War of the Innocents

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War of the Innocents Page 9

by Michelle Breon

  Nik could see the aura as Angel approached. She paused outside the lit area and he noticed Gillian and Mischka leave her side, along with her mother, Mary. Soon Mischka appeared on the dais alongside Tashi.

  The crowd slowly silenced and knelt as Angel approached. She stopped when she reached the center of the floor.

  “Welcome Cerato. You honor us with your presence.” Tashi spoke as the village Elder, much as Cetai had done so many years before for Gillian.

  Angel raised her voice, sounding much like her grandmother. “Tis I who am honored to be chosen by our Gods to lead us in this time of need.”

  She glanced to the corner of the floor near the dais where Petra had assembled a small group of children. At a whispered word from Petra, they came solemnly forward to present Angel with a small bouquet of wildflowers.

  “Danku.” Angel smiled at the children and then at Petra as the children returned to kneel beside her.

  Tashi motioned her towards the dais. On trembling knees, Angel climbed up to the dais and took her seat between Tashi and Mischka. Once she was seated, Tashi motioned for everyone else to be seated.

  The Dance Master announced the first exhibition dance to be performed to honor the new Cerato. Angel noticed that Petra joined the dancers on the floor. The customary folk dance depicted the Cerato story.

  After the applause subsided and the dancers left the floor, the first course was served. Mischka passed the bowl to Angel and smiled at her. “This night twill be over soon.”

  As the Dance Master announced the first set of dances, realization swept over Angel. “But I can’t dance with my friends anymore,” she whispered aloud.

  “Aiy,” Mischka said. “Twill be my pleasure to partner you on any dance you wish. And you know that your mother and grandmother will join you as well.”

  “Twill not be the same,” looking to her friends’ table where Nik sat alone.

  Tashi leaned towards her. “You grandmother wisely decided not to change that law. Tis there to protect you. Remember it well.”

  Angel frowned and chaffed at not being able to dance. The evening promised to be very long and boring.

  The welcoming speeches began after the first dance set. Angel noticed that the Elder’s choose their words carefully and did not let any of the secrets out yet. The second course was served as the Dance Master called for the second set.

  Mischka asked Angel to dance. Mary and Gillian joined them for the pavan. Soon all of Angel’s friends except for Nik had joined the line near Angel, each congratulating her. Gillian and Mary left the floor as the Dance Master announced the couples dance, but Angel’s friends remained.

  “Poor Nik,” Mary commented.

  “Nik who?” Gillian feigned ignorance and looked to where Mary indicated the young man sitting alone. “Didn’t he dance every dance last night with Angel?”

  “Aiy. And has been over many times to talk to Angel since you pulled her from school.”

  Gillian also remembered that Angel had vidphoned him and that he had refused to leave with the others this morning, until Mischka sent him with Tashi. Gillian hid her knowing grin behind her napkin. His eyes followed Angel around the dance floor, a muscle ticking at the back of his jaw from being clinched tight in anger. “Poor Nik is right. Do you think Angel shares his feelings?”

  Mary shook her head. “To Angel, tis merely friendship, but one she trusts.”

  “Do you think she told him before today?”

  Mary nodded, giving Gillian much to think about.

  The Elders made more speeches while the next course was served. As the Dance Master called for the third set of dances, Mary took pity on Nik. She ate quickly, then maneuvered her way around to where Nik sat.

  Nik fumed at losing his ability to be close to Angel. As soon as the last speech was done, he vowed to leave, not wanting to watch any longer. He did not turn to look at the person who sat in the chair beside him.

  “Nikolatai, will you partner me for the next dance?” Mary asked quietly.

  Recognizing the voice so like Angel’s, he turned to face her mother. The mischievous twinkle in her eyes indicated her thoughts. “Why?”

  “Tis the only way that I may speak with my own daughter tonight,” Mary explained simply.

  Nik nodded and offered her a hand up as the second dance ended. The waltz began and he expertly guided her around the other dancers until they were alongside Mischka and Angel.

