Castiel_With Lies

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Castiel_With Lies Page 8

by KL Donn

  I know Dimitri is still standing guard, typing away on his computer. He refused to tell me what he was doing, and I feel like I’m in the dark about everything.

  Relaxing in a warm bath now, the water beginning to chill, I hear the door open and wait with anticipation as Castiel walks across the room. His steps are masked by the plush carpet until he reaches the closed door.

  As it opens, I lay my eyes on him, blood stains and all, looking feral as a lion. “Dolce,” he groans upon seeing me, bubbles long since disappeared. “You ready for me?”

  I don’t need to ask what for. I know. He knows. I can’t wait. Raising my hand for him to help me, I slowly rise. Water glides down my nude frame as his scorching gaze follows. I feel the heat from his stare caressing every inch of my body.

  I step over the edge of the tub, and Cas hands me a towel. “On the bed.” His voice is raspy. “Arms up, legs open.” He licks his lips as I drop the terrycloth. “Wait for me.” Before I can walk through the door frame, he grips my hair and pulls my head back. His lips crash down on mine with painful force, his tongue mimicking what I’m sure his cock would like to be doing. He pulls away, sucking my bottom lip in his mouth. “Don’t ever walk away without giving me those lips again.” His growl sends shivers racing up my spine.

  With a smack to my ass, he turns the shower on to wash the blood off his body. I lay in wait as I hear the water running. Tempted to touch myself, I hold the bar on the headboard with all the self-control I possess, ignoring the burn from the stretch of the stitches in my arm.

  I’m so lost in anticipation for Castiel, I don’t realize he’s finished in the bathroom until his hands smooth up my calves. “Such a good girl, dolce.” I arch my back with pleasure at his praise.

  “You’ll give me everything, won’t you, Talia?” he asks.

  “Yes.” I hiss when his fingers graze across my sex.

  I watch with delight as he bends down to grab a box from under the bed. When he opens it, scarves in a multitude of colors fall free beside my hip. The silk renders a feathery touch to my flesh, sending goosebumps along my side.

  “Hands,” he commands. Presenting my wrists for him, he leans forward to lick the erratic pulse in my veins before wrapping the silk around each arm. Tying my hands together, he slowly binds a scarf up each of my forearms in spirals until he’s got them bent at my chest. Tying a bow behind my neck, he helps me roll over.

  “Such a pretty little ass,” he murmurs softly. Far more gentle than I’d expect for what he’s been promising me.

  Silently waiting for his next move, I giggle when he brushes the supple material across the bottom of my foot. A swat to my ass, the heat melting me into the mattress is my reward.

  “You like that?” Cas asks.


  I can feel his satisfaction from where I lay as he binds my legs in the same fashion as my arms. Spreading my ass cheeks, he blows warm air on me. A sweet tingle travels through my nerve endings at the forbidden touch of his fingers as he begins to play with my ass.

  “Mmmm,” I moan and push back into him. He bites the flesh of one cheek, making me gasp with the pain. I can feel the teethmarks in my skin.

  “Stay still,” he snaps with an edge to his voice. “I want to emblazon all this pale skin. I want a mark that screams you’re mine for the world to see.”

  My breath stalls in my chest at his words.


  I didn’t think I’d ever like it.

  Turns out the idea turns me on.

  Ignoring his command, I roll over, my bindings making it awkward. Before he can reprimand me, I breathe out, “Please.”

  His head tilts, and he eyes me critically. “You want me to mark you? To scar you?” I gaze over his chest, the intricate tattoos set in place across every piece of flesh, and I know I want him to.

  “Yes. Please,” I beg. The need to have Castiel ingrained in me is so intense that tears pool in my eyes moments before spilling over and sliding down my cheeks.

  “Jesus Christ, dolce,” he groans. A predatory smile lights up his face. Tracing his finger along my collarbone, he says, “Right here. My name will be on display to everyone looking.”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head. “Now. I want you to mark me now.” He regards me as if I’ve grown two heads before excitement enters his gaze.

