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Love Conquers All (Forever and Always #16)

Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  “You and I are broken up and we’re never getting back together. I accept that completely. You need to move on and start dating other women, and I completely understand that. However, I want to be friends with you. I like spending time with you. You’re the only person in the world that can make me relax and just feel calm. I know I can’t have you anymore, but I will settle for your friendship. So, can we just be friends?”

  I wasn’t expecting that reaction. I assumed she would beg me to take her back. She hadn’t done it once since we broke up. She gave me my space and never acted like anything was wrong, that she was dying inside. I guess a part of me wished she would beg me to take her back. Who was I kidding? I didn’t want to date anyone else. I wanted to have brunch with her every Sunday morning. Why else would I be here?

  “We should go.” She stood up and put the extra food in containers. “If you want to swing by the apartment on your way back, you can take some home.”

  “Sure.” I felt numb.

  She grabbed her keys and wallet and put them in her brown bag. She wore skinny jeans with boots that went to her ankle. They reminded me of shoes they wore in the military, but she pulled off the look. And she wore a loose blouse, but nothing could hide the curve of her breasts. A golden necklace plunged down her neck, highlighting the outfit.

  We left her apartment then walked to the museum. When I walked beside her, my natural tendency was to grab her hand, but I didn’t. I bottled down my habits and kept my hands to myself.

  Monnique held onto the strap of her purse as it crossed over her chest, right in the valley between her breasts. I noticed every detail about her. “You know how Ryan and Janice talked about having a threesome?”

  She better not say Ryan asked her to be the third girl. Ryan was my close friend and I always had his back, but if he asked Monnique, I’d beat him senseless. “Yeah…”

  “Well, Janie told me she found a girl from her gym, but Ryan wouldn’t go through with it because he said he couldn’t imagine being with anyone else but Janice. Now we’re teasing him for chickening out.”

  Since Ryan had been in a threesome before, I was surprised he wouldn’t do it again. But, I knew how much he loved Janice, and if Monnique made the same offer—I mean, a girlfriend—I wouldn’t do it either. I liked being with one woman, especially one that I loved. “I understand why he didn’t want to do it. I wouldn’t want to either.”

  “Well, you’re Mr. Perfect, Cortland.”

  Not really.

  She stopped when she reached the line outside the building. She pulled out the tickets then stared at them for a second. “We should take a bunch of pictures.”

  “And show who?”

  “The gang,” she said. “They’ll probably think it’s funny.”

  “Or they’ll make fun of us.”

  “I think they are one and the same.”

  I laughed and fought the urge to put my arm around her.

  We handed over our tickets then walked inside. The first exhibit we saw was the Queen of England. Old and frail, she held her hand up while she waved. Prince William and Kate Middleton were beside her.

  We stared at it for a while.

  “It looks so real…” Monnique tapped their face and felt the hard casing.

  “Don’t touch it.” I looked around to make sure no one saw.

  “Dude, that’s so creepy…”

  I came closer and looked at the figurines. “It’s got their height right and everything.”

  “Let me take a picture of you,” she said excitedly.

  “With British royalty?” I asked incredulously. “I don’t even follow international news.”

  “Take a picture of me then.”

  “Okay.” I took out my phone and switched places with her.

  She put her arms around the queen and made a gangster sign.

  I laughed while I took the picture. “Classy.”


  We both laughed and walked to the next figure. It was Obama and the first lady.

  “I can’t believe how good they look,” I said.

  “I wonder how long it takes to make these.”

  We walked to an information board and read about the process.

  “They should make them into candles,” I said. “That would be cool.”

  “It would last a really long time.”

  We went further into the museum and saw countless celebrities and famous people. I didn’t know who most of them were because I didn’t follow up with the tabloids.

  Monnique walked ahead and stopped in her tracks. “Cortland…I think you’ll be excited about this one.”

  I came beside her and saw a figurine of Bill Gates. “Now, this is my kind of celebrity.”

  “Let me take a picture of you.”

  “Okay. This is one worthy of a pic.”

  A woman approached Monnique and tapped her on the shoulder. “I can take a picture of both of you.”

  “Oh,” she said. “Thanks.”

  I pulled out my phone and handed it to her. “Can you use mine too?”


  We stood on either side of Bill Gates. I fist bumped him and Monnique made a geeky face. We both laughed as soon as the picture was taken.

  “Thank you,” I said as I took my phone back. I looked at the picture and felt my heart squeeze. I put it away before I could dwell on my feelings.

  She and I finished touring the museum then we walked back to her apartment.

  “Dude, that place is actually kinda creepy,” Monnique said.

  “I wonder if you can buy any of them.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You better not buy Bill Gates.”

  “Why not? He’s a genius.”

  “Steve Jobs is too.”

  “But Bill Gates is cooler.”

  “They are both geeks.”

  “Hey, they speak my language.”

  She smirked and kept walking.

  When we returned to her apartment, I didn’t want to leave. I was sad our day together was over. I wanted to sit on her couch and watch cartoons with her, what we used to do on Sunday mornings. I stopped thinking about it because it made me sad.