  “Enjoying yourself, Angel?” her mother asked to get Angel’s attention.

  “Aiy,” Angel began, then turned to find her mother. When she spotted Nik as her mother’s partner, she smiled. “Nik. Glad to see you finally decided to join us.”

  The four danced in a corner, content to talk. As the dance ended, Angel smiled back at Nik as Mischka led her away.

  Nik led Mary back to her table and excused himself. Gillian had watched the entire escapade and decided to discuss the situation with Mischka later. As they suspected, there was more to the young man’s attraction than mere friendship. Much, much more.

  As the main course was served, Tashi rose again and rapped for attention. “We have welcomed our new Cerato and have been blessed by her presence. Now we must share her with the other villages for a short time. Someone must guide and guard her while she tours the villages. I look to the Apaugallas as you are trained in this matter.”

  Mischka rose and called forth the Apaugallas. Angel watched several people come forward, recognizing most including her uncle. But where was Nik? She risked a glance to where he sat and found him staring pointedly at the table. Why did he not come forward?

  “Cerato,” Mischka said softly to get her attention. “You must choose someone from those who have volunteered.” He had noticed her watching Nik.

  Angel stood and looked over the assembled men and women. She had never liked many of them. She smiled at all, hiding her feelings well. “Andrei Caylen,” she said clearly, “my own uncle.”

  Mischka nodded to Andrei, who bowed in acknowledgement. Everyone returned to their seats and the next speech began.

  Nik ate woodenly, barely tasting the food on his plate. Disappointment at not being able to volunteer rose in waves, but he pushed the problem aside, knowing that he had to leave with Mischka in the morning for Earth. When the Dance Master called for the next dance set, he asked Petra to dance. Again they joined the circle as close to Angel as they could. Being close was better than not being near at all, he decided.

  The Dance Master called for several more dance sets before Tashi finally closed the ceremony. Tired, Angel allowed Mary and Gillian to escort her home. Mischka reminded Nik of the meeting the following morning, then followed the women.

  Tashi spoke quietly from behind Nik. “A word of caution mi ami. Hide your feelings better if you wish to remain alive.” Nik turned to look at him. “Tis a mask of indifference that you must wear so that your enemies do not know when they have affected you.” Tashi nodded in Angel’s direction. “Goes double for her, if you do not wish to scare her away.”

  The reality of the changes to her lifestyle kept Angel awake that night for several hours. She realized that she could no longer just go anywhere with anyone at any time. And she was supposed to now give orders and make decisions for everyone, including her grandparents who understood this situation much better than she. Yet she knew that Gillian had had to make the same adjustment when she became the Cerato. Perhaps she just needed to ask more questions of her grandmother to understand how to cope better. She tossed and turned, finally falling into a troubled sleep.

  After breakfast the following morning, Mischka and Gillian escorted Angel to the meeting with the Apaugallas. Gillian had always been considered part of that Guild without officially joining the Guild. Mischka planned a simple ceremony when he returned from Earth and Angel had returned from her trip, but he kept the ceremony a secret from Gillian.

  Everyone knelt as Angel entered the room. Again Tashi and Mischka took their places at the front besid
e Angel. Mischka called the meeting to order and called for the usual status reports. Each Apaugalla stood and gave their report. Since Angel knew everyone in the room from the earliest age, introductions were not necessary.

  After the reports, Angel turned to Mischka. Gillian had explained what she would be expected to do during this first meeting, as she now technically had control of the Apaugallas. “As you are the leader of the Apaugallas, I would like to request three teams of two people each be assembled. I want one on Earth, one on Parrhesia, and one as close to the Drotz as they can safely manage to get.”

  “Aiy, Cerato. I had thought to send someone to each of those places. If I may ask, why two?”

  “Backup mostly. We need the information and relying on a single person could potentially mean that we do not receive the information. One Apaugalla can cover the other and reduce our risk. Once the announcement is made, our Apaugallas may become known and may be more at risk than ever before.”

