Unbearable: Russet Falls Series

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Unbearable: Russet Falls Series Page 9

by W. H. Vega

  Michael nodded. “Right. We should have.” He paced the floor. “Could it have a connection to the cubs being killed?”

  “I wondered that, too,” Zane said, “But how?”

  “I have no idea,” Michael said, exasperated. “Like we don’t have enough to worry about with our damn blood being diluted and the cubs being killed. We’re all going to be extinct at this rate!” he nearly bellowed, slamming his fist down on his desk. He took a deep breath. “Until we figure this out, we need to keep surveillance on her. I’m not sure what the connection is, but I don’t see any other way.”

  “Like we have time for that,” Zane scoffed.

  “No shit. I don’t even know if she’s our damn problem. But it seems that if she’s not protected, then the other clans will be after her, for whatever reason. Could you tell if was Cruentus or Atrocitas?”

  “I couldn’t tell. My thought was Cruentus though. Again.” Zane remembered something. “She said the attacker mentioned her not being protected.”

  Michael snapped his head back around. “Meaning we had been protecting her?”

  “I’m not sure. But what else? I protected her in the woods, and then we offered her protection here when the Cruentus were on our land.”

  “Damn!” Michael cursed. “Then we need to keep an eye on her until we have it figured out.” He sat down, clearly tired. “Have a seat. We need a plan. That’s the only way we’re going to get to the bottom of this fucking mess.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Gabby glanced around the room, not having any idea who the hell these people were. For all she knew, Zane had left her with a bunch of mass murderers.

  “Hey,” Alicia said again, “Like I said, I’m Alicia. And this here is Grayson,” she pointed to a tall man with light brown hair and light eyes. “This is Quentin,” she explained, pointing to another tall and broad man with a buzz cut. “And that’s Mick,” she said, pointing to the guy in the corner. He was more wiry than the other two men, but he would certainly be large compared to most others.

  “What the hell do they feed all of you?” Gabby muttered, and Alicia chuckled. Gabby fixed her eyes on Alicia. She was very pretty, in that storybook kind of way. She was tall and willowy, with long, soft blonde waves of hair and a creamy complexion. She had pale green eyes, and heart shaped lips—she looked like she could easily exist in another time period if only she were dressed in some long, frilly gown. Gabby couldn’t help but wonder if there was any substance to her, or if she simply floated through life.

  “And you all are Zane’s family?” Gabby asked dryly. That was bullshit. She didn’t know who these people were, but they certainly weren’t family.

  Alicia laughed again, her laugh having an almost musical quality. “Something like that.”

  Grayson scoffed and Gabby looked over at him. He walked over and put his arm around Alicia’s waist and pulled her to him. Gabby rolled her eyes and walked over to a chair by a window. She flopped down and looked outside at the grounds. At least the view was nice.

  “So what? I just sit here now until Zane comes back for me?”

  “I guess,” Quentin said, moving towards her. “Sorry we can’t give you anymore information. Did something happen today? What made Zane bring you here?”

  Gabby couldn’t understand what this strange group of people had been doing up in this room, but maybe they all worked for the park.

  She rolled her neck, hearing it crack and then looked out into the parklands. “I was nearly killed today.” She pursed her lips. “For the second time this week,” she added flatly.

  She turned around to look at the others, and they were exchanging looks.

  “What?” she demanded.

  “Can you tell us what happened?” Alicia asked.

  “What, today?” Gabby challenged. “Today some lunatic showed up at my job with a knife and cornered me. The other day, some big ass bear started chasing me.”

  Everyone exchanged looks again.

  “What?” Gabby demanded, jumping up. “Do you all know something that I don’t know?”

  “No, no,” Alicia said quickly, coming towards her. “Just have a seat. I’m sure Zane will straighten it all out.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Grayson said sarcastically.

  “Shut up, Grayson,” Alicia shot back.