  She packed a few containers and put them in a plastic bag. “That should hold you over for a while.”

  “Thanks.” I took the bag and stood in front of the door awkwardly. I didn’t want to leave.

  She opened the door. “I’ll see you later.” She had a smile on her face.

  “Yeah…” I stepped out and stood in the hallway.

  “Have fun on your date.” She shut the door before I could say anything. But I guess that was best so she couldn’t see the pain on my face.

  I sat at the table in the restaurant waiting for my date to arrive. I had no idea what she looked like but I didn’t care. There was only one person on my mind. I looked at the screen of my phone, seeing the picture she and I took with Bill Gates.

  Why couldn’t I just get over her? Why couldn’t I just move on? I was so frustrated. I just wanted to be with Monnique again. Why did she have to hurt me? We were so damn perfect together. I didn’t want to get to know someone new. I didn’t want to date. I just wanted to sit with her on the couch and watch TV, saying nothing at all.

  The chair across from me was pulled out, and the sound caught my attention. Not wanting to be rude, I put my phone away and looked up.

  She was not what I was expecting.

  She had brown hair that was curled at the ends. It reached her shoulders. Her eyes were a stunning blue, bright like the ocean in Mexico. She had a nose piercing that contained a blue gem that matched the color of her eyes. Her short sleeve blouse showed the tattoos on her arm. It was a full sleeve. Bright colors combined together, making a complete piece of artwork.

  I was never into tattoos or girls who had tattoos, but this woman was really hot.

  “I’m Jess.” She extended her hand and shook mine.

  Stunned, I grabbed her hand and shook it. “Cortland.”
/>   She dropped her hand and smiled. “I have a few more tattoos in places you can’t see them.”

  “It’s nice…” I kept staring at her arm.

  “You have virgin skin?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled. “But that’s pretty obvious, huh?”

  “Don’t get one. You’ll become addicted. It’s a sickness, really.”

  “Did Ryan do that?”

  “Yep.” She extended her arm so everything was revealed. “He’s the best at what he does. I didn’t trust anyone else.”

  I was surprised how good it looked. “Yeah. He’s been doing it for a long time.”

  She took her arm back. “Some guys are turned off by it, but most find it attractive.” She kept staring at me like she asked me a question.

  “I think it’s sexy…”

  She smiled. “Then we should get along just fine.” She picked up her menu and browsed through the selections. “I think I’m ordering the mushroom sandwich.”

  “Are you a vegetarian?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I’ve been one since I was a little girl.”

  “That’s a young age to make such a big decision.”

  She shrugged. “I’ve never cared for meat. It has nothing to do with animal rights or health.”

  “Well, you’re just lucky, then.” I looked at the menu and decided to get the steak.

  “So, you’re a computer geek?” She was very blunt with her words.

  I smirked. I could tell she got those words from Ryan. “Yes. I’m glad he described me in such a flattering way.”

  “He said a lot of good things about you, actually.” She stared at me for a moment. “Ryan is very honest and will tell someone off if they deserve it. But he had nothing but good things to say about you.”

  “Well, we’ve been friends for a long time.”

  “But he also said you’re recovering from a break up.”

  I wasn’t going to lie about that. “Yeah. That’s true.”

  “Are you still in love with her?” she asked bluntly. “Because I don’t like to waste my time.”

  She was like a girl version of Ryan. I was glad he found Janice because these two would have been too similar to work. They’d rip each other’s throats out, and not in a good way like Ryan and Janice did. “Yes.” I wasn’t going to lie. That wasn’t fair to her.

  She nodded. “I like guys who are honest.”

  “Then you’ll like me—for the most part.”

  “So, you’re trying to get over her?”

  “Something like that.”

  “I went through something similar with my ex,” she said. “He left me and I was depressed for a long time. You know what worked with me?”

  “I’m all ears.”

  “I slept with someone and it really helped.” She gave me a firm look. “I’m assuming you haven’t?”


  “That’s my best advice.” She gave me a playful look. “And if this night goes well, I’d be willing to help you.”

  Why were all these gorgeous women throwing themselves at me? Is this what it’s like to be Ryan? I didn’t have a response so I said nothing.

  We ordered and made conversation about random things. We had similar tastes in music and television. She was easy going and funny. But she was also serious and sexy at the same time. Now both of the women I’d gone out with were perfect tens. What are the odds of that?

  And I didn’t want either one of them…

  When the bill came, I put the cash inside and handed it back to the waiter so she couldn’t do the check dance. I hated it when girls did that. But she didn’t make a move. She didn’t even offer to get the tip. And I liked her more because of it.

  We left the restaurant and stood on the sidewalk.

  “Can I walk you home?” I asked.

  “That’s very sweet but I can make it on my own.”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  “Unless you wanted to fool around a little.” She said it in a serious way.

  I’ve never met women so forward before. But it was kind of a turn off. I liked women that were more conservative. Monnique never made any offers when we were dating. She and I took it slow for a month before I even kissed her, even though I wanted to kiss her the moment I saw her. If she threw herself at me, I probably wouldn’t have said no.

  She kept staring at me and I realized I needed to respond. “You’re a very beautiful woman, but I’m just not looking for that right now.”

