Magic, New Mexico: Timeless Topper (Kindle Worlds Novella) (My Crazy Alien Romance Book 3)

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Magic, New Mexico: Timeless Topper (Kindle Worlds Novella) (My Crazy Alien Romance Book 3) Page 7

by Donna McDonald

  Rime was moving forward and putting her arms around the witch without consciously being aware that she’d done so. The raw power she held in her arms was incredible and in the midst of it was Icela’s light. “How hard has it been, Sister? Tell me and I will listen. I wish I’d come sooner. I had no idea this was even happening.”

  Topper sniffled. “It’s not that I’m a wimp—because I’m most certainly not. It’s just I hate being this vulnerable. I hate not being able to walk. The baby’s been great and I refuse to let everyone in town blame her for the snow zones. It’s not her fault. She told me it wasn’t and I believe her.”

  Rime hugged tighter. “No, of course it’s not the baby’s fault. And while I’ve never had children myself, I’ve seen many go through birthing. Having a child is a wondrous thing, but it’s also very hard work. Among my many jobs on my planet of Glacier, I was what you call a doula here on Earth. Wait… did you say someone was creating snow zones in town?”

  “Yes. It has to be someone from Glacier. Wait…” Topper’s tears instantly dried up as she pushed out of the woman’s comforting arms. This woman—this alien—was a potential threat to Magic. She pointed a warning finger at her. “Are you the rogue alien who’s here without permission?”

  “No. Icela sent me. Her permission was all I needed. Does one have to have permission to come to Earth?”

  Topper snorted. “Icela… yes, I met your goddess yesterday. Well, I met her through my mirror—which works like a phone with teleconferencing—so I could see her. Am I making any sense? It’s hard to explain without being able to show you.”

  “You’re making as much sense as any woman can in your condition,” Rime assured her. “Do you speak to my goddess often?”

  “Never until yesterday,” Topper answered. She looked at Alfred. “I need to sit. Can we charm your front door later? My back is aching.”

  “Of course,” Alfred said, rushing ahead to make sure there was a chair free of cat hair for Topper to sit in. “You’ve scared the cats away just by being here. That should work until you leave.”

  “You might want to seal off the cat entry door just in case one of them gets stupid or brave enough to return. They’re awfully arrogant,” Topper warned.

  “I can’t close it off. I want Jeannie to get in… and Horatio. I enjoy his company. Constance said he could visit whenever he has time.” He walked back to where Topper was struggling to get through his doorway.

  “Very well. I’ll do what I can for you,” Topper said, hugging the arm he slipped around her to guide her inside. “I suppose I should have just stayed at home. Maybe we’ll call Constance after all.”

  “No. No. I’m in no hurry to fix this now,” Alfred insisted. “Let me pour you a nice tall glass of milk. I bought a lot of it in case I got the right company.”

  Topper giggled. “I’m so proud of you, Alfred. And your clothes look great.”

  “Thank you. I’m dressing like the God of Thunder.”

  That prompted a genuine laugh from Topper. “Thor hates being called that, you know.”

  Alfred smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. “I know. He’s the myth come to life. Plus, he has a lot of secrets about how to lure the ladies. He told me he’s now looking for one for himself—said his urges had returned. He never said where they went in the first place, but he did seem relieved they were back.”

  “He’s looking for a mate?” Rime said in surprise, finding her voice at last. She sat numbly in a chair. “But…”

  Alfred narrowed his gaze. “He said he couldn’t have a just a little of you, Rime. He said that would be torture. It’s a man thing so maybe you can’t understand it. Guess you need to think hard about this one, Coach. You’re either all in or you need to leave him alone. He likes you more than he’s saying.”

  Rime and Topper both stared as an Alfred neither of them had seen before headed confidently to the kitchen.

  “What was that about?” Topper asked in a whisper.

  Rime sighed and whispered back. “My confidence building work was aided by Thor taking Alfred shopping. I don’t know what passed between the two males, but Alfred came back like this.”

  Topper laughed. “So that explains Alfred’s attitude. What’s happening to create the snow zones?

