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Boost Page 6

by Paul Bellow

  Your slash GRAZES the minotaur skeleton for 4 damage.

  Your slash GRAZES the minotaur skeleton for 7 damage.

  The minotaur skeleton has noticed you.

  Boki swung his Warhammer, missing as the skeletal minotaur turned. It screamed then brought its great axe down. The blade scraped the side of my arm.

  The minotaur skeleton MAULS you for 21 damage.

  You have [107/128] health remaining.

  Derringer got back up and struck with his black, glowing sword. The attack chopped the minotaur’s left arm completely off the rest of its body. The beast groaned then turned yet again to the bigger threat at hand.

  As it lashed out at the Dark Knight, I used the opportunity to strike from behind.

  Your slash INJURES the minotaur skeleton for 12 damage.

  Your slash HITS the minotaur skeleton for 9 damage.

  The minotaur skeleton is dead!

  Combat is Over.

  You get 1,500 xp divided by 7 party members.

  You get 214 xp.

  You have 90,409 xp.

  You need 14,591 xp for Level 10 Rogue -> Bounty Hunter.

  “Come on,” Josh groaned. “What’s with all this low xp?”

  I grinned, never thinking I’d hear him complaining about a video game.

  “The lich will be worth more, but that’s not why we’re doing this,” Rekon said. “We’re doing this for the gnome king Angmore.”

  “We’re doing it for the good of the realms,” I said to calm everyone down.

  “This isn’t even half over yet,” Cario said.

  Rekon nodded and said, “Agreed.”

  I wasn’t sure how to feel about the new party members taking such an active role in what we did as a group, but they were right about needing to move forward.

  “Everyone ready to go?” I asked.

  “Hold on,” Derringer said. “I’m checking the minotaur’s body.”

  Ugh. Why didn’t I think of that myself? I’m supposed to be the rogue!

  “Anything?” I asked.

  “No, but it never hurts to look,” Derringer said.

  I nodded then turned to stare down the tunnel. We walked a few hundred feet before the tunnel ended. I saw a better crafted room on the other side. Nothing stirred as we approached.

  Once inside, we stopped. I saw an open doorway on each of the other three walls. Someone screamed in the distance.

  “Which way?” I asked.

  “That way,” Boki said, nodding at the doorway directly across from us. “Dwarves have a good sense of direction underground.”

  “Give me a second,” I said, staring at the ground for footprints or a clue on where to go.

  “We should go this way,” Rekon said, once again taking charge.

  He strode over to the doorway across from us and walked through. I followed. We walked into a room that looked the same as the last one we’d been in.

  “A maze of room?” Josh asked. “This is getting ridiculous.”

  “See anything?” Derringer asked.

  The barbarian shook his massive half-orc head.

  “Listen,” Cario said, cupping a hand behind his ear.

  In the distance, I heard male voices chanting.

  “Get ready,” I said, heading to the center of the room. “Could be anything.”

  “Back to back,” Rekon said. “Don’t break the circle.”

  As the chanting increased in volume, I held my swords up and waited.

  “Blasted Spirits!” Cario yelled.

  Pint-sized suits of armor floated in through all four doors – two from each side. I noticed they had no hands or bodies, only the cold, hard steel to affect the physical world.

  My monster lore skill told me they weren’t anything to take lightly, but I didn’t know how to take them out easily – if there were even a way to kill them without hassle.

  Each of the blasted spirits held a different weapon; swords, maces, even a pick-axe. Their unearthly chanting continued as they floated toward us, closing the distance.

  I attacked one as it reached me.

  Your slash MISSES the Blasted Spirit.

  Your slash MISSES the Blasted Spirit.

  That’s not a good start.

  I stepped back as it retaliated.

  The Blasted Spirit HITS you for 8 damage.

  You have [99/128] health remaining.

  Could’ve been worse.

  The others tore into the Blasted Spirits as they attacked us from all sides. I stabbed with both swords.

  Critical Hit!