  “It’s going to hurt like hell,” he mumbles, walking over to the dresser. “The pain will likely knock you unconscious.”

  “I don’t care.” I don’t. I need him. He’s my protector, my everything.

  Coming back to the bed, he makes a request. “I was given this many years ago as a gift because of my name. Castiel.” He shakes his head. “Shield of God. What a joke.” Showing me the symbol, a large C—about triple the size of a quarter—with wings on either side. “I’m not the shield of anything.”

  “You are for me,” I whisper.

  Our gazes clash, and he leans forward, spreading my tied legs with force, ripping the silk he’d tied around them so our lips can meet. “Fucking right I am,” he murmurs.

  Closing my eyes, I savor his touch, his domination. I love the feel of him taking over my entire body with such a small act.

  Fighting for breath, I turn my head. “Please, Castiel,” I beg again.

  “You want me to brand you with this?” Anticipation crawls through his body as he awaits my answer.

  “Yes. Now.”

  He doesn’t wait. Tying my hands to the headboard, he covers my body with the sheet from the bed and walks to the door. “Luther!” he yells. Leaving the door open, he walks back to me. “He’s going to hold you down.” A sliver of fear sparks through me. Pushing it aside, I nod.

  “What?” Luther comes into the room, shirt off, and a scowl on his face.

  “You got your torch lying around somewhere?” Cas asks without breaking our stare.

  “Uh, yeah. Why?” He’s clearly confused.

  “’Cause my woman is batshit fucking crazy.” The grin on his face contradicts the displeasure in his words.

  “Meaning?” Luther rolls his hand for an explanation.

  “She wants my brand.” Cas turns his head then, showing Luther the metal pendant in his hand.

  “Damn,” he replies, but he grins. “First Lil with her crown. Ariel with her scars. And your girl wants a fucking brand. I don’t know who’s crazier, them or Carver.” Shaking his head, he leaves the room.

  Castiel’s grip on my thighs tightens as he moves forward. The brush of his cock against my core makes my temperature rise. “So wet for me, baby,” he murmurs. “You that excited to have me brand you?” I nod as he pushes forward. Driving through muscles trying to keep him out.

  “Cas,” I whimper.

  He thrusts further, slowly, painfully, he takes me until his cock fills me completely. “I’m going to fuck you while you scream from the pain. I’ll counter the agony of the brand with a pleasure so intense you won’t know which hurts more.”


  The snap and hiss of Luther’s blowtorch announce his arrival as Talia’s blue eyes turn nearly black with her need for my promises. The idea of causing her excruciating pain doesn’t appeal to me, but her desire to be claimed and marked by me is an aphrodisiac.

  Brand me.

  Her words play over in my head as Ariel settles on the bed next to Talia, smoothing back her hair. “Are you sure about this?” Ariel asks, and I have to fight back the growl threatening to break free.

  “Very.” Talia beams up at her.

  “You doing this or am I?” Luther asks.

  “You!” Talia answers before I can. Luther and I share a look, waiting on her to explain. “Cas’ll stop. If I flinch, moan, anything. He’ll stop.” Her words are for Luther, but her gaze is on me. Pleading for me to understand.

  “She’s right.” As much as I want to make her feel pain, I don’t want it to be this kind. I want it to be a pleasurable pain. This will be sheer agony.

  “Lilith is brin
ging the first aid kit,” Ariel says quietly as she hands Talia a thick leather belt. “You’ll want to bite on this.”

  Luther puts on a set of specialized gloves so that he can heat the charm without melting his own flesh off. And that’s when it hits me.

  I’m fucking melting her skin.

  I’m allowing this.


  “Dolce, are you sure about this?” She shoots me a scathing glare. “We’re fucking scarring you.” She rolls her eyes. Slamming my hips into her, I have her attention. “Your skin is going to melt, burn, and likely get infected. This is going to be fucking agony. You know this, right?” She gives me the evil eye, ignoring my warning and nods her head at Luther.

  With her hands bound to the headboard, I hold her shoulders down as Ariel smooths her hand across Talia’s cheeks.

