In It Together

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In It Together Page 13

by Jade Winters

  Erin frowned. ‘Depends on what you want.’

  ‘Oh believe me, you’re going to want to hear what I have to say.’ Maddie took a step over the threshold and brushed past Erin. ‘Straight ahead is it?’ she asked, glancing back.

  ‘Yes.’ Erin followed Maddie into the front room. ‘What can I do for you?’

  ‘Nice view,’ Maddie said, nodding her head towards the window.

  ‘Do you normally just drop by strangers’ houses?’

  Maddie cocked her head and smiled. ‘Oh, Erin. You’re not a stranger to me. You’ve been a part of my relationship with Cara since I met her.’

  ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

  The smile vanished from Maddie’s face in an instant. ‘Oh come now. Don’t be coy. You’re the character authors write about in soppy romances – the one the protagonist can never forget, the one true love of their lives.’

  ‘Cara told me why you broke up and if I recall it had nothing to do with fairytales.’

  Maddie tossed her hair behind her. ‘Maybe. But that didn’t mean we didn’t have problems before. And I believe you were the root of them.’

  ‘So, did you come over just to make unfounded accusations?’ Erin crossed the room and picked up her phone. ‘If you don’t leave now I’m going to call the police.’ Her finger hovered over the keys.

  Maddie brushed her threat aside with the wave of her hand. ‘I know you have a twin brother.’

  Erin frowned. ‘And?’

  ‘And, sweetie, I know he knows nothing about your relationship with Cara or the fact that she was carrying his child.’

  ‘I wish you would just get to the point.’

  Maddie’s eyes conveyed the fury within her. ‘Hear this. Steer clear of Cara if you don’t want your little secret becoming public knowledge. Not only will I reveal the truth to your brother but the internet is a great way to share news, don’t you think?’

  Erin stared at her open-mouthed, too shocked to speak. So it was Maddie that was behind the messages. She wasn’t being paranoid after all.

  Maddie’s lips curled into a smile. ‘Have a nice evening, Erin. I’ll let myself out.’

  Anxiety surged through Erin’s body as Maddie left. Did Maddie really want Cara enough to destroy the lives of people she didn’t even know? Familiar pangs of insecurity flooded her mind. Should she just tell Cara and let her deal with it or would that plan blow up in her face? No, she would sit on Maddie’s blackmail threats for now. As long as Erin stayed away from Cara, Maddie would have no need to tell Matt, so their secret was safe. Why does it feel as if there’s a universal plot to keep Cara and I apart?

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Cara had just come in from a punishing long-distance run and was looking forward to a nice hot shower. Running had become a stress-reliever for her. It was the one thing that made her able to sleep at night. It exhausted her to such a degree, her brain stopped its constant litany of derision and accusation. It wasn’t much fun being Cara these days, and anything that took her mind off her dreary circumstances was a welcome respite. Erin still haunted her dreams and caused her to move through her days in a blind fog that silently smothered her.

  Finishing a tall glass of water, she noticed that her mother had left a note on the counter inviting her to dinner at Chez Louis with Randal. Cara had pretty much come to accept Randal as Dee’s partner. Her mother was happy and that’s all that mattered at the end of the day. Though Cara would have been lying if she didn’t admit she was grateful her mother pretty much spent all of her spare time over at his place. Dee would have her own space back shortly though. Cara had already started looking for her own apartment.

  Cara lingered in the shower until the hot water nearly ran out, allowing its soothing powers to wash away at least a little bit of her pain and angst. Her phone rang as she stood motionless under the cascading water, but figured that it was just her mother checking she’d received her message. Cara towel dried, her mind a thousand miles away, and her phone rang again. Checking the display, Cara saw it was Matt; this was the second time he had called.

  ‘Sorry, Matt, I just can’t handle anything to do with you or your sister right now.’ She sighed, pressing the button to send him to voicemail.

  Cara threw the phone to the side and quickly dressed. If she didn’t hurry she was going to be late which would not make a great start to the evening.

  The elegant restaurant was packed to capacity with diners dressed in their best outfits. Cara followed the head waiter as he led her to her mother’s table.

  ‘Cara, you look amazing.’ Randal gave her a brief hug when she arrived at Chez Louis.

