The Four Nations Tournament: The Aegis of Merlin Book 6

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The Four Nations Tournament: The Aegis of Merlin Book 6 Page 1

by James E. Wisher

  The Four Nations Tournament

  Aegis of Merlin Book 6

  James E Wisher

  Sand Hill Publishing

  Copyright © 2017 by James E Wisher

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Edited by: Jannie Linn Dullard

  Cover Art by: Paganus

  ISBN: 978-1-945763-18-2



  1. Winter Break

  2. Back at School

  3. Tryouts

  4. Practice Battle

  5. Year End

  6. London

  7. Opening Ceremony

  8. Under Attack

  9. Hotel Raid

  10. Trapped

  11. Drive Them Out

  12. Epilogue

  Author Notes

  Also by James E Wisher

  About the Author


  Winter Break

  The winter wind seemed colder in the Land of the Night Princes. The sun had set hours ago so the locals were up and about. Conryu surveyed the area under the light of a spell globe. He didn’t bother with a jacket as his fire magic teacher had been kind enough to show him a spell called Fire Aura. It surrounded him with an invisible energy field that generated heat.

  Would’ve been nice to know the spell this time last year when he was crawling around frozen sewer drains, but school policy said only sophomores and above could learn it.

  Stupid rules.

  Conryu stood, hands on hips, as a pair of vampires took down the final Imperial tents. The thirty-two witches whose families he’d failed to locate now lived in a refurbished apartment building in one of the many abandoned cities that dotted the country. They’d rigged up generators for power, heat, and to run the water pumps. It would do for the winter. When the weather turned, they’d arrange something more permanent.

  He would have liked to find everyone’s kin, but most of the older women’s parents had died and those still alive barely remembered them. The former White Witches seemed content to live in peace together in the vampires’ country. At least their minds were their own again.

  The younger witches had been welcomed home with open arms and much crying. Reuniting those families ranked among the most satisfying things Conryu had ever done. When he’d asked, not a single one of them had shown the least interest in studying magic again. Not that he blamed them.

  The snow crunched behind him and Talon said, “You should have told us you’d arrived. It’s a horrible evening to be standing out in the cold.”

  As if to emphasize the point a light snow began to fall and sizzle on his fire aura. Prime shook the flakes off his cover and glared all around as if insulted that the precipitation would dare fall on him.

  “I only arrived a minute ago and I’ve learned a trick that keeps the cold from being an issue. I figured when your people saw me they’d tell you I’d arrived. Besides, it’s nice out here, peaceful. If ever I need a quiet place to think, I know where to come.”

  “Yes, if there’s one thing we have in abundance, it’s quiet.” Talon took two more steps until they were side by side. He’d dressed in a formal jacket and tuxedo. Where he’d found one Conryu had no idea. “Are you certain we won’t be a burden for your family? It was very generous to invite us to Christmas dinner, but we wouldn’t want to impose.”

  “Relax. I admit my mom was a little leery when I first mentioned I wanted to invite some of my new friends, but once I convinced her the stories were just stories she got into the idea. She even has a surprise dish she made just for you and Sasha that takes into account your unique dietary needs.”

  Talon raised an eyebrow but refrained from commenting.

  “Conryu!” Anya called.

  She and her mother were approaching together on foot, each of them dressed in white gowns trimmed in black fur. They made a stunning pair, looking more like sisters than mother and daughter. Only Sasha’s glowing red eyes and pale skin marked her as anything out of the ordinary.

  “Ladies.” Conryu bowed then grinned. “I trust you’ve been enjoying your time together?”

  “It’s been great,” Anya said. “I’m starving, what’s your mom fixing for dinner?”

  “Turkey with all the trimmings, same as we have every year.” Conryu held out his hand and when she took it he cast, “Cloak of Darkness.”

  With Anya protected from the energy of Hell, he opened a portal and they all stepped through. Cerberus was waiting to guide them home. Kai had to be close, but she didn’t show herself. He’d invited the ninja to join them, but she claimed not to like crowds and begged off. She probably wanted to keep an eye on him from the borderland. As if Christmas dinner was some sort of military operation that might end with him in combat fighting for his life.

  It didn’t take long for them to reach the edge of Mrs. Kane’s wards. After last summer she’d given him a special rune stone that allowed him to enter and exit the building without smashing holes in her protective spells. Speaking of which…

  “I almost forgot.” He dug a pair of engraved bronze rings out of his pocket and handed one to Talon and the other to Sasha. “These’ll protect you from the effects of the wards around my apartment building. Mrs. Kane didn’t want to alter them to allow in undead since not everyone is as friendly and well-mannered as you guys.”

  “Perfectly reasonable.” Talon slipped the ring on.

  When Sasha had hers in place, Conryu opened another portal into his living room and they stepped out.

  Conryu’s mouth watered as the aroma of roasting turkey mingled with the spicy-sweet scent of the surprise dessert.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  His mother nearly leapt out of her shoes when he spoke. She was busy stirring six pots on the stove while Kelsie finished setting the table. “How many times have I told you to make a noise when you open one of those things?”

