Indecent Pursuit

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Indecent Pursuit Page 8

by Ray Gordon

  Dressed in her red miniskirt and white blouse, she brushed her long blonde hair and left her bedsit. She had no idea where she was going as she walked aimlessly down the street. At least she wasn’t stone broke, she thought as she found herself in town and wandered into a café. Ordering a cooked breakfast, she gazed out of the window at the people passing by. Where were they all going? Then again, where the hell was she going? Answering her phone as the waitress brought her coffee over to the table, she was pleased to hear Charles.

  ‘How are you, sexy?’ he asked her. ‘What are you up to?’

  ‘I’m having breakfast in a café,’ she said proudly. ‘Thanks for the money, Charles.’

  ‘That’s OK, you’re worth every penny. I thought I’d update you on the Deborah front, seeing as you’re so interested.’


  ‘She’s had a phone call from some girl.’

  ‘What about?’

  ‘This girl reckons that she’s pregnant with Rod’s baby. Can you believe it?’

  ‘Well, I – I don’t know what to say. Did she tell you this?’

  ‘No, Rod told me this morning. He left early but he’s not in his office. God knows where he’s gone. Anyway, I rang Deborah at her office and told her that I knew about the porn pics.’

  ‘Fucking hell.’

  ‘I think that’s what she wanted to say, but she didn’t.’

  ‘So what did she say?’

  ‘She called me a liar and a bastard. Then I told her that I had some of the photos and she went quiet. I described what she was doing in the photos, just to prove that I had them, and . . . I tried to talk to her about it, but she hung up.’

  ‘At least you’ve started the ball rolling.’

  ‘Yes, but I’m not sure it was a good idea.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘She’s a dangerous woman, Sheena. I dread to think what she’ll do now.’

  ‘There’s nothing she can do.’

  ‘Don’t you believe it. Even though I have the photos, she’ll lie her way out of it somehow and I’ll end up as the bad guy.’

  ‘Charles, give me a couple of the photographs.’

  ‘What? You must be joking.’

  ‘No, no. I have an idea. Trust me, OK?’

  ‘Look, I’ll – I’ll give you one photo, Sheena,’ he agreed hesitantly. ‘But I don’t want you to . . . I’m in my office and there are people about so I can’t talk now.’

  ‘Meet me somewhere.’

  ‘How about this evening? I’ll meet you at the club, OK?’

  ‘Yes, I’ll be there.’

  ‘I should be able to make it by seven, but I won’t be able to stay.’

  ‘OK, no problem. Bring the photo, promise me.’

  ‘Yes, yes, I’ll bring it. I’ve got to go, bye.’

  Placing her phone in her bag as the waitress brought her breakfast over, Sheena couldn’t stop grinning. Things couldn’t have worked out better, she thought as she enjoyed her food. But she was going to have to be careful. It would cause no end of trouble if she was to show the photograph to Rod. And if Deborah was a dangerous woman . . . This needed some serious planning, she decided. At least now she’d have some hard evidence of Deborah’s whoredom.

  Finally leaving the café, Sheena decided to ring Sam. The evening was a long way off and she needed something to do to while away the hours. She took her phone from her bag, found his business card and dialled his number. She dreaded making mistakes, and reminded herself that he knew her as Christine. She didn’t dare mention Rod or Charles, she thought as she listened to the dialling tone. When he finally answered his phone, Sam seemed pleased when she said that she wanted to talk more about posing for porn photos.

  ‘Come over now, if you like,’ he said. ‘My studio is above the camera shop in the high street.’

  ‘I’m in town now,’ she said. ‘I just want to talk, OK?’

  ‘That’s fine. We’ll have a coffee and a chat.’

  ‘Good, I’ll see you in a minute.’

  Sheena found the entrance next to the camera shop and made her way up a flight of steps. Had Deborah been to the studio? she wondered as she pushed a door open and found Sam fiddling with some lights. Was she still posing for porn shots? If Rod knew what she got up to, he’d be bound to send her packing. There was no way that Rod’s father would be happy if he discovered that his son was marrying a slut. Sheena was a slut but . . . Sam grinned as he looked Sheena up and down, and she knew exactly what he had in mind.

  ‘Want to do a few test shots?’ he asked her.

