Castiel_With Lies

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Castiel_With Lies Page 3

by KL Donn

  “Damn, woman.” Rolling fully on top of her, I can feel her pussy through the material of my boxers as I press against her. “You keep surprising me.”

  Leaning down, I kiss her lightly, getting her used to my touch. Before I can delve deeper into the cavern of her soft mouth, an explosion destroys the front wall of our room. The pressure from the blast flings us both off the bed and into the opposite wall.

  I can hear Talia crying and calling my name, but I must have hit my head because my ears are ringing and my vision is swimming double.

  The smell of burning wood and flannel reaches my nostrils in time for me to watch as Gustave grabs Talia by the hair and Androph enters my sight. Laughter assaults my ears before I can move, and darkness engulfs me.

  “Cas!” My screams are drowned out by the destructive chaos around us. When the explosion hit, Castiel had flung his body around mine to protect me from the hit to the wall and then rolled on top of me to block the debris.

  “Tsk tsk tsk,” Gustave mocks as he stands over us. “I always knew you were a little whore.”

  “Please, Cas,” I beg him. If he doesn’t get it together, we’re both screwed.

  “Forget about him,” Gustave snarls as he grabs a chunk full of my hair, pulling my nude body to my feet. At least a dozen men swarm the room as my father walks in.

  Straight for Castiel he goes. “You worthless piece of shit.”

  “Let go of her,” Cas growls, and even I can hear the weakness in his voice.

  Laughter crowds the room louder than their egos as my father kicks him in the face. “Stop it!” I scream, knowing I’ll be ignored.

  Waving his hand, he commands, “Take her to the shed.”

  “No! You can’t do this!” The shed is the place of my nightmares. I’ve been locked in there at least once a year since I can remember. It’s one of the very few things I actually fear.

  It’s not just a shed. It’s four walls and a roof on a dock. With only one-eighth inch thick pieces of lumber to hold whatever—or whoever—afloat from the croc-infested water below. It sits in the middle of the marsh on a back piece of land where no one frequents. So, when I spent days screaming and crying for anyone to save me, I was never heard.

  Now I know I’ll be left there.


  Pain assails my body as consciousness brings me back to life. As soon as I gather my thoughts, Talia’s screams enter my mind. Real or imagined, I’m not sure yet.

  I take a moment to let my senses guide me. I’ve still only got my boxers on, and I’m tied to a fucking chair. The irony isn’t missed on my part. Quiet surrounds me.

  She’s not here.

  I can hear mumbled voices outside of whatever room I’m in followed by laughter. Opening my eyes and lifting my head makes me want to vomit, which likely means a concussion.

  Gazing around the room, the first thing I notice is that there are no windows, but the one and only door is wide open. I must be in some sort of shed because the wood slats have gaps in them, and I can see green foliage.

  Waiting is a brutal motherfucker. I don’t give a fuck about what they do to me, but I need to know where Talia is.

  “Yo! Cocksucker!” Enraging them is going to get me what I want. I’ve interrogated and tortured more men than these clowns would know what to do with.

  “What did you say?” Asshole one comes in the door. Semi-automatic rifle across his chest, sneer on his face that might scare a lesser man.

  “Cocksucker.” I say it slow, so his dumb ass understands. “Where the fuck is Androph?”

  Walking forwards, I know what he’s going to do before he lifts the butt of the rifle to my face. Stars dance behind my eyes, but the pain fuels my adrenaline as I fight with the ropes behind my back.

  His buddy laughs.

  I smirk as I feel the braiding give way. Morons can’t tie a knot to save their lives.

  When I’m done with them, there won’t be a life to save.

  “Get Androph,” I growl.

  Walking out, the second man does my bidding while the first pulls my knife.

  “Is that my fucking knife?” I ask. That angers me more than the pistol whip he lays on me again.

  “Pretty nice for a pussy blade.” He laughs.

  A motor in the distance plays through my mind. Androph is coming. Working quickly, I let the rope drop to the floor. My captor’s eyes widen as I launch myself at him. My fists hammer his face as bones crunch into dust. Blood spurts as I break his nose.

