For Life

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For Life Page 19

by Debra Kayn

  "Hey, Tiff." Christina waved. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

  Tiff glanced around and her shoulders sagged. "I guess."

  In the last several weeks, Tiff always appeared unsure of herself and quiet. The drastic sway in personality was a huge contrast to the bubbly girl who used to tease and hang on Jeremy every spare moment.

  "I've missed you around the house." Christina hugged the girl. "How's your job at Silver Girls working out?"

  Tiff moistened her lips. "Fine. They have me coming in four days a week now, since Lilly and Ink moved into their new house."

  "That's right. They adopted a baby. I bet they want to spend more time getting to know their little boy," Christina said.

  The change in her demeanor instant and pure, Tiff smiled. "Tanner's adorable. I've been able to watch him twice during the day at the Sterling Building while they worked on papers. They were there, but they let me chase him around and keep him from getting into things he shouldn't be touching. He calls me's so funny."

  Christina laughed. "That's great."

  Tiff nodded and she ducked her head, letting her hair hide her eyes. The right thing to do would be to let Tiff go on about her business, but she needed more answers.

  "I know you and Jeremy haven't been seeing each other lately." Christina lowered her voice. "But have you talked to him?"

  Tiff nodded.

  Christina waited, but Tiff didn't volunteer any more information. "I'm worried about him, and I know he's concerned about you."

  Tiff raised her gaze. "He should be more concerned about himself."

  Anger radiated from Tiff's glare. Christina tilted her head, surprised at the angst thrown at her. This wasn't a girl upset because Jeremy pulled away from her. Whatever happened, Tiff's current problems were directed at Christina.

  "Okay." Christina blew out her breath. "That's why I wanted to speak with you, because I think Jeremy needs someone to talk to. He's been extra quiet, and I've tried to get him to open up and he doesn't want to talk. I know he was close to you, so maybe you could give him a call to chat sometime, just to see how he's doing."

  She shook her head. "He won't listen to me."

  "But maybe if—"

  "I'm sorry. I need to go grab lunch before I'm late getting back to work." Tiff hurried off.

  Christina watched her go, more concerned than before. Something big was going on between Tiff and Jeremy, and she only hoped Jeremy would talk to someone if he couldn't handle the relationship himself.

  She turned around and headed for the truck. A motorcycle entered the lot. She peered over her shoulder and smiled at finding Merk in town.

  Merk pulled up alongside her and cut the engine. "Hey."

  "Did Cam send you to check up on me?" she asked, folding her arms under her breasts.

  Merk's mouth thinned. "What do you think?"

  Christina undid her arms and approached Merk. "I'm sorry. I don't know what is going through his head lately. He's under so much stress and needs to relax."

  "I don't want to talk about Cam." Merk got off his bike. "Are you done here?"

  She glanced at the truck. "Yeah, I was getting ready to head back home. It took longer than I planned. I wasn't sure how much food I'd need to feed everyone, and practically bought out the store."

  The idea that she'd be cooking for six of the Moroad members staying at the house, plus Cam and Jeremy, overwhelmed her. She stalled, not wanting to go home. Cam barely acknowledged her when she informed him she was going shopping. He acted as if the danger with Reds never existed. Whether all the activity around the house distracted him or he truly believed her safety no longer came first, she didn't know. She worried more about their relationship, because Cam always protected her.

  "The men will move out eventually. I'll talk to the others and see if they can crash somewhere else. I know Stache has an extra room and Bear has space above his garage. A few of them can throw down a sleeping bag until something better comes around and they can find someone who'll rent a house to them." Merk bent his knees and caught her gaze. "Okay?"

  She nodded. "Thanks."

  "You shouldn't have to put up with them in your face all the time." He reached out to swipe the strand of hair caught on her chin. "In the meantime, make sure you're not alone with them. Stick with Cam or Jeremy. If they're not around, come out in the yard and keep me company, okay?"