  “Enough,” Quentin ordered. “It seems like Gabby has been through an ordeal. Let’s leave her alone.”

  Alicia and Grayson sat back down at the table in the room, and Quentin sat with them. They began talking in low tones, though Gabby could care less. She closed her eyes, her tired to her bones.

  After a few minutes she had the strange feeling that she was being watched, and when she opened her eyes she saw Mick sitting in the chair across from her.

  “Geez! You scared me,” she complained, sitting up straighter in the chair.

  Mick stared hard at her, and Gabby shifted uncomfortably.

  “Where do you work?” he asked.

  “The Russet Falls Hotel,” she said slowly.

  “And some guy came in and tried to kill you?”

  “Yep. Pretty much.” She closed her eyes, hoping that he would get the point; she wasn’t in the mood to talk.

  She waited thirty seconds before she opened them again.

  Sure enough, he was still sitting there.

  “What?” she demanded, not caring if she seemed rude. The other three were still involved in their conversation over at the table.

  Mick shook his head. “Nothing, sorry. I’ll leave you alone.” He got up and started to walk away before turning back to her. “So, are you and Zane like an item or something?”

  Seriously? When would this circus end?

  “No.” She said flatly. “And I have no intention of that.” Except a small voice in the back of her brain said that she might pretend she has no interest, but she sure as hell was into making out with him.


  “Yes, really. Now, without meaning to sound rude, I would really like to just be alone for a few minutes.” She glanced towards the door. If Zane didn’t come back soon she was going to freak the hell out.

  “So, if you and Zane aren’t together, could I take you out sometime?”

  She gritted her teeth. Like she needed this crap.

  “Thanks but no thanks.” She physically turned her back to him. She had just about reached her limit for crazy. She was locked in a room with four strangers and now one of them was coming on to her.

  “Oh, come on. Give me a chance.”

  She kept her back to him, taking three deep breaths and counting to ten. She could be calm. Really, she could. It didn’t matter that she seemed to be in the nut house.

  “Aww, what? You aren’t going to answer me now?” He prodded, seemingly finding the whole exchange humorous.

  “Take a clue,” she muttered.

  “Now, don’t be like that. I promise I’ll treat you good.”

  That was it.

  “Seriously?” she exploded, turning around. That got the attention of the others, and their conversation stopped. “What part of no don’t you get?”

  “Aww, come on. I was only teasing you. Don’t be so touchy,” he cajoled.

  Anger, exhaustion, and annoyance coursed through Gabby’s body as she tore into Mick.

  “I don’t know why the hell I’m here! I want out of this damn room! I don’t know what Zane is doing or why he brought me here, but I’ve had enough! And you, Mick,” she practically snarled his name, “need to leave me the hell alone!”

  She watched as Mick seemed to physically recoil from her, as if an invisible hand had pushed him back. Strangely, the other three also seemed to have a physical reaction to her words; they all seemed to experience some type of invisible wave through their bodies before they seemed to right themselves.

  They all stared at Gabby with amazement, wonder, and what else? Could that be fear?

  “Whoa,” Alicia breathed.

  Quentin and Mick just
stared at her as if she were an alien.

  “What the fuck?” hissed Grayson, making the first movement as he stumbled from behind the desk and came to face her.

  Gabby stared at him. She wasn’t sure what it was, but something about her words had felt… powerful.

  “What are you?” Grayson demanded, his eyes flashing.

  This got Gabby’s attention. “Excuse me?”

  “What. Are. You?” he asked between clenched teeth.

  “I don’t know what you mean!” she shot back, feeling somewhat frightened. Something had just happened, though she wasn’t sure what it was.

  “Grayson,” Alicia said quietly, moving beside him and gently touching his arm.

  He flinched from her touch. “No! There’s something she isn’t telling us.”

  Gabby stared, wide-eyed.

  “What aren’t you telling us?” he asked, his voice harsh.

  “Grayson!” Alicia said sharply. “Look at her. She has no idea. Stop.” Her tone was hard, and Grayson looked back and forth between Alicia and Gabby.

