Rated: X-mas

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Rated: X-mas Page 14

by Rachel Bo, Stephanie Vaughan

“When you said you wanted me, I thought --” Val looked from Dan to Ty and back. “Did I --?”

  Always quicker to think on his feet than Dan, Ty jumped in. “Yeah, you got that right. What do you think? Think you could bring yourself to give up a great job like yours and come live with us?”

  Dan knew Ty had caught just the right tone when Val flashed a smile up at them. He and Ty had kicked around the possibilities on the way over. Details could be worked out, but they agreed on all the basics.

  “Hmm. Tough call. Job that I hate making a fraction of what I’m worth, versus moving in with two men I’m crazy about and having the best sex in the history of the planet. Gee, let me think. Yes.”

  “Ah, Val…” Dan tightened his grip on both of them and lowered his mouth to get that kiss he’d looked for earlier. Soft lips met his and he tasted the saltiness of the tears she’d shed. Although it started sweet, it didn’t take long for the kiss to turn carnal. Tightening her arm around him, Val thrust her tongue into Dan’s mouth, stroking his tongue and nipping his lower lip as she pulled away.

  As different now from the woman uncertain of her welcome from as it was possible to be, it was hot as hell to watch her catch fire. Val hooked an arm around Ty’s neck and pulled him down for another greedy kiss. So caught up was he in watching their lips meet and blend just inches from his own face, the hand that stroked him through his pants caught him by surprise.

  Even while she was kissing and arousing Ty, Val was gripping his growing erection. Her hand slipped down as though to judge the heft of his balls and Dan widened his stance to give her plenty of room. Breaking the kiss with Ty, she made eye contact with both of them, arching one delicate brow. “Are you going to make me wait until Christmas morning, or can I play with my toys now?”

  With her hand caressing his balls, Dan could make sense of her question, but his groan of appreciation took precedence. Tyler again stepped into the breach.

  “Normally I’m all for tradition, especially when it comes to the holidays.” Val rolled her head back in Ty’s direction and took a nip at his jaw, following the bite with a sensuous lick. “No need to go overboard, though. What did you have in mind?”

  Valerie’s smile was positively wicked. “Oh, I’ve had a lot of time to think about this. I am going to wear y’all out. You,” talking to Ty, “undress him. And kiss him while you do it. I want to watch.”

  “Aren’t you the bossy one?”

  “You betcha. Now, get cracking, boy.”

  Dan knew from the angle of Ty’s smile that Val would pay for that last remark. The little kick it took on one side, together with the speculative gleam in his partner’s eye, told Dan that Ty was already planning his revenge. But neither minded playing along if it flipped Val’s switch.

  Val stepped back and let Ty go to work. With one hand, Ty began working the buttons of Dan’s shirt, while the other tangled in his hair. They both sank into the kiss, using lips and teeth and tongues. The undercover gig had lasted a lot longer than anyone had anticipated, and they’d had to forego the physical side of their relationship for nearly the entire time. It still felt like an unexpected luxury -- a guilty pleasure -- when he kissed Ty.

  “Ohhh.” The audible sigh from Valerie kicked Dan’s libido up another notch. He wasn’t sure he quite believed yet that he was finally going to get his dream. “Let me help.”

  Standing behind Dan, Val reached around and began undoing his pants. Ty had his shirt undone now and pulled back as Val helped Dan off with both pieces before turning to Ty.

  With all three helping they were all naked in less than a minute.

  “Now, Dan, stand right where you are. Ty, I want you to face Dan. Yeah, like that. Not too close -- leave me a little room.” Sinking to her knees, Valerie chose her spot between them, a naked cock in each hand. Leaning over a little, she sucked Dan deep into her mouth, taking in an impressive amount. When he felt the tip of his cock touch the back of her throat he tried to back off, but Val stayed with him.

  The hot suction of her mouth was magical. Some girls gave head like they were doing you a favor, but Val drew him down like she loved it. Loved him. Couldn’t get enough.

  And then, without missing a beat, she released him, gulped for air and went down on Ty.

  * * * * *

  “Oh, fuck yeah.”