  ‘Thank you.’ She smiled at his enthusiastic compliment.

  Dee glowed in her saffron sleeveless dress, and Randal commented that surely he must be the most fortunate man in the room to be surrounded by such beauty. Cara engaged actively in the conversation about yoga and meditation. Randal was as funny and attentive as she remembered him at school. She could see why her mother had been taken in by his charm. They were halfway through their appetisers when Dee cleared her throat.

  ‘Cara,’ she began, blushing and looking at Randal for reassurance. He took her hand and she continued, ‘Randal has asked me to marry him and, with your blessing, I’d like to accept his proposal.’

  That explained the glow in her mother’s cheeks. ‘Oh wow! Mum…that’s wonderful news, I’m so happy for you! Of course, get married, love each other, have a wonderful life – I’m thrilled for you, I really am,’ Cara gushed, realising that every word was true. She wasn’t too proud to admit that she had got Randal wrong. Marriage was a big commitment and it was obvious Dee meant a lot more to him than she first thought.

  ‘Well, now that you’ve given your blessing I can do it properly,’ Randal said, pulling a box out of his jacket with a flourish and getting down on one knee, ‘Dee, you have made me happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life, and I want to spend the rest of my days making you happy. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?’ He opened the box to reveal the largest emerald-cut canary diamond that Cara had ever seen. Her mother was too overcome to speak, but nodded vehemently and he slipped the massive ring on her finger, kissing her warmly as nearby diners applauded. Tears welled in Cara’s eyes as she clapped along, so happy to see her mother’s joy.

  The rest of the meal passed in a flurry of fine food, wine and wedding plans. Dee mentioned something about running away to an island for a private ceremony, but Randal would have none of it. He was proud of his bride-to-be and wanted a lavish ceremony to celebrate his love for her. It was cute watching the two of them banter back and forth, agreeably disagreeing over the most minute of details, and Cara found herself envious of their easy give-and-take and obvious affection for one another. She left the restaurant happy for her mother and Randal, but aching inside at the thought that she’d never get to experience that kind of joy for herself. Not unless she could make Erin see sense.

  It wasn’t in Cara’s nature to give up so easily; why break the habit of a lifetime now?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Cara stood on Erin’s doorstep for a few minutes before finally finding the courage to knock. What was the worst Erin could do? Send her away? She reached for the bell and pressed it gently. Seconds later she heard footsteps approaching.

  ‘Cara!’ Erin’s eyes widened with the proverbial deer-in-headlights look. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘I need to speak to you.’

  Erin’s expression morphed from fear to panic. ‘I’ve got nothing to say to you. Please go away.’

  Cara pressed her hand against the door as Erin started to close it. ‘Hey, just five minutes and then I’ll go. I promise.’

  ‘Five minutes.’ Erin stood back and reluctantly opened the door.

  ‘Nice place you’ve got here,’ Cara said, looking around as she followed Erin to the living room.

  Erin stopped in the middle of the room and placed her hands on her hips
. Her eyes studied Cara carefully. ‘I’m all ears.’

  ‘I miss you, Erin.’ Cara waited for Erin’s response. When she didn’t get one Cara took a step closer to her. ‘Is that it, you’re just going to stand there and say nothing?’

  ‘What do you want me to say? That I miss you too and not a second goes by without me thinking about you?’ Erin’s face clouded with uneasiness. ‘If what I said is true, it doesn’t change anything.’

  ‘Yes it does. Don’t you see? We can just pack up and leave – we don’t have to stay in Cumbria. We can go anywhere in the world where we don’t have to be under the scrutiny of anyone.’

  ‘It sounds wonderful in theory – but it would never work out in reality. I’m not about to leave and never see my granddad again.’

  Cara desperately searched for the right answer. ‘Okay, okay. We’ll bring him with us.’

  Erin laughed. ‘I’m sure he’d love that.’

  ‘Okay so that’s a stupid idea. Help me out here. We can’t let one person stand in the way of our happiness, can we?’ Cara grew hopeful her message was finally getting through to her when she saw Erin’s expression soften. ‘I don’t want to be apart from you, Erin,’ she whispered. ‘Ever. I love you!’ She blurted the words out before Erin could say anything.

