Score - A Stepbrother Romance

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Score - A Stepbrother Romance Page 20

by Daire, Caitlin

  I’d kept my word about my charity aspirations as well. I’d been saving a percentage of the gym’s profits, and instead of donating it to an already-established charity, I’d started my own one which focused on donating money towards cancer research.

  I knew it was something Lina was passionate about, given what had happened to her father, and I wanted to help her out with that as much as I could. So many cancer charities operated on a for-profit model, which I thought was dodgy as fuck. There was even one which gave ninety-fucking-percent of its donations to its CEO, and only a tiny percentage actually went to research. That was bullshit, and it wasn’t going to happen with mine.

  Lina didn’t actually know about the charity yet, though. It was a surprise I was saving for her.

  But it wasn’t the only surprise I had in store for her. I had another major one coming, but that could wait.

  Right now, I had other pressing issues to attend to….like Lina naked in my arms under the falling water.

  I let my hand trail over her breasts and down her stomach, and she gasped as I pressed my knee in between her legs, forcing them apart. Her mouth hungrily attacked my neck as my hand found its way between her thighs, and I flicked a finger over her clit, drawing a moan from her mouth as she threw her head back, leaning it against the cool tiles.

  I nudged her legs a little further apart and then slid two fingers inside her, slowly pumping them in and out and then circling them inside her as I located her G-spot. A telltale ache began to throb deep in my groin, and I growled and pulled away from her before lifting her up by her waist, then grabbing her right leg and hooking it up around my lower back.

  Our tongues found each other again as my cock pushed inside her, and I closed my eyes and groaned at the sensation of her tight, hot inner muscles clenching around me. She was on the Pill now, so we didn’t need to use condoms, and holy fuck, it felt incredible. Every single time was better than the last.

  With our bodies pressed tightly against each other, I thrust my hips back and forth, pressing deeper inside her with each hard movement. Lina whimpered and bit her lip to stop herself from screaming, and I kept slamming inside her, again and again. And again.

  I was driving her crazy with each hard drive into her, and her head dropped forward against my shoulder, her teeth finding my neck and delicately nibbling on my skin. I groaned appreciatively, and her hands stroked my wet hair before moving down and digging into my back as she tried to remain steady.

  “Don’t worry,” I murmured. “I won’t let go of you. Ever.”

  She moaned in response, and pleasure soon began to build to a throbbing peak in my cock. Fuck…I couldn’t hold on for much longer.

  Lina came with a gasp, and she shook as her muscle began to spasm around me, pushing me over the edge as well. With a deep groan, I released myself inside her, and we both gasped for air as we recovered. I let go of her leg and pulled out, setting her down on the tiles, and then I leaned down and gave her a big, lip-smacking kiss.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman alive,” I said after breaking away.

  She gave me a cheeky smile. “Thanks, Mr. Sex Maniac. You’re not half bad yourself. But I really do need to get to work,” she replied.

  I grinned. “I know. Get out of here, Ms. Scientist! Try not to blow up any nuclear reactors today.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh yes, because that’s exactly what research scientists do in the labs all day.”

  She stepped out of the shower and then called out to me as she toweled off. “I forgot…do you have class today? Or are you working at the gym?”

  “Both. I’ve got class first,” I said, turning the shower off and stepping out of the enclosure.

  “You’ll never have any class,” she replied, sticking her tongue out at me.

  I chuckled. “Oh, ha ha. Anyway, I’ll finish that at eleven, and then I’ll be at the gym till five.”

  That was a lie.

  Don’t get me wrong; I didn’t like lying to Lina, but sometimes it was a necessary evil. See, I was skipping work this afternoon to take a rare break—to plan the aforementioned surprise.

  Let’s just say it involved a jewelry store and a travel agent…

  Chapter 29


  Six months later

  “I can’t believe we’re here,” I repeated for the umpteenth time. My eyes were full of wonder as I looked around us. Everything I’d heard about Paris had been true—it was a beautiful city; a city of love.

  When Chase had told me we were hopping on a plane to meet his mother, I’d been thrilled. After all this time, I still hadn’t met her, since she’d moved to Paris with her beau before I’d even met Chase. Now the meeting was behind us, and I felt like I understood Chase even better than ever.

  He was headstrong, proud and honorable, just like his father.

  He was also sweet, gentle and loving, just like his mother.

  Barbara was a kind woman; one I’d promised to stay in touch with, and I could tell there would be more visits to Paris in the future…especially with the secret I was about to reveal to Chase any minute now.

  I flushed, thinking about my confession. It was our last day in the city of love and Chase and I had been exploring the place all day long. We’d decided to end the tour at the Eiffel Tower, and Chase had somehow managed to secure a platform for just the two of us. The usually crowded elevator now held only us and an employee, and I was bursting with the need to talk to him and reveal everything I’d been keeping hidden inside for so long.

  A few minutes later, my mind had floated so far away that I barely heard Chase speaking. He was reciting the history of the tower, his eyes burning with passion for the beautiful city we were in, and I felt tears pricking my eyes as I looked at him.

