Sean: A Love Triangle Romance (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 6)

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Sean: A Love Triangle Romance (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 6) Page 7

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  I heard banging and some yelling, so I calmly opened the door and headed toward the front door. I thought better of going in my nightgown and grabbed my robe off the door. When I was presentable I opened the door to two officers.

  “Ma’am, did you call about a break in?”

  “Yes. Please come inside.”

  After they stepped into the living room, I walked over to the couch and sat down. The officers followed me in and took seats on the opposite chairs.

  “Can you tell us what happened?” The officer to the right asked as he held out his notepad.

  “I was awoken to a hand covering my mouth. The person was covered in all black, so I didn’t see a face.”

  “Alright. What happened then?”

  “He told me that I needed to tell my boyfriend to stop looking or he would take it out on me.”

  “So, the voice was male?”


  “The 911 operator said that you requested a Detective Donnelly. Are the two of you involved?”

  I thought briefly about our kiss, but shook my head. “No. I was involved in a police chase yesterday for the police shooting yesterday. I was in the car that Detective Donnelly was driving. I assume that’s what this is about.”

  “And how would this man know who you are?”

  “Honestly, officer, I think that’s what the police are supposed to investigate.”

  A flash of anger crossed the man’s face, but he quickly reigned in his temper. The second police officer leaned forward.

  “Did you see how he exited the house?”

  “No. I stayed in bed until I thought he was gone.”

  “Alright. We’ll need to check the doors and windows.” Both men stood and went to the front door. I stayed on the couch staring at the wall, not sure what else to do while they investigated. I heard Sean outside talking with the officers and then a knock sounded on the door. I got up and went to the door to answer.

  Sean’s face was quite hysterical when I answered the door and I couldn’t help but laugh. He was scanning my body with an odd look, like he had never seen a woman covered quite so much.

  “What’s going on here? I got a call that I was mentioned at a crime scene. What happened and why are you laughing?”

  “I’m sorry. You should have seen your face. Everything’s fine. A man broke in and wanted me to give you a message. He said to tell my boyfriend to stop looking or he would take it out on me.”

  Sean’s face turned to stone and he clenched his fist. “And what made you think he was talking about me?”

  “Well, considering you are the only man I know that is looking into something and I was on that call with you, I assumed it was you to whom he was referring.”

  “But he didn’t specifically say my name?”


  I walked back inside and sat down on the couch, Sean following close behind. He sat down next to me and picked up my hand. I looked down at our interlocked fingers and scrunched my brows. He quickly pulled his hand back and ran his hand over his scruffy face.

  “Alright, well you can either come stay at my place tonight or I’ll get you a hotel room. It’s not safe to stay here.”

  “Why would it not be safe? He came and delivered his message and now he’s gone. I highly doubt he would come back the same night.”

  “Are you serious? The guy broke into your home and you’re okay staying here?”

  “I’m not going to be run out of my home. I didn’t ask for this. I wasn’t supposed to be dragged along on a police chase-”

  “You could hardly classify what we did as a police chase.”

  “Forced to break laws-”

  “What laws did you break?”

  “You forced me to drive like a maniac on a highway full of people.”

  “You never topped sixty-five. Your driving was scarier than the actual speed.”

  “Or to be shot at-”

  “Nobody shot at you.”

  “To have my car used for police business-”

  “Your electric car that died during the supposed chase.”

  “Or to be targeted by an insane man that thinks I’m your girlfriend.”

  “We did share a pretty steamy kiss.”

  “Would you be serious for one minute?”

  “I am. I’m just pointing out the flaws of your argument.”

  “The point is, I didn’t ask for this and I’m not about to have my life turned upside down because of one day.”

  “Fine. Then I’ll stay the night here. Tomorrow, I’ll have Sebastian come and install a security system for you.”

  “I don’t believe I asked you to take care of that for me. And I most certainly didn’t ask you to stay the night,” I said as I pulled my robe closed at the neck.

  “Would you lay off? I’m trying to help. It’s the middle of the night and I’m tired. Besides, you’re dressed like someone out of the 1800’s. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were wearing a chastity belt.”

  Heat flooded my cheeks and I didn’t know what to say, so I stomped off to my room and slammed the door. I heard Sean talking with the other officers a little while later and then a car drove away. I wondered if Sean gave up and went home, but then I heard him walking around the house. This was not the way I had thought I would spend my first night with a man.



  I HAD JUST closed my eyes and was drifting off when I heard her screams.

  “Oh my God. Where is it? It’s gone.”

  I got up from the most uncomfortable couch in the world and ran toward her bedroom. I was only in my boxers because I couldn’t get comfortable in my jeans. When I heard her scream, there wasn’t time to put them on.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” I asked as I burst through her door.

  “My hand is gone.” She was feeling all around the bed and tearing the covers from the bed.

  “What do you mean your hand is gone?” I walked over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to look at me.

  “I woke up and my hand was gone. It’s gone! How can that be?”