  "Okay, good." Merk winked. "You better get home before your frozen food melts or Cam comes looking for you. It's hotter than hell out here."

  She walked backward, more confident that she could hang in there with the others for a few more days. Her ass bumped into the truck door and she turned, scrambling into the driver's seat. Merk's shoulders quaked in silent amusement, and she grinned in response to feeling good about the future. How many nights had they sat out on the porch, her giving him a running total of all her complaints and Merk answering her in one-word responses, every single time? It was always okay with him.

  After three attempts to start the engine, the truck coughed to life and she backed out of the parking spot and drove away. She glanced in her rearview mirror and waved at Merk over her shoulder. He continued to watch her leave.

  Once out of sight, she drove under the viaduct and turned down the road to go home. Sweat left her tank top clinging to her, and she rolled down the window. Thank God, the trees around the property at home afforded her shade. Though the thought of cooking dinner tonight in a hot kitchen appealed even less to her.

  She hung her arm out the window, catching the wind. After her shock over seeing Tiff at the store and their conversation, she forgot to ask Merk if he'd like to eat dinner with them. One more plate didn't matter, since she already had a house full and Cam couldn't complain about her singling Merk out from the crowd. Though she knew Merk would decline, and make her believe it was his choice to stay away when they both knew Cam made the rules.

  Ahead of her, the gravel road appeared. She flipped her turn signal on and turned. The truck engine sputtered, and she pushed the accelerator down.

  "Come on, come on, you stupid truck. Don't die on me." She rocked back and forth, holding on to the steering wheel, but despite her best efforts to keep the truck going, the engine shut off. "Dammit."

  Able to coast to the side of the road, she put the truck in park and smacked the dashboard with her hand. Cam really needed to buy something else for her to drive. Even her old Honda car was more reliable than the piece of junk Cam kept around for her, but he'd taken her car when he'd kidnapped her and she never got it back.

  Hoping the truck would start if she let it sit for a few minutes, she grabbed her purse and removed the pistol she always carried with her. Setting the gun beside her on the seat, she remembered the last time she was stuck on this road and two Reds members shot out her tire and then forced her to walk into the brush.

  Nausea filled her stomach and she pulled her tank away from her skin. Cam killed two men that day.

  The heat inside the cab climbed higher. She leaned across the bench seat and hand-rolled the window down. Even with both windows open, the breeze going through the truck failed to cool her down.

  The silence outside fed her paranoia. She turned the key. Nothing happened.

  She fished out her cell phone in her purse and looked at the screen. "Yes."

  Whether it was the cloudless sky or extremely good luck, she had two bars on her phone. She dialed Cam's number and waited for him to answer the call.

  "Are you okay?" Cam answered.

  "Yes." She sighed. "I'm about a half mile from the house. The truck died and I have over five hundred dollars' worth of food in the pickup bed I need to get home before it's ruined."

  "Hang on, I'll be right there," Cam said. "You're not hurt?"

  "No, I'm fine. A little weirded out sitting here by myself on this road. The last time..." She shook her head. "Just hurry, okay?"

  "I'll be there in a minute, baby." He disconnected the cal

  She stared out the windshield. Everything would be okay. Cam would arrive in a few minutes. Nothing bad would happen.

  A crow cawed. She jumped in her seat, startled by the noise breaking through the silence. "There's nothing out there, but birds and probably an elk staring at me from the woods. Cam said the danger against Moroad MC was over. He never would've let me go to the store by myself if he worried about anyone out to harm me."

  Shit. She sounded more insane than Jacko when she talked to herself.

  She bounced her leg against the hot seat. The bare skin behind her knee stuck to the old, cracked leather, making her more uncomfortable. She glanced in the review mirror. The road remained deserted except for her, and even the dust from the truck had settled back on the ground.

  She was fine.

  Cam would be here soon.

  She laid her hand on her chest. Why was her heart racing?

  She'd traveled the road many times by herself since Reds caught her and after a fleeting thought, she'd pushed the experience behind her. Her mouth and tongue dry, she swallowed and failed to provide any relief. She panted. Cam would be here soon, she only had to wait.

