Save Me From Myself (Nashville Nights)

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Save Me From Myself (Nashville Nights) Page 18

by Stacey Mosteller

  “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

  I nod, and hug him one more time before moving back to David’s embrace.

  Philip steps forward next to shake David’s hand, ‘It was nice to meet you.Take care of my sister. I’d hate to come back to Nashville solely to kick your ass.”

  I snort, David has about three inches and forty pounds on Philip, but my stepbrother is just as protective as David is, so I don’t really doubt that he would do exactly what he says.

  David doesn’t seem to mind though, he just nods and shakes Philip’s hand saying, “Understood.”

  Philip hugs me tightly before following his brother out the door, leaving just Andrew behind.

  He grins at David and I, before saying, “Nice to meet you, but I’ll help Philip kick your ass if you hurt my baby sister.”

  I roll my eyes as I hug him, my brothers are so overprotective.

  “I have a sister, so I completely understand,” David replies, looking across the bar to where SB is sitting at the bar talking to one of the bartenders. “I’d kick the ass of anyone who dared harm her.” He sounds like he’s warning the bartender off, even though we’re too far away for him to hear him.

  Andrew laughs, and clapping David on the shoulder, says, “As long as we understand each other,” before leaving the bar as well.

  David’s posture relaxes once my last brother leaves the building. Turning to me, he raises an eyebrow, “Are you ready to go home?” The fact that he refers to his place as “home” to me causes a warm, comforting feeling in my chest. I love this man so much, and am really beginning to wish that his place was my home.

  I don’t say any of that though, I just nod, “Yes, please. I’m so sleepy.”

  David grins down at me mischievously, “Not too tired, I hope?”

  “Never too tired for that,” I say, shaking my head.

  His laughter rumbles in his chest as he replies, “Good to know darlin', good to know. Let’s get you home before I take you into my office and do all the dirty things I’ve been thinking about all night.”

  Holy crap! My mouth drops open, and I can’t think of anything to say. Finally, I remember how to speak. “I’m good with the office,” I say breathily, but David just shakes his head. Telling SarahBeth to come on, he leads me back out to his car and we head towards his house to continue my birthday “celebration”.

  I’m so nervous about the show I’m reviewing tonight. This isn’t a small Nashville band. This band is one that David hung out with when he lived in Charlotte. They’re here in Nashville to talk to a few record companies and since David knows the lead singer, he got them to play here. When Sebastian heard the story, he told me I had to cover the show.

  Anna came with me tonight, I think she’s secretly hoping that she’ll be able to hook up with one of the band members. We haven’t been sitting at the table long before David comes over to join us.

  Gripping the back of my chair with one hand, he puts his other flat on the table in front of me, leaning over to give me a quick kiss.

  “Hey darlin'.”

  I love it when he calls me darlin'. “Hey babe,” I say, leaning up to kiss him again.

  “Ray will be out in a minute, they’re talking to one of the record guys that came out tonight. You’ll like him.”

  See, this is why I’m nervous. I’ve met most of David’s friends by now, but this is a guy who knew him back when he and Amy were together. In fact, Amy is the one who introduced him to the singer.

  David sits down next to me, and putting an arm around my shoulders pulls me close so that he can say into my ear, “Would you stop? He’s going to love you.”

  Leaning into his side, I try to relax. He knows how I am though, so I’m not even startled when he grips the back of my chair again. David pulls it closer to him, turning sideways in his chair before spinning me so that he can wrap both arms around me. He pulls my back into his chest and touches his lips to the sensitive spot under my ear that turns me to mush. Anna’s looking at me with a knowing expression when all of a sudden she straightens and smiles widely at someone behind me.

  When David sees the look on her face, he turns to look behind him before standing up and pulling me to my feet next to him. When I look up, I see a dark haired man who’s about the same height as David who has a friendly smile on his handsome face. Gesturing to him, David looks down at me and says, “Lyric, this is Ray.”

  Ray reaches out a hand, and I shake it. He smiles at me before turning his gaze to David and saying, “Damn D, how’d you get such a pretty girl to pay you any attention?”