  She looked really tired and I wondered if she was actually awake. I put a hand on her cheek and gave her a few light slaps. Her eyes adjusted and she looked at me again.

  “Why do you think your hand is gone?”

  “I can’t feel it. It’s not there.”

  I lifted one sleeve and saw that her hand was there. I showed it to her and then lifted her other arm. Her hand was in fact missing, but I soon found it inside the elastic of her nightgown. I gently pulled her hand from her sleeve and saw relief cross her face.

  “Did you maybe fall asleep on your hand?”

  “I guess that makes more sense than me losing my hand.”

  I massaged her hand, trying to get the blood flowing once again. “You know, if you weren’t wearing such a long nightgown, you would have seen that your hand was still attached.”

  “I like my nightgown.”

  I looked her over once again and saw that the neck line had moved and one shoulder was now exposed. I could see the swell of her breast peeking out and her nipples were now poking through the thin material. Her long, brown hair was brushing against her shoulder and I could see the silky strands hung down to the middle of her back. Suddenly, she didn’t seem quite so matronly in this nightgown. She was more like a temptress revealing glimpses of the beauty hidden within.

  I wanted to pull up the gown and feel her silky legs and run my hands up to her breasts. I wanted to run my hands through her hair and feel her come apart in my arms.

  Damn. I was getting hard thinking about how good she probably looked underneath. I ran my hand up her arm to the back of her neck and leaned my forehead against hers. Taking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes to get myself under control.

  “You have no idea how tempting you are, do you?”

  “I’m not trying to be.”

  I leaned in and brushed my lips across her soft lips. I didn�
��t want to push too much. I knew she wouldn’t appreciate my advances. I was going to have to take things slow if I wanted to get anywhere with her.

  When she didn’t push me away. I kissed her a little harder and slid my tongue along the seam of her lips. When she moaned and parted her lips, I slid my tongue into her mouth in a gentle caress. My thumb brushed the pulse point on her neck and I could feel it’s rapid rhythm under my touch. Not wanting to push too far, I pulled back and placed one more gentle kiss on her lips.

  Her eyes were closed as she breathed heavily from our kiss. I leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to each eyelid before stepping back from her touch.

  “Sweet dreams, Lillian.”

  I turned and left the room, not wanting to jinx myself by turning back for one last look. I closed the door and then laid back down on the couch, knowing I wouldn’t be getting any more sleep tonight.


  By the time Lillian emerged in the morning, she was fully dressed and ready for school, her armor fully in place. I was disappointed when I saw that she was wearing a pantsuit today instead of one of her tight pencil skirts. Her hair was once again pulled up in a bun and her glasses in place.

  “I already called Sebastian and he’s going to send a crew out to install a security system for you. You’ll have sensors on all your windows and doors. Hopefully, that will make you feel more secure.”

  “I suppose, but alarms won’t deter someone that really wants to get in.”

  “No, but it may give you time to get a weapon. Do you know how to shoot?”

  “A gun?” She asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, a gun. I would feel better if you had one here for your protection.”

  “I don’t know the first thing about using a gun and I doubt I could use one if I had it.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I don’t believe in killing.”

  “I doubt you would feel that way if it was kill or be killed.”

  “People say that all the time, but it goes against my beliefs.”

  “And what would those beliefs be?”

  “The ten commandments.”

  “So, a guy comes to kill you and you won’t fight back and use a gun because of the ten commandments?” I asked in astonishment.

  “Not everyone understands. I believe very strongly and I don’t know if I could live with myself if I took another life.”

  “So, what does that say about me?” I walked right up into her space. “I’ve killed a man before and there’s not a single thing I regret about it. He didn’t deserve to breathe the same air as anyone else around him. He was scum. So, do you think I’m a murderer, too?”

  “That’s between you and God. I can’t say what will happen to you.”

  “But you think I’ll go to hell.”

  “Not if you ask for forgiveness.”

  “I have to ask for forgiveness? Do you think God would have wanted me to let that asshole continue to rape a fourteen year old girl?”

  She blinked rapidly and moistened her lips. I was guessing she’d never seen the underbelly of the world, never really had to see how truly evil people could be first hand.

  “Where was God when my sister was captured by a serial killer? Or when that same man went after Alex? Should Cole have not put a bullet in his head after the man shoved a knife between his ribs? Or what about the man that attacked his wife in the bar? Should he have asked the man nicely to stop beating Alex with a liquor bottle?”

  “I..” She stumbled over her words, trying to figure out what to say. “I can’t..I don’t understand why things happen the way they do, and I’m not trying to say you were wrong. But I can’t suddenly change my beliefs after twenty-eight years.”

  “Well, let’s hope you never end up on the receiving end of a madman’s gun.”

  I walked to the door and headed out without another word. As much as I wanted that woman, I couldn’t stand to be preached to about the moralities of my job.


  “Sebastian, I’m gonna need someone to tail Lillian until I can get the evidence I need in this case.”

