Art of Survival: Part One (A Stern Family Saga Book 5)

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Art of Survival: Part One (A Stern Family Saga Book 5) Page 3

by Monique Orgeron

  “Don’t get any ideas girl. This here is my hard-earned money. I worked for it and already have one woman at home waiting with her palm open. I like to think of myself as a kind man, but you try to steal from me, my wife will come looking for you and trust me, you do not want her hunting you down.”

  I continue to eat, ignoring the dollars he’s counting. Trying to give him some privacy, I nervously look around the restaurant, noticing how clean he keeps it, showing he takes pride in his business. Down here, you don’t see a lot of people taking pride in anything. Once I’m finished eating, I look at him as he stares at me.

  “How do you want me to pay?”

  His face shows confusion, then it hits him what I’m asking about, then I see his anger.

  “Fuck! Are you implying that you think I’m a pervert, a child molester?! I told you girl, I have no use for you!”

  “Then why are you helping me?”

  He shakes his head lowering it and says, “I don’t fucking know. Listen, I am, that’s all. I saw you out there and I know you been hanging with that piece of shit Billy. He’s no good. I don’t know where you came from or why you’re here, but I know the Lord would never forgive me for turning my back on you. But I’m no fool. I will not have that boy, or your other friend around here, do you hear me? Don’t go taking my generosity for you and your friends to take advantage of me. GOT IT?!”

  I quietly answer, “Yes.”

  His brows lift, and he says, “Yes, what? Around me, you will remember your manners.”

  I straighten my back and reply, “Yes sir.”

  He nods his head and tells me, “Come on.”

  I stand, expecting him to walk to the door, leading me back outside to the darkness. But instead, I follow him to the back of the restaurant. He opens a door to a storage closet and enters. I watch as he lays down a cot with a blanket and pillow.

  He turns back around seeing me surprised. “It’s my dog house. You know for when the wife is pissed. It’s all I got to offer you. It’s not much but don’t make me regret it. Can you give me your word?”

  I nod my head unable to express how much that cot in this small closet means to me.

  His grunt is his only reply. Leaving me, he walks out the restaurant and locks up.

  The next morning, he arrives, finding me still in the storage closet. I have already put away the cot and cleaned the storage room the best way I could. I didn’t want to wander in his restaurant, so I never left the closet, but I felt like I owed him some kind of payment. I organized it and wiped off the shelves with a towel I found on the floor. He seems surprised but again only grunts. He walks out, leaving the door wide open. After a minute I walk out asking,

  “May I use your restroom?”

  “You could have used it last night.” He points to the door.

  As soon as I am finished, I walk out embarrassed for the first time in a long while. He points to a plate he has sitting on the counter. He made me breakfast. I sit quietly and finish the meal. He turns to me and says,

  “My name is Earl.”

  “I figured.”

  He looks at me harshly, then I realize how I answered him. He’s demanding my respect. “Yes sir, I saw your sign.”

  He crosses his arms, “What’s your name?”

  “Katie, sir.”

  He nods his head again not knowing how much he should ask. Finally, he tells me, “I have a small business here Katie, and I’m not a rich man. But if you agree to earn that cot and food, I will let you crash here. But I’m not promising anything more. Another thing, like I said last night, your friends are not welcome here.”

  I consider his offer for only a minute but then answer the only way I can. “I appreciate it Mr. Earl but I can’t leave my friends. I know they may not be worried about me, but I worry about them. The girl, she’s my only family and I can’t just leave her.”

  “She left you. I hope you know, she’ll do it again.”

  “Maybe so, but I will always be here when she comes back. Thank you again. You showed me more kindness than I knew was possible.”

  With that, I stand and start walking away. When I get to the door Earl yells out causing me to turn. “If you find yourself alone again tonight or any other night, you come here. I close the doors at ten every night.”

  I smile at him and leave.