  “Fuck you, man,” David laughs, “I’ve got skills.”

  David keeps me close, putting his arm around my waist while they continue to banter back and forth. He and Ray obviously aren’t as close as he and Jeremy are, but you can tell they’ve known each other for a long time. Ray is telling him about places and people back in Charlotte, and David seems happy to talk about them.

  Then, Ray mentions Amy’s name, and my stomach clenches.

  “I told Amy that I was going to see you this week. She told me to tell you hello.”

  David looks relaxed, but I can tell he’s not by the way his hand tenses on my waist. “How’s she doing?” he asks Ray, and he sounds the same as he normally does. When I look up at him though, I can see the tenseness in his jaw.

  Thinking that maybe he’s uncomfortable having this conversation around me, I try to disentangle myself from him. Looking down at me, he frowns, “What are you doing?”

  “Um, I just figured I would let you guys talk.”

  David’s sigh sounds exasperated as he shakes his head, “No, don’t go. It’s not like you don’t already know about Amy.” He pauses, “Unless it’s making you uncomfortable?”

  No, talking about Amy isn’t making me uncomfortable. Your reaction to talking about Amy is. I don’t say anything though, I just shrug my shoulders.

  “Anyway,” Ray continues, like the previous conversation never happened. I shoot him a grateful smile. A fight with David in front of Ray isn’t exactly what my plan was for this evening. “Did you know she’s engaged?”

  David rubs the back of his neck with the hand that’s not currently digging into my hip hard enough to bruise. “Uh, no. I haven’t talked to her since six months after we split. I haven’t had a need to talk to her.”

  Ray rolls his eyes, “Yeah, okay. Still, I thought you might want to know she’s happy, she’s moved on. Just like you have.” He looks pointedly at me before returning his gaze to David.

  “I’m glad she’s happy, and that she’s moved on. Doesn’t mean I want to discuss it. You know better than most how fucked up that whole situation was. I don’t want to rehash it, especially not in front of my girl.”

  Ray must realize that David’s getting pretty upset, so raising both hands in surrender, he quickly says, “Alright, point taken.”

  David visibly relaxes, and I can finally take a step away when his arm around me loosens. Reaching up, I put my hand on his cheek to turn his face towards me before placing a soft kiss on his lips. “I’m going to go to the bathroom and get a drink. I’ll be right back, okay?”

  He smiles slightly before nodding and kissing me back. “Alright darlin', I’m going to help Ray get set up. I’ll see you in a few.”


  I know I’m trying to hide in the bathroom, but the conversation between David and Ray was intense. I didn’t realize just how much David dislikes Amy. He seemed pretty well over it when he told me about a few weeks ago, but now I can’t help but wonder if he really is. He wasn’t happy about the fact that she’s now engaged. Now, I’m hoping that it’s not because he still wants to be with her. David told me just last week that he wants to be with me, but there was absolutely no mention of love, so I’ve got one more thing to obsess about.

  When I walk into the bathroom, I’m not paying a bit of attention, so seeing the couple entwined around each other is a huge shock. The shock gets even bigger whe
n I realize that I recognize the familiar pink and blonde head of the girl. It’s SarahBeth! And, holy shit! The much taller, dark haired guy, is that Jeremy? Surely not.

  The couple is so wrapped up in each other that they don’t notice me at first. But, the gasp I can’t keep inside when I figure out who they are makes them jerk apart, both staring wide-eyed back at me.

  Not wanting to think about any of this, I practically run out of the bathroom. Crap! David is going to lose it when he finds out about his sister and Jeremy. The last thing I want is to be the person who has to tell him about them. And tonight, after all the stuff with Ray about Amy, I’m not going there right now.


  Stopping at the bar on my way back to the table, I order the strongest fruity drink I can think of, one of what David called “Blue Balls” the first time we met. Taking my drink, I go back to the table where Anna, Brandi, Terra, and the rest of our group is sitting.