  Your pierce MAULS the Blasted Spirit for 29 damage.

  Your pierce WOUNDS the Blasted Spirit for 20 damage.

  The Blasted Spirit is not slowed.

  The Blasted Spirit looks battered.

  Boki hit it after me. The light inside the armor died, and it fell to the floor with a crash. I heard two more go down, leaving five to defeat.

  They weren’t going down too easily.

  “For the gnomes,” Rekon yelled then struck another Blasted Spirit with his short sword.

  “Remember the worm,” Josh screamed even louder.

  I glanced over at him a moment then took another attack myself.

  Your pierce HITS the Blasted Spirit for 9 damage.

  Your pierce GRAZES the Blasted Spirit for 6 damage.

  The Blasted Spirit has seen better days.

  Boki followed my strikes with a hit from his Warhammer.

  “For the dwarves,” he yelled then looked at me and grinned.

  “Watch out,” I said, nodding my head to his right.

  A Blasted Spirit floated close and tapped the top of his head with a weather-worn mace.

  The dwarf didn’t bat a single red eyelash before swinging the Warhammer again.

  I stepped forward and delivered two more blows with my sword.

  Your pierce INJURES the Blasted Spirit for 11 damage.

  Your pierce HITS the Blasted Spirit for 10 damage.

  The Blasted Spirit is dead!

  I glanced through the doorway across from me. Seeing nothing, I turned to check on the others. One more had been killed, leaving three to deal with.

  Two of those were in front of Bernard and Derringer. They weren’t having a good time from the looks of it.

  Weapons too low level? I wondered as I ran over.

  “For Sarah,” I shouted then slid both blades into a slit of one of the armored spirits.

  Your pierce INJURES the Blasted Spirit for 12 damage.

  Your pierce GRAZES the Blasted Spirit for 6 damage.

  The Blasted Spirit has noticed you.

  “Behind you!” Rekon yelled.

  I turned and saw two more Blasted Spirits come into the room.

  “We’ve got to get out of here,” Derringer said. “There’s too many.”

  And go where? I wondered, rushing to attack the new undead.

  They seemed most susceptible to hits under the armor, so I carefully aimed my next two attacks.

  Your pierce HITS the Blasted Spirit for 8 damage.

  Your pierce HITS the Blasted Spirit for 10 damage.

  The Blasted Spirit is battered, but not beyond recognition.

  Is the game growing a sense of humor in the battle notifications?

  “Follow me!” Rekon shouted in his tinny, gnomish voice.

  After killing another Blasted Spirit, Josh ran over to help with the remaining four. Rekon stopped at one of the doorways and looked through while holding the frame with his hands.

  “What do you see?” I asked then attacked.

  Your slash MISSES the Blasted Spirit.

  Your pierce SCRATCHES the Blasted Spirit for 2 damage.

  The Blasted Spirit is not concerned.

  Pay attention! I scolded myself mentally then felt the wrath of the Blasted Spirit when its morning-star hit me on the left arm.

  The Blasted Spirit INJURES you for 12 damage.

  You have [87/128] health remaining.

  A quick j
olt of pain shot through my body.

  That’s going to bruise.

  Josh knocked the helmet off the one who’d hit me. It flew across the room and landed on the stone floor with a loud clashing sound. The rest of the armor fell straight down.

  Bernard and Derringer finally managed to take one down. Boki, Cario, and Josh made quick work of the other Blasted Spirit in front of me. Rekon still stood in the doorway.

  “I’ve found the pattern,” he said. “Follow me.”

  Without waiting to see if we did, the gnome ran into an adjacent room.

  “These suits of armor are likely worth something,” Derringer said.

  “Not now,” I snapped. “Follow Rekon. We don’t want to get separated down here.”

  I took my own advice, running into the next room. The gnome priest stood at another doorway, shaking his head.

  “Slow down,” I said, waiting for the others.

