Suddenly More (Dirty Texas #1.5)

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Suddenly More (Dirty Texas #1.5) Page 3

by J. A. Low

  That fucker, I knew he would screw over my sister, I knew he was stringing her along and would break her heart. I take a step toward him. “What the fuck would you know about love? Every night you have a different woman in your bed.” I stare at him arching my brow, begging him to deny it. I know it’s true, he is me when I was younger, enjoying the success and everything that came with it.

  “Just like you?” Blake questions back, puffing out his chest looking for a fight.

  The tension between us was rippling.

  I feel a hand on my arm, trying to calm me down but it’s not working, shaking it off I continue to glare at Blake, taking a couple of steps toward him. “I have a problem when some punk is screwing around on my sister.” I poke him in the chest getting my point across.

  “I’m sure you have screwed around with plenty of guys’ sisters and didn’t give a fuck,” Blake pushes back.

  My hands ball into fists.

  “Back off man,” Chance says, grabbing his band mate.

  Blake shakes him off. “I’m sick of him having a problem with me.” Blake stands up to his full height which brings him eye level to me.

  “I am sick of repeating myself to you, Evan. Charlotte and I are just friends so back off with the older brother bullshit, okay?” Blake pushes me in the chest with his hands.

  “Good, because she deserves someone better than you, someone who can keep his dick in his pants.”

  Blake glares at me. “I know I’m not good enough for her, I don’t need you to remind me all the time.”

  “Damn right you’re not good enough for her,” I shout back.

  “Yet I was good enough for your fiancée,” he spits, throwing the drunken kiss with Sienna in my face. I see red.

  “What the fuck did you say?” I grab him by the collar, I can hear my friends around me calling my name but it’s all white noise to me.

  “You’re jealous because I had Sienna first, and Charlotte is just an excuse to hate on me.” Blake smirks.

  My hands curl tighter around his shirt. “Stand the fuck down little boy or I’ll make you.” There must be steam coming from my ears.

  “You can’t stand the fact that your hot fiancée’s lips were on mine. That her tongue was down my throat, her hot pussy grinding on my dick, that she wanted me before she ever wanted you.”

  I launch myself at Blake, tackling him to the ground.

  “You fucker,” I scream, as my fists pummel into him.

  “Fuck you!” Blake yells back, as his fists hit my balls, making me see stars.

  “Evan!” I hear a female scream.

  Blake and I stop hitting each other, our labored breaths filling the empty, silent void between us. Shit was that, Sienna? I turn my head, I can see her jade green eyes glistening with unshed tears, a look of absolute disappointment on her face. But fuck she looks like a vision dressed in a gorgeous, gold sequined evening dress with a V neck dipping low, showing off her incredible cleavage.

  “Evan, what the hell are you doing?” Charlotte asks. She too is looking at me with disappointment.

  Blake and I jump up, dusting ourselves off. We are both going to have black eyes in the morning.

  “Are you okay?” Charlotte asks Blake.

  “Yeah, we’re all good,” Blake replies through gritted teeth.

  “What the hell were you doing, Evan?” Charlotte yells at me.

  Sienna is standing before me looking like an angel as she brushes the grass off my lapels. I stay silent, ignoring Charlotte’s question.

  “Seriously, what the hell happened here?” This time it is Sienna asking.

  Blake and I look at each other guiltily but neither one of us say a thing.

  “Evan punched Blake because he brought up that you two had hooked up before,” Christian says.

  I can hear the rest of the party gasp at his confession, can that fucker not keep his mouth shut. Blake and I glare at him.

  “What did you say?” Charlotte questions Christian.

  Thankfully he shuts up when he realizes he has put his foot in it.

  “Evan, what is he talking about? Blake and Sienna?” Charlotte’s looking confused.

  “Charlotte.” Sienna takes a step toward my sister. “When I arrived in LA, Vanessa threw me a welcome party, things got a little crazy. I had just seen Evan getting a blow job in the bushes.”


  “Seriously?” Christian asks me.

  I wasn’t proud of that night.

  Sienna continues, “I was drunk and we kissed, but that was all,” she quickly adds.