  “Here we go…” Luther says. Talia’s eyelids close as the heat of the pendant reaches her skin, and Luther presses down.

  Tears immediately stream from her eyes as her entire body tenses. Needing to take her mind off the pain, I begin pumping my hips slowly in and out of her tight pussy.

  Even in agony, she’s still wet for me. She still accepts me into her lithe body. “Easy, dolce,” I murmur trying to soothe her.

  It feels like hours have passed by the time Luther finally pulls the metal off her flesh when in reality, it’s been a quick minute. Her body relaxes marginally as Ariel whispers in her ear.

  Talia’s gaze pops open to meet mine before she looks down to her collarbone. There, like a beacon, is my mark. My brand. A smile so radiant it’s nearly blinding overtakes her face as Ariel and Luther leave the room as quickly as they came.

  “It’s beautiful.” Her words are watery with her tears.

  “It’s fucking perfect,” I agree. Red, bloody, and burning, my girl has never looked fucking happier than right now.

  “Will you love me now?” Her voice is vulnerable.

  Leaning forward, I brace my arms on either side of her head, careful not to touch her chest. “I’ve always fucking loved you, Talia. From the first shy smile to the sassy mouth, and way past these fuckable hips.”

  She licks her lips as I start moving faster. Her slick walls gripping and making the ride easy at the same time. Her rippling cunt sucks me in as I try to pull out.

  Hissing through gritted teeth as she tightens herself around me, I fight off my impending release. “More, Cas,” she moans. Straightening, I hold her hips tightly and pound my cock in and out of her sweetness. Loving the feel of her throttling my cock with every stroke. With her ass lifted in the air, I’m able to quicken my pace. Go deeper. Harder.

  My balls slap against her ass as she cries out with her first orgasm, and I roughly flip her over, briefly forgetting about her mark. Pulling on the rope still around her wrists, I bring her hands behind her back and tie them. I give her relief while using the knot as an anchor to drag her into my cock.

  I can fuck her harder this way, go deeper. Seeing her little rosebud peeking out with every rough stroke, I rub it with one finger before pushing through the tight sphincter.

  “Ohhhh,” she whimpers.

  “You want more of that, dolce?” I groan into her ear. She nods, and I add another finger to help stretch her out.

  Her back arches farther, pushing her further into me. “Yesss,” she groans with desperation.

  “Don’t move.” Pulling free of her, I rub the tip of my cock against her rosebud, playing her like a fiddle as she struggles to remain still.

  Slowly, I begin pushing through the tight rings of her ass. The sensations are nearly overwhelming as she eats up every inch of me. The fucking woman is dynamite on my cock as I slide my way into her inch by inch, savoring the feeling of owning her. Hoarding her innocence for myself. Melding our bodies and souls together like two forged pieces of steel.

  She’s soft.

  I’m hard.

  Together, we’re imperfectly flawless.


  My body is on fire with so many sensations, I don’t know what’s more overpowering.





  It all undulates through me in waves of sensory overload. As soon as I get used to one craving, I roll into another. His body uses mine for his own erotic pleasures, all the while serving me the pain I’ve been longing for and the desperate desires I’ve been yearning for.

  I can’t think of anything but the way Castiel fills my body. My heart. My soul. He’s everything I recognize as needing.

  When Luther put the pendant to my chest, I thought I would die from the agony. Then Cas began pumping his hips slowly into my sweet cavern, feeling the ridges of his cock as my walls throbbed around him.

  “Gonna untie you now, dolce,” he warns just before I feel the rope on my arms begin to loosen. The blood pumping through my veins is amplified with every fill of his cock into my tight canal.

  Each pain-filled movement tightens my womb with the demand for release. “I need…” I cry, not knowing how to explain.

  “I know.” Thank God one of us does.

  His hands tangle in my hair as his pace picks up and each stroke is so punishing that tears leak from my eyes.

  Until it happens…

  Sweet mercy, I’m dying.

  Flying through the sky and straight up to heaven as my body catapults into an awareness of complete rapture. My skin tingles as his hands roam my back freely, gripping my ass as he roars through his completion.