  Our ragtag group followed Rekon as he ran from room to room, choosing doorways in an unknowable pattern. Had he figured it out, or was he getting lucky?

  “This is it,” he said as he stopped running.

  I did the same as I entered the rectangular room different than the others. Only one other doorway stood across from us. An obviously female blade wight stood on the far side, both arms raised offensively.

  “You killed my husband!” she screamed. “Face the family wrath.”

  She whistled. A dozen smaller blade wights appeared, each with weapons for arms. They all rushed forward, crying and wailing as they floated inches above the floor.

  “Feel the wrath of my children,” the blade wight hissed.

  Can undead have kids? I pushed the question aside and concentrated on the battle ahead.

  Would they drain the same amount of experience points? This battle might turn ugly. And quick. We need to be smart.

  “Stand back,” Cario said then stepped forward.

  He raised his arms and pointed his palms at the smaller blade wights.

  “You shall not pass!” he shouted, his voice a thunderous boom.

  The half-pint undead offspring stopped in their tracks, hissing in agony.

  “Prepare to die!” the mama blade wight bellowed. She ran forward, arms swinging in front of her.

  I had enough room to maneuver to the side, waiting for an opportune moment.

  Cario and Rekon stood their ground, weapons raised as the blade wight rushed toward us.

  “No fear, my children,” she said as she passed her undead sons and daughters.

  They all turned to face us at the same time with tiny fires blazing in their eyes.

  “Battle positions!” I yelled, stealing one of Axelrod’s lines.

  Derringer and Josh ran to one side while Bernard and Boki moved to the other. I hung back, hoping to get a critical backstab and take out the mother blade wight.

  All thirteen of the blade wights reached the front line at the same time, their blade arms swinging through the air. Some of the smaller ones only had daggers while their older siblings had full-sized weapons.

  I hung back, assessing the situation.

  The Everlast potion popped to the front of my mind. I reached down and felt it in my pouch like Frodo stroking the one true ring.

  Time to take it? Save the day? Risky according to Derringer, but maybe he only wanted them for himself? Questions assaulted my mind as the others fought the unholy blade wights.

  I saw Boki fall to the floor, but Cario rushed over and healed him while fighting back a half-sized blade wight at the same time. The lich Aquarius still waited for us too.

  I had to take the OP potion. Overpowered was what we needed, even if I became addicted to the magic elixir. I put away my second weapon then pulled out the small vial.

  “We need your help!” Rekon shouted as he attacked.

  Three of the smaller blade wights had fallen, but the others kept fighting.

  “Hold on!” I yelled. “Let me take this potion first.”

  Derringer stepped backward, breaking the front line.

  “You better not,” he said, glancing over his shoulder.

  I took a deep breath. While I didn’t want the higher-level players telling me what to do all the time, he had a point. The Everlast potion would help, but at what cost?

  “Fine,” I said then put the potion back in my pouch.

  After pulling my secondary weapon, I ran up and got between Derringer and Josh.

  Your slash INJURES the Adolescent blade wight for 14 damage.

  Your pierce HITS the Adolescent blade wight for 10 damage.

  The Adolescent blade wight is dead!

  “We’ve got this!” I shouted, then added. “Remember the worm!”

  Using the worm battle-cry when not appropriate made me smile on the inside.

  “You guys are nuts,” Rekon said as he fought. “Stay in the game.”

  The mother blade wight slashed Cario with both her arms.

  “I’m losing levels!” he shouted as he pulled out a vial of holy water.

  “There’s too many of them,” Bernard said at his side.

  Cario threw the vial of holy water on the mother blade wight. She screamed in agony as the liquid touched her leathery flesh.

  I launched another volley of attacks.

  Your slash INJURES the Adolescent blade wight for 14 damage.

  Your pierce INJURES the Adolescent blade wight for 13 damage.

  The Adolescent blade wight is dead!

  I glanced around, counting at least five or six of the smaller creatures alive. Their mother wasn’t about to let up either. Again, I considered the Everlast potion in my pouch. The nearest blade wight, smaller than Boki, dashed forward and poked me with his short blade arms.

