No Feelings Involved: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

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No Feelings Involved: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance Page 4

by Siobhan Davis

  “And that’s another thing,” he adds, looking awkward. “You can’t hit on her. She’s off-limits to you.”

  I’m surprised he’s gone there. He should know he doesn’t need to articulate it. But now he has, I’m going there too. “Pity you didn’t get that memo when my sister was living with us.” I pin him with a knowing look.

  “I only kissed Gabby one time. It was nothing. And she’s happily married now, so no harm done.” He shoots me a wolfish look, and I decide to mess with him.

  “So, I can kiss Summer, and you’d be fine with that?”

  “Hell to the no!” He glares at me. “If you put your mouth, or any part of your anatomy, anywhere near my sister, I will throw you off the roof of this building.” He crosses his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes in warning. “And don’t think I’m joking. I mean it, James. She’s too innocent, too fucking young, for you. Keep your hands to yourself.”

  I chuckle. “You’re too easy to wind up, Powers. Relax. I won’t touch your little sister. Scout’s honor.” I salute him, and he flips me the bird, just as my cell vibrates in my pocket. I grin as I spot the caller. “Speak of the devil,” I tell my sister as I answer her call. “Powers and I were just talking about you.”

  “So that’s why my ears are burning,” Gabby quips down the line.

  “Powers was just reminiscing about what a fantastic kisser you are.”

  Austin flips me the bird again, shouting into my cell. “Your brother is an asshole.”

  Gabby laughs. “Tell him I agree, and why has it taken him so long to work that one out?”

  “I’ll tell him no such thing.” I prop my butt on the back of the couch and cross my feet at the ankles. “So, what’s up?”

  “We’re having dinner here on Sunday, and we want you, Austin, and Miley to come.”

  “I don’t know if we can get away, Tornado. The gym is getting busier by the day.”

  “I’m glad to hear it’s going well, but I’d never have invested in your new business if I knew it meant I’d hardly get to see you. We miss you. Especially Billy and Daisy. We haven’t seen you in ages. Can you not get someone to cover for a few hours?”

  Her pleading tone works as an effective guilt trip. It has been ages since I’ve caught up with Slate and my sister, and I miss my nephew and little niece.

  “The whole fam will be here, and everyone’s dying to see you,” she continues, adding more guilt on the pile. “Please, Ryan. Just come for a couple hours.” Gabby and I have always been super close, and, while I have a great relationship with my two older brothers too, I’ve always had a special bond with my only sister. And I struggle to say no to her. “Okay, I’ll work something out.” Her contented sigh trickles down the line. “Hang on a sec. Let me talk to Austin.”

  I put my cell down to address my buddy. “Gabby and Slate have invited us to their place for dinner on Sunday. We can get Derrick to cover, right?”

  While Austin and I manage the business on a rotational basis between us, Derrick is one of the personal trainers we employed from the start and the only other guy we trust to look after stuff in our absence. He’s filled in a few times when we’ve both had outside plans, and he knows the ropes.

  “Sure. I’ll message him now. Tell Gabby we’ll be there.”

  I lift my cell to my ear. “You hear that?”

  “Yep. I’m so happy you guys are coming, and tell Miley not to bring anything but herself this time.”

  “Austin’s sister Summer might come too. She’s moving in with us for a while.”

  “The more, the merrier, and I look forward to meeting her.” We shoot the shit for another few minutes, and I end the call when the doorbell chimes.

  Miley comes racing out of the guest bedroom. “I’ll get it!” she squeals, rushing past Austin toward the front door like she’s on skates.

  “Wow. Enthusiastic much?” I say to Austin, re-pocketing my cell.

  He grins, running a hand through his short brown hair. “If you think Miley’s excitable, wait until you meet Summer. I have a feeling those two will hit it off.”

  “You’re really selling it, dude,” I deadpan, wondering exactly what I’ve agreed to. Excited chatter drifts toward us, and Austin grins wider. I know he’s happy she will be staying with us, and I can’t fault him for that. His family is close knit, like mine, and from the way he’s spoken about his only sister over the years, I know he loves her in the same way I love Gabby.