  Several minutes passed.

  She picked up the pistol and wrapped her fingers around the handle. Cam had taught her how to protect herself. Nobody could hurt her again.

  A low roar broke through her thoughts. The rumble in her chest grew. She lifted her gaze and spotted Cam coming down the road toward her. Her hand, gripping tightly around the gun, sank to her lap. The strength in her arm depleted. She laughed on a sob and set the gun on the seat, scrambled out of the truck, and ran.

  Cam got off his motorcycle and caught Christina. She buried her face in his chest. "I'm sorry."

  "Sh." He cupped the back of her head in his hand and held her to him. "You didn't do anything wrong, baby. It's an old truck."

  She squeezed him tight. "I was fine, and then the truck stopped working and I lost it."

  Cam kissed the top of her head. "It's over."

  She peered up at him. "Do you feel me shaking? I can't even explain what's going through my head. I was perfectly safe waiting for you, and then it hit me. What if you weren't home? What if something happened while I was in town? I was mad at you this morning and didn't even take the time to speak with you. I waved as I got in the truck, because of something so stupid. I don't ever want to leave you, not even to go to the store, without giving you a kiss and telling you that I love you. I do, so much. I promised myself once you were home, I'd never let an opportunity go by to tell you how much you mean to me. I've disappointed myself and you..."

  "Have you finally run out of breath?" Cam grinned down at her.

  "I've been struggling to breathe since the day I wrote you my first letter." She smacked his shoulder. "We're messed up, but I do love you. I'm sorry about how I was acting."

  He leaned down and captured her mouth. Her adrenaline made her greedy and she kissed him thoroughly. Even with her deep seeded need to have every inch of him, Cam dominated the kiss. Her feet left the ground and her back arched from the power radiating off him

  The roar of more motorcycles grew louder. She moaned, knowing they were being interrupted and selfishly wanting a few moments alone with Cam.

  Cam pulled back and slid her down his body. His arousal against her stomach hard proof he understood her need to regain the us bond they both craved.

  "Do you trust me?" he asked.

  "Of course." And, she did. There was no doubt he wanted the best for her. It was only when he put others first that self-doubt crept in and made her crazy.

  "Be patient for a few more days." He brushed the hair away from her face and held her in his hands. "Today's situation won't last forever. The men will move out of your house. I will make things right again. These steps are to secure our future. Yours, mine, Jeremy, the club."

  "I know." She glanced over at Stache and the others waiting on their bikes. "Can you do something for me though?"


  She wiggled against him. Sex didn't equal love, but right now, she wanted him inside of her and to forget the outside world existed. "If it's safe to come and go, can we sneak out of the house tonight and go somewhere private. I need you, and I need you without worrying about if the men are listening through the walls."

  He raised his brows. "You want to scream?"

  Her overheated body boiled. She nodded, and smiled at him. "Only if you think you can make me."

  "Yeah, we can go somewhere."

  "Thank you." She stretched to her tiptoes and kissed him.

  He muttered against her lips. She pulled back. "What?"

  "Groceries," he said.

  "Oh, shit." She stepped back. "I need to get them home."

  Cam raised his hand, pointed at the truck, and spoke to his MC brothers. "Everyone grab a few sacks and take them to the house."

  "What about the truck?" she asked.

  "I'll get it later." He led her to his motorcycle and sat. "Hop on. Maybe we'll find three minutes alone before they make it back to the house."

  She climbed up behind him. "Three minutes?"

  "Baby, that's all I need to warm you up for tonight." He rode off, letting the wind catch her laughter.

  She looked forward to the three stolen minutes. Then tonight, she'd have him all to herself. She couldn't wait.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  The moon hovered over Cam's left shoulder. Christina convulsed underneath him. He'd warned her, and she should know better than to think she could out play him.

  "Please, Cam," she said, unable to stop the whine in her voice.