  Erin winced as though Cara’s words had struck her heart, piercing it, and closed her eyes, exhaling audibly in frustration. Tears streaked slowly down Cara’s cheeks as her eyes roamed the familiar planes of Erin’s face. She couldn’t bear the thought of ever being without her again. Erin opened her eyes, noting Cara’s tears, and wiping them gently away with her thumbs, holding her face in her hands.

  ‘Dammit,’ Erin swore softly, her eyes never leaving Cara’s.


  ‘I…I thought that I could do this. I thought that I’d be strong enough to see you again and keep my distance. I thought that as the time passed I’d be able to stomach losing you again, that I could meet someone else…’ She shook her head, unable to finish.

  ‘What’s the point of being with someone else when your heart belongs to me?’ Cara asked, sniffling miserably. ‘I love you Erin, I’m lost without you.’ Her tears started anew and Erin took her in her arms, kissing her hair and sighing.

  ‘Damn, Cara…I need time to think. There’s no hope of getting my head on straight when I’m around you.’

  ‘Okay.’ Cara nodded against her chest, wiping her face with the back of her hand. ‘Take whatever time you need. I’ll be here.’ Cara reached out, catching Erin’s face in her hands. She was momentarily transfixed by the longing in Erin’s eyes before she rained kisses on her face, her forehead, her eyelids, her nose; eventually taking her mouth, Cara’s tongue tasting and teasing Erin’s.

  Erin groaned against Cara’s mouth, as she guided Cara’s hand beneath the thin, silky material of Erin’s nightshirt to her naked breast. Erin gasped when Cara’s fingers closed on her taut nipple, rolling it languidly. Cara slowly guided Erin backwards towards a table and gently pushed her down on it.

  ‘Touch me,’ Erin whispered, running her hands up the insides of her thighs to tease Cara.

  Cara bent over and dropped her head between Erin’s legs. She took in all of the validation, warmth and approval that Erin had to give. Cara moved her lips hungrily against Erin’s throbbing clit, thrusting her tongue into the heat of her sensuous core, the warmth between her own thighs intensifying as she pulled Erin up from the table and melded their bodies together, wrapping her arms around her, drawing her closer. ‘Where’s your bedroom?’

  ‘Too far, let’s get on the rug.’

  ‘That’s fine with me.’

  ‘Hello!’ Matt’s voice calling through the letterbox effectively broke the spell.

  ‘Oh shit, he’s early,’ Erin said, struggling to get up.

  Cara pushed her down again. ‘Ignore him. Pretend you aren’t in.’

  ‘Erin!’ he called again.

  ‘I can’t, he knows I’m in, I just spoke to him. He’s staying over, his boiler broke down. I’m going to have to let him in.’ Erin pushed herself up and fumbled with her shirt. ‘You need to go. I don’t want him to see you here.’

  ‘Please don’t tell me you regret it already.’

  ‘No, of course not.’ Erin planted a kiss on Cara’s lips. ‘Whilst we work out what we’re going to do you can’t say a word to anyone about us?’ she said, ushering Cara towards the back door.

  ‘Of course I won’t. I promise.’

  ‘Not even your ex-girlfriend!’

  Cara frowned. ‘Maddie?’

  ‘Yes, Maddie. As far as you’re concerned, we aren’t even seeing each other.’

  ‘Okay, okay.’

  Erin leant towards Cara and kissed her. ‘I’ll meet you tomorrow. I promise, I’ll make it up to you.’

  Cara glanced back as she made her way through the communal garden. ‘I’m going to hold you to that.’ She called out as Erin quickly closed her door.

  Damn Matt! He couldn’t have chosen a worse moment to put an appearance in. Who knows what would have happened after they’d made love. It would have been a great opportunity to figure out what they were going to do. It was obvious Erin still wanted her. There was no denying that. But somehow Cara had to find a way to make Erin see sense. Matt couldn’t be wrapped in cotton wool for the rest of his life, why couldn’t Erin understand that? There was no point in blaming Matt in all of this – he was just an innocent party unaware of the indecision going on around him. For now the best thing to do was to let Erin’s confidence grow in their relationship. Hopefully that would be the catalyst needed for the truth to finally come out

  Cara licked her lips and smiled, she could still taste Erin. In the hope of keeping the memory fresh in her mind, she hurried home wanting to replay their encounter once she was snuggled up in bed. With any luck she wouldn’t have to wait too long until the next time.