  ‘No, I just want to talk about it,’ she replied, settling on an old sofa and looking around the scruffy studio. ‘What’s the money like?’

  ‘That depends on what you do,’ he said, walking to a dirty sink in the corner of the room and filling a kettle.

  ‘If there’s a man involved . . . I mean, who would the man be?’

  ‘I have a couple of friends who fuck the girls. I’ll be honest, Christine. There’s not a great deal of money in it. Fifty for a series of fuck pics and a hundred for a video. By the way, did you get in touch with Deborah?’

  ‘No, I haven’t phoned her yet. I’ll bet she don’t do porn stuff.’

  ‘That’s where you’re wrong,’ he said, laughing as he poured the coffee. ‘I shouldn’t have said that, seeing as she’s getting married soon.’

  ‘Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. It seems strange, though.’

  ‘What does?’

  ‘Well, Deborah doing porn pics. I mean, she’s so refined and . . .’

  ‘That’s just a front,’ he cut in. ‘Her old man’s loaded and . . . I think I’ve said enough.’

  ‘Does she come here, to your studio?’

  ‘She’s been here a few times.’

  ‘Is she your bit on the side?’ Sheena ventured to ask him.

  ‘I suppose you could say that. I was rather cagey with you yesterday because she’s getting married and . . . As you put it, she’s my bit on the side. Not knowing you, I wasn’t sure about you so I didn’t want to say too much. Right, let’s forget about Deborah and talk about you. Do you shave your pussy?’

  ‘No, I don’t. Why do you ask?’

  ‘That’s the in thing these days. Smooth and bald and . . . Actually, I need a blonde schoolgirl look-alike for a private customer. I reckon you’re just what he wants. If I could show him a couple of your pics, I think he’d pay well.’

  ‘You want me to shave, then?’

  ‘If you want the job, yes.’

  Sheena realised that she’d not only discover information about Deborah if she posed for Sam, but she’d earn money. Shaving wasn’t a problem, she mused as Sam placed a roll of film into a camera. She’d shaved in the past and hadn’t had a problem with the bald look. In fact, she’d rather liked the feel of her smooth pussy lips. Her thoughts turning to Nat as she recalled her friend talking about shaving, she wondered whether Nat would like to earn some money by posing for Sam. Perhaps Sam would like a lesbian couple? Two bald-pussied schoolgirl look-alikes licking each other would go down very well, she felt sure, as Sam took a towel and a tube of cream from a shelf.

  ‘I offer a shaving service,’ he said.

  ‘What?’ Sheena frowned as he stood before her. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Twenty quid to shave you. Well, to use the cream.’

  ‘Hang on, you mean that I have to pay you? Fuck off, Sam. You should pay me.’

  ‘The cream is expensive, Christine.’

  ‘And I’m expensive.’

  He chuckled. ‘Oh well, it was worth a try. OK, I won’t charge you for shaving your pussy.’

  ‘You’re too kind.’

  ‘Are you going to take your knickers off, then? The camera is ready, so . . .’

  ‘OK,’ she sighed, lifting her bottom clear of the sofa and sliding her knickers down her long legs. ‘But I want the cash up front for the photos.’

  ‘Minus the cost of the cream.’

‘OK, OK.’

  Watching as Sam knelt before her and parted her legs wide, she reclined on the sofa and allowed him to tug her short skirt up over her stomach. He was all right, she reflected as he massaged the cooling cream into her pubic fleece. She’d been wary of him at first, but he was fun to be with and she figured that they were going to get on well together. He talked about her young body as he caressed her swelling pussy lips and rubbed the cream into the fleshy mound of her pubic bone, and Sheena knew she’d end up screwing him.

  ‘You have a very photogenic pussy,’ he said, smiling at her as he wiped his hands on the towel.

  ‘I’ll bet you say that to all the girls,’ she returned with a giggle, wondering what photogenic meant.

  ‘No, no, it’s true. Some girls’ lips are sort of flat with no shape to them. Yours are full and puffy, just what the punters want. The cream will take a few minutes to work and then . . .’

  ‘What are Deborah’s pussy lips like?’

  ‘Her lips are puffy, but not as nice as yours.’ He moved to a filing cabinet and took out several photographs. ‘That’s her,’ he said, passing the photos to Sheena. ‘And that’s my cock up her.’

