The Alpha's Demand (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 2)

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The Alpha's Demand (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 2) Page 8

by Martha Woods

  Before they stepped off the porch, a large group of leather clad people walked into the clearing, Hayley leading them.

  “Good morning, Hayley,” Skylar descended the stairs and met the witches.

  “Morning,” Hayley responded, looking around at the wolves gathered around and those who stopped their training to view the newcomers.

  “Don’t pay them any attention,” Sky said and turned to Liam, motioning for him to join them. When he approached, she said, “Are we meeting now, or do you want to do that later?”

  “Later is fine,” Hayley answered before Liam. “We haven’t a clue where to begin.”

  Skylar’s heart plummeted when the witch admitted they didn’t know where to find the hunters. How would they find them in time to save Farah? If Cayden— “We don’t need to search for them. We know where Cayden is. He can talk to the others,” Sky said and faced Liam.

  “You’re right. I don’t know why I didn’t think of him.”

  “Cayden?” Hayley asked.

  “He’s a friend of mine, and he’s a hunter.”

  Liam growled.

  “Interesting,” Hayley said before she turned to the other witches. “If it’s okay with the alpha, I think it’s best for everyone to divide up and work with a group of wolves.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Liam said before he turned and whistled to get the packs’ attention. “Listen up. For the immediate future, we’ll be working with the witches. Beginning today, we’ll divide up and have wolves and witches work together. The more acquainted we become with each other, the better chance we have of survival against the evil witches.” After everyone nodded, he turned to Skylar. “You’re working with me, Michael, and Hayley until further notice.”

  Skylar nodded and followed her mate across the clearing to where his baby brother stood. After they exchanged a few words, her training began. They pushed her through several cardio exercises, and when she finished, Liam and Michael alternated between basic self-defense moves. Within a matter of hours, she was exhausted and sweaty. When she bent over to catch her breath, she turned her head toward Hayley and wished she was as polished at the witch. There wasn’t a single black hair out of place, and her make-up was still fresh.

  “How do you…” she trailed off when she noticed another group of people approached, Cayden at the front.

  “Behind me, Sky,” Liam ordered and jumped in front of her, blocking her from the hunters. As her eyes roamed the area, all the other wolves and witches were in fighting stances, waiting for the hunters to attack.

  “We come in peace, Conway,” Cayden’s voice rang out. “We’re here to discuss the witches who are killing our hunters and their families.”

  Liam raised his hand, she assumed, to indicate to the wolves to stand down. “How do we know this isn’t a trick?”

  Skylar peeked around Liam and focused on Cayden.

  “Look at us. We brought no weapons. It’s our gesture of good faith.” He raised his hands over his head and slowly turned in a full circle before he motioned the others to do the same. When they finished, he said, “We know there are two separate groups of witches. All we want is to stop the ones killing us. I’m assuming you’re thinking something similar since you have a coven of wiccan here with you.”

  “We’re witches, but we’re peaceful,” Hayley stepped forward and tossed her shiny, ebony locks over her shoulder before she brought her red fingernails to her face and studied it.

  “Whatever. You get my point. It’s obvious we all want the same thing. Is it possible for us to join forces and call a truce between the three groups?” Cayden stepped forward and offered his hand to Liam.

  Skylar whispered, “This is what Farah said we need. Call the truce.”

  He nodded and said, “The truce will remain in effect until the last person present today dies. This goes for the pack, coven, and order. Afterward, it’s up to the new leaders. If your order and the coven can agree to these terms, we’ll help you.”

  Skylar knew Liam played with fire, but if the coven and order agreed to his terms, it meant peace for their pack for a very long time. She crossed her fingers and stepped from behind Liam, taking her rightful place at his side. She reached out and intertwined her fingers with his before she focused on Cayden, who locked eyes with her.

  “It’s agreed. We’re willing to sign a peace treaty now,” Cayden said, but he never once looked at Liam. Instead, he remained focused on Skylar.

  When Liam growled, she squeezed his hand, assuring him she was his.