  She nodded. “Well, call me if you want to go out again.”

  I didn’t like to lead women on. “I’m not going to call.”

  “Thank you for your honesty.” She gave me a hug. “I hope everything works out for you.” She walked away and headed up the street.

  I stayed rooted to the spot. I knew I should head home but I didn’t want to. There was one place I wanted to be. I hadn’t gotten laid in a long time. Even though I didn’t want to have sex with Kacey or Jess, I was horny as hell. I could just rub one out, but I didn’t like to masturbate or watch porn like most guys. I’ve always preferred the real thing. My orgasms were much stronger.

  I shook my head because my thoughts were headed in the wrong direction. I took a few steps back to my apartment before I stopped in my tracks. I really wanted to have sex with Monnique. I thought about her all day and all night. I fantasized about her, picturing her naked body. I was immediately hard. Why couldn’t I get that way with anyone else?

  I took a few steps in the opposite direction but then I stopped again.

  But I couldn’t do that. We both loved each other and it would just make it that much harder.

  I headed to my apartment but I stopped again. God, I really wanted to be with her. My dick was about to explode. I kept switching back and forth for the next fifteen minutes, unsure what to do.

  I finally made my decision and headed to her apartment, my cock pressing against my jeans in a painful way.

  I knocked on the door and waited for her to open. I sincerely hoped she didn’t have company.

  “Cortland?” she asked when I opened the door. “Is everything alright?”


  She waited for me to explain my presence. “I thought you had a date tonight.”

  “I did.”

  She stared at me. “Okay…”

  Now I felt like an asshole. “I can’t do anything with these women. All I think about is you.”

  Monnique tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “I know what I’m about to say makes me a jerk. And if you hate me because of it, I completely understand. But I really want to…hook up. I can’t get you out of my mind and I just…want to be with you. But, this doesn’t mean anything. We aren’t getting back together. I just want to get laid—by you.” I couldn’t believe I just said that. I never pulled this with anyone before. I wasn’t a one-night stand type of person. I’d never been. But…I was weak and wanted to be with her, to feel her in a way where I wouldn’t get hurt. I was in control so she couldn’t cause me pain.


  She said yes? “Are you sure?”

  “I’m horny too.” She had a slight smile on her face.

  “Even if this doesn’t mean anything, you’re fine with it?”

  “Of course it means something, Cortland. It always will.” She pulled me into the apartment then kissed me.

  As soon as our lips touched, I was on fire. Her lips felt right against mine. I breathed heavily as soon as we touched, feeling shocked by the familiar touch. She rocked my world with just her lips. I indulged in my fantasies and touched her body, feeling her curves. I was so hungry for her that I ripped her shirt off with the speed of lightning.

  She was just as anxious to be with me. Her hands removed my clothes, yanking and pulling until everything was loose.

  My cock was harder than it had ever been. I wanted to be inside her so much, to have an orgasm that I hadn’t felt in weeks. I wanted her legs to wrap around my waist. Her imaginary m
oans set me on fire. I was shaking because I needed her so much. We always had a strong physical relationship, but it was never like this. We were so hot for each other I thought we might burn into flame.

  I guided her to the bedroom while our mouths devoured each other. When she was naked, I grabbed her breasts and squeezed them, missing them. They were so full of sexy. I was glad she gained her weight back. I liked the endless curves and valleys. And her ass…fuck.

  We reached the bed then wrapped around each other. My cock found her entrance like a magnet. I didn’t bother putting on a condom because neither one of us had been with anyone else, and frankly, if she had, I wouldn’t care. Nothing could stop me. If a meteor were about to strike the earth, it wouldn’t slow me down.

  As soon our bodies combined, we both stilled and gasped.

  “Fuck, you feel good.” She was wet and tight. I missed feeling this, feeling her. I wanted to come right then and there.

  She and I were barbaric. Her legs widened and she gripped my shoulders, thrusting into me from below.

  I moved into her hard and fast, moaning and gasping while I fucked her hard into the mattress. I didn’t realize how much pent up sexual energy I had until I was inside her. I couldn’t do this with anyone else but her. Only her.

  Monnique’s face flushed as she dug her nails into my skin. Moans and cries came from her mouth. “Fuck me, Cortland.”

  That made my spine shiver. I was already fucking her as hard as I could. Her pussy felt so good. I could do this all day. I stared at her breasts, watching them shake, while I thrust my cock in and out.

  Her hand gripped my ass and pulled me further into her. “God, yes…” Her head rolled back. “Yes…yes.”

  I knew she hadn’t had an orgasm in a while. I wanted to explode but I held on as long as I could so she could finish.

  When she panted after her explosion, I knew she was done. I gripped her thigh and pinned them back while I performed my finale. My hips burned as I fucked her hard and fast like an animal. The burn started, slow and steady, and then it exploded in a crescendo. “Fuck yeah.” I came inside her, rocking into her slowly. “Shit, that felt good.”

  I stayed on top of her while we both panted. Sweat was on her breasts so I licked it away.

  She cupped my face and gave me a final kiss. “You’re so good at that.”


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