  Sheena gazed at the blonde woman and grinned. She was posing on the sofa, completely naked, with her slender legs wide open and a huge cock embedded deep within her pussy. Sam’s face wasn’t in the frame, but Deborah was smiling. The photos were all much the same, apart from one where Deborah was sucking a hard cock. The pictures were perfect, she thought, wondering whether she could get away with stealing them. Sam took the photos and slipped them back into the filing cabinet, then began to fiddle with the lighting again as Sheena thought about breaking into the studio that night.

  ‘How come Deborah’s getting married?’ she asked him. ‘I mean, if she’s seeing you and doing this porn stuff . . .’

  ‘Money,’ he cut in. ‘The guy she’s marrying is loaded. We’re going to set up in business together once she’s got her hands on some cash. I’ll have a proper studio with decent equipment instead of this junk.’

  ‘Sounds like a good plan.’

  ‘It’s perfect. OK, wipe the cream off and we’ll get started with a few upskirt shots.’

  Sheena grabbed the towel, wiped the cream away and gazed at the full lips of her hairless pussy. Would Rod like her new look? she wondered. What would Charles think? Following Sam’s instructions and reclining with her thighs parted just enough to reveal her hairless pussy, she cocked her head to one side and donned an impish smile. This was easy money, she thought as the camera shutter clicked. And it was nice not to have to rely solely on Rod and Charles for cash.

  Sheena chatted to Sam as he took the photos, but she didn’t learn any more about Deborah. At least she’d now had a good look at the woman, she thought, eyeing the filing cabinet and wondering again how easy it would be to break into the studio. Charles was supposed to be giving her a photograph, but she doubted it would show Deborah’s face. Breaking into the studio was imperative, she realised as Sam asked her to open her blouse and show her tits.

  ‘How many models do you have?’ she asked him as he focussed on her ripening nipples.

  ‘Not as many as I’d like,’ he murmured. ‘Ever thought about doing voiceovers?’

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘Making audio recordings. Introducing websites, advertising sex toys, that sort of thing. You have a good voice, Christine. It’s husky and common, just right for . . .’

  ‘Are you saying that I’m common?’

  ‘Yes. Do you have a problem with that?’

  ‘No, I suppose not.’

  ‘You speak OK, grammar and that, but you sound so . . . I don’t know. You sound like a common slut.’

  ‘Oh, thanks very much.’

  ‘I’m not putting you down, Christine. You have the voice of a common slut, and that’s just what people are looking for. You could read dirty audio stories for websites. There are very few English girls doing that.’

  ‘I suppose being a common slut isn’t all bad, then,’ she sighed. ‘Anyway, I can’t hang around here all day. Have you finished with me?’

  ‘Yes, unless you fancy a quick fuck?’

  ‘You couldn’t afford it,’ she said, giggling as she pulled her knickers on and buttoned her blouse.

  ‘I like to try out my models, so . . .’

  ‘Next time, maybe. OK, where’s the money?’

  He passed her fifty pounds and made a note of her mobile-phone number. His dark eyes lit up when Sheena mentioned that she had a girlfriend and asked him about lesbian shots. He wanted to meet the girl and take a few test shots, and Sheena knew that Nat would be up for it. At least her friend would have some money to buy the drinks for a change, she thought as she grabbed her handbag and moved to the door.

  ‘Ring me and we’ll arrange something,’ Sam said. ‘It’s not easy to get lesbians to pose. I reckon we could both make some decent cash if it works out.’

  ‘I’ll talk to her about it,’ Sheena said, looking at the door lock, still thinking about breaking in. ‘OK, see you some time.’

  ‘Cheers, Christine. Take care.’

  Leaving the studio, Sheena pondered Deborah’s plan to set up in business with Sam once she’d got her hands on Rod’s money. She was a right little bitch, she decided as she walked home. Reaching her bedsit, she began to think about meeting Charles at the club that evening. He’d said that he wouldn’t be able to stay for long, which was a shame. Sheena didn’t want to have to sit at a table alone, but then again she didn’t want to go to the back-street pub either. She needed some excitement, she decided as she wondered what to wear.