  “That’s it, baby, give it all to me.” His fingers brush through my folds, pinching and twisting my nub, giving me the extra push I need to come again.

  “Castiel!” I scream as pleasure crackles through my frame like lightning on a stormy night. Stars spark behind my lids. Blackness encroaches on my vision. Fire lights its way through my spine, leaving me a puddle of hedonistic delight.

  “Always like that, dolce.” Castiel’s voice follows me into slumber. Complete perfection fills my heart as he holds me through the night.

  “There she is,” I hear mumbled as cool liquid is placed on my chest. “Just covering up my mark.”

  “I don’t want it covered.” Do I sound drunk?

  “I want it healed properly. Soon as it is, the whole fucking world will see it. They’ll know you belong to Castiel Adair. No one will ever touch you again.”

  “He’s not dead, is he.” I don’t need to pose it as a question to know the answer.

  “No. But we’ll get the bastard.” His promise is all I’ll ever need.

  Fucking Adairs.

  They’ve ruined everything. Everything! I had it all in the palm of my hand and that son of a bitch Castiel came down to Louisiana making Andersson question my motives and loyalty.

  Spilled my motherfucking secrets.

  I never wanted the man’s snot-nosed little bitch daughter. I wanted the fucking money. I had her sold before I’d ever shown up on their property. It was a means to end the Adair Empire. Nothing more.

  Now I’m on my way to Alaska.

  The great white fucking north my ass.

  More like bumfuck, shit town, cold ass terrain.

  If I’m miserable, everyone else can be, too.

  Starting with my whore mother’s bastard child. I’ll gut this girl until she begs me to slit her throat. It’ll be my last act on this overinflated continent full of greedy assholes and whores. I’ll go back to Scotland and start again. Build my own empire, and then come back and crush King Adair once and for all.


  After a delayed flight in Canada then a cancelled one, it takes me two damn weeks to finally reach Alaska. Surveilling Catalina for more days than I care to admit, I’m ready to get the hell out of here.

  She doesn’t know a fucking thing about her family. She barely leaves her isolated cabin near Dumpling Mountain. She has no visitors, no phone lines. A radio that she uses to call in for supplies.

  The woman both annoys and tur
ns me on. Her sense of self-preservation is nil. She walks around here without a care in the world. Not once did she sense me watching her.

  When I caught her bathing in North Naknek Lake in nothing but her underwear, I’d wanted to rut her like a boar in heat right there. Seeing her naturally tan body wet with her dark hair plastered to her voluptuous breasts and their peaked nipples stiff from the cold, I’d wanted to drag her away like a fucking caveman.

  Now departing a plane in Seattle to catch a connecting flight back home, my phone is ringing like fireworks. Pulling it out of my pocket, I look to see my voicemail full and hundreds of calls and texts from everyone.

  Picking it up as King calls again, he shouts, “Where the fuck have you been?”

  “Christ, man, calm down. I was doing what you asked. Catalina has nothing to do with this shit. She’s cleaner than a sterilized hospital room.”

  “I don’t fucking care. Andersson’s dead, McCray is in the fucking wind again, and we have every reason to believe he’s going back for Catalina.” Ice freezes my blood.

  “What do you mean coming back for her? She doesn’t fucking know anything!” Security looks at me as I shout going through the terminal.

  “I know that!” he yells back.


  “He’s going to kill her.” There’s no doubt in King’s harsh voice.

  “I have to go back.” I can’t let an innocent woman die at this sick fuck’s hands. It has nothing to do with my attraction to her.

  “You’re going to fucking claim her, aren’t you?” Humor laces his words.

  “Fuck off,” I bark, hanging up on him and running a rough hand down my face as I pace in front of the gate of my next flight. Turning, I head to the loading desk and back into the wilderness.

  I’m going to fucking kill this son of a bitch if it’s the last goddamn thing I do on this earth. Thomas McCray is not leaving these fucking mountains alive.

  The End

  See you in fucking Alaska…


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