  Mischka nodded thoughtfully. “As you wish. I will assemble the teams.”

  Angel turned to all assembled. “During the next two weeks, if anyone discovers anything related to the situation between the Parrhesians and the Drotz, please get the message to me immediately.” She turned to Gillian. “Would you please contact Dr. DeWitt on Earth and see if he can arrange a meeting with Parrhesia for two weeks out? I would like to meet our sister planet’s representative.” Angel waited for Gillian to acknowledge her before she continued. “Is there a schedule for the tour of the villages?”

  Andrei stood. “Aiy, Cerato. I have the schedule. I am ready to leave when you are.”

  “Danku. Is there anything else that I should know before I tour the villages?”

  No one moved. Tashi released everyone. Andrei offered to bring the hovercraft to the building. Nik held back as all the other Apaugallas left the room, trying to catch Angel for a moment before she left. Gillian noticed his hesitation and motioned to Mischka. He nodded once and turned to Tashi.

  “Tashi, join me outside for a moment.”

  Gillian followed the two men from the room, leaving only Nik and Angel inside.

  Angel hid her trembling hands inside the large sleeves of her robes. The law prevented her from leaning on Nik.

  Nik kept his distance. “You were right. The calling was true.”


  “You should have fun the next two weeks.”

  Angel grimaced. “Sure. I get fourteen days identical to yesterday. Should be lots of fun.” The hurt she felt was obvious in her next words. “Why didn’t you volunteer last night?”

  Nik kept his smile in place to hide his anger. “Your grandfather has another task for me. Not everyone was allowed volunteer last night.”

  Realization swept through Angel. “He chose only the people that he knew I wouldn’t choose, except for my uncle.” Righteous anger coursed through Angel. “I’m supposed to be the leader and he still controls me. How dare he?”

  “I think he was more trying to protect you. All he could talk about at our meeting two days ago was keeping you safe.”

  Her anger deflected a little, Angel sighed. “And grandma is sending Ian, my tutor along. I’m sure she will have him working on history and wars even more now.” She grimaced.

  Gillian knocked once on the door, then poked her head around the door. “Cerato, are you ready to leave yet?”

  “No, but I have little choice in this.” Angel turned from Nik and obediently followed Gillian to the waiting hovercraft. Andrei’s bag sat in the back. Mischka offered a hand to steady her as she climbed aboard the hovercraft.

  “Is Ian still going?”

  “Aiy. Stop at home and pick him up, along with your bag.” Angel nodded. “Andrei has the schedule of stops and where you will be staying each night. Call when you can.”

  “Aiy. Amourité, Mema, Papa.”

  Gillian leaned into the hovercraft to kiss her granddaughter gently on the cheek. “Go now and fear not. Your visit will be much calmer than mine was.”

  Angel grinned despite the situation. “You mean much more boring.”

  “Aiy,” Gillian smiled. “Use the time to document what the Gods told you, in as much detail as you can.”

  They said good bye again and Andrei headed off.

  Mischka waited until they were out of sight, then turned to Nik. “Come, tis time for us to leave as well.”

  Gillian followed them inside to retrieve their bags, then escorted them to the transporter. She distrusted the transporters even more now than she had when she was younger, though there were fewer accidents now due to better technology. “Go quickly and stay safe.”

  “Amourité boshquitona,” Mischka said as he pulled her into a hug.

  “Amourité,” she whispered in his ear.

  “Enjoy your first days of il ritiro.” He grinned at her as he pulled away. “You haven’t relaxed since you arrived all those years ago.”

  “I hardly know what to do with my time,” she teased. “Maybe I should learn to cook now?”

  They laughed together at their private joke. Gillian pushed him towards the transporter. “Go. Jason is waiting. Keep safe and return quickly.”


  Mischka stepped into the transporter and the operator began the sequence of buttons. He disappeared and the operator signaled to Nik.

  “Nik, keep him safe and learn everything you can. I’m counting on you to protect mi famiglia,” Gillian said, stressing family.

