Cosmic Girl: Lost & Found: Superhero series for young adults - Book Three.

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Cosmic Girl: Lost & Found: Superhero series for young adults - Book Three. Page 8

by R S J Gregory

  “Oh, shit.” I gasp. “Everyone, in the van. NOW!” I yell and leap down to the ground. I turn around and open my arms.

  “Jump down.” I tell them.

  “I’ll break my ankle.” Andrew complains.

  “Hurry. There’s no time.” I tell him.

  “Screw it.” Max says and leaps off the roof of the van. I catch him and set him down. “Hurry up.” Max calls out as he opens the driver’s door.

  Jeremy jumps down next, followed by Jason, then finally Andrew. They climb in, and by now the impacts sound like thunder in my ears as I focus my hearing towards the north.

  Max tries to start the engine, but there’s no time left.

  “Hold on tight.” I warn them, before crawling underneath the van.

  I find the middle and push up with my back. The van comes off the ground, and wobbles above me. I reach up with my hands, and keep my head bent down as I push down with my legs and stand up.

  My heart is racing while the approaching feet thunders in my ears. I ease the van up and adjust my grip, then turn south and start to jog, while holding the van above me. Once I’m back on the highway, I step on the gas, and try to put as much distance between us and the approaching blue freaks as I can.

  I break into a run after a few seconds, and soon the scenery starts to hurtle past. All I can hear is my breathing, and the occasional gasp and curse above me from inside the van.

  I stretch out with all of my senses as I run. The thundering behind me is starting to grow faint as I pass through a small town. I avoid the abandoned cars and trucks while I race along the streets, but after a few more seconds, I spy a downed aircraft ahead of me.

  The wings and fuselage are littered over a huge area, while two of its engines lie in the middle of the road between two buildings, effectively blocking the road.

  “Hold on to something.” I yell between breaths.

  As I near the first engine, I bend my knees and leap into the air. The ground, plane engines and buildings shrink below me as I hurtle through the air so fast it’s shocking.

  Oh my god. I must be a thousand feet up, and I’m still rising.

  Panic begins to set in, and I grip the van above me as tight as I can without breaking it.

  I begin to hear screams coming from above, then I hear the passenger door open.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I hear Jeremy’s worried voice.

  “Improvising.” I yell back, as I stare wild eyed at the tiny building far below me, as I hurtle through the air. The wind flows past me like a caress, and my heart thunders in my chest.

  I feel my stomach lurch as I begin to descend.

  I scan the ground below, desperately seeking a soft place to land, when I notice four blue forms racing along the street below. I’m still descending in an arc, and I look ahead to see where I will come down.

  The sun is directly overhead now, as I can see our small shadow far below. The small rectangular shadow is racing after the blue forms, until one of them stops abruptly. The others stop, then our shadow is passing, them leaving them behind. As I descend, quicker now, the shadow grows in size. I turn and look to my left and right, to see if there are any places where we can hide, but all I see are mountains. Mountains to my left and right.

  The road makes a sharp turn up ahead, and I realize that I’m aiming for the field beyond the road. The grass is wild and deep.

  Maybe we can hide in the grass?

  Suddenly I hear course voices from behind me.

  “Svjeze meso, momci.”

  “Oh, crap.” I grumble as I hear the pounding of heavy feet.

  In seconds, I land in the long grass, slide to a shaky stop, and set the van down, then turn to face the enemy.


  I step in front of the van as I hear the first rustle. The long stalks of grass shake, then the first nine feet tall blue freak steps out. Its black goatee and long black hair blows in the breeze as it stands, staring curiously at me with its crimson eyes.

  “Ovo neće dugo trajati.” It calls out over its shoulder, then smiles at me.

  I ball my hands into fists and take a step toward it. It takes a step back, then smirks before lunging forward with a right cross.

  I duck its awkward punch, then swing my left fist at his right thigh. I hear bones crack when I make contact, and the creature bellows in rage. It drops to one knee and makes a grab for me. I catch one hand in both of mine and tighten my grip. The blue giant yells as I crush it’s fingers, then I snap the wrist.