  “This is bullshit,” he exclaimed, stalking out of the room and slamming the door behind him.

  Alicia sighed. “I’m sorry,” she apologized.

  “What is going on?” Gabby asked slowly.

  “I’m not really sure. And even if I was, I don’t think I could say anything.”

  “What the hell? Why is everyone tip-toeing around me?”

  Alicia exchanged looks with Quentin; he shook his head.

  “What?” Gabby demanded, feeling panic rise inside of her. Something was definitely going on, and no one would tell her what was happening.

  “Listen, I’m sure Zane will be back up in a few minutes, and we can get everything sorted out,” Alicia said.

  Gabby looked over at Mick, who was now in the corner, watching her cautiously. Why were they treating her so strangely now?

  She didn’t have time to think any more because Zane and Michael came rushing into the room with Grayson on their heels. All three men looked agitated.

  “Finally!” Gabby exclaimed. “Get me the hell out of here.” Michael looked like he was going to object, but Gabby cut him off. “And if you don’t let me out of here now, I am going to seriously flip the fuck out.”

  Michael and Zane exchanged looks.

  “Fine,’’ Zane agreed, “Let’s go.”

  They left the room together, but not before Gabby overhead Michael ask, “Are you sure?”

  Once they were outside and walking towards the park office car, Gabby finally spoke up. “Is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on?”

  Zane’s face clouded over. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Bull shit!” she snapped. “Something just happened upstairs, and suddenly everyone starting treating me like some kind of freak.”

  “What do you think happened?” Zane asked, glancing over at Gabby as they got into the car.

  “I have no idea. I told that weirdo Mick to leave me alone and then—then,” she faltered, “I don’t know. You wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”

  “Try,” Zane whispered.

  “It was like—like they all had some physical reaction to me.” Now she felt crazy. “I’m losing it.”

  Zane remained quiet.

  “Let’s go get your car,” he finally said.

  “That’s it? No thoughts? No observation?” she asked sarcastically.

  He pursed his lips. “No.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “I think you need some rest,” he said slowly.

  Gabby crossed her arms and looked out the window. She wanted out of this car and away from Zane. She didn’t care how sexy he was, or how badly she wanted to kiss him again, she just wanted out of his car and away from the park.

  “Yeah, rest,” she agreed through gritted teeth. “That’s just what I need.” She couldn’t hide the disgust in her voice.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Zane pulled alongside Gabby’s car at the hotel. Gabby said nothing, but instead shoved the door open and hurried out, making sure to slam it extra hard.

  Zane shook his head. He had a million questions, but he knew that he couldn’t ask Gabby.

  At least not yet.

  He also knew that right now, out of sight, were at least two other bears that would follow Gabby home and then keep watch outside her house. Or wherever she lived.

  “No goodbye?” Zane asked out of his rolled-down window.

  “Fuck you,” she retorted, jumping in her car and revving the engine. Zane shook his head again, but backed up so that he was out of the way when she backed her car out. He wouldn’t it past her to plow into his car.

  He pulled out of the parking lot, and felt his body fill with tension as his bear began to push near the surface. He was back to the park office in record time, and he could smell the tension and fear among the others.

  He entered the lobby and was greeted by the others pacing the floor.

  “What the fuck is she?” Grayson exploded as Alicia tried to calm him down.

  What the hell did she see in him? Zane couldn’t help but wonder as he prepared for the onslaught. He would never understand how Alicia could have left him for a dick like Grayson. But he guessed that it didn’t matter. She had left him. And that was all that mattered.

  “We need some answers,” Michael growled. “Are you all sure?” he asked looking over at Quentin, Mick, Alicia and Grayson.

  “Positive!” Grayson snapped.

  Mick said, “Absolutely. It was like an alpha order.”