  He pinned her hips to the blanket and stared down at her. "Say it."

  She growled, lunging her head off the ground and biting his shoulder. His grunt of pain pleased her. She softened her lips and licked his skin.

  He stayed perfectly still, holding his weight off her. "I won't move until you do it."

  All relationships endured tests. Each person put demands on the other. Roadblocks popped up where one person had to give in to continue to grow. Cam put her through a load of shit that'd leave a normal person rocking in the corner, praying for salvation. In fact, she'd seen men on their knees in front of him, doing the exact same thing, begging for their lives.

  While she stood up to him, she also recognized her weakness. Cam recognized her need for love, to belong, to be accepted despite her weaknesses. If not for him, she'd still be the woman living alone, keeping to herself, and growing bitterer every day. He took control of those imperfect habits to offer her protection, and gave her freedom to love, to live, and to laugh again.

  Cam patiently waited for her. A deep yearning shown only to her. The only thing she could do was stare back into the dark, dedicated depth of his gaze. He no longer filled her with fear. No, the feelings she got from him overwhelmed and elated her. She thrived, when before she failed.

  She belonged to him, and she'd relinquish control to him willingly. His dedication to her never slipped. Her insecurities made her doubt herself and blinded her to what he put in front of her every single day.

  He pressed his weight into her. The only thing that showed her any insight on what was going on inside of his head came in the form of the deep-seated pulse of his cock inside of her.

  "I love you," she whispered.

  "Nice." His gaze softened. "But, try saying what I want you to say this time."

  "Please, can't we just have us right now?" She pulled at her hands held captive in his.

  Cam kissed her hard, stealing what little air she had in her lungs. "Do you pledge your loyalty to me?"

  He'd already explained to her what becoming his woman meant. Essentially, he expected her to take the same oath a Moroad MC member pledged to become a lifer within the club. If anything happened, whether during club business or in private, he expected her never to betray him. Whether guilty or innocent, he wanted her to swear to support only him. In return, if she betrayed him, she'd end
up dead by the hands of Moroad MC.

  She wanted to pretty up the significance of him asking. In her world, dedicating herself to one man meant saying 'I do' and promising to love him through thick and thin, sickness and health, forever. Nothing about Cam's proposal shouted conventional. He never said he loved her and instead of getting down on his knee and asking for her love, he shoved his dick inside of her and melted her heart.

  She loved him for everything he gave her, because Cam showed her how he dealt with life, with her, with their future inside the bedroom, in the only way he knew how.

  "Yes." She blinked the emotional tears of taking their relationship to the next step out of her vision. "I pledge my life to you."

  He closed his eyes and let his head fall down until their foreheads touched. "Thank you," his husky voice curled around her.

  Her next words burst out of her on a grunt as he pulled his cock back without leaving her body and plunged into her. He rode her with a ferocity that left her forgetting her next thought. She held on to his upper arms, locking her ankles behind his thighs.

  His lips found the sensitive skin at her neck, her shoulder, and finally he pushed himself above her, holding his weight with his arms. The coolness of the night prickled her arms and legs, and the fire he'd created inside of her body warmed her. A familiar moan escaped her lips. The rhythm he set demanded nothing from her, but the natural urgings of her body answered him. In a flash of passion, she rocked her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust. The pleasure he drew from her body swirled higher and higher.

  Cam grunted with each powerful plunge and groaned when he slowed to pull out. Her body tightened, holding him. She bucked underneath of him, her body greedy for release. Cam's gaze locked on hers and that's all it took. She screamed out his name. Her sex clenched down on his cock, dizzying her with the rush of pleasure pooling in her lower belly and spreading out to her limbs. She gasped when the first wave finally let her draw in air. Cam planted himself deep inside of her. His head tilted, back arched, and he quivered his release.

  They both stayed rooted to the spot, letting the aftermath of their orgasm caress each other as they came down. Cam's arms gave out, and he rolled to the side, taking her with him. She propped her elbow and looked down at him.


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