  Pushing off the couch, I straighten up, plastering a welcoming smile on my mouth as the girls round the corner and come into view.

  All the blood drains from my face when I lock eyes with Austin’s beautiful sister.

  Fuck my life.

  This cannot be happening.

  Summer’s familiar blue gaze widens in shock for a split second before she hurriedly composes herself. Austin sweeps her up into his arms, oblivious to the sudden tension in the air and the furious beating of my heart.

  Out of all the girls in this city, I had to sleep with the one girl completely off-limits. Austin will literally kill me if he finds out I had sex with his baby sister. Worse, that I took her virginity.

  Summer stares, bug-eyed, at me over his shoulder as he hugs her, clearly as shocked as I am.

  “Don’t say a word,” I mouth to her. At least not until I’ve had time to talk to her alone and we can work out what the hell we’re going to do.

  “Well, duh,” she mouths back, rolling her eyes, and my lips twitch at the corners.

  “Let me look at you,” Austin says, shucking out of her embrace and holding her at arm’s length. “You look different,” he adds. “But I can’t put my finger on what it is.”

  My eyes subtly glance over her. She has her dark hair tied back in some kind of messy bun, which only serves to highlight her stunning face. Her skin is devoid of makeup, and it’s flawless with a light dusting of freckles across her nose and upper cheeks. Her eyes are big and bright, and it’s cheesy as fuck to say this, but she glows.

  She exudes warmth and vitality, and the first impression I had of her wasn’t wrong. She’s so comfortable in her skin, betraying maturity that belies her age. I can’t imagine anything fazing this girl, and what you see is what you get. There is no pretense or falseness about her, and it’s refreshingly different.

  No wonder I’ve struggled to forget her.

  She’s wearing a tank top under an open blue-and-pink checkered button-down shirt and minuscule jeans shorts. My eyes are glued to her long, lean, bare legs, and my cock twitches as visions of our hookup resurrect in my mind’s eye. I’m picturing how her legs were wrapped around my neck as I plunged deep inside her, and I still remember how silky smooth her skin felt under my hands as I traced my fingers up and down her legs while I fucked her.

  My cock is now straining against the front of my jeans, and I’m terrified Powers will notice. Down, boy, I caution, forcing the image of a naked Summer from my mind. I think of the most mundane things while willing my hard-on to deflate.

  “What’s different?” Austin asks her again with a slight frown. “Did you do something with your hair?”

  She shakes her head, fighting a grin. I think I understand why she appears different to her brother, and I rub a tense spot between my brows as I consider the clusterfuck my life has just become.

  A massive smile graces Summer’s lush mouth as she grins at her brother. “I’m all grown up now, Austin.” She flicks a subtle glance in my direction. “In every sense of the word. Maybe you’re finally noticing that.”



  “You better not be saying what I think you’re saying,” my overbearing big brother spews, his handsome face turning an unflattering shade of red.

  “I am, and you’ll get over it.” I offer him a sweet smile, trying to ignore the fact my heart is trying to beat a path out of my chest.

  I cannot believe the guy I gave my virginity to is standing right over there.

  And I’ve n
o clue who he is to my brother.

  He looks scared shitless at the direction our conversation has taken, but he shouldn’t worry. There’s no way in hell I’m telling my brother what went down between us. I won’t have Ryan’s murder on my conscience.

  Austin splutters, for once lost for words. Miley loops her arm through mine, winking conspiratorially at me. I’ve known her for all of five seconds, and I already know I’ll love her. Although, I suspected I would. The girl who tamed my big brother is clearly someone special.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me?” I ask Austin, quirking a brow as I motion toward the spot where a mute Ryan is standing.

  “Uh, yeah.” Austin scrubs the back of his neck, and I stifle a laugh. My veiled confession has really thrown him for a loop. I swear he still looks at me like I’m five sometimes.