  Charlotte looks shocked, her mouth is hanging open as her eyes bounce between us all. “I’m sorry. I need a moment.”

  “Babe,” Blake reaches out for her arm.

  “Don’t, Blake, I just…don’t.” Snatching her arm away from him she turns on her heels and walks back into the house.

  “I’ll go after her.” Isla vanishes after my sister.

  “Fuck.” Blake roars, raking his hands through his black hair.

  Sienna slaps him across the face. “How fucking dare you bring that up, in my home, to my fiancé, to your boss, to Charlotte.” Sienna is seething.

  Blake is in shock and so is everyone else.

  I may also be a little bit turned on right now.

  “I’m sorry, Sienna, I just…” Blake stammers.

  “Bullshit. I know Evan was probably giving you a hard time about his sister but he is just a big brother looking out for her. I’m sure you like Charlotte a lot and I know she likes you but how dare you throw something that was such a stupid, drunken mistake in both of their faces like that.”

  Blake’s head drops down, his shoulders slump, he knows Sienna is right.

  “Now tell me this won’t happen again and I will forget about it, okay?” Sienna asks Blake.

  Blake’s aquamarine eyes look up at Sienna. “I promise. I’m so sorry, to you and to Evan.” He looks at me, it seems sincere.

  “Now, Evan, you promised me you were going to drop this over protective brother bullshit. You realize that Blake and Charlotte are just friends and she’s not 16 anymore.” Now it was my turn to hang my head in shame while my furious fiancée wags her finger at me.

  “But, babe…” I start to argue; she cuts me short.

  “No, but babe nothing, this ends now, you two have to work together.” She’s right, I hold out my hand to Blake who looks at it stunned, then he finally takes it.

  “Thank fuck, now can we start this party that I painstakingly put together,” Derrick demands, breaking up the tension. “This was not part of the entertainment package I booked. I swear I chose naked rock stars rolling around in jelly, not this fully clothed crap,” he continues, waving his hands at Blake and I. “Hello, where’s our drinks,” Derrick claps to the wait staff that have been standing around in stunned silence. “And if I catch this little rough and tumble on TMZ, I am going to hunt down every last one of you motherfuckers and make your lives hell.” Derrick points at the bewildered staff.


  Later that night I find Charlotte sitting alone, looking up at the stars in the back garden.

  “Hey.” I greet, making her jump.

  “Hey,” she replies, continuing to gaze into the darkness.

  “I’m sorry about the whole Blake thing.” I take a seat beside her on the bench.

  “I think you should be apologizing to your fiancée for messing up her birthday.”

  “Don’t worry I will,” I tell her, bumping her shoulder.

  She turns and rolls her eyes at me.

  “Char what’s the matter?” I ask, wondering why she is so sad.

  “Nothing.” She kicks her feet in the dirt.

  “Really?” I question, giving her the big brother voice.

  “Fine, it weirded me out hearing that Sienna and Blake have been together. My future sister-in-law and I have kissed the same guy.” My fists clench hearing Charlotte talk about Sienna and Blake. I never, ever want to relive that nig
ht. I can still see it clear as day and it eats me up, but hearing that Charlotte and Blake have kissed is making my blood boil. But I count to ten before I say anything.

  “Charlotte, it really wasn’t a big deal, it lasted maybe two minutes if that, plus Sienna said there was no spark.” This was such a weird conversation to have.

  “Really?” Was Charlotte worried that Sienna and Blake had feelings for each other?

  “They were both drunk and she was pissed at me.”

  Charlotte raises her eyebrow at me.

  “The night before I found Sienna in my bed, by mistake, she got the rooms mixed up. Things heated up between us that night. Afterward I decided to keep my distance from her. She was so beautiful and had just come out of a marriage, it was her first day in LA for God’s sake. So I tried to put her out of my mind, tried to forget about her because I believed I wasn’t the man for her, Charlotte. So I did what the old Evan always did at parties, found a willing groupie, and you know…” I didn’t need to finish that sentence.

  “Eww you are so gross,” Charlotte groans, scrunching up her nose.

  “So I guess she was feeling hurt and Blake…well you know.”