  The adolescent blade wight INJURES you for 12 damage.

  You lose 100 xp.

  The adolescent blade wight INJURES you for 14 damage.

  You lose 100 xp.

  You have 90,209 xp.

  You have [61/128] health remaining.

  That’s not too bad. Kinda cute.

  Josh roared and went into a barbarian rage before wading into a group of the smaller blade wights. The rest of us concentrated our attention on their mother.

  Your slash HITS the blade wight for 8 damage.

  Your pierce GRAZES the blade wight for 6 damage.

  The blade wight is worried for her life.

  Now we’re getting somewhere.

  “Finish her off!” I yelled.

  Cario threw another vial of holy water, hitting her on the head. Her skin bubbled even more as smoke rose from the wound. She screamed as Bernard and Boki each got a hit in.

  The blade wight turned, looking ready to run. I went in for the final kill.

  Your slash GRAZES the blade wight for 4 damage.

  Your pierce GRAZES the blade wight for 7 damage.

  The blade wight is dead!

  Not an impressive amount of damage, but it got the job done.

  I looked over at Josh as he battered the last adolescent blade wight.

  Combat is Over!

  You get 34,000 xp.

  You have 7 party members.

  You get 4,857 xp.

  You have 95,066 xp.

  You need 9,984 xp for Level 10 Rogue -> Bounty Hunter.

  “Everyone okay?” I asked, surveying the battlefield.

  “I’m low on mana, but I’ve got a backup ring of healing,” Cario said.

  “Good to know.” I glanced around. “Anyone else need healed?”

  Everyone replied in the affirmative.

  “Maybe we should go back topside and rest up before finding the lich,” I said. “We’re pretty beat up.”

  “There’s no time,” Rekon said. “If we don’t kill the lich now, he’ll escape to fight another day.”

  “Yeah, but if we die trying to kill him now, what’s the point?” Bernard asked.

  “Someone want to help me collect these blade arms?” Derringer walked over to the mother blade w
ight. “These are going to bring us a fortune.”

  “We don’t have time for that now,” I said.

  He stopped and glanced over at me.

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  I shook my head.

  “We’re in middle of a dungeon,” I said.

  Cario placed a ring on his left hand against my skin.

  You feel better.

  You have [128/128] health.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  He nodded then walked over to Bernard, healing him too.

  “We can get them on the way out,” I said. “Rekon’s right. We need to get the lich first.”

  “Gnome’s are always right,” the short priest said as if he ruled his own kingdom.

  I rolled my eyes but said nothing.

  The door at the end of the room opened.

  “Who dares seeks me?” a voice boomed.

  “Me,” Josh said then ran toward the door.

  I sighed then followed him with the others close behind. When I walked into the next room, the size and grandiosity impressed me.

  The throne room screamed of opulence and power.

  Aquarius the Lich sat on the far end of the room, sitting on a golden chair. Mario stood to his right.

  I noticed a faint blue aura surrounding the mage. This won’t be so bad, I thought.

  “Who dares enter the throne room of Aquarius?” the lich asked in its thunderous voice.

  “I told you,” Josh said, walking toward them. “It’s me.”

  “We’re here to put an end to your wicked ways,” I said.

  Mario walked forward and raised his arms, palms out. A beam of orange light shot from them and hit Josh, freezing him in place. The mage grinned at his handiwork.

  “Cario, this is your last chance to join me,” Mario said. “Blood is thicker than water.”

  “You might be family,” Cario said. “But you’re dead to me.”

  “Die with the rest of them,” the mage said. “No skin off my back.”

  “Silence,” the lich yelled. “This is my sanctuary.”

  “Not anymore,” I said. “Attack!”

  I charged forward, running past Josh.

  Mario raised his hands to cast another spell.

  I threw my secondary weapon, hoping to break his concentration before he paralyzed me too.


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