  “And then the dragons melded the iron with their fiery breath, and that’s how the Eiffel Tower was built,” I vaguely registered him saying.

  “Uh-huh,” I said, still a million miles away.

  “You’re not listening at all, are you?” he said, cheekily smacking me on the butt. “It wasn’t really built by dragons, y’know.”

  I blushed. “Sorry. It’s just so nice coming up here…I tuned out a bit.”

  “I’m that boring, huh?”

  “Totally,” I replied, sticking my tongue out at him.

  We’d been through a lot in our time together, but somehow, we always came up stronger. Every bad thing that had happened, every trial we’d had along the way…they always had us coming out the other end tougher and more in love than ever.

  The past four years hadn’t been easy, what with Peter’s new position and always being the center of attention, but with Chase’s fighting and the scandal of our relationship coming out behind us, we were out of the woods. There was only beauty and love ahead of us.

  Especially now...but Chase didn’t know. I was waiting for the right moment, my hands twisting at my sides as we took the elevator. I knew I had to tell him eventually, but the words weren’t willing to slip off my tongue just yet.

  It wasn’t that I wasn’t brave enough. I’d proven that to myself and everyone else once I’d confessed to everyone what Tripp had done to me, and he’d gotten what he deserved. I knew he was paying for his crimes, and that made me feel a lot safer. As well as that, I’d worked through my issues in therapy with Chase’s help, and I’d never felt better. No more nightmares, no more freak-outs when I heard certain words…nothing but pure and simple calm.

  Except for right now. I really needed to tell Chase about the…

  “Almost there!” he said, interrupting my train of thought.

  The elevator stopped with a ping and the employee smiled at us, pointing towards the exit which led onto the platform. Chase and I exchanged gleeful looks, then stepped out of the elevator and onto the platform.

  The view was stunning; the Champ de Mars filled with people milling about and beautiful trees blooming in shades of pink.

  “Chase, it’s gorgeous,” I said s
oftly, my eyes glued to the scenery below us. “I’m so glad we came here... I can’t believe you organized all of this, just for me!”

  I looked into his eyes, seeing just how overwhelmed he was feeling. There was a spark in his gaze, though, one which I knew by now meant he was up to something.

  “A woman like you deserves it, Lina,” he told me sincerely, and for once, I appreciated that we weren’t teasing each other.

  My hand found his and our fingers twined together. “I love you,” I whispered against his ear, leaning in closer until my lips met the soft skin of his neck.

  “I love you,” he repeated, gently biting on my neck and making me grin in response. My darling Chase had always had a naughty streak, and he couldn’t resist, not even in sentimental moments like this one.

  I was about to speak up again when Chase moved away, and my eyes roamed over the view again.

  “It’s so stunning,” I murmured. Silently, I mused about how perfect it was for us to be here, considering the news I was about to deliver. I looked back at Chase, my legs trembling. Yep, this was it. I was finally ready to tell him...

  Except he wasn’t there. Confused, I looked down, realizing Chase was picking up something from the floor. I dropped to my knees too, looking around for what he’d lost.

  “Did you drop something?” I asked worriedly. “Is it a coin? I’ll help you find it...”

  “Lina, get up,” Chase said nervously, but my eyes had just focused on a shiny surface on the ground. “Lina, that’s a bottle cap...please, just get up.”

  “No, we have to find the coin!” I said distractedly. “It’s bad luck to lose them, you can’t just leave them lying around.”

  “Lina,” Chase hissed again. Finally, I got up and gave him an annoyed look. It was only then that I noticed something unusual about the whole situation.

  Chase was on his knees.

  He wasn’t scrambling on the ground or looking for anything.

  Actually, he was only on one knee.

  And he was holding something up to me.

  I gasped, a hand flying to my mouth as I realized what was happening. I was glued to the spot, frozen in my state of shock, my eyes watering as I gazed down at Chase.

  “Lina,” he said with a cheeky grin. “You insufferable woman. You’re smart as hell, you’re heartbreakingly beautiful…and you make me a better man. You’re all that I want, all that I’ll fight to keep. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you’ll have me.”

  I gasped out loud as my eyes settled on a royal blue velvet box in his hand. In it sat the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen—white gold with a big solitaire diamond in the middle and several smaller stones set around it. It was old-fashioned, quirky, traditional and beautiful all at the same time. It was perfect for me, for our love. He was perfect.

  “Yes,” I blurted. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  “I haven’t exactly asked you anything yet.” Chase grinned at me, and I could tell he was getting sentimental, too. “Maybe you’ve just agreed for me to sell you to Myron Banks as a sex slave. I’d probably get at least five dollars for you.”

  I laughed and shook my head, and tears of joy started to fall from my eyes as he gave me his trademark mischievous look.

  “So, my impatient one,” Chase went on. “Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  “YES!” I shouted again. I almost knocked Chase over as I jumped at him, giving him a tight squeeze. We were a mess of tears, laughter and smiles as he slipped the ring onto my finger. It was perfect; beautiful and sparkling. Just like Chase’s eyes right now.

