Sean: A Love Triangle Romance (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 6)

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Sean: A Love Triangle Romance (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 6) Page 1

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  Table of Contents































  Giulia Lagomarsino


  For The Love Of A Good Woman

  Copyright © 2017 Giulia Lagomarsino

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2017


  Self-Published through Kindle Direct Publishing


  Chapter One- Sean

  Chapter Two- Sean

  Chapter Three- Lillian

  Chapter Four- Vira

  Chapter Five- Sean

  Chapter Six- Lillian

  Chapter Seven- Sean

  Chapter Eight- Vira

  Chapter Nine- Sean

  Chapter Ten- Lillian and Sean

  Chapter Eleven- Vira

  Chapter Twelve- Sean

  Chapter Thirteen- Lillian

  Chapter Fourteen- Vira

  Chapter Fifteen- Sean

  Chapter Sixteen- Lillian

  Chapter Seventeen- Sean

  Chapter Eighteen- Vira

  Chapter Nineteen- Lillian

  Chapter Twenty- Sean

  Chapter Twenty-One- Lillian

  Chapter Twenty-Two - Sean

  Chapter Twenty-Three - Vira

  Chapter Twenty-Four - Lillian

  Chapter Twenty-Five - Sean

  Chapter Twenty-Six - Lillian

  Chapter Twenty-Seven - Sean

  Chapter Twenty—Eight- But That’s Not All

  More To Come…

  To all the ladies in my book reviewers club who were so excited for Sean’s story. I hope I did it justice.



  VIRA’S HEAVY BREATHING filled the room, reminding me once again how wild she was in bed. Her long, black hair lay spread over the bed and her olive toned skin glimmered with a fine sheen of sweat. Thick, black eyelashes fluttered as her breathing returned to normal. Her plump, full lips begged me to kiss her until I exhausted myself in her. I couldn’t get enough of this woman. Ever since I met her, I needed her. She was everything I wanted in bed, but not so much out of bed. She refused to have any kind of intimate relationship with me, or anyone else.

  Vira was one hundred percent against relationships. She’d had a boyfriend when I met her, but she insisted on it being an open relationship. The guy had been fine with it at first, but once he realized how amazing Vira was, he pushed for more, and that had been the point that she walked away.

  I had been through a lot with this woman. Her best friend, Cece, had hatched a plan with her to get revenge on Cece’s now husband and my friend, Logan. It had worked in the sense that she got her revenge, but somewhere in the middle, they’d fallen in love and were now married and had a little girl.

  Part of me hoped that I could be the one that would change Vira’s mind and have her commit to me. I kept thinking that if I showed up and made her see how great I was that she would finally open her eyes and commit to me. When Vira was shot at a nightclub, I took her home and did my best to care for her, but even then, she didn’t want me helping her. So here I was, a year and a half later, still pining away for a woman that would never give me what I wanted.

  “Thanks for stopping by, Sean. I needed that.”

  “Sure. What plans do you have for the weekend?”

  “Well, now that Cece has a newborn at home, I guess I have to find some new friends to hang out with.”

  “Why don’t you let me take you out? We can grab some dinner and go dancing at the club.”

  “Yeah, we can do that. As long as it’s not a date.”

  Shit. She always added that in. It was like a knife to the heart every fucking time. I wasn’t sure why I stuck around. Was it the great sex? We were explosive in bed and she knew what I liked. She was always up for trying anything.

  Then again, it could be her personality. She was fun and didn’t take shit from anyone. She didn’t care that I was a cop. That didn’t make her wary around me or make her feel like she had to be on guard at all times. In fact, when I first started seeing her, she had been doing some illegal shit to get Logan in trouble. She didn’t even care when I found out. She told me that she would do anything for Cece and if I didn’t like it, I could lock her up.

  That was another thing about Vira. She was fiercely loyal to the people she cared about, which now included all of my friends. That was one of the things that made our relationship so difficult. If I decided to move on, I would still see her at get togethers. Then I would have to see the next man that became her fuck buddy and I really didn’t want to lose my badge by shooting whoever the dumb fuck would be. Whoever he was, he wouldn’t be good enough for Vira.

  “You can leave now.”

  I was pulled out of my thoughts when she said that. She never let me stick around to hang out. Once we were done, I was expected to leave.

  “Do you have something you need to do?”

  “No. I’m going to watch some movies and veg out.”

  “I don’t have to be at work until ten. I can hang out-”

  “Sean, don’t do this. You know the rules. If you keep pulling this shit, we can’t sleep together anymore.”

  I rolled over and caged her thin frame with my large one. Despite my size, I never could intimidate her. I ran my nose along hers and then over her cheek to her ear.