  Nik merely nodded in response, knowing she meant Angel as well as Mischka.

  “Go now. Your time will come later.”

  Never having been in a transporter before, Nik said nothing and simply mimicked Mischka’s actions. The operator punched the buttons and Gillian disappeared. Lights flashed around him and, after an indeterminate amount of time, Mischka appeared before him.

  Mischka motioned for him to step down.

  “Where are we?” Nik asked quietly, fighting down a wave of nausea.

  “Tuttenrock. Earth is multiple jumps distant.” Mischka studied him for a few seconds then chuckled softly. “You get used to the disorientation over time.”

  While they waited, Nik looked around at the first world other than Llanelyn he had been to. The transporter chamber was the same clear dome structure as on Llanelyn, a similar control panel in front of the operator. The operator was very tall and slender, with gray skin and long, gangly arms. His large, almond shaped eyes remained trained on the control panel.

  Beyond the chamber Nik saw many large, metallic buildings, some belching white smoke plumes into the air. A smoky cloud hung over the city. Multicolored lights hung everywhere, some in patterns and symbols that Nik assumed meant something in the language spoken here. Other gray skinned beings walked about the city. Occasionally, Nik noted beings other than the gray skinned ones walking about the city as well.

  Several beings left and arrived via the transporter. Eventually the operator signaled that it was time for them to go.

  Several jumps later, Nik appeared and saw Mischka in a conversation with another man who looked familiar. He stepped down quietly from the transporter pad, fighting down the nausea and disorientation.

  “Nik, this is Angel’s uncle Dr. Jason DeWitt. Jason, Nik Landis. He will be traveling with Angel as her bodyguard.”

  Jason shook hands with the young man even as he looked him over. Tall and lean, Nik did not look like a normal bodyguard. “Nice to meet you.”

  “And you.” Nik noted that this transporter was in a room with solid walls and no windows.

  Jason turned back to Mischka. His questions on the choice of bodyguard could wait. “Come on. Let’s go home. Morgan is waiting on us. She wished Gillian had come, but understands why she couldn’t come with you today. She is still planning to join you in a couple of days?”


  Jason led the way down the dimly lit hallway, past the dark classrooms. “Where all are you planning to visit while you are here?”
  “I plan to show Nik everywhere that I think Angel will visit when she comes here. She will need to be wherever the diplomatic conference is, as well as the other government buildings.” He chuckled slightly. “And the shopping areas that Morgan loves so much.”

  “Well, she is welcome to stay with us anytime.” Jason turned to Nik. “This transporter is less used and is not monitored by the press so much. You can use it to arrive here, as long as you let me know you are coming.”

  “There are other transport chambers?” Nik asked.

  Jason swallowed his laugh at the innocent question. “Yes. Just about every large building has one, including my apartment building. But I prefer to walk the few blocks to work.”

  They exited the building and Nik looked around for his first glimpse of Earth. Mischka had told him it would be nighttime due to the almost twelve-hour difference, but the glaring lights seemed more like midday than the middle of the night. Tall buildings surrounded the one he had just exited. A lone tree spread its branches from in a small box of grass like a silent reminder of better days. As Nik followed the older men, he felt dwarfed by the massive stone and metal of the buildings, each seemingly taller than the previous one. Lights shone everywhere, yellow and white from the windows of the buildings like glowing eyes, blue, purple, green, and red from the signs outside the buildings. Larger than life vidphone screens constantly flickered with images across the screens. For the middle of the night, the streets were humming with activity, people everywhere laughing raucously, talking, yelling, and weaving through the milling crowds.

  Jason turned a corner and the activity lessened as they continued down the street. Fewer windows were lit and the few people about struggled through doorways that seemed to bar their way. None of the glaring signs were mounted to these buildings. Nik guessed this was where people lived and the other area had been a marketplace.

  Finally, Jason approached a tall building. “Dr. Jason DeWitt 7743,” he said to a box mounted on the wall near the door.


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