"Okay," McCoy said. "Set up sickbay for filtration and transfusions.
Check our supply of Vulcan Q-positive blood.
That's a common type, we should have some on hand."
"But ... he's a Romulan," Kirk said. "Or do they have the same blood
"I have no idea," McCoy said. "But this one's a Vulcan, Jim."
Spock looked over at the captain and nodded confirmation.
"All right, Spock, you're going to have to play donor for your father
again," the doctor snapped. "Get ready."
"I am prepared, Doctor," the Vulcan said, removing his jacket and
rolling up the sleeve of his shirt.
"Okay, I think they're stable enough to move! Get those antigrav
stretchers over here, Nurse!" the doctor ordered.
The captain. turned to McCoy. "Will he make it?"
"Don't know yet, Jim," McCoy grunted, his fingers flying as he injected
the Romulan with a hypo. "Maybe. These Vulcans are tough ... as well as
stubborn," he added, giving Spock a sidelong glance.
Kirk watched as they loaded both unconscious Vulcans onto the stretchers
and followed them into the hall. He was halfway to sickbay when Uhura's
page reached him. "Cap tain Kirk ... Captain Kirk, please report to the
bridge immediately."
A quick slap on the nearest intercom panel brought him into contact.
"This is the captain. What's going on, Commander?"
Chekov's voice responded, sounding breathless and a little scared. "Sir,
I am picking up ships on our long-range sensors. Ten of them. Coming out
of the Neutral Zone, and heading straight for us."
"On my way," Kirk said, and began running for the turbolift. It never
rains but it pours, he thought grimly. What a time for Kamarag to show
up ...
"Right on time," Kirk muttered to himself as he reached the bridge and
glanced at the chrono. "I suppose punctuality is a must for a diplomat
... "
Chekov turned to regard him questioningly. "I beg your pardon, Captain?"
Kirk shook his head as he headed for his command seat.
"Nothing, Mr. Chekov. Status?"
"We have picked up ten ships coming out of the Klingon Neutral Zone."
"ETA, Commander?"
"Three point six minutes, sir."
"What type?"
"I am scanning four cruisers and six birds-of-prey, sir." Kirk's heart
sank even further. Klingon cruisers were almost a match for the
Enterprise, unlike the smaller war-birds.
The captain turned over plans in his mind ... run for it, try to stay
ahead of them until reinforcements could arrive? No ... because as soon
as they crossed the Neutral Zone, they'd probably split up, in order to
do the most possible damage to the maximum number of planets.
"Commander Uhura, try to hail Kamarag's ship."
"Yes, sir."
Kirk was surprised when the Klingon's ship, the Hohwi;
accepted the contact. Moments later, the ambassador's heavy features
coalesced on the screen. The moment his eyes fixed on the captain, he
scowled, and his glare would have drilled neutronlure. "Kirk ..." he
growled. "How dare you contact me? We have nothing to say to each
other--unless you want to beg me for your life, and that of your crew. I
would enjoy that sufficiently to allow you several minutes for that ...
"At the thought, he smiled, but it was anything but a pleasant
"Ambassador," the captain said, forcing himself to use his most
reasonable voice, when the very sight of the Klingon made him furious,
remembering how he'd agonized over Peter's disappearance, "we need to
talk. There are some things I have to tell you. Break off your attack,
because you're doing this as a result of alien mind influence.
Ambassador Sarek is aboard, and he has proof of what I'm telling
you--proof I'd be happy to let you see for yourself.
I'm sure that, under the circumstances, if I explain everything to
Chancellor Azetbur, she'll--"
Kamarag interrupted with a sound that was halfway between a growl and a
snarl. "Kirk, you lying, cheating murderer! I know you have kidnapped my
niece and are holding her prisoner. Your thrice-cursed nephew has
attacked my finest officer, Kargl For this you will die in writhing
agony. When I free my niece, she will perform the be/oy' on both Kirks,
and I and my troops will wager as to which of you shrieks the loudest
and longest!"
Turning his head, he addressed one of his officers. "This is an order.
Target Kirk's ship to cripple only--do you understand?
I want him alive! He is mine!"
Kirk, watching, would have found the ambassador's blustering amusing,
under different circumstances. He sounds like one of the villains in a
dime novel, he thought, sardonically.
"Ambassador Kamarag," he began, only to have the Klingon's image
abruptly disappear.
"He broke contact, Captain," Uhura said, unnecessarily.
"Just as well," Kirk muttered.
"Veil," Chekov said, dourly, "I guess that is that. Ve are
the only ship between them and the Federation colonies so I guess've
stay put."
"We'll give them a fight," Kirk said.