  “Then so be it. It’s done and decreed. Divide your hunters among the formed groups. We’ll spend the next week training and will begin the journey exactly seven days from today. After the treaty is written and signed, if Hayley will, I’d like her to look at the marks on your arms. She can, hopefully, tell us what they mean.”

  Skylar turned to Liam and said, “I’ll continue working with Michael while you deal with the pack business.” She tiptoed and kissed his cheek before she whispered, “I’m proud of you for guaranteeing peace for our pack for the foreseeable future. Love you.”

  She pulled her fingers from his and joined Michael to continue her training. When Liam, Hayley, and Cayden disappeared inside the cabin, she relaxed and focused on her next defensive move. Determination drove her to train. Failure was not an option if she wanted Farah back.

  Chapter 8

  Despite the rigorous training Liam, Michael, and Hayley put her through, Skylar’s nightmares resumed. She thought with all the physical activity, she’d sleep throughout the night, but it was the opposite. In fact, the dreams became progressively worse. The time she spent with Farah became less, and the dark spirits she’d seen before had a greater presence. However, because of the dream when Farah warned her, she recognized when the evil witches were catching up with her, and she managed to pull herself from the dream at just the right time.

  “Sky, are you ready?” Liam asked, sitting on the bed next to her.

  She nodded. Despite feeling extra tired this morning, she prepared herself for the journey ahead. During last night’s meeting, Liam explained the trip would take the wolves a little over a day, but because they were traveling as a group, it would take two to three instead. Once there, the witches would cast a spell to remove the enchantment, and when it disappeared, everyone should be prepared for battle.

  “Yes, I’m more than ready. We need to bring Farah home. The witches have done nothing but torture her. I don’t know how much longer she’ll last. Last night, her face was battered, and her skin was black. She had marks like Cayden’s.” She threw the blanket aside and moved closer to Liam. “If something happens to her, I don’t know what I’ll do. She’s like a mom to me. I can’t lose her.” She grabbed the front of his shirt and rested her head against his shoulder as tears fell from her eyes.

  “She’s still reaching out to you. She’s alive. We’ll bring her home, Sky. I promise.” Liam kissed her hair and hugged her to him.

  He spoke the truth, but she couldn’t stand the thought of Farah dying. She’d grown to love Leah, but her death was imminent. If Farah died, that would be three mother figures to pass from her life. Why couldn’t her dad die in their place? Despite not having him around most of her life, when he was, he’d done nothing but cause her and her mom pain.

  Angry, she wiped her tears from her face and stood. “Let me get dressed, and I’ll be ready.”

  “Dress warmly. We expect the first snowfall of the season tonight. The pack and I will travel in our wolf forms, so I’ll be there to help keep you warm, but it does get cold that deep in the forest.”

  Because she’d only seen Liam in his wolf form a few times, she didn’t really know what to expect. However, as the future Lady of the Pack, she needed to grow accustomed to the wolf.

  While Skylar dressed, Liam packed her backpack with supplies—bottled water, protein bars, an extra blanket, and a tent. After she pulled on her fleece lined boots, she turned to him and asked, “Will we
share our tent?”

  “We won’t, but there’ll be others who will. As the alpha, I’ve earned my privacy. The others will share to keep from taking up too much space and to help keep each other warm. With the cold, snowy nights, it could be enough to cause frostbite or death even with our thick fur.”

  “I suppose it’ll be a lot like cuddling with a dog, huh?” She laughed and swatted him playfully on the butt.

  “I’ll show you dog.” He laughed and hugged her to him. “It’ll be trying out there, but remember, you can do this. A few of us know you have to be a part of the group, but the wolves—our family—sees this as you supporting us. The admiration you’ve acquired by coming along is greater than you know.”

  “Really? They like me?” she asked and another round of tears filled her eyes.

  “They’re growing to love you, Sky. I think you underestimate yourself sometimes.” He wiped the tears on her cheeks away with the pads of his thumbs. “I love you, Sky. Remember that.”

  “And I love you.” She grasped his hand and pulled away from him. “We should go out and meet the others. Will Leah be okay?”

