Three Ways to Wicked

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Three Ways to Wicked Page 9

by Jodi Redford

  Gibb lingered in the doorway, transfixed by the sight of Ty peeling the terrycloth covering from Kay’s lush curves. The sensual glide of Ty’s fingers along her creamy skin kindled a new heat wave within Gibb. All traces of moisture abandoned his mouth, leaving his tongue feeling thick and useless. Unlike his cock. Sure, that was thick too. Painfully so. But he could think of a million and one uses for it at the moment. Easily.

  Ty draped his and Kay’s towels on a pair of nearby pegs. He cranked on the overhead shower spigot and guided Kay beneath the spray. She gasped, her toes curling in the puddle of water collecting at her feet. “Way colder than I was expecting.”

  “It’ll get hot in a sec.” Ty turned Kay around in his arms. Coaxing her to cuddle back against his chest, he trailed his hands up along her belly, skimming her delicate rib cage before cupping her full breasts. Grazing her pebbled nipples with his thumbs, Ty hunched lower and kissed the side of her neck, causing her to wiggle against him. Gleaming rivulets of water streamed down Kay’s torso and matted the narrow strip of her pale blonde pubic hair. Ty’s fingers chased the frisky droplets of water and cupped her mound. Parting the soft folds of her labia, he looked up and caught Gibb’s eye with a deliberation that required no decoding on Gibb’s end.

  It was all the invitation he needed. Ditching his towel with a groan, he pushed away from the door and dropped to his knees in front of Kay. With Ty’s fingers spreading her for Gibb’s pleasure, all he had to do was lean in and gorge himself on the sweet sugar ripe for the taking. He started with her plump little clit first, stroking it with languorous swirls of his tongue. Kay squirmed, her sexy moans and murmurs spurring him on. He leveled all of his concentration on the slippery bud beneath his tongue, until she was panting and straining towards him.

  “Are you getting hot now, baby?” Ty’s teasing voice was the consistency of gravel.

  A shaky whimper tumbled from Kay’s throat, and Gibb glanced up to watch the bliss playing across her face. She was so sexy and uninhibited like this. Taking the pleasure they had to give her and unashamedly asking for more. A dark hunger speared low in his belly, and he tore his mouth away from her pussy. “I want you riding Ty’s cock while I lick you.” The perverse demand slipped from him before he could question why the thought of it turned him on like nobody’s business. Shit knows, if he allowed himself too long to ponder it, he’d give himself plenty of reason to freak out over liking the idea of having his mouth downtown while Ty and Kay were fucking.

  A visual of it flashed through his mind, kicking a strong bolt of desire through his system. The wave of lust sucker-punched him hard enough he hissed in a breath. His body shaking with a need he didn’t dare analyze, he nodded at Ty. “Go get a condom.”

  Fortunately Ty didn’t have to be told twice. Sliding his arms from Kay, he eased around her and made tracks for the pool house. In less time than it took for Gibb to fetch one of the folding nylon beach chairs from the deck, Ty sprinted back into the enclosed shower, a foiled Trojan at the ready. He ripped the packet open with his teeth and made swift work of sheathing his dick with three efficient downstrokes of his fist. It was probably a damn good thing he beat Kay to the task. Gibb likely would have blown out a nut if he’d been forced to watch her perform her little condom trick on Ty.

  After dialing off the shower, Ty situated the chair to his liking and took a seat. Heart racing in anticipation, Gibb helped Kay onto Ty’s lap. Rather than letting her immediately sink onto his dick, Ty taunted her with his fat cock head, deliberately withholding penetration. When Kay grew impatient with his teasing and attempted once again to sink down onto him, Ty stalled her with a firm grip on her waist. “We should let Gibb have the honor of putting me inside you, don’t ya think?”

  The roller coaster sensation rocketed through Gibb’s gut. He’d never touched another guy’s cock before in his life. The fact that he could easily see himself taking Ty in his hand, and enjoy doing it? Yeah, kind of scared the living shit out of him. But if he was being truly honest with himself, it was as much excitement shivering through his bones as pure, nerve-racking jitters.

  Swallowing past the Sahara-like conditions overtaking his mouth and throat, Gibb sucked in a steadying breath and expelled it slowly. Into the crazy blue yonder I go.