  I was engaged.

  I couldn’t believe it, but Chase was finally officially mine…forever. And what perfect timing he’d picked, too.

  It was now or never.

  “Chase,” I managed to get out. “I have to tell you something.”

  He gave me a curious look, and I took a deep breath, knowing I had some confessions to make. I’d known what I was about to divulge for a month already, but I’d been too nervous. I’d been struggling with the news, afraid of telling anyone what was going on, and only my Mom knew.

  After confessing to her what had happened with Tripp, Mom and I were closer than ever. I trusted her implicitly, and I knew she’d always be at my side. And she had been, during the first doctor’s visits, holding my hand as I’d had the exam. We’d cried together, laughed together. We’d even plotted telling Chase the news together, but now I knew what that sparkle in her eyes at the time had meant—she must’ve known about the proposal.

  “What is it, Lina?” Chase asked me worriedly, grabbing both of my hands and pulling me closer. “Just tell me; you’re freaking me out. If you’re having second thoughts about…”

  “No, nothing like that,” I said with a shaky smile, waving my hand at him. “Of course not. But I wanted to tell you a secret I’ve been hiding for a little while...”

  My hand trembled as I took his and guided it over my belly, covering his hand with my palm and looking into his eyes, which were full of wonder.

  “You’re going to be a dad, Chase Stryker,” I whispered.

  His eyes widened. Shock registered in his gaze, and I grew worried...but I shouldn’t have. His expression changed to one of wonder, and then pure love. Tears swelled in his eyes, and he almost started crying. My boyfriend—no, fiancé—who’d always been strong and held his own…I’d driven him to emotions he probably didn’t even know he had.

  “A baby?” he asked softly. All I could do was nod, overcome by my own feelings. “I’m going to be a father?”

  He stroked my belly, his hand roaming over it in soft circles as the huge weight I’d been carrying around finally fell off my shoulders. My secret was no longer a secret. I felt my heart swell with emotion, the crisp air around us thick with love and passion.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man alive,” Chase said against my lips, and then his mouth locked onto mine into a kiss of pure love. He was a fighter—he’d fought for money, fought for our love... and now, he would fight for the life we’d made together.

  “I plan on doing that every day until my last,” I whispered to him as I broke away for a second, my smile growing wider and wider as Chase planted more and more kisses on my lips and cheeks.

  “You’re going to be the most beautiful mother,” he told me with a smile, which soon grew wicked. “I’ve really scored well for myself, haven’t I?”

  I grinned. “Remember when that was your fighting name? Score, that is.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I always thought it was lame. But it’s apt at the moment, considering how I managed to score you. I’ll have to watch out so someone doesn’t steal you from me...”

  “Then you’ll just have to keep an eye out. Especially on Myron Banks,” I said with a cheeky wink, my smile unwavering. “Make sure I’m yours to keep.”

  “I will,” Chase promised. “And you’ve always been mine, Lina Diaz. That’s one thing I don’t see changing...ever.”

  As he kissed me again, the sparkle in his eyes that glowed for me was joined by another one. A shining star for our baby. A promise to look out for us and love us both.

  Chase Stryker had given me the moon, and now he was giving me the stars as well. He wasn’t the only one who’d scored perfectly…


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  A Stepbrother Romance

  * * *

  by Caitlin Daire


  **Warning: This novella contains explicit sexual situations which may be objectionable to some readers. Not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.**

  Please respect the work of this author. No part of this book may be reproduced or copied without permission. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to per
sons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any similarities to events or situations is also coincidental.

  © 2015 Caitlin Daire

  All Rights Reserved

  Chapter 1


  “It’s all gonna happen tonight, girl!”

  My friend Cerie clutched my arm and whispered in my ear, and I grinned and ignored the nervous twinge in my belly. She was right. In this moment, we were on top of the world – her, me and our other friend Lana, who was currently squealing and holding her short skirt so that it didn’t fly up in the wind, much to Cerie’s amusement.

  My own skirt rode up a little over my thighs as I walked, displaying what Lana had always referred to as my bootylicious curves, and my long, dark hair caught some of the breeze as we headed past two gigantic bouncers and down the silver spiral staircase that led into the Mint nightclub. I silently thanked God that no one had thought to card us, because we would’ve run into more than a little trouble there seeing as we were all barely eighteen. The club blasted heavy dubstep music, and Cerie eyed several young men with flirtatious eyes as we scanned the main room.

  Tonight was going to be the greatest night of my life…well, I was hoping it would be, anyway. I’d graduated from high school a week ago with a perfect GPA and letters of acceptance from all the colleges my Mom had always raved on about, so I had my pick of them all. That was definitely worth celebrating. On top of that, I’d decided that tonight was the night - the night that I finally threw off my prissy virgin shackles and found myself a real man. A hot as hell manly-man who’d take me and finally do away with my virginity.


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