  “One of these days, you’re not going to be able to push me away anymore.”

  Before she could say anything, I pressed my mouth to hers and slid my tongue inside. I kissed her breathless while I ground my growing erection into her cunt. When she started to wrap her legs around my waist, I pulled back.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m tired of just being your fuck buddy. You know I want more, so you’re going to have to give me something if you want this to continue. I’m not asking for all of you, just give me something.”

  “I can’t.”

  She didn’t even hesitate. There was no change in her eyes telling me that she didn’t mean what she was saying. Her heart rate didn’t increase and her breathing didn’t change. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what this woman was holding back for. She never shared, but insisted that this was just the way she wanted her life to be.

  With no sign that I could break through to her, I decided that I was going to have to move on. I just couldn’t keep torturing myself anymore. I nodded and started gathering my clothes.

  “So what time will
I see you Saturday? We could go to the new steakhouse outside of town.”

  “I won’t be here.”

  Her confused expression made me laugh humorlessly. She really didn’t get it. She didn’t understand that she was stomping on my heart and then asking me to just go on like we didn’t mean anything to one another.

  “I don’t understand. You said you wanted to go out, so what changed?”

  “What changed is that I’m not going to be the schmuck that waits around for you anymore. I can’t. It’s been a year and a half and I can’t get any more from you than a quick lay and a night at the club. You don’t even share normal details of your life with me.”

  “Like what? You want to know about my day?”

  “Well, yeah. That would be nice. The most I know about your job is that you manage a club that you hate. You don’t tell me why you hate it or even what your work day is normally like.”

  “And what would be the point of that? That stuff’s all boring. Do you really want to come see me at the end of the day and have me tell you every minute detail of my day?”



  “Because I care about you and I want to know what drives you, what makes you happy, why you stay in a job you hate. The only reason I know your last name is because I checked you out. Would it really be so awful to share those details?”

  “No. It’s not, but it’s just not who I am. I’m sorry, Sean, but that’s not something I can offer.”

  I shook my head in frustration. I pulled on my jeans and let them hang on my hips as I searched for my socks and shoes. I was surprised she actually let me get completely undressed this time.

  “So that’s it? You’re just going to stop seeing me because you don’t get your way?”

  “This isn’t about me not getting my way. This is about me finally seeing that you are a selfish person that doesn’t care about anyone but herself. You may think you care about others, and up until a few minutes ago, I thought you did too. But now I see that you just don’t have it in you to truly care about how your actions affect others.”

  “Sean, don’t be so dramatic.”

  I pulled on the last of my clothes and headed for the door. “Do me a favor, if you see me around town, go the other direction so I don’t have to see you.”

  With that, I walked out of the room and slammed the door on the worst relationship I’d ever had. It was time to move on with my life.



  IT HAD BEEN two months since I walked away from Vira and every day was harder and harder to stay away. My cock ached for her and not just any warm body would take her place. I tried. I found a few random women to take home from The Pub, but none of them did it for me. At one point, Vira was there with Cece and watched me walk out with another woman. If I had thought she would step up and do the whole jealous girlfriend bit, I was sorely mistaken. Vira gave me a thumbs up as I headed out the door.

  I had yet to find a woman that liked the kinky shit that Vira and I did together. A few of the women got freaked out when I started talking dirty to them. It was like they wanted a boy instead of a real man. It wasn’t that I couldn’t do normal shit in bed, but I liked to tell women how much I appreciated their bodies and tell them all the dirty shit I wanted to do to them. Vira always gave as good as she got, but now that I had walked away, I couldn’t face going back to the situation I had been in. I was ready for someone to be mine, and that was something I would never get with Vira. She slept with other men over the last year and half and I just couldn’t take it anymore.

  The lack of decent partners recently had left me painfully hard most days. Even if I was able to get off, it wasn’t the release I needed, which was probably why I was standing in the middle of a school with a raging hard on as I stared at a teacher’s ass. The woman was about average height with dark brown hair that was pulled up into a bun. She wore dark rimmed glasses that kept sliding down her nose, making her push them back up. The killer was her outfit. It was modest by any standard, but had my cock pressing painfully against my zipper. She wore a tight pencil skirt that fell just below her knees and a loose, cream blouse that didn’t show an ounce of cleavage. She reminded me of my naughty librarian fantasies.

  “Sir, is there something I can help you with? I’m in the middle of class.”

  My gaze snapped up to her stern expression that did nothing to calm my woody. In fact, I imagined her taking her ruler and spanking me with it.

  “I’m here for a student, a Jim Smith.”