  I step back as it makes a grab with the other hand, before leaping up and punching it in the face, breaking the nose with such force that I hear its skull crack. Green blood gurgles from its mouth and nose before it collapses backwards on to the grass.

  I catch my breath and wipe the green blood from my hands, then three more blue giants emerge from the tall grass.

  “Sranje!” One of them says as they look down at their fallen comrade.

  I rush them, punching one in the leg, then pivoting on my left foot and spinning around. I leap up at another with both fists, catching it in the stomach and send it flying up through the air. I kick the legs out of the third blue freak before charging back to the van. I run and slide underneath, then quickly pick up the van before leaping up into the air. I land in the middle of the road a mile from the field, then turn quickly and face west. I run with the van above me for a few seconds, before leaping up towards the mountains.

  My legs catch on some telephone wires, but they snap instantly and I sail through the air. I take a big gulp of air as I head towards an outcrop of rock that juts out from the mountain like a chin.

  My heart is hammering so hard, it feels like it’s gonna burst from my chest.

  By the time I land on the ledge of rock, I’m on the verge of hyperventilating. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, exhaling slowly while I count to five. I do this twice. As my breathing calms down, I open my eyes and take a few steps back towards the edge. I lean back and look up at the mountain while holding the van above me. I exhale slowly, then take some quick steps forward before leaping high into the air again. The wind whistles by my ears, while above me, the others are groaning and complaining.

  Once on the other side of the mountains, I find the road and begin jogging along. As we enter another town, I hear pounding coming from inside the van. I stagger to a stop and set the van down.

  I drop to me knees and throw up.

  “Where the hell are we?” I hear Andrew complain, as they begin to emerge from the van.

  I feel a hand on my back. “You okay?” I hear Max say gently.

  I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and look up at him. “Is everyone alright?” I ask shakily as I cough.

  “They’re a bit banged up, but they’ll live.” Max says as he helps me to my feet.

  I feel dizzy, and the world tilts dangerously.

  “Here. You’d better sit.” Max says and puts an arm around me and helps me over to the sidewalk. I sit down on the curb and try to breathe.

  “Well, that was interesting.” Jeremy says as he hobbles over carrying a rifle. He removes his jacket, which is covered in something wet and orange. He drops the jacket, then shoulders his rifle.

  “Jason, Jeremy, I want you two on lookout.” Max growls in his gravelly voice, then nods his head at Andrew. “Go find out where we are.”

  Andrew gives Max the finger before wandering off. Theresa climbs down from the van carrying Abigail. Abigail’s eyes are closed, and there’s some vomit around her mouth and chin.

  “Is she okay?” I ask worriedly and get up.

  “She hit her head pretty hard.” Theresa says and raises Abigail up and kisses her forehead.

  I look at Abigail’s unconscious face, and step back and turn away.

  “I’m sorry.” I say and bite my lip.

  “Hey, is that a hotel over there?” I hear Samantha’s voice call from behind me.

  I turn and look at what she’s pointing at. I see the
half-demolished sign near a parking lot adjacent to a single story building. It looks basic, nothing fancy.

  “It’s only an inn.” Theresa replies.

  “As far as I’m concerned, it’s the goddamn Hilton.” Samantha says, making Max laugh.

  “We could use some real beds tonight, Max.” Theresa says.

  “Agreed. I think we’ve earned it.” Max says. “Let’s get everything out of the van.” Max adds and begins walking towards the rear of the vehicle.

  Rebecca and Samantha help Max stockpile our supplies on the side of the street, then Max looks over at me.

  “This van’s had it. We need to get rid of it.” Max says and gives me a funny look.

  I nod in understanding and step towards the van.

  “You guys better back up.” I say and reach down and grab hold of the back of the van.

  The smell of vomit is so strong, I have to breathe through my mouth. I ease it up into my arms, then hold the side of the van with my left hand and rest the rear of the van on my right hand. I turn and shove the van upwards with what’s left of my strength.

  The girls gasp as I send the van spinning hundreds of feet into the air. The van fades into the distance until it’s just a small glimmer of metal, before it plummets to the ground.