  In some ways, I’m not as close to Austin as I am to Marc and Charlie purely because of the eight-year age gap. Austin left for college when I was ten, and though he visited regularly, he missed out on most of my childhood. In other ways, my relationship with him feels closer, more natural, and more akin to friends than siblings.

  Unless it comes to the subject of boys.

  Then he’s every bit as smothering as my other two brothers.

  “This is my buddy James. Say hi to your new roomie.”

  New roomie? Oh, hell to the no. Someone please pinch me. This cannot be real. He’s Austin’s roommate, friend, and business partner? I don’t understand. The world spins for a split second, and I’m confused. Did Ryan lie about his name that night in the club?

  “Nice to meet you, Summer,” Ryan, James, whatever the hell his name is, says, stepping toward me and extending his hand.

  “Likewise.” I drill him with a penetrating look as I grip his large palm firmly. Fuck, he’s even more gorgeous in the light of day, and my memory has not done him justice at all.

  His dark denims hug his muscular thighs like a second skin, and his tight T-shirt highlights his ripped arms and chest to perfection. He returns my intense gaze with one of his own as we shake hands, and desire coils low in my belly. Delicious tingles whip up my arm once we make skin-to-skin contact, almost like I’ve been electrocuted.

  His eyes darken momentarily, letting me know he felt it too.

  Interesting. I’d supposed my reaction to him that night was one-sided because it was all so new. Now, I’m wondering if there isn’t more to our chemistry. Not that I want to explore that. The fact he’s my new roomie is an added complication I don’t need.

  “Where’s your stuff?” Austin asks, his brow creasing as he looks to where my hand is still joined with Ryan’s.

  I let go and dig my car keys out of my pocket. “In the trunk of my car. Have at it, big bro.” I waggle my brows at him, dropping the keys in his palm, and Miley giggles.

  “I’ll help,” Ryan offers, and the guys leave as I allow Miley to escort me to my new bedroom.

  “I hope you like it,” she says, nervously opening the door. “I painted it, and the guys assembled all the furniture.” She waves her arms around the room. “But if you don’t like anything, we can return it to the store, and you can pick replacements. We can even repaint it.”

  The room is much larger than I was expecting with muted gray walls and a big window, which lets in lots of light. The focal point is a king-size bed covered in a pristine white comforter. A pale pink velvet quilt and an abundance of gray and pink fluffy cushions elevate it from something simple to something elegant. Two framed prints in complementary colors hang on the wall behind the bed, and two white bedside tables rest on either side. One has a small pink lamp atop it, and the other has a potted plant. A desk and overhead shelving unit on the right-hand side of the room will come in handy once classes start. The only other furniture in the room is a three-door fitted closet off on the left.

  “This is amazing.” I spin around to Miley, flinging my arms around her. “I love it, and I wouldn’t change a single thing. Thank you so much.” She hugs me back with the same enthusiasm, and I’m thinking maybe living with my brother won’t be as bad as I expected, provided Miley’s around.

  “Told ya,” Austin says, smirking at Ryan as they enter the room, depositing my bags and boxes on the floor.

  “Told him what?” I inquire.

  “That you two would hit it off.” Austin pulls Miley into his arms, kissing the top of her blonde head, and my heart swoons.

  “If you love her, it stands to reason I’d love her too.” I smile at my brother, so happy to see him happy.

  And he doesn’t even flinch at the mention of the ‘L’ word.


  My brother really is head over heels for this girl.

  “And how could I not after Miley did all this for me?” I cast a glance around the room. “And I believe you both helped too. You didn’t have to go to so much trouble, but thanks so much. I really appreciate it.”

  “I think I might have to ditch you in favor of your sister,” Miley jokes, squeezing Austin at the waist.

  “I wouldn’t blame you if you did,” Austin instantly replies, pulling me into his other side. “She’s pretty fucking awesome.”

  I laugh, and my eyes meet Ryan’s as he hangs back in the doorway with a strange smile on his face. He notices me watching him and he snaps out of it. “You guys want to go out for lunch or eat in?”

  “I’ve got to unpack,” I explain. “But you guys should go out. I’ll grab something later.” I could use the time to clear the fog from my brain and try to wrap my head around the fact the guy I gave my virginity to is my new roommate for the next few months.