  Her gaze narrowed in on me as she stepped forward and motioned for the door. After we stepped through, she softly shut the door behind her. “Can I ask what you need to see him about? You haven’t told me who you are.”

  The principal came rushing up to us, making his apologies. “I’m so sorry to have been delayed. I meant to be here when you came for the student, but unforeseen circumstances..”

  I held up my hand to ward off any more of the principal’s apologies and turned back to the hot teacher.

  “I’m a detective with the police department. We were conducting a drug search and found a sizable amount of drugs in his locker. He needs to be taken in for questioning.”

  “I see.”

  “So, if you’ll send him out, I would appreciate it.”

  She pursed her lips and nodded. I bit back a groan as I imagined those lips wrapped tight around my cock. Shit. This woman could be the death of me. I glanced down and saw there was no ring on her finger. Fair game. She turned and walked back into the room, asking the punk kid to step into the hallway. He gathered his stuff and walked toward the door, but my eyes were still trained on the teacher’s delectable body.

  When the kid stepped into the hall, I was forced to get back to work. I took the kid to the principal’s office and we had a chat about where he got the stash of drugs. Of course, he clammed up and wouldn’t say anything. I took him down to the station and waited for his parents to arrive before I could really question him.

  We had been having a major drug problem in town now for the past year and I didn’t have a single lead where the drugs were originating. Drugs went missing from several busts that I made and while I was suspected at first because they all happened on my watch, the department was looking at other cops that were working the crime scenes. What we needed was to catch someone red handed, but now that people were aware of what was going on, whoever it was, was being extra careful.

  I suspected that Officers Calloway and Sawyer were behind the drugs going missing. They had been suspended when they were busted for police brutality and then been demoted to patrolmen. I had worried that they would go after Vira in some way because she originally put Sawyer up to helping her take down Logan. So far, he hadn’t come near her and I was pretty sure that was because he knew I would take him down if he tried.

  After grilling the kid about where the drugs came from, his parents had enough and told the kid he would lose his car if he didn’t give up his dealer. His parents’ lawyer struck a deal with the department that he give up his source in exchange for a slap on the wrist. Personally, I thought the kid needed a swift kick in the ass, but it wasn’t up to me.

  I dragged my tired ass to The Pub after work to meet up with the guys. We usually did poker night during the week, but the girls wanted to get together tonight also, so we were all meeting up in town. I walked in the door and immediately regretted coming out when I saw Vira hanging out with Cece and Logan. Shit. I didn’t want to deal with her tonight.

  I headed over to the bar where I saw a woman sitting at the counter with long, dark hair that hung in long waves down her back, just brushing her plump ass. She was talking with some preppy looking guy wearing a sweater vest over a collared shirt. I sidled up to her other side and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

  “Why don’t you ditch sweater vest and let a real man buy you a drink.”

  She turned to me and, fuck me, it was the woman from the school today. She
raised an eyebrow at me and ran her tongue along her top lip.

  “I suppose you think you’re just the man I need.”

  “Honey, there are two things I do really good and one of them is fucking.”


  “Excuse me?”

  “You said there are two things you do really good. It’s really well.”

  I looked at her in confusion. Was this her idea of flirting? Was she seriously correcting my grammar?

  “Fine. I do it well. Anyway, what can I get you to drink?”

  She lifted her glass of wine in the air. “As you can see, I already have a drink, but thank you for the offer.” Then she turned back to sweater vest and started talking to him again. Well, fuck me. I had never been turned down by a woman so fast in my life. Nor had I ever had my grammar corrected while trying to pick up a woman. I walked away, not wanting to make an ass out of myself.

  I headed over to the table with all my friends and clenched my fists when Vira wrapped her arms around the neck of some shithead that had just walked over to her.

  “Long day?” Sebastian asked, his arm wrapped around his girlfriend, Maggie.

  “Just another day at the office.”

  “Any leads on the drug ring?”

  Sebastian knew about the drug ring from when his girlfriend accused me outside the police station of being involved somehow in the missing drugs. He chewed her ass out and she was now living with him after they worked out their issues.

  “None yet. I had to pull a kid out of school today after we sent the dogs in on a drug search. The kid gave up his dealer, but I’m not sure it’ll lead to much.”

  “So, who’s the broad at the bar?”

  I glanced over to see the sexy teacher leaning in and placing a hand on sweater vest’s arm. “She’s a teacher that I met at the school today.”

  “And she turned you down for the sweater?” He huffed out a laugh and took a swig of his beer.

  “She also corrected my grammar. I got lucky on that one. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make a polite escape, but luckily she turned me down.”


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