  Rime shook her head. “I’m ashamed to admit this, but I’m at age where I’m having cold flashes. Normally, my mate would be capable of helping me deal with those unexpected energy bursts, but he’s been gone for a century. I’ve been toughing them out on Glacier, but here on Earth—the energy bursts seems amplified.”

  Topper put a hand on her belly when it shifted and fluttered in excitement. “I know. I know. You were telling the truth. I always believed you,” she said to her wise child, laughing at the movement. She looked at Rime. “So you’re the reason we’re having snow zones?”

  Rime nodded. “I believe I am and I’m very sorry for the trouble they’ve caused you. Thor has helped me deal with one or two.”

  “And he never said a word about doing so,” Topper said, snorting at being fooled so well.

  “It’s just been for a couple of Earth days. Besides, Thor would never betray a Priestess of Icela. He was waiting for me to do the right thing, which I was planning to do. I honestly was.”

  “And what would that right thing be?” Topper demanded, giving the priestess a stern look.

  Sighing, Rime studied her hands. “I guess the right thing would be telling my brother I’m here and making myself useful to him and his family. Icela really did send me here.”

  “Brother?” Topper said. “Wait… you’re Stark’s sister? He never told me he had a sister.”

  “He was probably waiting until he was sure of my feelings about you. A person’s mate comes before all others on Glacier. To Stark, you and your child are the only family that can matter now.” Rime smiled as she looked at her brother’s mate. She was as unusual as her brother was. “My choice is this, Topper. I am now your sister as well. You carry my niece and you care for Stark. That’s all I need to know to like you.”

  Topper sighed, but smiled at her new family member. “Stark drives me crazy. Before I met your brother, I was a normal-looking, mature Earth woman of sixty who went on safaris and rafting trips. Now I look like a child and I’m about to give birth to one. He’s changed everything in my life, but yes, I do love him,” she admitted.

  “Alfred tells me you’re the most powerful witch in Magic,” Rime said.

  “Well, I haven’t felt that way lately, but at least I solved the snow zones mystery on my own. I think the loss of my independence has been the hardest thing about this pregnancy.”

  Rime waved a hand. “The annoyances of child bearing pass eventually. Then you are left with the greater task of training the being you’ve created.”

  Topper laughed dryly and laid her head back. “Believe me… that’s all I focus on these days. Before I got pregnant, I thought my mothering days were long behind me. Women don’t have children at sixty very often.”

  Rime rose and went to kneel in front of Topper. “May I speak with your child?”

  Topper nodded and watched as the woman closed her eyes and put both hands on her belly full of baby. The child inside her stiffened and then suddenly relaxed.

  Rime looked up at Topper and laughed softly. “She likes the name you picked out and the way you and her father talk to each other. She doesn’t understand any of it yet, but it makes her happy to hear the two of you laughing together.”

  Tears leaked from both eyes again. Topper brushed them away refusing to be ashamed of her happiness. “It’s been only four months instead of the usual nine for most Earth women, but I can tell she’s coming soon. I’ve become afraid of giving birth… and I’m never afraid—not of anything.”

  Rime opened her eyes. “You are a warrior. You’ll survive this and you will take whatever steps are needed to protect your child. I think I was sent to help you. I would really like it if you would let me.”

that’s what’s meant to happen, why didn’t Icela tell me about you yesterday?” Topper asked.

  Rime shrugged. “Perhaps she was waiting on me to make up mind about staying. I have learned Goddesses do not think like the rest of us. Their interference is usually because they want you to use your free will to their advantage. I think it mostly works out to our advantage.”

  “Tell me about it,” Topper said, the waterfall from her eyes drying up once more. “Gaia’s the reason I’m in this condition. Apparently, Stark shared the light of Icela with me and it needed some place to go.” Topper pointed at her belly. “It went into her. She started the dancing inside me the minute it happened.”

  Rime laughed, delighted with the witch’s understanding and acceptance. “I will tell you something, Topper. My brother was lonely and bored most of his life, even with a parade of females passing through his bed. I bet he is never bored with you for a single minute.”

  Topper laughed as she nodded. “No. I guessing he’s not. I turned him into a jackass once.”

  “Jackass?” Rime asked, laughing at the word.