  “Why don’t we grab lunch from the deli place around the corner, and then we can all eat here?” Miley suggests, earning herself a kiss from my brother.

  “Sounds like a plan,” he agrees, taking her hand. “We’ll go, and doofus here can put the coffee on.” He nudges Ryan in the ribs as he passes by. Ryan stares at me for a minute before following the loving couple out of my bedroom.

  Blowing air out of my mouth, I shake my head in disbelief, tossing a bag on my bed. Removing items of clothing, I hang them up in the closet or fold them neatly into the accompanying drawers, while I contemplate the curveball thrown at me.

  “Can we talk?” Ryan asks in his deep voice, startling me.

  I jump about ten feet in the air, dropping the sweater in my hand. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

  “Your door was open. I was hardly being covert.” He ambles into the room with his hands buried in the pockets of his jeans as I quickly shove the sweater into my closet.

  “You can’t tell him. Like ever,” I blurt, plopping onto the bed and patting the space beside me.

  “Well, I’m glad we’re on the same page. I value breathing,” he teases, sitting down beside me.

  “As do I,” I agree, and he chuckles. “But, seriously, Austin can never know. You’ve no idea how overprotective he is of me or perhaps you do. Maybe now you realize why I was still a virgin.”

  “Trust me, I’ve no desire to ever tell him. He would never forgive me.” He looks down at the floor, clenching and unclenching his fists, and I frown. When he looks up at me, remorse is written all over his face. “If I’d known who you were, I’d never have gone through with it.”

  “Don’t do that,” I groan, shaking my head. “Don’t say you regret it and stomp all over my happy memory.”

  “I’m not saying I regret it.” His features soften, and it would be so easy to get lost in his baby blues. “I don’t regret it. Not at all.” He cups my face, and my heart races around my chest. I feel his touch all the way through to the tips of my toes. “I could never regret such an amazing night, but I’ve broken the bro code, and Austin would be furious if he found out. He made me promise to keep my hands off you, but I didn’t realize I’d already messed everything up.” He worries his lower lip between his teeth, and I have a sudden, almost uncontrollable urge to nip at his lip. I sit on my hands to quell the craving. “W
hy didn’t you mention you were going to college here?”

  I arch a brow. “We didn’t exactly share personal details other than intimate body parts.” My core pulses in remembrance, and I squeeze my thighs together, hoping he doesn’t notice.

  “True.” He grins, and his eyes sparkle, and I get lost in their hypnotic depths. He peers into my eyes, and electricity crackles in the space between us. All the tiny hairs lift on my arms and my mouth is suddenly dry. A muscle clenches in his jaw as he continues to stare at me, and my chest is heaving the longer he looks at me. He’s so unbelievably gorgeous, and I don’t know how I’m expected to live here with him and keep my hands to myself. He blinks in fast succession, looking up at the ceiling, and it breaks whatever spell we were under. “Austin will never speak to me again if he finds out, and I wouldn’t blame him. You’re his little sister. If—"

  “You didn’t know. We didn’t know,” I rush to reassure him, fighting the urge to reach out and touch him. “Why’d you say your name was Ryan, anyway?”

  He looks perplexed. “Because that’s my name.”

  “I thought your name was James?”

  His lips kick up at the corner. “My name is Ryan James, but your brother always calls me James.”

  I nod a couple times. “Ah, now it makes sense. I’ve heard Austin talk about you for years, but he has always called you James. Not that it really matters. Even if I knew you were Ryan, I would still never have made the connection in a million years. What are the chances, huh?”

  “I know, and it’s not like it matters. We can’t change what happened.” He drags a hand through his dirty blond hair before pinning me with earnest eyes. “But nothing else can happen between us. It was a strictly onetime thing, and you’re way too young for me even if you seem older.”

  “Agreed,” I say, ignoring the little stabby pain in my heart. “I never expected to see you again, and I was cool with that. I don’t want things to be awkward while I’m living here, so I can forget about it if you can.”


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