  “Do you want round the clock or just while she’s out of the house?” His voice seemed a little distant on the other end of the phone. No doubt he was slammed with work right now. His company had really taken off in the last six months and the five men he hired didn’t seem to be enough to keep up with the demand for their services.

  “I need round the clock. It would be best if you could give me Lola, but if she’s not available, just send whoever you think is best.”

  “Why do you want Lola?”

  “Lillian won’t like having a man stay with her, but she’ll deal with it if she has to.”

  “Does Lillian know that she’s going to have a bodyguard?”

  “She will this afternoon. She doesn’t have a choice in the matter. I fucked up and had her with me when I was chasing down a suspect. Someone broke in last night and threatened her.”

  “Shit. Where is she now?”

  “I just followed her to the school. She should be fine until school lets out at three-thirty.”

  “Alright. I’ll look at my case load and see if I can send her. Give me a half hour and I’ll let you know who I’m sending.”

  “Thanks, Sebastian.”

  I hung up and pulled out of the school parking lot and headed to work. The first thing I needed to do was go have a talk with my chief. This shit with Sawyer and Calloway had to stop before someone else got hurt. It was bad enough that Officer Wheeling got shot, but now Lillian was being threatened also.

  “Chief, do you have a minute?”

  “Yeah, shut the door.” Chief Jameson waved me in and closed up a file on his desk.

  “What’s on your mind, Donnelly?”

  “What’s going on with the IA investigation into the missing drugs?”

  “They’re stalling. I can’t get any answers from anyone.”

  “We have to close this case. The woman that was in the car with me yesterday was threatened in her home last night.”

  “Yeah, I heard about that. How did they find out about her? Do you think it was Sawyer?”

  “Most likely. He’s the one with the most beef to grind with me.”

  “Sean, I never asked what happened that he hates you so much, and I won’t as long as you can assure me it has nothing to do with this case.”

  “Not at all.”

  “Alright. How’s the girl?”

  “She’s fine. A guy broke in and had her give me a message to stop looking or he was going to go after her.”

  Chief Jameson sighed and leaned back in his seat. “Well, we can have patrols keep an eye on her.”

  “There’s no need for that. I hired Reed Security to put someone on her.”

  “Is this your girlfriend or something? You’ve never done this for anyone else before.”

  I thought back to our moment in her bedroom last night and how much I wanted her and then about her comments this morning. I wasn’t sure what was going on with us, so it was better to not say anything yet.

  “No. I know her from the drug busts at the school. She offered me a ride back to the station yesterday after my car was hit, and I dragged her into this whole mess. I just want to make up for that.”

  He didn’t look convinced, but didn’t say otherwise. “The best way to get these two is to catch them in the act. Now that they know IA is involved, they’re going to be more careful. This isn’t going to be easy. I’ll make sure they don’t get called out to any more of your calls. We’ll try to keep them in the dark as much as possible. Maybe we can force them into making a mistake.”

  “Let’s hope so.”


  I waited outside the school with Lola, hoping like hell Lillian would accept this help without throwing a temper tantrum. I had to get back to work and I didn’t have time to deal with her fighting me on this.

  “So, Sebastian told me that Lillian has som
e drug dealers after her. What does an English teacher have to do with drugs?”

  Lola was a kickass woman and definitely looked the part as we stood leaning against my car. She wore form fitting jeans, a white tank, a military green jacket, and combat boots. Her hair was pulled up in a tight ponytail that swayed down her back. Her sunglasses made her seem relaxed, but Lola was always assessing and always ready.

  “She’s not really involved. More like wrong place, wrong time. She was with me and a drug dealer saw her. He assumed she was my girlfriend and he’s trying to use her as leverage against me.”

  “But you aren’t actually with her?”

  I snorted. “I think I can say with one hundred percent certainty that I am the last person on the face of the earth that Lillian would want as a boyfriend.”

  “Why? You’re a good guy.”

  “She’s religious and apparently has a problem with my complete lack of regard for taking a life when necessary.”

  “Well, she’s a civilian. She doesn’t get it.”

  “And she never will. She’s too innocent.”

  “For some reason, I get the feeling that you don’t like that she doesn’t understand you.”

  I ignored that comment as I saw Lillian emerging from the school with her bag that she always brought to school and her purse hanging from her shoulder. Her jacket from her pant suit was draped over one arm and the silky, short sleeved blouse perfectly accentuated her breatsts.

  She stopped when she saw me standing next to her car. When she glanced at Lola, I saw her eyes trace the scar along Lola’s forehead and the horror that momentarily took over her features. I felt Lola tense next to me. Her scar was a big no go for topics of conversation. She never allowed anyone to ask questions or pity her.

  “Detective. Are you here to borrow my car again? I’m afraid that I’m not really in the mood for a car chase today.”

  “I’m here to introduce you to your new bodyguard.”

  “My what?” Her eyebrows shot up and she glanced at Lola again before pursing her lips at me. “Why would I need a bodyguard?”


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