  The afternoon dragged by, and Sheena realised what a boring existence she’d been leading. Deborah had a good job and drove a Porsche, Rod and Charles were directors of their family business, Sam was trying to make it as a photographer . . . Again vowing to change her life for the better, she sorted through her new clothes and decided on her black dress. Eyeing her reflection in the mirror as she changed her clothes, she focussed on her bald pussy lips. What would Rod and Charles think? she wondered as she dressed. What would Nat think? Her makeup impeccable, her long golden locks shining in the light, she grabbed her handbag and left her bedsit.

  The club was quiet and Sheena began to wonder whether she should stay later one evening. Most people wouldn’t go out until later, she realised as she sat at her usual table with a vodka and tonic. But she couldn’t stay too late that evening as she was hoping to break into the studio and steal the photographs of Deborah. Sam would probably guess that she’d taken them but there’d be nothing he could do about it.

  ‘Are you all right for a drink?’ Charles asked as he approached.

  ‘Oh, er . . . I didn’t see you come in. I’ll have a vodka and tonic, please.’

  He said something to the barman and then joined Sheena at the table. ‘I can’t stay long,’ he said, taking an envelope from his jacket pocket. ‘Here, have a look at that.’

  Sheena opened the envelope and gazed at the photo of Deborah. ‘Fuck me,’ she murmured. ‘Look at the size of that cock in her mouth.’

  ‘Keep your voice down,’ Charles whispered as the barman brought the drinks over. ‘So, what do you reckon?’

  ‘I reckon that she’s a lucky girl. How many photos are there?’

  ‘I have half a dozen. The others are larger. I brought that one because it fitted in my pocket.’

  ‘If Rod was to see this . . .’

  ‘He’d have a fit. I wish I had more time, Sheena. I’d love to spend an evening with you.’

  ‘You must keep your wife happy,’ she said with a giggle. ‘What are you doing this evening?’

  ‘I think we’re going out for a meal, I’m not sure. You look lovely, as always.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘So, what are your plans for the evening?’

  ‘I don’t have any plans,’ she complained, slipping the envelope into her handbag. ‘I don’t fancy sittin
g in my poxy room all evening, but I haven’t got much money.’

  ‘What have you done with the money I gave you?’

  ‘Charles, it don’t last five minutes. I have the rent and . . .’

  ‘You’d better have a little something to keep you going,’ he said, taking his wallet from his pocket. ‘There’s a hundred, OK?’

  ‘Wow, thank you so much. I don’t know what I’d do without you.’

  ‘You’re my special girl, Sheena. I figure that if I look after you, you’ll look after me.’

  ‘Deep throat, you mean?’

  ‘Well, yes. The way you did that was amazing. I haven’t stopped thinking about it.’

  ‘You can do more than just think about it if you take me out one evening.’

  ‘I’ll arrange something.’

  ‘Do you like shaved pussies?’

  ‘God, yes I do.’

  ‘I thought you would. I shaved my pussy for you, Charles.’

  ‘For me?’

  ‘Just for you. Do you want to see?’

  ‘No, not here. Look, I really have to be going.’

  ‘Just feel it, then.’

  She parted her legs beneath the table, and grinned as he slipped his hand between her naked thighs. He moved the tight crotch of her damp knickers to one side, breathing heavily as he stroked the smooth flesh of her bald pussy lips. Sheena knew that no man could resist her as his fingers drove deep into the hot sheath of her vagina. She also knew that spending time with rich men was the way to go. Wasting her life by drinking with the likes of Nat and Tommy had been crazy.

  ‘I must go,’ Charles declared, slipping his fingers out of her creamy-wet pussy. ‘God, I wish I had more time.’

  ‘I’ll always be here for you, Charles,’ she offered huskily.

  ‘You’re beautiful,’ he said, downing his orange juice. ‘I’ll ring you. OK?’


  Sipping her drink as he left the club, Sheena felt her clitoris swell and her juices of arousal seep into her knickers. She could pull a man for sex, she thought, looking at the customers standing by the bar. Reminding herself that this wasn’t the seedy pub, she returned her thoughts to breaking into Sam’s studio. She opened her handbag and gazed at the photograph of Deborah. She had enough evidence of the woman’s whoredom. There was no point in risking getting caught.


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