  Keeping his focus planted on Kay’s face rather than risking a holy-shit-what-the-fuck-am-I-doing moment by glancing down at the task he was about to perform, Gibb lowered his hand and grabbed on to the first thing he came across. Unfortunately it turned out to be Ty’s balls. And considering the yelped, “Son of a bitch” that shot from Ty, it was safe to say Gibb’s inadvertent ball groping had been equally unexpected for his best friend.

  Gibb quickly released Ty from his vise hold. “Shit. Sorry.”

  A giggle burst from Kay, shattering the brief spell of awkward silence. The sweet sound of her laughter instantly popped through the tension, and he and Ty joined in with mutual chuckles. Gibb slid a sheepish grin in Ty’s direction. “I really suck at this.”

  “Well, since you offered, sucking would probably make it feel better.”

  Gibb snorted. “Considering I almost maimed you a second ago, probably best if I log more practice with dick handling before advancing into blowjob territory.”

  “No time like the present,” Ty pointed out.

  “Yeah, suppose you’re right.” Hauling in another determined breath, Gibb dropped his gaze to Ty’s cock. He wouldn’t make the same mistake of going in blind. Strangely enough, he didn’t feel nearly as weird and self-conscious about touching Ty now. Kind of pointless, when you got right down to it. For Christ’s sake, he’d fondled his best friend’s balls. What was a little cock groping after that?

  He slid his hand around the base of Ty’s cock and gave it an experimental light squeeze. A ragged sound broke from Ty, and Gibb jerked his focus upward. The odd, edgy spike of hunger he’d experienced earlier returned with a vengeance as he took in Ty’s slack-jawed expression. The knowledge that he’d put that shivery look of pleasure on his best friend’s face did crazy things to his insides. Emboldened by the intoxicating, reckless craving taking him over, he traced his thumb along the central vein running the length of Ty’s shaft, using the motion to drag the cock head through Kay’s wetness.

  For the first time in his life, he didn’t want to listen to the voice of reason proclaiming all the dangers of courting his attraction for Ty and Kayla. He wanted them. With an intensity that encompassed every molecule of his being and left no room for logic. If he ended up getting burned by his need for them, it was something he’d have to contend with later. Because there was no fucking feasible way of walking away from them now.

  Indulging in two lingering strokes along Ty’s shaft, Gibb worked his way to the engorged cock head again and positioned the crown at Kay’s slick opening. Urging her forward slightly, he guided her onto Ty’s shaft, his own cock hardening as he took in her soft cries and the blissful shudder that tripped through her when Ty’s girth slowly filled her up.

  Once she was completely impaled, Gibb hooked her legs over the sides of the chair, granting him plenty of room to work. The glistening pearl of her clit beckoning him, he ducked his head and caressed the bundle of nerves with his tongue. Lengthening his laps, he swabbed the inner folds of her labia before cruising lower. He encountered the outermost edge of her slit—and Ty’s sheathed cock. After the briefest hesitation, he gave in to the urge to taste Ty too. Technically it was mostly latex and Kayla that he detected, but the fact that he’d steeled up enough nerve to lick Ty’s cock was a fucking miracle in itself. Regardless, judging from the groans pouring from Ty and Kay, they were more than fine with what he was doing, and that was enough encouragement for him to keep his tongue in action.

  Returning to Kay’s clit, he kissed and licked the tiny wet bud until she was mewling and arching her hips in frantic plea. Ty began moving, the lazy thrust of his cock creating a slick, succulent noise with each deep plunge through Kay’s drenched tissues.
A groan rolling from him, Gibb paused his feasting and watched the erotic coupling playing out inches away from his face.

  He’d never considered himself voyeuristically inclined. Then again, he also wouldn’t have thought he’d enjoy making love to Kay in front of Ty, much less end up experiencing the most brain-frying orgasm of his life as a result. Somehow Ty and Kay had sprung the lock on the hidden compartments of him that he’d been unwilling to reveal, even to himself.