  I can feel one of his teeth digging into the skin of my knuckles as I pummel him. Anger lights my fuse, and bloodthirst rages in my heart. This motherfucker knows where Talia is.

  “Where is she?” I hiss close to his face.

  Ripping the knife from his now useless hand, I hold the blade to his fingers and wait.

  He spits at me.

  I slice through skin and bone, watching as his finger rolls away on the uneven floor. His screams are equal to a child in pain.

  “Where is Talia?”

  Before he can answer, the radio on his shoulder crackles to life. “Don’t kill him, Tony.” Androph is laughing, thinking it’s me screaming.

  An idea forms as I look up to see nothing but water. Fingers crossed it works.

  “You have two options, Tony. Tell me where the girl is and let Androph torture your ass because you let me escape or tell me where Talia is, and I’ll kill you quickly.” I don’t mention that I plan to toss him into the swamp and use his finger as bait. Letting Androph and his men think I’m injured will work to my advantage.

  He goes to spit again.

  My fist hits his temple.

  “Think clearly now, Tony.”

  I see it in his eyes. He knows he’s dead; he’s just trying to decide the lesser of two evils. “I don’t kill for sport often. Quickly now, or I’ll have some fun.” I press the blade to another finger.

  “Two miles south, other end of the marsh. There’s a small shack on a dock. She’ll be tied up in there. Androph wants her dead.”

  Nodding, I ask, “Anything else?”

  “Kill that son of a bitch.” Interesting.

  “Why are you with him if you hate him?”

  The boat’s motor is getting louder. “If I die, he deserves to die.” Alright then, not actually hating the man. Grabbing the pistol from his side, I hold the gun to his heart and pull the trigger. His flesh muffles most of the noise as blood splatters everywhere.

  He’s gone before he even registers what I’ve done. Stripping off his pants and shoes, I put them on before dislodging him of any weaponry. Including my fucking knife…the bastard.

  Picking up his lifeless body, I take a quick look out the door, checking for his companion, wondering where he wandered off to, and then throw his dead body in the water.

  Turning around, I head south, hearing the splashes of gators or crocs; whatever the fuck they have in these parts as they tear the man’s body apart. I hope my plan works and they think the finger on the ground is mine. If they believe I’m injured, they’ll be looking into doctors, vets, any kind of medical office that I might go to.

  I made it clear to Androph yesterday that I plan to use Talia, so I’m hoping he doesn’t have someone on her.


  Crickets chirp. Birds call. Life goes on all around me. Flying free, roaming pastures. Yet, I’m stuck with the sounds of water beneath me and wind whistling through slats in the walls. I can feel the life slowly draining from all the cuts sustained to my naked body as I was dragged through the woods.

  The rustling of the whipping air has my ears playing tricks on me as I pray for rescue. I know it’s not coming. I’ll die here. Never getting to experience love, no matter how dirty and dark it would have been with Castiel.

  I’ve known for months that I was falling in love with him. I couldn’t even hide it, either. He watched me just as intensely as I did him. My father likely knew, and that’s why he agreed to Thomas’ terms. He would do anything to see m
e miserable.

  He’d always hoped to have a boy, and instead, he got stuck with me. A girl with no ambition and slight stature.

  Gustave turned into the boy my father had always wanted. Killing at the drop of a hat. Watching as he would rape and beat men and women that crossed the line. A line that never should have been drawn.

  Androph owns many businesses in town. Some legitimate, others a front for drugs or weapons. A trade that the Adair’s owned in every surrounding state.

  They could have taken over Louisiana if they had wanted, but I remember a meeting when I was a girl between my father and a man named Luther, who proclaimed they didn’t want to deal with the special kind of crazy of swamp people. My father took it as a direct insult and has been driven to take down the Adair Empire ever since.

  Thomas has given him the extra push he’s needed now. He’ll stop at nothing, including betraying Thomas, when the time comes to hand over control.

  Men like my father have no scruples. They care about nothing but themselves. Hence, me strapped into a chair on a flimsy board of a run-down shack in the middle of nowhere.