  If he hadn’t already had two quality orgasms in the past few hours Ty probably would have come on the spot. Val, on her knees, one hand on Dan’s cock and that sweet Botticelli Venus mouth swallowing him down like he was her favorite dessert. Goddamn, but she was something else. When he had more brain cells to work with he’d have to ask how a conservative agricultural community had turned out such a phenomenally kinky girl.

  One hand still on Dan, Val used the other hand on Ty, working his shaft while she sucked him hard. God bless America, but that was good. His hands on Val’s head, Ty gasped hard when she pulled her tongue back and let her teeth rake his flesh. Realizing he’d clenched his fists in her hair, Ty deliberately relaxed his fingers. He swore he saw the corners of her mouth turn up, as though she knew full well what she’d done to him. A few more seconds of ecstatic heaven and then Val switched back to Dan.

  Watching her go down on Dan, knowing that same mouth had been on him just seconds before lit him up huge. Oh, man, to have found a woman that would share them both, take them both, was too fucking incredible.

  Val’s little moans of pleasure were partly muffled by Dan’s big cock down her throat. Ty knew that moaning would feel the same as a hum and vibrate straight down to Dan’s balls and felt a sympathetic tingle in his own at the sound.

  Judging from Val’s hollowed out cheeks and the dazed look on Dan’s face, ol’ Danny looked ready to go off any moment and Val was in some kind of a zone. If the look on her face was anything to go by, she might just be able to come from sucking cock alone. Somebody who wasn’t into it would be looking up more, seeing how soon she could stop. But Val’s eyes were closed, and she had a contented look about her. Like she was exactly where she wanted to be. Shit, did it get any better than that?

  Well, as a matter of fact, Willis, it did.

  Val still had a hand on his cock, pumping him in time with her slides up and down Dan’s. But looking at that pert little rump of hers, so lonely and neglected despite its bewitching movements, gave Ty an idea. Disengaging himself from Val’s grip, Ty located his pants and dug into the pocket. Much as he would love to take her ass, he figured Dan deserved the honors.

  “Danny. Here.” It took a couple of seconds for Dan’s attention to shift away from Valerie, but when it finally did, Ty took Dan’s hand and slapped a condom and the lube into it. A slow smile spread over Dan’s face as comprehension dawned.

  Helping Val to her feet, Ty led the way to a solid-looking wingback chair that sat adjacent to the sofa. Standing next to it, he took her hands in his, linking their fingers, and looked her in the eye. “Valerie, are you ready for the ride of your life, baby girl?”

  “Is this going to hurt?”

  He loved the way she faced things head-on. No coyness. No dithering. Just straight out questions and answers.

  “No. We’d never hurt you, Val. Just like before, any time you get uncomfortable, you just say ‘whoa’ and everything stops. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Just that simple. She never looked away. Just held her breath and dove in.

  “Yeah? That’s it? You’re good?”

  “Uh-huh.” Just that easy. And just as easily Ty fell the rest of the way in love with her.

  He’d felt something earlier. Last night in the lobby of the hotel, in the middle of Dan’s little cow town of a family home, of all places. Who could have predicted that? But when Val had hooked her arm around his neck and kissed him, he had looked into her eyes and felt something powerful.

  Tonight, when she’d looked in his eyes and given him not just her body, but her trust … that humbled and amazed him.

  Bringing their linked hands up to rest between them
, cradled between their hearts, Ty kissed her. Val’s tongue stroked his and she was so sweet and lush he wondered if it was possible to die from pleasure. Ty lifted his head and saw that Dan had the condom on and was stroking his cock, watching the kiss. Sitting down, Ty brought Val’s hands to his shoulders. “Hang on to me, babe.”

  She just nodded and jerked a little when Dan began to work the lube into her anus. Ty leaned forward and took her mouth in another kiss. Her body swayed and Ty couldn’t tell if her moan was a reaction to their kiss or to Dan’s attentions to her backside. The squirt of the gel and Val’s whimpers mingled in his head. His own eyes closed, he didn’t need their help to find her breasts. Weighing them in his hands, Ty played with them, first pinching, then twisting, as Dan worked her from behind.