Then something occurred to the captain, and he turned to Uhura.
"Commander, open a wide-beam frequency to all those ships. I'm going to
see if some of those other commanders aren't a little more open to
"Frequency open, Captain."
Kirk took a deep breath. "This is Captain James T. Kirk of the
Federation starship Enterprise. I believe most of you know memas an
opponent, in the past, and as a friend to your Empire in recent days. I
swear to you on my honor as a Starfleet officer that you are following a
man who is under the influence of alien mind control. Kamarag is no
longer thinking independently. If you will break off the attack, and not
intrude into Federation space, I will personally speak to Chance llor
Azetbur on your behalf. Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan is aboard this vessel
and he will speak for you. It is my belief, under the circumstances,
that the chancellor will agree to grant clemency for any commander who
breaks off the attack. I ask you to consider what you are
doing--betraying your own government, to follow a madman. Kirk out."
The ships were almost within firing range. Kirk waited tensely, but none
of them broke formation--the warbirds clustered together in groups of
threes, with the cruisers between them and to either side
"Well," he said, to no one in particular, "it was worth a try ... guess
we go it alone ..."
"Captain," Uhura said, plainly startled by what she was hearing, "we're
being hailed."
"By the Klingons?"
"No, sir ... by the Romulan vessel!"
The bridge crew watched as the screen flickered; then the oncoming
Klingon vessels were replaced by the features of an officer in Romulan
uniform. "I am Centurion Poldar," he said.
"I am Captain Kirk."
"Yes, I know. Captain, my commander's orders were to honor his word to
Ambassador Sarek. I hereby place my ship at your disposal. I am prepared
/> to fight alongside you as long as necessary." Kirk glanced at the
tactical schematic, and saw that Shardarr had drifted over until she was
behind the Federation vessel, clearly preparing to defend her from the
"I appreciate your assistance, Centurion," Kirk said.
"Too bad the odds aren't more even."
Poldar drew himself up. "I stand by my orders, Captain Kirk," the young
officer said expressionlessly. "You will find Shardarr prepared for
battle." He cut the connection.
"Well," Kirk muttered, "that's one for the history books ... "
"Stand by phasers and photon torpedoes," Kirk said.
"Target the Hohwiand fire on my order."
"Aye, Captain!"
As the Klingon vessels came closer, they slowed, and spread out until
they encircled the Federation and the Romulan vessel. Hohwi' was still
the closest. There wasn't much Kirk coutd do about tactics; surrounded
as he was, evasive action would be limited to only a few hundred
thousand square kilometers of space.
His eyes fixed on the tactical screen, Kirk watched the blips, then
snapped, "Fire, Mr. Chekov!"
Two deadly phaser blasts shot out, striking the Klingon vessel's
"Slight damage to their forward shield, Captain," Chekov reported.
The flagship returned fire, and the Enterprise shuddered violently as
she was struck amidships. "Port shield down twenty percent, Captain."
Oh hell, this is it, Kirk thought.
Just what I need, with a full sickbay, Leonard McCoy thought grumpily,
another damned space battle.t The Enterprise shuddered violently as she
was hit. Beside
the doctor, on the couch where he was lying for the transfusion to his
father, Spock struggled to sit up. The Vulcan had already given more
blood than was good for himmhe was pale and unsteady, but still
determined to gain his feet.
"And where in hell do you think you're going, Spock?" McCoy snapped.
"The ship is obviously engaged in battle, Doctor." Spock was halfway up
now, swaying like a ship in a gale. "I must report to the bridge." McCoy
gave him an evil grin and reached in his pocket for a hypo he'd prepared
specially and been saving, knowing he'd probably need it. "I told you
twenty-six years ago that my patients don't walk out on me during
medical procedures," he said, jamming the hypospray against the Vulcan's
arm. Spock sagged back onto the couch, unconscious.
The ship shuddered again. Leonard McCoy ignored the motion. He was a
doctor, and he had lots of work to do ... "Target Hohwi' with a photon
torpedo and fire, Mr. Chekov!"
"Firing, Captain!" The Enterprise gave a different, more internal
shudder as the weapon was launched. Kirk held his breath, then pounded
his fist on the arm of his chair in disappointment.
At the last possible second, the Klingon vessel managed to evade the
torpedo. Chekov was crestfallen. "A clean miss, Captain." Behind them,
Shardarr fired, catching a warbird and shearing off half a wing. "Good
going, Centurion!" Kirk whispered, just as Enterprise shuddered again.
"Forward shield down to fifty percent, Captain!" Chekov reported.
Kirk groaned inwardly. We're going down this time.
There's no way around it. "Lieutenant, evasive--five-oh-six mark four!"