  Chapter Thirty

  ‘What are we doing?’ Cara asked as they approached the small docks where, during the day, excited kids and teenagers boarded paddle boats, canoes and small rowboats to enjoy the lake.

  ‘Stay here,’ Erin commanded, with a mysterious smile. Cara stood on the cobblestone path that surrounded the lake, watching Erin go down to one of the docks that had a small boat tied up to it. Erin reached into the boat, arranged something, then gestured for Cara to join her. Cara walked gingerly out onto the dock and inhaled sharply with sweet surprise when she saw what was in the boat. Erin had lined it with soft, fluffy quilts, and brought a large hamper along for the ride. Cara laughed. She hadn’t been in a rowing boat in years.

  ‘Good idea?’ Erin asked, grinning at Cara.

  ‘You bet,’ she agreed, her eyes roaming Erin’s scantily-clad figure hungrily as she stepped into the boat which only rocked a tiny bit, thanks to its generous width.

  Erin reached out and untied the ropes that held it to the dock. Taking the oars, she began rowing towards the middle of the lake. She wore a vest and Cara watched, transfixed by her sleek muscles flexing with every stroke.

  ‘Where are we going?’ Cara nibbled on a piece of cheese she had taken from the hamper and fed the rest to Erin.

  ‘We haven’t been to our “special place” in a while,’ Erin replied, concentrating on their path as they glided through the water.

  Many afternoons were spent in their special place, lying on their backs and basking in the sun, while their conversation meandered from one subject to another with a comfortable fluidity that was theirs alone. And, for the first time in more than twelve years, there they were headed. Cara shivered, not knowing whether this would be a happy experience or a profoundly sad one.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Erin’s voice caressed her.

  ‘Yes.’ Cara smiled, biting her lower lip, not wanting to give voice to her apprehension.

  ‘Good.’ Erin grinned back at her affectionately. ‘We’re almost there.’

  Before they knew it, they were at the beach and Erin spr
ead the quilts out on the sand. She brought the wine and glasses out of the boat with her, then placed the tray of fruit and cheese between them before pouring them each a glass of wine. They stretched out on the blanket and looked up at the clear blue sky while they sipped their wine and nibbled on the cheese and fruit.

  ‘What made you bring me here today?’ Cara drained her glass rather quickly. Erin poured her another as soon as she swallowed the last drop.

  ‘I thought it would be good to erase the bad memories and replace them with good ones.’

  ‘Good idea.’

  ‘Do you fancy a skinny dip later?’ Erin smiled affectionately at her. She sipped her wine, looking at Cara expectantly.

  ‘Most definitely.’

  Erin finished her wine in one long sip and stood her glass up in the sand, taking Cara’s from her and doing the same. ‘So what do you want to do now?’

  ‘Pick up from where we left off yesterday.’

  Erin laughed. ‘What here?’

  ‘Yes here.’ Cara pulled her closer, placing her lips on Erin’s, wrapping her arms around her neck. ‘You did promise you’d make it up to me yesterday.’

  ‘And I never break a promise.’

  ‘I’m glad to hear it,’ Cara said, plunging her tongue into the sweetness of Erin’s mouth, tasting the nectar of her kiss. Erin responded in kind, her silky tongue dancing with Cara’s as she moved on top of her. Cara pulled down Erin’s vest straps and placed her hands on Erin’s naked shoulders, caressing the heated flesh of her back, exploring the creamy skin that she knew so well. Cara’s fingers deftly undid the snaps of her own strapless bra, her breasts springing free as she pulled the top over her head and dropped it on the quilt. The heat of Erin’s palm against the sensitive curve of her breast drove Cara to distraction, her black briefs growing moist with her longing. Erin rolled the tight pink bud of her nipple between her fingers, sending lightning flashes of sensation through Cara as she arched toward her, savaging Erin’s mouth with her own.


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