No Feelings Involved: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

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No Feelings Involved: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance Page 7

by Siobhan Davis

  “You said you would’ve paid good money to see me, so let’s see if that’s true.” A giddy smile transforms her entire face as she presses play on her phone and the recording streams on the screen.

  Summer is wearing the same long blue wig in the video, along with the most indecent outfit I’ve ever seen. My jaw drops to the floor as my libido fully reawakens at the sight of her in those tiny sparkly blue shorts and outrageous bra top. The fake cupcakes jutting out from her bra jiggle around as she sings and dances to “California Gurls” on the screen. My cock is saluting her at full mast now, and damn, does she look good up on that stage. She exudes confidence and sexiness, and she’s having the time of her life.

  I’m so distracted by the screen I haven’t realized she’s performing the routine alongside the TV until she’s halfway through. It draws my eyes to her, and I lose all interest in the video as she expertly performs the dance moves right there in front of me. She sways her hips from side to side, rolling her stomach back and forth as she flings her arms up and out. When she dips down and wiggles her chest, I almost come in my boxers. My throat is dry, and my heart is racing around my rib cage like it’s barreling around a competitive track.

  I remember watching Katy Perry in the video for this song, and Summer has nailed all of her cheeky facial expressions and her sultry moves. When it gets to the part where Katy sprayed stuff from these tubes glued to her tits, Summer fakes the movement with a comical look on her face, and a hysterical laugh bubbles up my throat. I let it loose, because pretending I’m amused is better than admitting how fucking aroused I am right now.

  Rapturous applause breaks out on the screen accompanied by catcalls and a few shouted, obscene proposals.

  “Well?” Summer is slightly breathless, her cheeks stained red, as she faces me with her hands on her hips. On the screen, she’s blowing kisses to the audience, and then she turns and wiggles her butt at the crowd.

  My knees almost go out from under me as I crack up laughing, and once I start, I can’t stop. I’m doubled over, clutching my stomach, in almost physical pain, as tears peel out of my eyes.

  At first, she fake pouts, pretending to stomp her foot in anger before she joins me in my laughter. Both of us are roaring laughing, with tears streaming from our eyes, and it helps release some of the sexual tension I’ve been holding onto since that night.

  I’m wiping tears from my eyes as she shuts down the feed and disconnects her cell from the TV. “Fuck, Summer. You’re one crazy chick. I can’t believe you got up there on stage like that.” I shake my head, still chuckling.

  “I was pretty nervous that night,” she admits. “And I knew my dad and brothers would flip, but once I got up there, I lost myself to the music, and it was fun.” Her face glows as she reminisces.

  “You were amazing, but if you were my sister, I’d have totally fucking lost the plot when those assholes spouted that shit.”

  “Please don’t mention the war. Austin and Charlie almost came to blows with these two guys in the row behind them. My dad and my uncle had to separate them.” She giggles. “Fun times.”

  “Something tells me you enjoy getting a rise out of your brothers,” I tease as I head back into the kitchen to rescue dinner with her trailing hot on my heels.

  “They deserve it,” she says, removing plates and silverware from the cupboards. “I could barely pee without them breathing down my neck. Their overprotectiveness is legendary.”

  “You’re their baby sister. What do you expect?” I heap food onto both our plates, carrying them over to the dining table. We usually sit at the counter to eat but the table is more comfortable.

  “Not to be suffocated unfairly,” she retorts, sliding into the chair across from me.

  “You sound just like my sister Gabby. She used to say the same about me and my brothers.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her,” she says, rolling noodles around her fork. “Austin said she’s married to your other friend Slater and they have a little boy and girl?”

  I nod, chewing my food quickly before replying. “Yeah. Billy is four and Daisy is just five months old. I feel bad because I’ve had little time to visit lately.”

  “I’m sure your sister understands. Running your own business is a twenty-four-seven commitment. I’ve seen it with the farm. You’re always on the go.”

  “I think it’s getting to your brother,” I admit, recalling our earlier conversation. “He wants to take Miley away for the weekend, but finding cover for both of them is an issue.”