  I found Laura and Billy and life continued, but I started noticing a pattern. Every time they would want to leave me, they would take me back to sleep in the same alley. I often wondered why but never asked. I just knew on those nights I would be with Earl. The first night I returned to his restaurant, he watched me pacing outside his business not knowing whether he was serious or not, in offering his help. He came out and opened his door wide, waiting for me to enter. With each visit he would feed me and let me sleep on the cot, not asking for anything in return. In the mornings he would come back to find his place cleaner than the night before. He seemed happy that I was earning my keep. On my third visit to him, he started asking me questions.

  I wasn’t sure how to explain but if I tried to lie he knew and would give me a harsh look. So, I finally gave up and told him everything. He was angered but understood why I chose to live on the streets, but he never understood why I wouldn’t accept more of his help. I finally answered him with the honest to God truth, that no matter what life dished out, I would never leave Laura and I would never ask him to share in that burden. I knew what I was and how I treated myself, like my body meant nothing. I wasn’t a drug addict, but Laura was. I knew he didn’t need that around him. It was bad enough he was sticking his neck out for me. I would never allow him to trust Laura not to steal from him or have Billy hurt him.

  After I told him my reasons, I think he started respecting me more. I could see the pride on his face when he looked at me. For almost the next two years, I continued going back and forth between Earl and the alleys of New Orleans. Never sharing with Laura or Billy anything about Earl.

  It wasn’t until later, I finally put the pieces together about why I was always lead to Earl’s alley when they wanted to abandon me. Earl would talk about him and his wife having a child. He would tell me how much they loved him, but how much he had hurt them in return. He never confirmed it, but I knew Billy was his son. I would catch Billy staring off at the restaurant the nights we would pass by it. Earl claimed that his son started using drugs and started stealing from him and his church. He said him and his wife tried so many times to help their son until one night, his wife caught him stealing again. When she tried begging her son to stop and see what the drugs were doing to him, he beat his mother and left her on the floor, taking everything in the home that had any value. Years later, Earl in fact did confirm that his son was Billy. That’s why he would not have him around. He couldn’t take the lies and the hurt anymore and he would never subject his wife to that again.

  I understood and never brought it up again. As the years passed, that old black man became the only father figure I ever had. I love and treasure Earl with all that I have in me.

  I stop my thoughts to laugh. OLD! He wasn’t that old back then. He was younger than I am now, at the time. I guess if I keep thinking of him as old back then, it would mean that I am old now. Heaven forbid.

  There are only a few people who ever knew or know about Earl. Theo and Vin are the ones alive. William knew about Earl, but not by my choice.

  I put the picture I’ve been holding down, thinking of the pain to follow with this memory. William came home in a good mood. He had a present in his hands for me. Opening it, shock took me over at seeing a beautiful diamond choker. I had never imagined him buying me something so beautiful and expensive. Gabriel had been born by this time, but I was still so young and could never see myself wearing it. The next week William left to go on a business trip. It had been over three years since I’d seen Earl, but I never forgot him. I took the choker and hocked it at a pawn shop. It was time to pay Earl back as much as possible. I took the money and put it
in an envelope, along with a note.

  Thank you for all you have done for me. It’s not as much as I would like to give but I will forever be in your debt. Until I see you again, I hope my next words will be enough to show how much you mean to me. I love you Earl. You are the only father I will ever have.


  A few weeks later, William asked me to wear the choker to dinner. When I showed up not wearing it, he questioned me. I didn’t answer him right away, not knowing how to explain it. But he kept demanding the truth, so I gave it to him. William slapped me hard. He was so angry, but that was him controlling himself. He told me that from now on, I owed that man nothing. He never wanted to hear of me returning to see him. If I did, he would punish me. I knew what his punishments were like up to this point but now with the anger I saw in him, I realized that slap was nothing compared to what he wanted to do. I agreed but never honored it. I refused for Earl to ever be taken away from me. I just had to find a better way to hide him still being in my life and I eventually would.