  I rub my shoulder and take some deep breaths, while Max looks at me with a big grin on his face, at least I think he’s grinning, his beard looks different anyway.

  “Holy shit. Is there anything you can’t do?” Samantha asks and laughs nervously, while Rebecca stares at me with a dreamy expression.

  Andrew saunters back after a few minutes whistling an unfamiliar tune.

  “Well?” Max asks.

  “Cedar City.” Andrew replies. “Are we staying, or going?”

  Max points towards the inn across the street. “We’re staying, for now.”

  Jeremy and Jason come back with their rifles slung over their shoulders.

  “I don’t see anything or anyone nearby.” Jeremy tells Max.

  “How is she?” Jason asks Theresa.

  “Still out.” Theresa answers quietly.

  “Let’s go.” Max says and starts marching toward the inn.

  I watch them head to the inn, and begin to look around.

  Theresa stops and looks back at me.

  “Are you coming?” She asks.

  “You still want me around?” I ask nervously.

  “Come on, silly.” Jason says and offers me his hand.

  I take his hand and stagger wearily towards the inn. I enter the inn last and close the door behind me gently. I find the first empty room and collapse on to the small soft bed.

  I’m out like a light.

  When I come to, I feel a hand on my shoulder, patting me.

  “Hmm?” I groan as I try and open my eyes.

  “Thank god.” I hear Rebecca’s relieved voice above me.

  My vision is a little blurred at first, then Rebecca’s face and long red hair come into focus.

  “What time is it?” I ask and yawn.

  “Midday. Come on, get up.” Rebecca says, then sits down on the edge of the bed and brushes some white hair from my face.

  “How long was I out?” I ask as I sit up.

  “Three days.”

  “What?” I gape at her.

  “How are you feeling?” Rebecca asks and smiles.

  “Better.” I say and get out of bed. I stretch my arms up and arch my back. I still feel a little stiff.

  “You must be hungry.” Rebecca says and takes my hand.

  I shrug and take her hand, and she leads me into the hallway. I hear some talking coming from the end of the hallway, where it opens into a common room. I let go of Rebecca’s hand and run my hands through my long white hair as we emerge into the common room.

  The black and white tiled floor is littered with backpacks, and the trusty campfire has been set up in the middle, away from the chairs. Abigail is the first person I see as she gets up and runs at me.

  “Hey.” I greet her as she hugs me.

  “I thought you were never going to wake up.” Abigail says as she clings to me.

  “I was just tired. How’s your head?” I ask as I crouch and look into her big blue eyes.

  “It still hurts some.” She says, then takes my hand. “Come, eat.” She says and pulls me over to the campfire, where Theresa and Jason are deep in conversation, while Samantha stirs a large metal pot of something steaming.

  “Where are the others?” I ask as I sit down next to Jason, while Abigail sits in my lap.

  “They’re out hunting. They’ve been gone for a couple of hours.” Jason replies.

  “I hope they’re back soon.” Rebecca says nervously as she sits down opposite me.

  “Where are we?” I ask and yawn again.

  “I think Andrew said this is Cedar City.” Samantha says, and begins to add some salt to the pot, before stirring again.

  “Only two hundred miles from Vegas.” Jason says to Theresa and raises an eyebrow.

  “And?” Theresa asks with a smirk.

  “We could make it official.” Jason says softly.

  “I don’t think we’re going to find a priest there, honey.” Theresa says, leans over and plants a kiss on his cheek.

  “We could go check it out.” Abigail suggests.

  “Let’s see what Max says.” I tell Abigail and notice the aroma of some kind of meat coming from the pot, making my mouth water.

  Jason and Jeremy enter first after a few more hours, followed by Max, and someone else.

  “Guys, this is Jacob.” Max announces and gestures to the man behind him.

  The man could have been Max’s twin, except for the hair. The man has long black hair, which is turning gray around the temples, and has a grizzly black beard and moustache, peppered with gray.

  His weathered face looks wary when he notices me. His brown eyes narrow as I stand up. I notice his black-gloved hands flex as I take a step towards Max.