  She chews her food slowly, looking lost in thought. Then her eyes come to life, and she leans across the table. “He should take her to London to see her sister! I could cover the front desk, so that only leaves you to find one additional pair of hands to help.”

  “You’d do that?”

  She looks at me like I’ve grown ten heads. “Sure. He’s my brother, and if he’s stressed, I want to help. It’s not rocket science, right? I pick things up quick, and I could spend a few evenings after classes with Miley so she could train me.”

  I shouldn’t agree to any plan which involves spending more time with her, but I’m eagerly nodding before my brain has had time to catch up, and I can’t find it within myself to be unhappy about it either.


  “Just a tiny bite, please?” Austin pleads with his sister from the passenger seat of our SUV as we make the road trip to Lewes on Sunday afternoon.

  “You’d swear I never feed you,” Miley grumbles from the back seat.

  “You are not getting a crumb of this apple pie,” Summer chastises her brother from her position alongside his girlfriend. “It’s a present for Gabby.”

  “She won’t mind if there’s a slice or two missing, and you have the apple jelly too.”

  “Not happening, asshole,” Summer confirms with finality. “And you shouldn’t ruin your appetite before dinner.”

  “Are you eighteen or eighty?” Austin teases, sticking his tongue out at his sister.

  “Says the guy who’s acting like he’s five.” I can feel Summer rolling her eyes at him, and I snicker.

  “Glad to see you’re in a better mood,” he says. “She must’ve been some lay.”

  “Shut the fuck up.” I take my eye off the road for a split second to glare at him. I do not want to have this conversation around his sister.

  “So, you’re back to your manwhore ways?” Miley inquires, lifting a brow.

  “I hate that word,” Summer pipes up, and I swallow the sudden lump in my throat. Our eyes meet in the mirror, and my heart rate accelerates at the mischievous smile on her face. “If Ryan meets a random stranger in a club, there’s an obvious attraction, and they’re both into it, then why shouldn’t he go back to her hotel for sex? And how does that make him a manwhore?”

  Holy fucking shit.

  Bile travels up my throat as I risk a glance at Austin before drilling Summer with a subtle “what the fuck” look through the mirror. What the hell is she playing at? I know Austin thinks she’s just referring to the girl I met last night, but it’s too close to the truth for comfort. Distracted, I fudge the gear stick, and the car lurches forward, jostling our bodies with the motion. “Sorry,” I mumble, trying to get a grip.

  Austin opens his mouth to say something, but Summer hasn’t finished. “If I told you I got laid last night too, would that mean you’d call me out on my slutty ways?” she adds, and I almost crash the car at her statement.

  “Who was he?” Austin growls, shooting me a slightly worried look before swiveling in his seat and narrowing his eyes at his sister.

  “Oh, don’t get your panties in a bunch, Powers. It was hypothetical. I hate the way society labels men and women in touch with their sexuality. If people are single, the sex is consensual, and they want to explore different partners, why does that automatically mean they’re a manwhore or a player or a slut?”

  Steam is practically billowing out of Austin’s ears. I don’t know if it’s her casual
use of his nickname or her liberal views that has him on edge, but he’s a grenade waiting to explode.

  “Summer,” he grits out, rubbing a spot between his brows. “I don’t know what you’ve been doing or who you’ve been talking to, but that is not an acceptable attitude for an eighteen-year-old freshman to have.”

  “She’s an adult, Austin,” Miley says, leaning forward in her seat. “And Summer was just expressing an opinion. You need to lighten up.”

  “Maybe you need to get laid more often, and you might not be so tense,” Summer bravely says.


  Austin’s tone carries considerable warning, and I don’t want us arriving at Gabby and Slate’s place with tension lingering in the air, so I intervene. “For the record, I didn’t get laid last night.” It had been my intention, and the gorgeous brunette glued to my side at the club had made it clear she was up for it, but I wasn’t feeling it, and I rushed out of her apartment, spewing apologies as I left her semi-naked and wanting. “I’m in a good mood because I’m spending time with my family, so can we just focus on having a nice dinner instead of goading one another over sex?”