  “Once, and I told you I don’t know how to do that. Prime, do you know how to do that?”

  “No, Master. I’m not certain it’s possible.”

  “There you go, straight from the scholomantic’s mouth.”

  Mom growled at them, but she didn’t mean it. The little wrinkle between her eyes said so.

  Anya gasped. “That smell. Is it…?”

  Conryu grinned and helped her off with her coat. “Baked apples. I asked Sasha for the recipe so we could surprise you.”

  She hugged him then her mother. “I can’t wait.”

  Mom waved at the dining room where a pair of tables had been shoved together to make room for everyone. “Have a seat. We’ll be ready in fifteen minutes. Sho!”

  His father emerged from the bedroom and bowed to his guests. “Welcome to our home. Please make yourselves comfortable.”

  He’d changed into his master’s uniform, black pants and a white robe marked with a yin yang symbol on the back. Dad seldom wore it, so Mom must have insisted.

  Talon, Sasha, and Anya had barely settled in when someone knocked. That had to be Maria and her parents.

  He went to the door and sure enough there they were. Maria looked stunning in a black dress with her hair done up in some fancy style held together with black lacquered sticks. It showed off her slim, pale neck to excellent effect. Hopefully Talon didn’t get any ideas. Conryu swore she got more beautiful every time he saw her.

  He motioned them in and Mr. Kane made a beeline for Talo

  “He’s been so excited ever since I told him we were having dinner with a VIP,” Maria said. She took his arm and they walked to the table together.

  Mr. Kane was shaking Talon’s hand. “It’s a great honor to have a head of state such as yourself joining us to celebrate the season. I hope this can be the beginning of new relations between our countries.”

  Talon smiled. “I wonder if the rest of your government will be equally enthusiastic to be associated with a vampire. It’s been my experience that most humans find our company uncomfortable.”

  “There might be a few narrow-minded bureaucrats, they’re unavoidable, but I believe most of my superiors are open to the possibility.”

  “Enough politics,” Mom said. “Dinner’s ready.”

  Dad brought the turkey over and started carving. Mom dished up the sides and placed them on the table. Now the moment of truth. She filled two goblets and put one in front of Talon and the other in front of Sasha.

  “What is this?” Talon asked.

  “Turkey blood, warmed and strained.” Mom let out a nervous laugh. “You should have seen the look the butcher gave me when I asked for it. I said I was making turkey blood sausage. I hope it’s to your taste.”

  Talon took a sip and everyone fell silent. His eyes went wide. “This is delightful. You know, in seventeen hundred years I’ve never thought to try the blood of a bird. It’s very light, though there’s also a hint of something else.”

  “Sage,” Mom said. She sat beside Dad at the head of the table while Kelsie took the seat beside Conryu. “It goes really nicely with poultry so I sprinkled just a bit in the pot.”

  “It tastes fantastic. When Conryu mentioned you made a special dish for us, I never imagined something so unique. Please accept my most sincere thanks.”

  Mom blushed a little and started passing the bowls around to cover it. Who’d have imagined his mother hitting it off with a vampire? Now if he could just convince her to like Prime a little better.

  Conryu sighed and finished off the last of his baked apple. Anya was right, they were delicious. He doubted he could eat another bite. All around the table everyone seemed to share his opinion, even the vampires, and they’d only had a glass of blood each. They must have small stomachs.

  Kelsie yawned and that started a chain reaction. Nothing like a big meal to make you sleepy. Talon rose and so did Sasha.

  “We should be getting back,” Talon said. “Thank you again for a wonderful meal. I can’t remember the last time I did something like this.”

  Everyone else stood to say goodbye. “We’ll have to do this again sometime,” Mom said. “It’s probably not polite to say this, but you hear the stories and well, I’m glad I got to meet a real vampire.”

  Dad just bowed. Mr. Kane gave Talon’s hand another enthusiastic shake and blathered on about relations. Talon accepted the attention with a good deal more patience than Conryu would have.

  He turned to Anya. “Are you going with your mom, or are you staying here with us?”

  “I’ll stay. Mom says it wouldn’t be thoughtful to ask you to make another trip to pick me up. We only have a couple days before school starts.”

  “Cool. You and Kelsie can decide who gets the couch and who gets the air mattress.” Conryu twisted off the last leg of the turkey. He doubted Cerberus got hungry, but then again he might like a treat. He’d fix Kai something tonight when everyone was asleep.

  Damn it. He’d almost forgotten. Conryu made a quick run to his room and collected a package wrapped in black paper, not exactly festive, but the Dark Lady would probably appreciate it.

  “Are we ready?” he asked.

  Talon disengaged from Mr. Kane. “We are.”

  Conryu opened the portal and led the way through. Cerberus appeared almost at once. Conryu tossed the turkey leg up and the center head snapped it out of the air. It barely made a bite for the huge hound, but Cerberus gave his happy bark anyway.

  “It was a pleasure to meet your family,” Talon said. “Though Orin came on a bit strong.”