  “Donkey—remind me and I’ll show what one looks like,” Topper said, “but he was acting like a jackass. He proposed—and badly. Made it sound more like an order. I don’t do orders. After I changed him back, he froze me to get even. We’ve come a long way since then. We don’t do that to each other anymore.”

  Rime covered her mouth and giggled. “I would have enjoyed seeing the two of you work out your compromises.”

  “Stick around awhile, we’ve got plenty more to work on,” Topper said with a grin. “And about Thor… I have some advice for you, Rime. It’s from three of our Goddess’s higher minions who control the fate of everyone on Earth. However, in your case, they just let slip something Icela told them. Thor is meant for you.”

  “Thor was meant to save me from myself. I already have proof of that,” Rime said with another giggle, finally seeing the dry wit her brother’s mate possessed.

  “I won’t use the “m” word, because I know that’s scary as the seven hells when you’re not ready for it, but I think you need to take that alien for a real spin, especially if it fixes your hormonal fluctuations. If those snow zones keep happening in Magic, they’re going to bring some very bad humans to our town—humans that don’t like witches or aliens or any of Gaia’s more gifted creatures. I can’t afford that fight right now, not with Jessica coming so soon.”

  Rime grinned. “So you’re saying it’s my duty to bed Thor and I must enjoy it to protect Magic.”

  Topper snickered. “Sounds right. He has sat at my dinner table, Rime. Its not like you’re going to have to close your eyes and think of England—I mean, Glacier—until the deed gets done.”

  “How can I do less? I will take the alien to my bed and endeavor to make the best of the situation,” Rime joked, rising to return to her chair. You had to humor a woman so close to delivering, even if it meant telling a polite lie or two.

  Alfred brought a serving tray in. It held a glass of milk for Topper and a glass of ice water for Rime. Topper smiled at him. “Alfred, I think having a life coach has been the best thing to ever happen to you.”

  A pretty tabby charged through the cat door yowling as she scampered down the hallway. She ran straight to Alfred and wrapped herself around his ankles. She stared at Rime and Topper with a dare in her eyes.

  Topper giggled at the girl finally staking a claim.

  “Coach Rime is the second best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Alfred said, setting down the empty serving tray on his coffee table. He bent and scooped up Jeannie in his arms. She fit perfectly in them. “In finding the female meant for me, I’ve at last found a way to enjoy being human. Now if you’ll both excuse me, I’m going to feed my darling girl some milk and see if I can make her purr again.”

  He disappeared into the kitchen with the cat rubbing herself under his chin. Topper giggled and looked at Rime. “Nice work with Alfred.”

  “He was just stuck in a rut,” Rime said.

  Topper held out a hand. “If you’ll pull me out of this chair, I’ll charm his front door. That will ensure their privacy so Alfred and Jeannie can work out things at their own speed.”

  Rime rose and pulled her new sister from the chair. It took all of her strength. Her niece was going to be a handful. “I like your style, Most Powerful Witch in Magic.”

  “And I like yours, Priestess of a Meddling Goddess Whose Name I’m Not Speaking Today. Help me get to Alfred’s porch and I’ll show you a little sample of what I can do. Why don’t you come home with me afterward and see your brother? It’s quiet at my house. Cats make a lot noise when they’re getting busy, if you know what I mean.”

  Rime laughed though she wasn’t sure why. She didn’t understand much of Topper’s teasing, but she did get the part about the new couple needing privacy.

  “Alfred, I’m taking Topper home. Don’t wait up for me,” Rime called.

  “No problem, Coach. I’ll be in touch tomorrow… or the next day,” Alfred called back.

  Chapter 9

  Stark and Thor returned home hungry and disgruntled. They had located the portal, but no one had passed through… or at least no one that they’d seen. Thwarted warriors were not the most pleasant of companions, but Topper wasn’t phased by their grumbling over their alleged failure. Right now she had a bigger concern.

  “I ordered takeout and it’s coming,” Topper announced to them all. “And by the way, we’ve taken in another guest, Stark. She’s taking a shower in Thor’s room.”