  Not long after I sit down, David comes out on stage and introduces Early Ray to thunderous applause. For a band that isn’t local, they are definitely pretty well known, at least here. I’ve only met Ray, but there’s also a bassist who is standing on stage holding a huge upright bass that is almost taller than he is, a long haired guitarist, and a female fiddle player, not to mention the drummer who you can tell is absolutely amazing as soon as they start the first song.

  Anna tugs my arm, and I lean closer so she can whisper in my ear, “Holy sex-on-legs, do you see the bass player? Can I take just one of them home with me?”

  I shake my head, that girl is such a horn dog! I still can’t believe she doesn’t have a boyfriend or three here in Nashville, but I haven’t asked her about it. I’ve been too involved in my own messed up love life since I got here. I need to remedy that soon, whether she wants to talk about it or not. Before I can make any plans, David’s back at the table, taking my arm and pulling me up to stand in front of him.

  Ray looks over at us, and with a smile starts a slower song. David chuckles against the back of my head, and wraps his arms around my waist, swaying us back and forth while he sings along with the lyrics:

  But I’ve got to get this off my chest

  All these things I never thought I’d say

  My friends always told me I would find you someday

  This is unexpected, not a part of my plan

  I never thought that one night I would meet

  My forever night stand

  By the time the song ends, I’m a mess. The song is beautiful, and having David sing it to me while the band is playing it, was a completely new experience. I’ve never had a guy do something like that! I can’t even begin to describe all of the emotions I’m feeling right now. If I wasn’t already completely, head over heels, in love with him, this moment would have sealed it.

  We stay like this, his arms around me, for the next few songs while the band performs, and then with a quick kiss, he leaves me with the rest of my friends to go check on the bartenders and servers, making sure everyone is running smoothly.

  When I sit down beside Anna, she leans her head on my shoulder with a sigh, “You sure did get lucky with that one, Lyr.” Her voice is wistful, and once again, I wonder what is going on with her.

  “Anna, is everything alright? You seem a little down.”

  She shrugs, “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just seeing all the couples, you and David, Brandi and Alex, even Ben and Toby. I feel like the third, or seventh wheel with you guys.” She looks so forlorn, I want to hug her, but I know it will just embarrass her further because everyone will start asking if she’s okay.

  “Maybe we can get David to fix you up with one of his friends.” Just not Jeremy, obviously. I still want to know what the deal is with those two. I’ll have to ask Anna’s advice when we’re alone.

  She brightens at my comment, “Yeah! Maybe he can hook me up with one of the band members!” And just like that, sad Anna’s a thing of the past, she’s back to being her normal, happy, bubbly self.


  It’s finally the end of the night, and we’re waiting for the band to finish packing everything up. The bar has already pretty much emptied, so it’s Anna, David, SarahBeth, Jeremy and I waiting for the band. SarahBeth keeps giving me nervous looks, and I know she’s waiting for me to blow the whistle on her and Jeremy, but I’m definitely not doing that here. I’m not even sure what to say to David about what I saw.

  Once everything is put away, and the band is ready to go, David takes me out with him to tell the guys goodbye. He tells Ray that they are welcome to play here anytime they want, and that he’ll try to make a trip to Charlotte soon to see him and some other friends.

  After shaking David’s hand, Ray pulls me into his side for a brief hug, “It was great to meet you, keep that guy in line, alright? Make sure he keeps his promise to come see us play closer to home too.”

  I smile, “I’ll do my best.”

  We say goodbye to the rest of the band, and they load up to go back to their hotel before leaving in the morning. Anna pouts at not getting even one guys number, but I don’t think she really minds. After giving David and me a hug, and saying goodbye to SarahBeth and Jeremy, she heads to her car.

  Once she’s gone, David turns to his sister, “Are you coming home tonight?”

  She blushes prettily before replying, “I’m going to meet Olivia at her house. I’m spending the night there.”

  David frowns, “Do you need me to drop you off?”

  “I’ll take her,” Jeremy interjects, giving SarahBeth a look that says ‘don’t argue with me’.