  The conversation turns casual after that, thank fuck, and in next to no time, I’m pulling into the driveway of Gabby and Slater’s house.

  “Wow, nice place,” Summer says, sliding out of the back seat before reaching in to remove her purse, the pie, and the homemade jelly.

  “Here. Let me take that.” I hold out my hand for the pie, but she places her purse in my palm instead.

  “Thanks!” She waggles her brows, grinning, before making a beeline for the front door.

  I’m mumbling under my breath as I use the key fob to lock the car, trailing behind the girls as we walk toward the house. Austin chuckles at my dilemma, and I’d flip him the bird if my hands weren’t otherwise occupied holding Summer’s purse. “Shut it, ass face.”

  “She has you wrapped around her little finger already, and she’s not even living with us a week.”

  “She’s kind of hard to say no to.” And that’s a fucking understatement.

  “She’s a little minx, but she has a heart of pure gold.” He scratches the back of his neck in an obvious tell. “You don’t think she was serious back in the car, do you?”

  We’re veering into dangerous territory, and I want to get the fuck out of Dodge as fast as I can. “She’s not a little girl anymore, Austin. She’s beautiful and spirited, and she’ll get attention. You’ll just have to deal with it.” I sigh as I watch the front door swing open. “I’m sure you haven’t forgotten the shit we got up to our freshman year. You can’t expect her to act like an angel when you were the devil incarnate,” I joke.

  “The thought of any fucker putting his hands on her makes my blood boil.” His hands clench into fists at his sides, and an icy shiver tiptoes up my spine. “And I know it’s hypocritical as fuck, but I pray she doesn’t run into any guys like us. I think I could adjust to a boyfriend, but a string of random fucks?” He shakes his head, a deep frown creasing his brow. “Not a chance in hell.”

  I wet my dry lips, hoping he doesn’t notice the beads of sweat forming on my brow. I’m glad we had this chat because it helps remind me she’s off-limits. Austin would lose the plot if he found out I took her virginity or that I can’t get her out of my fucking head ever since. This is a timely reminder and one I need to heed because I’ve too much invested in our friendship to risk it.

  “You have a stunning home,” Summer is saying to Gabby in the hallway when I step foot inside the house.

  “Bro.” Slate welcomes me with a slap to the back. “Good to see you. You too, man,” he adds, nodding at Austin.

  “We must arrange a few beers soon,” Austin suggests. “After Miley and I get back from London,” he adds in a low tone.

  Slate raises a brow. “What’s in London?”

  “Miley’s sister, and I’m planning a surprise trip so keep that to yourself.”

  “Uncle Ryan!” Billy’s high-pitched screech cuts through Slater’s response and I bend down as my adorable nephew comes charging down the hallway.

  “Billy!” My mom calls to him from the end of the hallway. “Walk, don’t run!” She flaps her hands in the air in consternation.

  Paying her no heed, Billy flings himself into my arms, and I bundle the little dude up, cherishing the feel of his small body against me. “I missed you,” he says, tightening his arms around my neck, and my heart swells with love.

  “I missed you too, buddy.” I stand, keeping him in my arms. “So, so much.” I kiss the top of his head before messing up his dark hair.

  He twists around in my arms, coming face to face with Summer, and his eyes pop wide. “You’re pretty,” he tells her, his cheeks reddening a little.

  I can’t disagree with him.

  Summer is wearing a simple white sundress, flat gold sandals and minimal makeup, with her hair hanging in loose curls down her back, and I’ve never seen a woman look more gorgeous. Every time she looks in my direction, she steals my breath away.

  “Thank you. And you’re so handsome I think I’ll run away with you.” When she smiles at him, her entire face lights up, and I swear the little guy swoons, right along with me.

  “I’d run away with you,” the little charmer supplies, nodding eagerly as he opens his arms to go to her.

  Summer scoops him up, and he clings to her like he’s afraid she’ll vanish if he doesn’t hold her tight enough. “You smell pretty too,” he adds, nuzzling his nose into her hair.

  Gabby laughs, and Slater slides his arm around her waist as they smile at their son.