  Clanging outside halts any further musings as I strain to hear. With a cloth over my head, I can’t see anything. Fear of the creatures I’ve encountered in the marsh finding me drive my need to be free, and I try pulling on the ropes that bind me. I can feel my skin breaking as the squeak of the door opens.

  “No, no, no.” My irrational mind takes over, and I imagine the worst. Wondering when the first bite will come. If the death roll will kill me quickly.

  “Talia,” I scream, not registering the voice. “Talia!” It isn’t until I feel his hands, hard and soft at the same time, brace my ribs. His warmth and strength flood my body, and I wilt like a dying flower.

  “Cas? You’re okay?” Tears clog my throat.

  “I’m fine, dolce. You, however, are not.” His words are fierce, laced with murder.

  “Please,” I cry, panic threatening to consume me, “get me out of here.” Nothing but nightmares live in this hole, and I need out.

  “I am.” His words are a promise as I feel the ropes I failed to break free of giving way. Not sure of what I’m doing, I feel the air for his warmth, my arms wrap around Castiel’s neck, and I can sense my blood smearing between us.

  Once my legs are free, he lifts me in his arms, wrapping all of me around him. “Christ, baby.”

  “What?” I cry.

  “You’re like a fucking icicle. How can it be so hot here, and you’re frozen?” It’s not a question. We both know the answer. I’m losing blood, and fear has held me hostage. “I have a car. We’ll get you warm.” He pulls the hood free of my head as he runs through the trees and bushes, using the material to cover my back the best he can. He doesn’t falter until we’re at the small dirt road leading away from the property.

  Placing me in the passenger seat, he goes to the trunk of the SUV and finds a blanket. Worry and anger highlight his gaze as he meets my eyes. “They’re all dead.”

  I smile at him. How could he want anything else? How could I?

  With only one stop at a drug store to get Talia the medicine she’ll need and me the supplies necessary to sew her up, we’re on the road home. It’s about a six-hour drive, and with trust for no one, it makes it hard to get in touch with King and fill him in on what’s gone on.

  After stitching up all the cuts on her body—some only needing bandages—I wrap the quilt around her again. Florida is in sight, but given the trauma and blood loss my girl has sustained, I think it’s better for us to find a new motel so she can get some rest.

  Having taken the wallets of the men Androph had guarding Talia, I made quick work of emptying their accounts. Dumb fools hadn’t figured out you need pins for everything, so all I had to do was swipe and accept.

  Believing she deserves high-class accommodations but has to stay in a rundown shit hole pisses me off.

  Darkness surrounds us as we stop in a no-life town that has a Walgreens on one end and a Motel 8 on the other, plus a bunch of crap in between. Setting up a room is my priority. The kid behind the check-in desk gives me his sweater for fifty bucks so I won’t draw much attention.

  I gather Talia’s exhausted form from the vehicle and lay her on the bed in our room, all cuddled up. Writing her a note, I leave for the store.

  After grabbing the essentials for her, I stop by the weapons counter and stock up on ammo. Thankful these lazy assholes aren’t following the law tonight and requiring ID or some other shit.

  Taking a few inconspicuous roads back to the hotel, I’m not surprised to see the bed empty as I walk in the room. What does shock me is the locked door and sobbing from the bathroom.

  “Dolce,” I call softly, not wanting to scare her. “Open the door, so I don’t have to break it down.”

  Her sobbing persists, and I begin to worry when I hear a clatter. Shouldering the door open, I find Talia in the tub. The shower curtain and rod on the floor explaining the noise.

  “Come on, baby, I got you.” Picking her up, I take her back to the bed. Brushing the hair back from her face, I ask soothingly, “What happened, Talia?”

  Her violent gaze is wild like an animal being cornered. “There was a bang.” Frowning, I didn’t notice any lock picking marks on the door. “Like a gun.”

  “Car backfiring?” I ask. I’d heard a few while I was out.

  “I…I suppose.” A blush crawls up her chest, drawing my attention to her still naked body.