  The realization poked at the vulnerable underbelly of his insecurities—a potent reminder that Ty and Kay held the devastating power to crumble the defensive walls he’d erected around his heart after his divorce. He was tumbling into the vast unknown, with no solid ground in sight. The desire to protect himself from the inevitable hurt was nearly as strong as his desperate compulsion to be with Kay and Ty.

  Gentle fingertips drifted across his jaw, and he lifted his gaze to Kay. The compelling invitation in her eyes chiseled another chunk from the armored wall. Pushing up slightly, he captured her mouth with his, every ounce of his longing and desire breaking loose with the kiss. Her nails raked through his hair, and she eagerly sucked on his tongue, drawing a fierce shudder that he swore traveled all the way from his toes. Another hand cupped his opposite shoulder, the palm too big and work-roughened to belong to Kay. Her mouth lowered and peppered his neck with hot, nibbling kisses while Ty’s tongue took over, delving past Gibb’s lips.

  He shivered in sensory overload. This was what he craved, the intimate connection that cocooned him in a world consisting only of him, Ty and Kay.

  As if he’d tapped into the restless yearning inhabiting Gibb, Ty slid his mouth to the sensitive underside of Gibb’s jaw. His growl bordering on predatory, Ty licked the pulse point rapidly beating beneath Gibb’s ear. “Get your cock up here. We’re not coming without you.”

  His knees unsteady, Gibb hefted to his feet. Kay’s hand molded to his left ass cheek the same instant Ty’s landed on his right one. Gibb barely had adequate time to process that sensation before they blew his mind with the additional brain-scrambling maneuver of kissing his cock simultaneously. Convinced his legs were going to buckle any second, he watched Kay’s mouth descend with a bobbing motion on his swollen cock head while Ty’s tongue cruised a path down the rigid column of the straining shaft before sweeping over Gibb’s ball sac. Gibb sucked a shallow breath between his teeth. Fingers trembling, he cupped both of their napes. Not guiding their motions, because fuck knew they needed no help in that department. But he needed to touch them. Let them know he was right there on the crest of this wild, exhilarating wave with them.

  Ty’s free hand slid down to where he was joined with Kay. His hips picking up speed until he was bouncing her on his cock, he rolled her clit with his thumb and index finger, driving her toward climax just as determinedly as he and Kay were propelling Gibb toward that all-encompassing nirvana. The white-hot promise of it tingled at the base of Gibb’s spine. That split-second warning all he was allowed, the orgasm slammed into him with a devastating impact that ripped a strangled shout from him. He jerked in Kay and Ty’s grip, his eyes rolling back. Kay’s muffled cries of completion vibrated along the length of his spurting cock, intensifying everything. Knowing she was coming for him and Ty added the sweetest edge to his release. The next second Ty’s hoarse groan announced he was coming with them, making it even better.

  In that moment, Gibb couldn’t imagine having sex that amounted to anything less than this—a perfect triangle with the two people who meant the world to him. A sobering realization, considering he had no fucking idea what the future held for them beyond next week.

  Chapter Eleven

  The gentle shush of waves breaking in the distance lulled Ty with the false promise of drowsiness. It was a hopeless cause. Sleep had been eluding him from the moment dawn’s rays poked through the blinds across from Kayla’s bed.

  Technically it was his bed. Or at least it had been, before he moved out of his folk’s place. Back then he’d bemoaned the necessity of leaving his comfy California king behind and settling for the queen-sized futon that fit more economically in his cramped quarters at the marina apartment. Now he was grateful for the wise call, since the bed was the only one big enough in the house to accommodate three people.

  Silently thanking the fact that his mom was too sentimental to give up any of his shit, Ty rolled onto his side and indulged in a few moments of watching Kay and Gibb sleep before realizing he was acting like a damn creeper. Grimacing, he tossed the covers off and scooted from the messy love nest they’d made of the sheets. Stretching his arms over his head, he cracked a wide yawn and headed toward the bathroom. By the time he’d finished taking care of business, the sun was perched well above the horizon line. Unfortunately Gibb and Kay were still snoozing, which meant Ty was shit out of luck with commemorating the sunrise with some oral action.