  Today has been so hard on the family but for Catherine, I can’t even begin to understand what she is going through. Tensions have been high especially after breakfast. Gabriel was concerned for his mother, so he asked Jeffery to bring her breakfast in bed, so she could rest. But that turned into Catherine telling Jeffery to relay a message that she will not be seen all day. The men couldn’t sit still. They’ve been going crazy since learning of her cancer. Everyone is having such a hard time with all of it. The worst part is, now she won’t talk to any of us to explain. It is simply a waiting game.

  One thing Gabriel is definitely not good at is waiting. Earlier I heard him yelling and throwing things in the living room. I left him alone. I knew he needed to get his frustrations out. He’s hurting, we all are. When all of the racket subsided, I made my way into the room to see him hunched down with his hands over his face.

  Moving slowly, I walked over to him and laid my hand over his shoulder. “Gabriel.” He jerked from my touch and I saw the pain he was in. I saw something in him, that would have frightened me if I didn’t know my husband like I do. After a minute, he turned to me and kissed my cheek.

  That was the last time I saw him. Now, I’m worried. It’s been hours and I haven’t heard a word. It’s late, and I’m pacing back and forth, wondering where Gabriel is. Unable to take it anymore, I throw on a robe and make my way down the hall to the other side of the house. Knocking on the door, I pray I might be able to get some help.

  Vin answers and I immediately say, “I know it’s late but Gabriel’s not home and he’s not answering his phone. I need to find him Vin.”

  I hear Brittany in the background, “Vincent, let her in.”

  Walking through the door, I start my apologies, “I’m sorry Brittany but he’s been gone for too long. He was so angry when he left, and I don’t know where he is.”

  She comes around holding me while I hold her back, crying. “He’s never done anything like this. If you would have seen him Brittany.”

  She holds me tighter and says, “I know, I know shh. It’s going to be alright. Vin will help.”

  We both look at Vin and I ask, “Vin do you have any idea where he might be?”

  “I might. Let me make some calls. When I find something out, I’ll let you know.”

  Nodding my head, Brittany walks me back to my room.

  “Fallon, it’s going to be alright. He’s probably getting drunk somewhere.”

  Sitting on my bed I tell her, “You’re right. I know, but Jesus, Brittany. You didn’t see him. He looked so lost. I know Catherine was probably pissed because Gabriel wanted her to rest today, but he never thought she wouldn’t see them.”

  Brittany grabs my hand and says, “I know what you mean. Vin has been shut down all day. He doesn’t want to talk or even let me hold him right now.”

  I tell her, “I’m hoping when Paul comes back we’ll find out more. She can’t keep us in the dark anymore. I mean, now that we all know.”

  “Hmph, I don’t know. I have a feeling Catherine doesn’t want us knowing anything.”

  “What do mean, Brittany?”

  “Did you see the shock on her face, before she passed out. That was a woman hiding something. I could be wrong, but I think Catherine didn’t want any of us knowing, ever.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “I don’t know. Hell, you’re the closest to her. She never mentioned anything to you?”

  “No, never.”

  “Well either way, it’s out. I figure she just needs time before she tells us more or at least that’s what I keep trying to tell Vin.”

  Right then, my door opens and Vin walks in slipping into his suit jacket. I jump and ask, “Do you know where he is?”

  “Yes, I’m going to get him.”

  “Wait, I’m coming.”

  I start shuffling around the room like a nervous wreck until I hear Vin say, “Fallon, no, I think I should go alone. He wouldn’t want you there.”

  I stop dead in my tracks, “What do mean he wouldn’t want me there? Is he with…”

  Vin stops me fast, “No, no Fallon he’s not with another woman or anything like that.”

  “Then why can’t I go? Why the hell wouldn’t he want me there?”

  I watch as Vin looks at Brittany and something between them clicks. Brittany looks at me then back to Vin.

  “He’s at The Rings, isn’t he?”

  Vin nods his head and I still don’t understand. “What the hell is The Rings?” Neither one of them answer me, until I shout out, “Someone better start talking!”