  Topper looked at Thor and grinned. “I hope you don’t mind, but we had to borrow some of your clothes for her. She’s very tall for a woman but Stark’s spare clothes are all in the laundry. I can’t keep up with housekeeping tasks right now. It takes forever to do a single chore when you can’t use magic.”

  Thor considered the trivial task and made a decision. “I do my own laundry all the time, Topper. I’d be happy to help you catch up on yours.” Chuckling, Thor turned and punched Stark on the arm. “I don’t mind folding the General’s underwear. I’ve done much worse things for him over the years.”

  “That won’t be necessary, Thor,” Stark said dryly. “I don’t wear any.”

  Topper laughed at Stark’s confession and the stunned look on Thor’s face was priceless. She grabbed her stomach. “Stop making me laugh, Stark. I want to eat one more good meal before this baby arrives. Let’s talk about something serious. What did you find out about the random portal?”

  “If anyone came through it, they were invisible,” Stark stated coldly, still angry at what he considered a failure. “We stayed until it closed and saw no one.”

  “Hmm… don’t give up yet. I found out that Icela’s been opening a few for her own purposes. And you should be proud of me because I found the true source of all the snow zones today. And ha…” she said pointing a finger at him, “I did it without magic. Yep, big old pregnant, afraid-to-use-her-magic Topper solved the mystery of the snow zones. Of course, I couldn’t have done it without help from the God of Thunder. He’s the real hero.”

  Topper winked at her now guilty-looking guest. She laughed at Thor’s discomfort and headed to the door just before it rang. “Come on, Stark. That’s our food. I need your help, please.”

  Stark followed his chuckling wife down the hallway. “How could Thor help you today? He was with me the whole time. Does he have a twin here that I don’t know about? No one cloned him, did they? I swear this place needs more than one keeper.”

  “I’ll give you a hint, Alien. Somebody has a twin here in Magic, but it’s not the namesake of the God of Thunder,” Topper said, cutting off Stark’s response by opening the front door.

  Back in the kitchen, Thor ran a hand over his face and then he smelled her. Rime smelled like one of those fruity slush drinks they served in most refueling stations on Earth. Berries on ice, he decided. Then he turned and saw her wearing one of his t-shirts and a pair of the pan
ts he’d slept in when he was in cold Alaska. Here in Arizona, he had to force himself to even wear a shirt during the day.

  “I hope you don’t mind me borrowing your clothes,” Rime said. “I left Alfred’s without packing what he’d purchased for me. That seems to be a theme for my life lately. I leave in a hurry and take nothing when I do.”

  He started across the kitchen to kiss her when a still arguing Topper and Stark came back into the room. Stark didn’t look up until he’d set the seven large food containers on the table. Topper was already humming and opening the containers.

  “Hello, Brother,” Rime said cautiously.

  Stark raised his gaze and stared into eyes a mirror of his own. His smile was instant. His voice of full of relief over knowing she was well and whole. “Rime. Goddess, it’s good to see you looking so well.”

  She rounded the table and walked into her brother’s arms for a hug. “I’ve missed you too. I’m sorry I became such a recluse.”

  “No more so than me, Sister. I stayed in the ice fields unless the parents called me to do something for them. I knew you were living with Icela’s Sisterhood, so I figured that meant you wanted to be left alone,” Stark said.

  “All true, but she sent me here to see you,” Rime admitted, running a hand over his jaw. “You look well, Brother. I’m glad I didn’t refuse to come.”

  “Indeed. How did you end up coming here with Topper?”

  “Your mate found me hiding out at Alfred’s and made me come home with her,” Rime explained honestly, stepping back to study Stark’s contented face. So the witch really did make him happy. Somehow she wasn’t surprised it had taken a woman as intense and unpredictable as he was to keep him on his toes.

  “I’m sorry. Did you actually want to stay and listen to Alfred and Jeannie having sex tonight? Cats are loud during the whole thing and they don’t care who hears. If that poor fish survives the embarrassment of their coupling, they’ll probably make it through anything,” Topper said on a laugh, filling a plate with food while she talked. She looked up when she felt them all staring at her. “What did I say? Would you rather I left Rime there to cringe in the guest room with her hands over her ears?”


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