  “A man whore,” she answers.

  “Yeah, but he never once tried it on again after that night, okay?” I try to get across to her.

  “Yeah, I know, Blake said that too.”

  “So you like him, hey?” Please say no, please say no.

  “He’s different when he isn’t around the others. We have fun together, we talk, we hang out, he has a lot happening in his life, his family life is…” Charlotte pauses mulling over her words. “I can’t tell you more as he told me things in confidence but his home life wasn’t as amazing as ours was, so even if there was a chance of more happening between us, now isn’t the time and we are both happy with that.”

  Count to ten, Evan, count to ten. “But you’ve kissed him?”

  I can see the blush across her cheeks. “Yeah, a couple of times, but I can’t date him, Evan. How could I ever trust him on tour? How could I ever deal with all those groupies? The paparazzi, the stories. Don’t forget, I watched your career all my life and what they did to you.”

  My stomach sinks, I forget that she was so young when I started to rise to fame and the craziness of the paparazzi and the media reports.

  “I’m sorry, Char,” I apologize, grabbing her hand in mine.

  “Evan, it’s fine, we’re fine, I love you. Just please stop being so protective, I’m not a little girl anymore.”

  Looking at the beautiful, young woman staring back at me, she was right. “Okay, Charlotte, I promise no more harassing Blake, what happens between the two of you is your business. But if he breaks your heart can I punch him again?”

  Charlotte chuckles. “Okay, that seems fair but if he did break my heart I’m pretty sure I will have punched him first.” She continues to laugh.

  That’s my girl. I give her a high five. “Now come on, Derrick has organized some big surprise.”


  “Ladies and Gentleman,” Derrick calls out as if he’s the ringmaster. “The cake!” Two burly waiters walk out holding a four tiered gold cake, everyone gasps at it. They place it down in front of Sienna, whose eyes have grown wide. “Happy birthday, babe,” I say, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Happy birthday, Sienna,” Derrick sings, and she gives him a smile. We all start singing happy birthday to her as she blows out the candles. Then a loud boom fills the night air. Fireworks start blasting into the sky, pink and gold light. It is magical; Derrick looks like a smug bastard watching everyone in awe at the light show. Sienna turns, grabbing my face, giving me a kiss so deep that I feel it down to my toes then back up to my dick. “Love you, Evan Wyld.” She smiles, then cuddles into my arms, watching the display.

  “Seriously why the hell am I doing this?” Evan moans, while we get ready in our bedroom.

  “Because the huge amount of money they are giving us to do this is going to help so many sick kids. Think of the sick kids, Evan,” I reply, pulling the fluffy, white robe around myself.

  “Fine, you’re right we are doing it for the kids but still…I hate this kind of stuff,” he whines, wrapping himself in his robe as well.

  “I know, babe, but we will also be helping Charlotte and Derrick, these photos will be seen everywhere. Don’t you feel good helping them too?” I drape my arms around his neck, pulling him close giving him a quick kiss.

  “Fine, but you owe me, baby.” I see the mischievous look in his eyes.

  “Really?” I question, because it’s not like he isn’t getting lucky every night.

  “Yep, and you know what I want?” His tongue licks a path along my ear, goosebumps prickle my skin.

  “Hmm, I think I can guess.” I feel him harden against me through his robe.

  “I want you to do a nude photo shoot,” he whispers.

  Stiffening, I take a step back out of his arms. “Nude shoot?”

  “I want you to do one like Demi Moore, you’d look so fucking beautiful. Seeing you naked with your pregnant belly, fuck it’s hot. I want some special photos of you like that.” He looks serious.

  “But I hate myself naked.” Like most women, watching your body change is hard.

  Ripping the robe apart he exposes me in my underwear. “Sienna, look at you, you are so fucking beautiful.” Resting his hands on my belly, the baby chooses that moment to give him a kick. “Hey little buddy, I’m just trying to convince your mommy that she looks beautiful without her clothes on. Actually scratch that, you don’t need to know about naked mommy and daddy time,” Evan makes me laugh. “Please, darlin’, seeing you knocked up is the biggest turn on for me. Feel me.” Grabbing my hand, he shoves it under his robe. I can feel his hard length through his underwear.