  “I got clothes for you,” I tell her absently as my hands begin to roam her body. Her breathing picks up as I skim my palm across her hardened nipple. Squeezing her flesh, my grip tightens as she moans.

  Her velvety skin protrudes between my fingers as I lean down to lick her areola. “Cas…” her gasp has me grinning.

  “Tell me, dolce,” I murmur with her pebbled flesh between my teeth. I want to mark her. I want to see her cringe before she sighs with satisfaction.

  “Take me.” Her whine pleases me.

  Standing to remove my clothes, it’s now my turn to cringe at the dried blood on my chest. Some hers, some the asshole’s that I filleted like a fish.

  “I need to shower first.” Honestly, I don’t even want to. I want my mark on her sooner rather than later. The massacre on my flesh only proves my devotion to her, and I want it ingrained in her memory forever.

  “Castiel,” her husky voice stops me, “you’re my dark knight. You slew my dragons. That…” She points to my chest. “Shows your virility. The world will know that Castiel Adair won’t take no shit and will protect his woman.”

  Dropping my pants to the floor, I grip each of her knees and yank them apart. The force has her hips bucking off the bed, offering her sweet virgin pussy up for tasting.

  Biting the inside of her thigh, I pull with my teeth until she cries out, anticipating that it’ll leave a bruise. Her eyes glow with the need to have me filling her. I want to play.

  Staring up her frame, seeing her chest’s erratic rise and fall as she glares at me, I lower my head. The first lick of her sugariness makes me groan out loud.

  Nipping her flesh, Talia jumps in my embrace. Her breathy moans urge me on. With a vise-like grip on her hips, I hold her still as I devour her petite hole. Licking and nipping, I eat away at her until she’s begging me to stop.

  One orgasm rolls into two, and a third makes her explode as I let go of one hip to play with her tight rosebud. I want her to experience everything. When her hands go to my hair, pushing my face deeper into her cunt as she raises her hips, I fucking bite down.

  Her screams of desire and agony harden my cock to the point that I feel like I’ll erupt. Breaking free of her iron grip, I raise up to my knees and notice teeth marks running from side to side and around her pussy.

  No piece of her flesh was free of my ministrations.

  “You ready for me, baby?” I ask as I get prepare to take the plunge into her body.

  “More than,” she gasps as I pu
ll her to her knees.

  “Turn around,” I growl.

  She does my bidding. Seeing the cuts, bruises, and stitches I had to place on her once perfectly pale flesh angers me again, and I know I’m about to take it out on her body.

  My skin is vibrating with rage at her family. “This is gonna fucking hurt, dolce,” I warn seconds before slamming into her tight cunt, loosened only a fraction by the orgasms I gave her.

  Her cries are loud in the quiet room as I seat my cock inside of her body. I can feel her rippling walls trying to reject my invasion.

  Leaning over her body, I kiss along her neck, murmuring, “You have such a perfect pussy, Talia.”

  “It hurts, Castiel.” Her sobs don’t affect my driving need to hurt her further.

  Nibbling her earlobe, I offer a harsh warning. “This is nothing compared to the damage I seek to inflict on you. I want you crying and begging for me to stop. I want you to fight me so that when I put you back together again, you’ll cry your love for me.”


  And just what the hell can I say to that?

  “Break me, Castiel,” I whisper to him. I know what he wants. I may be a virgin, I may not know much about men, but I understand him.

  I know I want his pain. I want his harsh hand. I want his pleasure.

  His hands lay flat on my back and push down as he takes control of me. The feeling of his velvety hard flesh inside me brings me peace, even as his punishing strokes make me want to cry. His anger vibrates through his body with every thrust of his hips.

  My walls are cracking, breaking open wide as he consumes everything I am. He doesn’t allow for a single ounce of enjoyment as my walls attempt to vanquish him with every withdrawal. He has to force his engorged cock through the tightness as he comes crashing down over my body again.

  “Beg me,” he groans.

  “I can’t.” I breathe.

  “Do. It.” He grabs fistfuls of hair as he pulls, arching my back to a painful degree.


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