  David’s brow furrows as he looks between his best friend and his little sister, “Are you guys arguing again?” They both practically shout “No!” and David looks like he’s trying to figure out what’s going on.

  Before anything else suspicious can happen, I tug him closer to me, leaning up to whisper, “I’m tired. Are you ready?”

  His brow clears when he looks down at me. He grins, and saying goodbye to Jeremy and SB, leads me over to his car.

  David is still distracted when we walk into his bedroom. “Did you see the way SB and Jeremy were acting?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, deciding to play dumb. I instantly feel guilty for not just telling him, but since I’ve decided playing dumb is the way to go, I can’t exactly change my answer now.

  He shrugs, “I don’t know, they just seemed off somehow. Maybe they just had a fight tonight.”

  David still looks worried though, and the guilt settles heavily in my gut. I really wish I’d been able to talk to Anna. I hate keeping secrets. They destroy relationships, and that’s the last thing I want to happen.

  Trying to keep my voice light, I tell him, “I’m sure they’re fine. Don’t stress so much.” I can tell how fake my voice sounds, and I’m praying he’s too preoccupied to notice.

  Wrapping his arms around me, he buries his head in my neck, and I bring my arms up and tangle my fingers in the hair at the nape of his. It doesn’t take long before the embrace turns passionate instead of comforting. David’s arms tighten around me, bringing me up against his more than ready body. I decide to use this as a distraction from everything that happened tonight. Between the conversation about Amy, and the screwed up Jeremy and SarahBeth thing, I’m wound tight, and I know for a fact that he is too.

  “Your shoulders are so tense, babe. Why don’t you let me try to make it better.”

  David lifts his head from my neck, and there’s a playful smirk on his face, “Oh yeah? How are you going to make it better?”

  Smacking his chest, I laugh, “Get your head out of the gutter dirty boy. I meant a massage!”

  He gives me an exaggerated pout, “Just a massage?” Then, he gives me a devilish grin. “I know what you can massage.”

  I have to groan, “That might be the oldest line in the book, David. Surely you have better ones than that!”

  Shoulders shaking with laughter, he replies, “Oh, trust me, I’ve got way better l
ines I can use on you. But, first, I think you promised me a massage.” Taking my hand, he walks over to the bed. “Where do you want me?”

  He looks so excited, and I begin to wonder how long it’s been since someone did something for him that wasn’t going to benefit them in some way. He’s way too happy about this for it to be a common occurrence.

  “Just take off your shirt and lie face down on the bed.” He quickly complies, and while he’s laying down, I head over to my bag to grab my lotion. I don’t have any kind of massage oil, since this wasn’t exactly what I was planning to do tonight, so Bath & Body Works will have to do.

  David’s lying on the bed, face down with his arms folded under his head like a pillow. He’s got his eyes closed, and looks so young like that. I just turned twenty-five, which means there’s a six year age difference between us. He doesn’t act the way you would think a thirty-one year old would act most of the time, but then, sometimes, I swear he acts even older. He’s so protective over his sister, and me, but he’s also playful, and can be so carefree.

  “Are you going to stand there and stare at me all night, or am I going to get this amazing massage you promised me?” He sounds extremely amused at catching me staring, and I decide to play along.

  “Who said anything about amazing? All I promised was a massage. For all you know, I’m horrible at it.”

  David snorts, “Darlin', if you’re touching me, it’s going to be fucking amazing.”

  Well, okay then! Smiling, I climb up on his massive bed and make my way over to him. Straddling his butt, I squirt the lotion on my hands, rubbing them together to warm them up before placing my hands on his shoulders and kneading gently.

  With a groan, David relaxes further into the bed, “God, baby, that feels so good.”

  His praise makes me bolder, and I move my hands down his back, pausing at his shoulder blades. Pressing my fists and fingers into the muscles in his back to relax them, I move further and further down until I reach the waistband of his dark jeans. The longer I press into the muscles on his back, the more relaxed he becomes, until I hit what must be a very ticklish spot low on his back, almost at his side, because he jumps.


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