  Brittany looks at me then looks back to Vin. “She needs to go, Vincent. She will need to know everything that happens there.”

  He puts his hands on his hips and yells out, “Fuck! Get dressed. Brittany’s right. Besides I might need you.”

  I look back at Brittany, but she already knows what I’m about to ask.

  “Go, I’ll watch Gavin if he wakes up.”

  I nod my head and start running to my closet, but I pause thinking about Vin in his suit, looking back, I ask, “What do I wear?”

  Vin looks at me fiercely and says, “Dress like Fallon Stern. They’ll need to learn who you are.”

  Rushing through my closet, Brittany helps me to pick a black off the shoulder dress that is tight around the body and ends below the knee. Once my makeup and hair have been perfectly fixed. Brittany walks in with my black strap heels.

  “Where’s your jewelry?”

  I point, and she comes back with a diamond choker and matching diamond earrings. “You don’t think this is all too much?”

  She turns me to face the mirror as she starts to fasten the clasp on the choker. Looking up in the mirror she meets my eyes and says, “You heard Vincent. He wants them to know who you are.”

  I let out a tiny laugh. “I’m simply Fallon.”

  With me still facing the mirror, she grips my shoulders and says, “There is nothing simple about you. You are no longer just Fallon. You are Fallon Stern. You’re the wife of the future boss of Louisiana. I know Catherine has been training you for this but it’s time to stop questioning and act like it. Gabriel’s not just any man and that makes you important. Walk in there like you own it, because you do. The men that go there will look at you waiting to see if you are nothing more than a weak trophy wife. You understand?”

  Nodding my head, I’ve heard it all before but hearing it from Brittany somehow makes it more real. Like now, I see what her and everyone else has been seeing from the outside.

  “Fallon, you’re going to see things in there that might shock you, but you can’t show it. And whatever you do, do not make Gabriel look like he is not in control in front of those people. I don’t know what kind of condition he will be in but don’t shame him.”

  “I would never.”

  “Fallon, you are not going to like what you see. I know you. Even if he’s in bad shape...” S
he shakes her head and continues, “Just don’t shame him.”

  She walks off and I watch as she whispers in Vin’s ear and leaves the room.

  In the car I start asking Vin more questions that he refuses to answer. I can see it now. I see what Brittany was talking about. He’s shut down, going through the motions but his mind is on Catherine. Deciding to stay quiet, I let him drive me to wherever we’re going.

  It’s a long drive but we finally pull up to an old shipyard that has been abandoned. He parks and walks around opening my door.

  He looks at me and says, “I was told he’s been drinking heavily. I don’t know what kind of shape he might be in now. Straightening his suit jacket, he takes a deep breath and asks, “Are you ready?”


  Vin gestures for me to start walking. When we get to the door, it’s guarded by two large men. They’re eyeing me up and down, then they notice Vin. They all shake hands and ask Vin who I am. Before he can answer them, I step forward and reply,

  “I’m Mrs. Gabriel Stern. Is there a problem?”

  One says immediately, “No ma’am, Mrs. Stern. We have to ask before we let anyone in.”

  “Well now you know. Why isn’t the door open?”

  “Sorry ma’am. Vincent can I have a word?” One of them asks as the other one opens the door. I don’t wait, I walk through and see nothing more than an old warehouse. As I walk further in I hear the beat of music. Walking closer to the sounds, a shrill sound escapes me when Vin scares me by grabbing my arm.

  “Wait for me. Gabriel would kill me if I let you walk in there by yourself.”

  “What is this place?”

  Vin’s eyes roam the interior of the building then simply says, “Hell.”

  My face scrunches in confusion as I look up to him. Turning me to face him, with both his hands tightly gripping my arms he says, “Fallon, this place is not on the books anywhere. It’s ran by one man. He’s dangerous and loyal to only himself.” Vin looks around again and says, “It’s kind of like a club, a special club.”


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