, “Are you really worried about how the store has been doing in your absence?”

  Yes and no, Nick thought, as he punched in the security code and let them in the back way. “Actually, sales have been good overall, but then, they always are, given what w
e carry.”

  She waited while he swung the door wide and held it for her. “The essentials for every working rancher. Male or female.”

  “Right.” He closed the door behind them and hit the lights. “We price merchandise fairly every day, so we don’t do big sales.”

  Which meant business was reliably steady, all the time.

  Sage stopped abruptly in the middle of the store. Stood, with her hands on her hips. “Do you know that man, standing on the sidewalk, peering in?” she asked.

  Nick turned to the front windows and saw a trim, fortysomething man with a long brown braid, and a stone-colored Resistol hat. His shirt and jeans were nothing out of the ordinary, but the handcrafted solid silver-and-gold belt buckle holding together his rich leather belt radiated pure artistry.

  “Yes, I do,” he answered in surprise, staring at the noted silversmith. Although what Ed Durango would be doing here, on a Sunday afternoon, no less, was a mystery. Curious, Nick went to let the Santa Fe businessman in.

  “Glad I finally tracked you down.” Ed shook Nick’s hand.

  Nick rocked back on his heels. “I wasn’t aware you’d been looking for me.”

  Ed Durango frowned. “I left a dozen messages for you with Everett and MR. Never got a return call.”

  Not good. And not surprising, unfortunately, given MR’s need to control every tiny little aspect of the launch.

  Figuring he would deal with that later, however, Nick asked kindly, “What’s the problem?”

  Ed rubbed his jaw. “Maybe you can tell me,” he countered grimly. “I don’t understand why Upscale Outfitters sent back the entire order of custom belt buckles.”

  Inwardly, Nick reeled. “I didn’t know we had.”

  “Well, you did. And now I’m not going to get paid.”

  Nick bit down on a string of swear words. Resolved to get the other side of the story before he acted, however, he said, “Can you give me a chance to make a call?”

  Ed nodded.

  Nick took his phone out of earshot, while Sage chatted up Ed. As usual, MR answered right away. He did not like what he heard. Taut with anger, he returned to the noted craftsman. “Apparently, some changes were made without my knowledge.”


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