  Michael looked over at Alicia, who nodded. He finally looked at Quentin. “There was no mistaking it,” Quentin said quietly. “It was nowhere near as strong as one of your alpha orders, but it was some type of alpha order.”

  “But how?” Zane argued. “How could that be? She’s not a shifter, we know that.”

  “Do we?” Grayson argued.

  “We would have smelled it in her blood,” Michael answered, obviously irritated. “And even if none of you could smell it, I would be able to pick it up.”

  “What about a different type of shifter? A wolf, maybe?” Quentin asked.

  “I had considered it,” Michael said thoughtfully, “But we should be able to pick that scent up as well. And why would she have been so frightened? She should have defended herself against the bear attack.”

  “And she smells like a human!” Zane argued, raking his hands through his hair.

  “Well, obviously she’s more than human,” Grayson said, his voice dripping with disdain.

  “Clearly,” Zane shot back. He wanted to punch Grayson in his fucking mouth.

  Alicia gave Zane a warning look. “Michael,” she began, “We all felt it. There was power in the girl’s voice. I don’t think she is a shifter either, but I agree that there is something else to her. Perhaps she doesn’t even know herself.”

  “Fuck,” Michael hissed. “Whatever it is, I’m guessing the Cruentus know.”

  “How is that even possible?” Zane asked.

  “It would explain their interest in her,” Quentin added. “And also explain why someone wanted to kill her.”

  “We need to figure out what she is, and then we need to see if there is any connection to the cub slayings,” Michael said, the authority of the alpha in his voice. Zane could feel Michael’s power deep in his bones, and he knew whatever Michael commanded of them, they all would have no choice but obey.

  “So what do we do?” Grayson asked, his mouth twisted in an ugly line.

  “For starters, we keep the surveillance on her,” Michael said, “And I want you, Alicia, to try to drag some of those old recluses out of hibernation and see if they can tell us something. Maybe there is some knowledge to be discovered there.”

  Grayson sniffed at Michael’s order. “I can do that,” he said arrogantly.

  “People don’t like you,” Michael said flatly and Zane couldn’t help but snort, which earned him
a warning glance from Michael. “Allow Alicia to talk to the elders. If you try to do it, they will never help us.”

  Michael definitely had a point. There were a few older shifters who kept entirely to themselves and never left their homes. It wouldn’t be surprising if some of them had knowledge of the clan that no one else did because it had died out with some of the older bears.

  “What can I do?” Zane asked. He knew what he wanted to do, he just didn’t know if Michael would allow it. Michael gave him a shrewd look, and Zane knew that Michael could read his thoughts.

  “Yes, I suppose that’s best,” Michael said grudgingly. “Oversee the surveillance at her house. But I want you back here if we can convince the elders to share information.”

  Zane quickly agreed and hurried out before Michael changed his mind. He didn’t care what Michael had to say to Quentin, or Grayson for that matter. And he had spent more than enough time around Alicia.

  Once in the privacy of the woods, he quickly shifted into bear form, feeling the liberation that came from leaving his restricting human form. He ran along the clan lands, careful not to overstep boundary lines as he weaved his way toward the town.

  With each thud of his heavy paws against the earth, he was closer to Gabby. He growled with protectiveness as he thought of her, and he ran faster, knowing he wouldn’t be able to rest easy until she was within his sight.

  He made it quickly to her development, and he slunk around until he had a decent vantage point on her apartment. He heard a low growl and he looked behind to see Tommy and Sam, in their bear form. He was satisfied it was them protecting Gabby.

  At least he would be satisfied as long as he was there too.

  He could tell though that Sam and Tommy were annoyed by his presence.

  Fuck it.

  He hung back in the woods, his eyes roaming across the apartment building.

  Then he spotted her.

  She was standing by her window, looking out. Her hair was pulled back on top of her head, and from the looks of it, she had changed into a tank top. Zane wished that she would come out onto the balcony, but he knew they wouldn’t be that lucky. Sure enough, Gabby pulled the blinds closed.


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