  “A couple of the pups are staying behind to watch after her, and the shaman will be here, too.”

  Skylar led Liam out of their bedroom and into the kitchen. Her eyes widened at the packaged food on the table. “You cooked?”

  “I can’t let my little animal go without her food.” He laughed. “Sorry we can’t sit down to eat, but at least we can take it with us.”

  Skylar tiptoed and kissed him. Afterward, she said, “Let me grab my parka. Then you can help me with the backpack before you shift. Don’t forget the food.” She grabbed her coat from the closet and shrugged into it, zipping it to her chin. When she finished, she returned to the kitchen and snatched a biscuit from the table before Liam packed everything. After he finished, he secured the zipper on the pack and helped her secure the straps around her body.

  “Too heavy?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “It’s good. It’s not nearly as heavy as I thought it would be.”

  “Love you.”

  “Love you, too.” She smiled and allowed him to lead her outside to the waiting pack, coven, and order. As she took in the volume of people, she couldn’t believe everyone agreed to work together, forgetting their differences, in order to take out a common enemy. Liam was proving to be a great leader.

  Skylar exhaled. Her warm breath frosted and floated into the air. She reached back and pulled her hood up before they joined the others in the clearing.

  “The next few days will be hard, but the end result will be worth it. We’ll defeat the evil coven and, hopefully, live the rest of our lives in peach. If anyone feels this isn’t for them, now is the time to decide. Once we start this journey, you’re committed.” Liam’s voice boomed in the cold air.

  Skylar scanned the crowd. The members of the pack, already in their wolf forms, stayed still. When the hunters and witches showed no signs of leaving, she sighed in relief.

  After a few moments, Liam said, “Let’s head out.” He raised his hand into the air and motioned forward before he shifted, bones and skin stretching and cracking. When he finished, he rubbed against her leg and turned his head toward her. She ran her fingers through his thick, gray fur as the realization hit her. Farah would be safe soon thanks to her family and friends.

  The next several hours passed quickly as they trudged their way deeper into the forest. Adrenaline coursed through Skylar’s veins, keeping her warm and energized, but as the dark evening sky closed in around them, the energy seemed to vanish.

  “Liam, I don’t know how much longer I can hike today,” she whispered against his head when they paused to allow the others to catch up. He nuzzled her neck and moved away, shifting back to his human form.

  “We’ve made great time today. There’s a clearing about a half mile from here. We’ll stop there and make camp for the night,” he said as the others caught up and gathered around.

  Skylar rubbed her gloved hands together and blew warm air into them. The heat from her breath did little to warm her fingers. As she cursed, the first snowflakes of the season fell. “Great,” she mumbled to herself.

  “We aren’t far, Sky. When we get there, we’ll build campfires, and you can warm up before calling it a night.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. The cold ate at her soul, and she failed to pay attention to her mate’s nudity.

  She nodded as he shifted back to his wolf.

  Despite the short distance, it took them over thirty minutes to make the walk. The wind increased with a ferocity that rivaled that in her dreams, and the blizzard conditions made it nearly impossible to see more than a foot in front of her. However, Liam stayed by her side.

  When they finally made it into a clearing, the pack remained in their wolf forms and scouted the perimeter of the clearing. The witches huddled together and held hands as they chanted. Within minutes, the wind ceased blowing and the snow on the ground disappeared, leaving lifeless vegetation to decorate the earth’s floor.

  “We’re far enough away that we felt it was safe to cast a barrier against the wind and remove the snow, but we can’t stop the falling snow. However, without the air barreling through, it shouldn’t feel as cold throughout the night,” Hayley said when she approached Skylar.

  “Thank you. This is my first snow in years. I’d forgotten how cold and harsh winter can be.” Sky thought back to her last years in Miami as she wrapped her arms around her shivering body.

  “It shouldn’t be as bad once the ground is cleared of snow and the fires are roaring.” Hayley stepped closer to Skylar when Cayden approached, and Liam growled.