  Val’s gasp broke their kiss and her fingers dug into his shoulders as Dan began the sweet work of easing his way into her ass. Her eyes were closed and Ty couldn’t tell if the twist of Val’s mouth was pleasure or pain.

  “Easy, Val.” Dan spoke low as he worked his way in.

  Ty knew exactly what she was feeling. This was her first time and Dan was no lightweight. The feel of that big cock invading virgin territory … Ty remembered the heady cocktail of feelings that went along with it. Fear of the unknown. Teaching the body to relax. The pinch of discomfort as the ring of powerful muscles surrounding the opening were breached for the first time. The wonder of the dark delight of it all -- of how fucking good it felt.

  Guiding her forehead to his shoulder, Ty murmured encouragement in Valerie’s ear. “That’s it, babe. Relax and take him. Open yourself. You can do it.”

  Her long exhalation, ending on a moan, told him Dan was in. It had been incredible to watch her face, hold her while she experienced the intensity of being impaled on Dan’s cock. Like a perverse sort of midwife, Ty helped, sharing the experience vicariously.

  Behind her, his face focused and tight, Dan began to withdraw and Ty knew the instant the pressure and fullness gave way in Valerie to dark, voluptuous pleasure. With one hand on her ribcage, one on her breast, Ty felt as well as heard the long shuddering sigh that escaped as Dan eased his way out.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” What felt almost as good to Ty was holding her. She nodded and he felt the trembling of her body, the expansion and contraction of her lungs as she breathed. Not that he wouldn’t trade places with Dan in a heartbeat. But now that he knew this was just the beginning, Ty could be patient. They would have a hundred times like this. From sweet and loving to hard and raunchy -- everything that could be an expression of love and lust between three people, would be.

  Val moved to lay her cheek next to his. Pressing a kiss next to his ear, her lips curved in a smile. In the next instant Dan was pressing back in, this time with a little more speed, and a grunt of pleasure/pain broke from her lips. Before she could completely draw a breath Dan was pulling out again, beginning to fuck her ass in earnest.

  His own cock, neglected and eager to join in, twitched unhappily. They would both owe him one when this was over. But in the meantime Ty listened to the slap of Dan’s skin on Valerie’s, Val’s little sighs and moans, and Dan’s grunts, while he meditated on the ache in his unsatisfied dick.

  Easing his frustration with words, Ty began a running monologue. Half encouragement, half play-by-play, he told Val and Dan how hot they were and what it was doing to him.

  As Dan picked up speed, Ty slipped a hand down and began stroking Val’s clit with two fingers. A few passes of his hand and Val’s telltale hitching of breath as she gasped in orgasm reverberated in Ty’s ear. Followed shortly by Dan’s tortured groan of satisfaction as he pumped hot jets of cum into Val’s ass, his orgasm no doubt triggered by the hot grip of Val’s internal muscles working on him.

  Ty needed both hands to support Val’s torso as her knees began to shake in the aftermath of her shattering climax. Dan’s cock the only thing keeping her on her feet, when he pulled out she started to fold and only his arm under her pelvis saved her from falling. Ty had a split-second to picture her falling into his lap and felt his still unrelieved dick jerk in response.

  That was the last straw.

  “Somebody’d better get down here and suck me off and, at this point, I really don’t care which of you it is.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Son, you sure you want to walk around out here in the cold? You sure you wouldn’t rather be in there, keeping an eye on your girl? I don’t want to cause trouble, but that partner of yours was looking like he might be getting ready to move in on your territory.”

  “Thanks, Dad, but I’m sure. It’s nice to be out here again. I miss the smells, can you believe it? It’s a perfect night for it.”

  It was a perfect night and he wasn’t just thinking of the weather.

  Christmas Eve.

  Winter in Tule Corners was usually mild and this one had been dryer than usual. More apt to rain than snow, so far it was turning out to be an abnormally dry winter. Dan leaned his head back and looked up at one of the tall fans that towered over the Crocker Ranch orange grove. Looking a little like an airplane propeller mounted on a column, during cold snaps it, and the others like it stationed about the groves, would turn slowly to keep the air moving and the oranges from freezing. It seemed like such a pathetically small and primitive tool to try to fight something as powerful as nature with.