Enterprise heeled over, but the disrupter blast caught her glancingly on
the saucer. The entire bridge lurched violently.
"One of the birds-of-prey is preparing to fire, Captain!" Chekov
But, to everyone's utter astonishment, the Klingon vessel wheeled around
like a nervous horse and loosed a blast at Kamarag's ship!
"What the hell?" Kirk demanded.
"Captain, we're being hailed!"
"Captain Kirk? Ambassador Sarek?" A strongly accented voice came over
the ship-to-ship, audio only. "This is Commander Keraz aboard Bahwil'. I
request that you and Ambassador Sarek speak for me and my crew ...
should we by any chance survive this. I will fight with youmand we will
die as true warriors, with honor!"
"Glad you could join us," Kirk said, dryly.
With a graceful dip of her painted wings, the bird-of-prey moved out of
formation and joined the other two ships in the middle of the circle.
"Commander Keraz, Commander Poldaryou stay behind us, and use our
shields to augment your own," Kirk instructed. "See if you can't take
out a couple of those ships for me." Both commanders signaled their
assent to Kirk's plan.
Moments later, the captain was rewarded with a view of S hardarr and
Bahwil' moving in a corkscrew evasive pattern, firing at the warbirds on
the Enterprise's port and starboard sides. Bahwil' got lucky--or its
gunner was extremely skillful. Keraz's disrupters penetrated the
renegade's shields like a phaser slicing rock, and, for a moment, space
lit up with a mini-nova as the bird-of-prey exploded violently.
Kirk shook his head. This is the craziest fight 1 have ever been in ...
look at this! A Federation, a Klingon, and a Romulan ship, ready to duke
it out with a whole squadron of Klingon renegades? I never thought I'd
be fighting battles with Klingons and Romulans, instead of against them!
Enterprise bucked like a spurred horse under another blast from Hohwi'.
"Aft shield down sixty percent, Captain! We can't take another hit
Kirk glanced at the schematic, saw that Hohwi' had drifted closer to
Shardarr. "Ship to ship, Uhura! Tight beam to Shardarr.t"
"Aye, Captain?
"Centurion Poldar--I want you to fire at Kamarag's ship in exactly
thirty Federation Standard seconds," Kirk said, tersely. "Target
coordinates seven-six-three mark nine. I know she isn't there now--but
she will be! On my mark, and counting!" Without waiting for
acknowledgment from the Romulan, he turned to Chekov. "Target the
flagship on its port side and fire, Mr. Chekov. Targeting coordinates
seven-six-six mark two."
"Aye, Captain! Targeting ... and firing!" As Kirk had hoped, Hohwi'
evaded most of their blast, swinging to port--which brought the cruiser
directly into the line of Shardarr's blast. Fire flared along the
Klingon ship's side, and Chekov yelled, "Captain, she's lost all
maneuvering power!"
"Target weapons array and fire, Mr. Chekov!" The phasers blasted the
listing ship, wiping out her weapons with one shot. The bridge crew
whooped in triumph.
Three down, seven to go, Kirk thought grimly, just as one of the
warbirds fired on them.
Enterprise lurched so violently that Kirk was nearly flung from his
seat. Quickly, he activated his restraint system.
"Captain, we've lost our aft shield," Chekov reported.
"Another hit there, and we're dead."
"Chekov, target that vessel, and fire on my order."
"Aye, Captain?
James T. Kirk drew a deep breath, thinking that it might be his last. He
opened his mouth, said, "Fi--" and stopped in midword.
Suddenly, the long-range scanners showed a huge fleet of ships pouring
out of the Klingon Neutral Zone! Dozens of ships ... "Captain? We're
being hailed!" Uhura's eyes were wide with amazement.
"On-screen, Commander." A gruff, familiar voice filled the air, even as
the forward viewscreen filled with well-known features. "Kirk? This is
General Korrd. The chancellor tells me our former ambassador is giving
you some trouble." The general's fleshy, squint-eyed features were
wreathed in a malicious smile.
Kirk noted the emphasis on the word "former."
"Well, yes, General ... just a little trouble." Korrd guffawed heartily
at the captain's attempt at humor, which, to be frank, did not quite
come off. "Get that Vulcan of yours to man the guns, then!" the general
advised, genially. "He's one Hu'tegh fine gunner!" Kirk glanced at the
sensor array, saw that the renegade vessels were streaking off in all
directions. He realized suddenly that his uniform was sticking to him,
and that his face was covered with sweat.
"Kirk?" It was General Korrd again.
"Yes, General?"
"Looks like I'll have a good hunt for the next few days.
Star Trek - Sarek Page 45