The Great Elephant Ride

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The Great Elephant Ride Page 20

by Stephanie Timmer

  Susan’s Place

  Susan’s Place is a great site peer reviews of doctors and resources. It is important to remember that people are more likely to post when they have had a negative experience versus a good one. Use this as a starting point and spend the time investigating everything completely. You are the only one who has to live with your decision.

  Transsexual Road Map

  This is a great resource site. I have found nearly all the information on this site to be very accurate. A great place to go when you are starting this transition journey. Read everything you can; you can never be too well informed.

  Deep Stealth Productions

  This site has a lot of do-it-yourself training videos. I personally used the voice training and found it to be very helpful, and it does work. You just have to be willing to put the time in.

  Dr. Jeffery Spiegel

  Dr. Spiegel works out of the University of Boston Medical center. I am sure there are other plastic surgeons out there, but I am not going to trust my face to anyone but him. It is not just his expertise: his staff is also fantastic.

  Websites of Successful Transgender Individuals

  Lynn Conway in conjunction with the University of Michigan has a great collection of transgender success stories from around the world.

  Successful TransMen:

  Links and Photos

  TransWomen's Successes:

  Links and Photos


  Karen Serenity has put together a great collection of some extraordinary people who just happened to be transgender, too!


  © 2010 By Stephanie Anne Timmer, Ph.D.

  All Rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, in any form without prior written authorization from The Premier Publication Group.

  Premier Publications

  1309 N. Williams St

  Joliet, IL 60435

  Phone 815-722-5961

  Fax 815-722-8802

  Library of Congress Catalog Number

  ISBN 0-978-0-615-42337-1

  Cover Design by Sally Glavin

  Copy Editor: Jeff Karon

  Printed By Digital Press

  1382 Industrial, Suite 8

  Saline, MI 48176

  Dedication Page

  I would like to dedicate this book to all those who helped make this journey possible. This book and my life would not be possible without them.

  A special thanks to:

  My children – Scott, Ryan, Kammie, and Kylie. I can’t think of better reason to be alive.

  My guardian angel – Linda Swenson, she never left my side; she has been there always and is still there.

  My friend and business partner – Ken Grisham, he also stood by me; however, I think I am responsible for his gray hair from all the stress.

  The number of people I would like to thank would be a book unto itself – Thanks to all of you.

  About the Author

  Stephanie Anne Timmer is an ordinary person living an extraordinary life.

  Motivated by her passions and driven by her courage, Stephanie is an inventor, a visionary, a writer, a software engineer, a long-distance runner, a teacher, a student, an advocate, an athlete, a philanthropist, a parent, and a former officer in the United States military.

  She holds doctorates in Business Philosophy and Educational Administration, an MBA, as well as undergraduate degrees in arts and sciences. She is the owner of a successful assistive technology company and a published writer. She is the holder of four world records in distance running.

  Stephanie is also legally blind and has spent a lifetime overcoming challenges and tearing down barriers.

  After losing her vision in early adulthood, Stephanie started using her programming knowledge to create technology that would marginalize the impact her disability had on her life. Her innovations are not the result of hours and hours spent in front of a computer. Stephanie’s innovations are the product of her own experiences and her belief that all challenges can be overcome. Since losing her sight, Stephanie has spent the last decade promoting technology as an integral part of education. She has expanded the concept of “E-Learning” to include “E-Teaching” and is working to create a learning environment that levels the playing field for all students.

  One of Stephanie’s current projects is to bring attention to the difficulties faced by those with literacy challenges. Combining her passion for literacy with her passion for running, Stephanie founded “Run 4 Literacy” in June 2008. Her efforts in “Running 4 Literacy” provide much needed awareness for literacy issues as well as much needed fundraising opportunities for literacy organizations.

  Stephanie is one person working to give all students the same opportunities to succeed. She is one woman who did not let her skills and her passions fall victim to her own challenges. She is one woman who has achieved much through a simple belief in herself. She is a blind woman with vision.

  Stephanie Anne Timmer is an ordinary woman living an extraordinary life.




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