  “Well, Mr. Kane doesn’t get to Central very often, so he misses out on a lot of meet and greets with important folks. He says it like it’s a bad thing. I’m sure he enjoyed having you all to himself.”

  They followed Cerberus to the Land of the Night Princes. Before he opened a portal for them Sasha said, “I’m glad Anya found a friend like you, someone she can trust. We can’t offer her much in the way of a family, so thank you for sharing yours.”

  “My pleasure. She’s great to hang out with. So what do you say, Easter dinner? Maybe Mom can find you some rabbit blood.”

  They shared a laugh.

  Conryu opened a portal. “See you next Sunday.”

  Talon nodded, but before the vampires had a chance to enter the real world Kai appeared. “You almost forgot, Chosen.” She held out a box sealed with a ribbon.

  Conryu slapped his forehead. “Thanks, Kai.”

  He took the package and handed it to Talon. “Merry Christmas.”

  Talon looked from the box and back to him. “What’s this?”

  “Open it.”

  Talon sliced the ribbon with a razor-sharp nail and took off the lid. He reached in and pulled out the Solar Orb. “Why?”

  “I figured no one would do a better job protecting it than you and this way you won’t worry about where it is.”

  “Won’t your superiors be upset with you for giving away something so valuable?”

  “I’m sure they would’ve been, if I told anyone I had it. I considered giving it to you at once, but I wanted to try to figure out how it worked. After three months I still don’t have a clue. Rather than keep it as the world’s most valuable paperweight, I figured I’d let you hang on to it.”

  “Thank you. Having this device in hand takes a weight off my mind, even if there are two more out in the world.”

  “Two that we know of,” Prime said. “Who can say how many more might be hiding in still-unexplored elf ruins.”

  “You certainly have a way of killing the moment, Prime. Talon, Sasha, see you later.”

  The vampires left Hell and when he’d closed the portal he called, “Dark Lady.”

  One more present to deliver then he could go home and have a nice long nap. While they waited for his agent to arrive Kai fiddled with the silver ring on her right ring finger. It was a minor magical item that would allow her to sense if he was injured or in trouble. Since she kept a constant watch over him, it probably wasn’t necessary, but he wanted to try making a magic item and this was the simplest one he could find in the library. St. Seraphim had checked and deemed it an acceptable first effort.

  “Is it uncomfortable? The enchantment should adjust the size to fit you perfectly.”

  “It fits fine, Chosen, it’s just that no one has given me a gift, unless you count my sword, since I joined the Daughters of The Reaper. When I was assigned to serve as your protector, I never imagined we might become friends.”

  Conryu grinned. “I’d rather have a friend watching my back than someone doing a job.”

  He cocked his head. The Dark Lady was approaching. He spotted her a moment later. Soon the glowing dot resolved itself into her stunning figure.

  The Dark Lady stopped and floated before him. “You summoned me, Master? Has something happened?”

  “Nothing important.” He held out the box. “I wanted to give you your Christmas present.”

  She laughed and clapped her hands. “A gift! How delightful. You know, Master, wizards seldom give presents to their demonic servants.”

  “I informed him of that,” Prime said. “But he insisted on buying you something anyway.”

  “Are you going to open it or not?” Conryu asked.

  “I certainly am.” The Dark Lady took the box and tore it open. She gasped. “Master, they’re beautiful.”

  She tossed the box aside and displayed a pair of black thigh-high leather boots with five-inch heels. While she pulled them on he
said, “I can’t take all the credit. My girlfriend helped me pick them out. I had to guess on the size, but being a demon I figured you could always shape shift to make them fit.”

  She zipped up the side of the second boot and extended a flawless leg to show them off. “They’re perfect, thank you. I shall treasure them. The first gift ever given to me.”

  “No one’s ever given you a gift?” Conryu hardly believed the beautiful demon had never received a present.

  “Displaying that sort of sentimentality isn’t wise in Hell, Master,” Prime said. “It could be seen as a sign of weakness.”

  “That’s ridiculous. We’re a team and doing something nice for a teammate isn’t a sign of weakness. I depend on you guys and I want you to know I appreciate your efforts on my behalf.”

  The Dark Lady darted in and kissed his cheek. “You are the best master ever.”

  Conryu grinned. That was more like it.

  Since he’d traveled through Hell, Conryu was home again less than a minute after he left. When he emerged in the living room, his mother had fallen fast asleep in the recliner. Maria, Anya, and Kelsie were cleaning up while Mr. and Mrs. Kane sat chatting with his father. Mr. Kane spotted him first and hopped to his feet.

  He opened his mouth to speak, but Mrs. Kane grabbed his arm, pointed at Mom, and put a finger to her lips. He nodded and motioned toward the apartment door.

  Conryu’s over-full stomach did a somersault. He didn’t even know what Mr. Kane wanted yet, but whatever it was it had to be dangerous at worst and a pain in the ass at best. He hoped for the latter as he’d had his fill of life-threatening situations, at least for a few months.

  Mr. Kane reached the door first and opened it for him. When they were outside he said, “I trust you got our special guests home safely.”


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