  “Just thinking about knocking you up again makes me hard. I am going to keep you knocked up forever. Because these tits of yours are fucking amazing.” He palms my ever expanding breasts. “I love them and they are all mine.” He smiles. I’m waiting for him to motorboat them like he usually does, but he refrains today.

  “Well they will be Bean’s for a while,” I remind him.

  “I don’t like sharing but I guess I have no choice, he better not destroy them,” he says, giving my nipples a tight squeeze.

  Men and their possessiveness when it comes to boobs.

  “Come on you two stop fucking like rabbits, she’s already knocked up, we have work to do,” Derrick declares as he waltzes into our bedroom.

  “D, what have we talked about?” Evan scowls.

  Derrick is already half way into the room. “Oh yeah, knock when the door is shut, closed is a no go.”

  “Exactly.” Evan nods.

  “But how the hell am I ever going to see you naked again if I knock?” Derrick laughs.

  When Evan and I finally got together during Dirty Texas’ European tour we tried to keep it a secret but it didn’t stay a secret for long when Charlotte, Axel, and Derrick walked in on us naked. Evan had to jump out of the bed, covering himself, to get them all out, they were all in shock. Derrick got an eye full that day. He likes to high five me over it every so often.

  “Come on we can’t keep everyone waiting.” I pull Evan along with me, shaking my head as I walk past Derrick.

  “Please tell me he’s naked under that robe?” Derrick whispers, making me laugh.


  After getting my make-up and hair done and Derrick finishes dressing us, we are ready for our photos.

  “Hey guys,” Charlotte greets us looking very businesslike. “We will get some photos of you both sitting here in the living room, then maybe in the bedroom, out in the garden, and then some in the baby’s nursery.”

  Derrick wanted me to be dressed up in evening wear as if I was some Hollywood housewife. I quickly vetoed that idea and went with simple black skinny jeans, a white tank to show off my little bump, a chunky necklace, spiky heels and my hair pulled up in a high ponytail. But I did
relent with some cocktail dresses for later. Evan is in his trademark jeans, chucks and tight white T-shirt, his once shaved head growing out, so it’s styled a little messy today.

  “I can see right down your top from here, your tits look good,” Evan whispers into my ear as we pose on the sofa for Charlotte.

  My cheeks turn pink. “Would you stop it.” I dig my fingers into his thigh.

  “I have to make it interesting somehow, darlin’.” He grins.


  After the photo shoot we have an interview with the magazine. The journalist is a beautiful, stick figured young girl. Her eyes are all over Evan, she is flirting with him. The way she flicks her hair back, smiles and touches his arm as they are being introduced is infuriating. Keep your temper in check Sienna, he loves you, he loves you, he loves you. His eyes dip ever so slightly at the young girl’s overexposed cleavage and I can feel the hormones kick in as I walk toward them. Back off bitch, that is my man.

  “There she is,” Evan says, smiling and leaning in to give me a kiss on the lips. I take it a step further. I know he only meant it as a peck but I don’t like the way this young girl is looking at Evan and my hormones are going crazy. I need to mark my territory. If it wasn’t weird I would pee on him. Finally, I let go of his lips, which are swollen after the lip fucking I gave him. I turn and give the reporter my fakest smile.

  “It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Candi.” She is holding out her hand. Of course she has a porn star name, I take her hand and shake it, as we take a seat and start the interview. Half an hour later the interview is finally over and I am about to blow my top. The bitch keeps bending over in front of Evan showing off her impressive boobs pretending to play with her iPhone which is recording us. Then she asks for a hug as she is leaving, lingering a little too long. She even asks for a photo with him and hands me her phone to take the picture. Wrapping her arm around his waist, pushing her boobs up against his arm, I made sure to cut her head out of it.

  “Baby, I’m tired can you take me to bed,” I moan, hoping to get out of here before I lose it. I watch her looking at her phone, then realizing the crap picture I took. Well screw you bitch. You don’t get to flirt with my fiancé in my home, while I am pregnant and think I will allow a sexy selfie to happen, no fucking way.


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