  Despite the truce, Liam still didn’t like when Cayden talked to her. He explained it was the alpha part of him ensuring everyone knew she was his. Jealousy was something she’d have to get used to.

  “Liam, can I speak to you?” Cayden asked the massive gray wolf who’d taken a protective stance in front of Skylar.

  Her mate shifted and stood in front of her, oblivious to the cold despite his naked form. “What do you need, Benet?” Liam asked.

  “The order and I would like to take first watch. However, we wanted to make sure it was okay with you.” Cayden met Liam’s eyes but glanced and focused on Skylar.

  She stepped closer to Liam, pulling her arms in front of her chest, and pressed herself into his warm back. She had zero interest in whatever game Cayden played. The heat seeping from Liam’s skin was enough to warm her frozen cheek, and she closed her eyes to enjoy the few minutes she’d have with him.

  “Thanks for the offer, but why don’t we split our men. Half can take the first watch. Half the second. If anything unusual occurs, the wolves and I are connected. I’ll know without them yelling or leaving the area defenseless while they warn us.”

  “That works for us. I’ll let the others know,” Cayden said. Silence followed for a few minutes.

  “I never thought he’d leave. What’s up with him?” Hayley asked.

  “He’s in love with my mate,” Liam said as he turned and wrapped Skylar in his arms. The warmth from Liam was causing her to doze standing up. “Come. Let’s get the tent pitched and you fed so you can sleep.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and she leaned into him, barely able to hold her eyes open.

  “Can I come speak with you once you’re settled, Skylar?” Hayley asked as she narrowed her brows and scanned Sky’s body.

  “Please. I’m sure Liam has things to do before he can call it a night. I’d enjoy the company.” She gave the witch a warm smile before Liam led her to the center of the clearing and removed her pack from her shoulders.

  She sat on a log as he pulled the tent from inside the backpack and set to work erecting the oversized tent. When he finished, he walked the short distance to Skylar and scooped her into his arms. She didn’t have the energy to protest. Instead, she allowed him to carry her into the tent and set her on the ground as he spread the blanket on the canvas fl

  “I’ll be right back,” he said and disappeared from through the flap.

  Skylar looked at the blanket longingly and wished he wrapped it around her instead of spreading it on the ground. As the moments passed, waiting for his return, she dozed several times.

  “It isn’t much, but it’s better than nothing,” Liam said as he entered the tent carrying a roll of foam. He pushed the blanket aside and set the roll on the ground. As it unfolded, relief washed over Skylar. The makeshift mattress was only about three inches thick, but it would add some insulation between her and the frozen ground.

  “Thank you, but you didn’t have to get that for me. I’m sure someone else would like to have it.” She caught his eyes and held onto the sparkly emerald orbs.

  “I had Hayley carry it in her pack for you.”

  “Thank you.” She gave him a half smile and crawled forward, spreading herself on top of the foam.

  “You should eat before you sleep, Sky. You haven’t touched any food since before we left.” He pulled out a bag of biscuits and a bag of jerky.

  “I’ll eat later. All I want to do now is sleep.” She pulled the blanket Liam pushed aside over her and closed her eyes. Liam said something, but she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the padding.

  “Aidez moi, Skylar! Aidez moi, ma fille!” Farah screamed as black figures filled her mouth and eyes. The woman tossed her head from side to side, fighting the evil things, but there was little she could do with her arms chained above her head and her feet bound to the floor in shackles.

  “Farah, we’re coming. Fight longer. Please. We’re coming for you!” Skylar screamed and ran toward her friend, but as she ran, the floor moved like beneath her feet and pulled her away from the witch. Skylar raced faster, but as she did, the movement pulling her away increased. “Farah!”

  All at once, the black figures burst from Farah’s head like a bullet fired from a gun and raced toward Skylar. Fear overtook her, and she stopped and fell to the floor. The evil beings swirled and whipped around her like they Farah. Skylar waved her arms erratically and kicked her legs, but each time one touched her, pains shot through her body. She screamed out, begging them to stop, but they forced their way inside her, tearing the oxygen from her lungs.


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