  “What have they been putting in the water around here?” I joke, leaning in to kiss my sister on the cheek. “Or have you been sending the little dude to Casanova classes on the sly?”

  “I think he’s just inherited some of your traits,” Gabby quips, yanking me into a bone-crushing hug. “I missed you, little big bro.” She squeezes me so hard it’s a wonder I can still breathe.

  “Missed you too, Tornado.” I kiss the top of her blonde head before holding her at arm’s length. “You look fantastic.” She truly does. There’s no evidence she only gave birth a few months ago, and she’s practically glowing. I may have had concerns when she and Slater first dated, but I can’t deny how amazing they are together and how great it is to see her happy after all the heartache she experienced.

  “Thanks. I’d like to say the same, but you look like shit.” She brushes her hand over the five days’ worth of growth on my chin, rubbing her thumb along the bruising shadows under my eyes. “Are you getting any sleep?”

  “I’m sleeping and eating and shitting.” She swats my arm, scowling at my crude language, and I pull her into a gentle headlock, like old times. “Stop fussing. I’m fine,” I say, messing up her hair.

  She punches me in the gut, and I’m momentarily winded as she escapes my clutches, straightening up and brushing tangled strands of long blonde hair from her face.

  “No hitting, Mommy,” Billy chastises, wagging his finger at Gabby, and we all crack up laughing. He’s still wrapped around Summer like a koala, showing no signs of giving her up.

  “You want to give Summer a break there, dude?” I suggest, opening my arms for him.

  “She’s mine.” He circles his arms tighter around her neck, glaring at me, and another round of laughter breaks out.

  “Wow. I’d hate to see what he’s like when he’s older if he’s this possessive already,” Austin jokes.

  “I’m betting he’d still have nothing on you, Marc, and Charlie,” Summer is quick to reply.

  “Girl, I think we have lots to talk about,” Gabby says, prying Billy out of Summer’s arms and putting his feet on the ground. “Why don’t you rejoin your cousins outside?” she suggests, kissing his cheek. “I’m sure Uncle Ryan will play basketball with you.”

  His little hand wraps around mine, and he looks up at me eagerly. “C’mon.” He leads the way. “I’ll let you be on my t

  “Duty calls.” I wink at Summer as we pass, and she waves us both off.

  “It’s okay, Uncle Ryan,” Billy says when we’re out of earshot.

  “What’s okay, buddy?”

  “If you want the pretty girl to be yours.”

  My mouth drops to the floor as I stare at my nephew, slack jawed.

  “You can look after her until I’m old enough to marry her,” he adds with a level of supreme confidence that only comes with youth. “But promise you’ll treat her like a princess because my daddy says every boy should treat every girl like that.” And with those parting words of wisdom, he drags me outside with my jaw trailing the ground behind me.



  “That was delicious,” I proclaim, beaming at Gabby with a full stomach. “Thank you so much.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it, and we’re thrilled you could join us today. You’re welcome to visit anytime.” Her happy smile is genuine, and she looks so like Ryan when she smiles. They share the same blue eyes, blonde hair, quick wit, and charming personality.

  “I appreciate that,” I say, raising my voice. The kids are racing around the table having grown bored with sitting down a long time ago. I smile as I watch them giggle and shriek.

  Ryan’s eldest brother Dean is here with his fiancée, Alice, and his two twin daughters from a previous marriage. Mia and Tia are seven and most definitely the leaders of the pack. Ryan’s other brother Caleb is here with his wife Terri. They have Ryder, who’s basically the same age as Billy, and their seventeen-month-old son, Roman. Ryan’s mom and dad, Lucy and Paul, complete the guest list, and they’ve all been friendly and welcoming.

  “Okay.” Gabby stands, talking in a commanding voice. “Who wants ice cream?” The kids all squeal in delight, skipping and jumping after Gabby as she walks into the kitchen. I gather up plates and follow her in. After depositing the dirty dinnerware in the dishwasher, I help her with the ice cream, and then we bring the kids outside, settling them on the picnic bench. Billy takes hold of my hand, refusing to let me go until Gabby bribes him into releasing me. I kiss his cheek, promising I’ll come out and play after we’ve eaten dessert.


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