  Stars twinkled overhead and Dan shoved his hands in his jacket pockets, resisting the temptation to pull the collar up around his neck. The temperature was probably only in the low 40’s, but he had long since grown used to the warmer weather that life lived on the shores of the Pacific brought. As a kid he wouldn’t have even worn a coat and his father had thrown on only a windbreaker, but it felt like the frozen north to Dan now. Just one more sign that he had changed.

  They walked on in a companionable silence and his father didn’t look at him when he spoke again. “So you and Valerie look pretty cozy. What’s going on there, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “I’ve asked her to come live with us. I think I’ve always been a little in love with her. Seeing her again has been --” Dan couldn’t finish the sentence and a quick glance at his father showed the old man, stoic as ever, looking at his trees. Always the trees.

  “What about Tyler?”

  “What about him?”

  “Will he stay?”


  His father didn’t look at him. The two of them came to a break in the row of trees and wordlessly turned to the right, not yet ready to return to the house and the loved ones inside.

  “How’s that going to work?”

  No wonder people had breakdowns in droves this time of year. Dan was reminded of a line from one his favorite movies. “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!”

  “What do you want to know, Dad? Just ask.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  Growing up, Dan had always wanted a cool dad. The kind of father he could talk to like a friend. Go out for beers with. But his dad had always been a little too old-school; a sort of Charlton Heston-meets-Hank Fonda. And the old man was looking particularly patriarchal tonight.

  “It’s nothing weird, Dad. Just two men and one woman, all living together under one roof.”

  “Sleeping in the same bed? Or do you trade off?”

  If anyone else had said that to him, in that tone of voice, Dan would’ve laid them out cold.


  That finally got the old man to stop walking and look at him. His father turned until the light from one of the big yard floods lit up one side of his face, but Dan still couldn’t read his expression. “Well at least you’ve finally got a woman somewhere in the picture. Any chance you’ll manage a baby and make your mother happy?”

  * * * * *

  “Wake up, babe. Time to head out.”

  A voice in her ear woke her and Valerie opened her eyes to see the entire Crocker clan looking down at her. Forming a semi-circle
around the sofa, they all watched as she blinked and rubbed at the crick in her neck. She realized that, rather than closing her eyes for just a few seconds, she must have fallen asleep. And that the cushion she’d been resting her head on was, in fact, Ty’s shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. C. I didn’t even help with the dishes.” Val ducked her head and pretended to straighten the hem of her sweater, but the heat of what she was sure was a blush crept up her face. Sleeping. On Ty’s shoulder. Jeez.

  “Not at all, young lady. You looked absolutely exhausted, poor thing. A little nap was just what you needed.”

  Dan gave her a smile meant just for her as held her coat. He was no doubt thinking along the same lines she was. All three of them knew why she hadn’t gotten any sleep. Why none of them had.

  Taking the hand Dan held out to help her up, Valerie felt happy to stand next to Dan again, even as she looked back at her erstwhile pillow. She wasn’t just happy. She was astonishingly, excruciatingly, overwhelmingly ecstatic. She wanted to hug both Ty and Dan close and kiss them. Val looked at Ty’s model-perfect gorgeousness and thought about what an incredible mix of smooth and rough, schoolboy sweet and erotically wicked he was.

  And Dan. So much more than she’d ever imagined. Val knew she could spend years exploring each of them and never figure them out completely. And the mix that they made together … she sighed when she thought of all they had ahead of them.

  Dan continued speaking to his mother as he helped Val into her coat. “We’ll probably sleep in and have breakfast at the hotel tomorrow, Mom. Okay with you if we show up around noon or so? Open presents then?”

  His mother agreed and, silent up until now, Suzi spoke up. “I can’t wait until you see what I got you, Val. You’re going to love it.

  Something about the twinkle in her friend’s eyes, so like her brother’s, told Val that she’d only begun to blush when it came to her and the Crockers.

  “Suz, it had better not --”

  “Don’t be a wet blanket. I’m so excited. You’re really going to be part of the family now.” Val couldn’t put her finger on how, but her statuesque friend somehow managed to pull off cute. “And just think. You have me to thank for all of it.”


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