  His brain properly distracted with the mechanics of a three-way sixty-nine he padded into the kitchen and got the coffee maker going. Next he scanned the contents of the fridge for possible fixings for breakfast. In addition to the carton of eggs and slab of thick-cut peppered bacon he’d salvaged from his and Gibb’s apartment, Kay had bought several wedges of fancy cheeses and a veritable farmers’ market of produce. This definitely called for three servings of his world-famous omelet.

  He lined up everything he needed on the counter and fetched a chopping board for the veggies. A second later he was humming along with the rhythmic thwack thwack thwack of the knife as he diced up the red-skin potatoes. The act of preparing breakfast for Kay and Gibb was a strangely pleasurable one. Sure, he’d made meals for him and Gibb too many times to count. Just like fishing, cooking had always been something he enjoyed doing. But he’d never done it for any of his lovers before.

  That admission stalled him short. Lovers. Was that really what he should call Gibb and Kay? The term implied something more than a casual fling. And that’s what this was, right?

  Recalling the admonishment he’d handed Gibb yesterday about going into this threesome with a hefty portion of common sense, Ty blew out a chagrined breath.

  Of course it was a casual fling. Two weeks didn’t amount to anything of permanency. And when Kay returned home, it was unlikely Gibb would be keen on the idea of continuing this thing between the two of them. To be honest, Ty wasn’t quite sure how he felt about the whole situation. Would he be satisfied with one vital part of their threesome missing? His emotions and desires were so wrapped up in Kay and Gibb, it was impossible to divide his feelings.

  The pointed clearing of a throat behind him snapped him from the confused tangle of his musings and made him jolt. Slashing a look over his shoulder, he met Kay’s amused regard.

  “Hasn’t anyone told you it’s dangerous wielding a knife like that while you’re buck-ass naked?”

  “Only if you live with Lorena Bobbit.”

  Her lips twitching, Kay sidled past him and stopped in front of the adjacent cupboard. She stretched onto her tippy toes to grab a pair of mugs, and he took a moment to enjoy the spectacular sight of her upthrust breasts with their peaked rosy nipples. “Goddamn, am I happy you don’t own a robe.”

  “Actually I do. But why should you be the only one who gets to prance around buck-ass naked?”

  “Amen to that.”

  Kay poured them both a serving of coffee before taking a delicate sip from her steaming mug and watching him intently while he tossed the potatoes into a skillet and seasoned them. “In case I didn’t tell you before, yesterday was—”

  “Fucking incredible.”

  She laughed softly. “Without question.”

  “So you’re okay with everything?” He placed the lid on the skillet before sliding a glance her way. “I wasn’t sure how you’d react to me lovin’ up Gibb and you at the same time.”

  Her cheeks flushing, she dropped her gaze. “Would you be disturbed if I told you it’s what made me come so hard?”

  Her frank admission fired
through his blood, making his cock throb at the hot, enticing memory of her tiny cunt muscles massaging the length of his shaft, literally milking the come out of him. “Fuck no. Why would that disturb me?”

  “It probably would some people.”

  He frowned. “Like who?” When she refused to answer, a niggle of suspicion wormed through him. “Sweetheart, are you talking about your ex?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Expelling a sigh, she combed her fingers through her mussed hair and tucked the strands behind her ear. “I don’t know why I brought it up. Here I told myself I’d stop worrying what others think, and I’ve already blown it.”

  Abandoning his station at the stove, Ty pulled her in for a reassuring hug. “You don’t ever hafta worry what I think. Because when it comes to you, it’s all better than good.”

  She squeezed his waist, happiness tinting her cheeks with a pink glow. “That’s really sweet. Thank you.”

  “It’s the God’s honest truth.” Cuddling her closer, he rocked her gently in his arms. Soon enough, the tantalizing proximity of her sexy curves took their toll on his libido, and his cock thickened against her belly.

  Her sniffly chuckle fell between them. “Something tells me you’re having a really good thought about me right now.”

  “Fuck, you have no idea.”

  She pulled back enough to reveal the interested gleam in her eyes. “Want to fill me in?”

  “Hell yeah. Why do you think my damn cock is waving a happy salute?”

  “I didn’t mean that kind of filling.” She tickled his belly, which did nothing to help with defeating the rising status of his hard-on. “I want the inside scoop on your pervy mind.”


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