  “Hi.” The others greet the stranger.

  “Jacob has a group holed up not far from here.” Max says.

  “I saw your arrival.” Jacob says, and his eyes flick to mine. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” He adds.

  “This is Angela.” Max tells Jacob, and steps to one side.

  The man’s long trench coat is covered in dirt, and I can smell gasoline and tobacco. He takes a step towards me, with his gloved-hands by his waist.

  “She’s our angel.” Abigail states proudly, and I notice Rebecca sigh and turn away.

  “Where did you come from?” Jacob asks as he stops, his fingers twitching nervously.

  “I wish I knew.” I reply. “Where are your friends?” I ask.

  “They’re waiting for me at the football stadium. I wanted to see for myself first.” Jacob says, and takes another step towards me.

  I extend my hand, and he reaches for it tentatively. I shake his hand gently.

  “Nice to meet you, Jacob.” I say.

  I notice his frown as he gazes into my eyes.

  “Would you like some soup?” Samantha asks.

  “Sure.” Jacob and I say at the exact same time.

  Andrew searches the small kitchen area and comes back with some bowls and actual spoons. I don’t wait for mine to cool down, I just start shoveling it in my mouth. The others blow theirs before they eat, while Jacob sits on the floor stirring his and watching me with great interest. I help myself to another helping, as Jacob takes his first mouthful.

  “So, where are you headed?” Theresa asks Jacob as we all eat.

  “Safe Harbor.” Jacob replies and takes another spoonful.

  “I don’t think you’re going to find a harbor near here.” Andrew replies dryly.

  “There’s one in Nevada, near Groom Lake. That’s where we’re headed.” Jacob replies.

  “But there’s nothing there. That lake dried up many years ago.” Max says and looks at Jacob like he’s nuts.

  “We’ll see.”
Jacob mutters and eats some more soup.

  “What makes you think anything is out there in the middle of the desert?” Jason asks.

  “I came across a guy, maybe ten years ago, and he mentioned about this place. He said it was the safest place on Earth.” Jacob replies quietly.

  “Was he big?” Max asks and spreads his arms wide to illustrate how broad shouldered the guy was.

  He must have been huge.

  “Yeah, that’s the man.” Jacob replies. “He seemed pretty confident that it was there. He even described it.” Jacob adds.

  “I know, he told me the same. Wire fences, watchtowers with armed lookouts.” Max says and scratches his bearded jaw.

  “Fences and armed guards are no match for those giant things.” Andrew states bluntly.

  “Look around you, boy. Nothing is. But if it’s still there, I want to see it with my own eyes.” Jacob says testily.

  The man that they describe intrigues me, and this oasis in the desert is sounding more interesting.

  “I want to see this place too.” I say as I fill my bowl for the third time.

  Andrew and Samantha look at me like I’ve lost my mind.

  “Do you guys have a better suggestion?” I ask.

  “Do you have transport?” Max asks Jacob.

  “Yes.” Jacob replies and sets his bowl down.

  Max and I exchange a look between us, and Max nods his head.

  “Let’s go.” I say.


  I smile when I see the old battered school bus. For some strange reason, the scene feels familiar, as everyone climbs on board. I climb on board last and take a seat behind the driver. His name is Joseph, and looks around the same age as Andrew. His green eyes look at me from the rear mirror as he closes the doors with a hiss.

  Jacob’s group is made of three others, Zoe, a tall black woman. She looks the fiercest, with her shaved head and piercing amber eyes. She doesn’t talk much, she just nods her head at me as she walks past me before getting on the bus. The other woman is Roxanne, she seems nice. She’s much older than the others, and has long gray hair which is tied up into a bun. She wears mostly cream and sandy colored clothing. She sits next to Jacob with her shotgun resting by her side. The last man is David. He sits behind Jacob and Roxanne. His thinning black hair frames a face of intense intelligence. His dark eyes looked right through me when we were introduced, and he had a firm handshake. I can hear him sharpening his machete on a wet stone, as Joseph drives us south away from Cedar City.


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