Finding Me (Love's Not Easy Series Book 1)

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Finding Me (Love's Not Easy Series Book 1) Page 9

by Rickman, Nicole

  “Good. Because I would much rather hit the more skilled slopes.”

  “Tomorrow, I plan to show Drew what I can do on the half-pipe.”

  “Great, because tomorrow, I plan to watch and laugh.” He took her hand as he walked her back to the kitchen table.

  Despite the smell, the food was good. After they ate, they played board games until after one. Even though she would never admit to it even, Ava had a good time.

  Chapter Nine

  Today will be the eighth day at the ski resort. Aimee was awake before five thirty, she wanted to watch the view of the sunrise from the balcony. She slid on some warm lounge pants with a matching sweatshirt and a pair of house slippers. She made her way quietly down the stairs, and spotted the light from the kitchen on. Only one other person was up at this hour.

  Aiden was pouring a cup of coffee when she entered. Without saying a word, he reached for another cup and handed it to Aimee. “I was wondering when you would join me for our sunrise coffee.”

  “I have been watching the sunrise from the window in my room, while I am thinking and praying.”

  Aiden started toward the door, with a cup of coffee in one hand and a thermos in the other. Aimee went and opened the door. “Well, Aimee dear, just wait until you see the balcony view.”

  Aiden lit the outdoor fire pit; while, Aimee got an oversized throw from the storage compartment. They took a seat on the balcony loveseat and covered with the throw.

  Aiden looked over at her. “I have missed our morning coffee.”

  “Me too.”

  Aiden took a sip of coffee. “Then, why is today the first time you have come down?”

  “Let’s see, could it be because your girlfriend hates me?”

  “Don’t worry about her.”

  “Easy for you to say.”

  Aiden raised his brows. “Not really. So, what is the story with you and LJ?”

  “We are just getting to know one another. He has been really nice. We have had fun the past few days.”


  “But, something about him scares me.”

  “Well, in that case, be careful. I know he used to be a lot like Colin, but we all were at one time. But eventually we grow out of it.”

  Aimee shivered and pulled the throw closer.

  “We have another ten minutes before the sun starts to come up.” Aiden pulled her close to him. She laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Aimee, don’t get mad; but, I don’t think LJ is the right guy for you. Promise me you will be careful around him.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Aimee never felt more comfortable around any guy as she did Aiden. She felt safe when he was around. She laid quietly on the loveseat and watched the morning sun come up over the snow covered terrain. She watched until she fell back to sleep.

  The sound of a slamming door startled Aiden. He raised his left arm and looked at his watch, eight a.m. He then looked down. Aimee was snuggled close to him, sound asleep. He didn’t need to look behind him he knew all too well who was standing there.

  He gave Aimee a gentle nudge. “Aimee, wake up. We fell asleep.”

  She raised her arm. “What time is it?”

  Aiden looked down at her. “Eight a.m. and we are not alone.”

  Aimee raised up. She fell asleep cuddle next to Aiden, near a cozy fire pit, watching, what some may call, a romantic sunrise. She knew when she turned around, Ava would be waiting to let lose her reign of fiery.

  Aiden stood up. “Good morning, Ava.”

  Ava stood, arms folded, her face as red as beets. “Do not good morning me. What in the world is this, Aiden?”

  Aiden walked over to Ava. He went to touch her, but she pulled her hand away from him. “Calm down and let me explain. It is not as bad as you think. We were talking and watching the sunrise; we got cold, so we…”

  “NOT AS BAD as I think? I walk down here and see you wrapped in a throw with that American slu…”

  LJ came into view. “Watch what you are saying, Ava.” He crossed his arms.

  “Ava, please listen to me, would you?” Aiden was still trying to calm her down.

  Ava stepped around Aiden and headed straight to Aimee. “You may have fooled everyone else with that I am just a sweet and innocent Christian act, but you can’t fool me. You have some kind of hidden agenda for coming here and it includes breaking me and Aiden up.”

  Aimee stood and turned back toward the door to face Ava. She was trying not to laugh. She opened her mouth to respond, but saw LJ standing beside Aiden in his boxer shorts and tank t-shirt with bed head. “Ava, you are wrong about me. I would never try to break you and Aiden up.”

  Ava was in Aimee’s face by now. She had her finger inches from Aimee’s face. “Shut up! Shut up!” Aimee pulled her head back as Ava started yelling a few curse words that a lady in her stature should never say.

  Aiden walked quickly over and took Ava’s arm. “It’s cold out here; let’s go inside, and talk before you wake the other guest.”

  Ava looked at Aimee. “You stay away from Aiden.”

  Aimee watched them walk away. When the door shut, she turned to LJ. “It really was innocent. I am sorry.” She wasn’t sure why, but she was crying now.

  LJ looked through the glass door. “They went upstairs. Let’s go in; I am freezing.”

  Once inside, Aimee went to the kitchen and fixed a cup of coffee for them; while, LJ went upstairs to get dressed.

  When he came back down, Aimee was sitting on the sofa with her head down. Two cups of hot coffee sat in front of her. He sat beside her and took a finger and placed it under her chin and gently raised her head to look at him. Her eyes were red and she had tears flowing down her cheeks.

  “Hey, it’s ok.” He wrapped her in his arms. He held her there until her tears stopped.

  Aimee raised her head and looked him in the eyes. “It was innocent. I am sorry, I know it looked bad, but, I promise, we feel asleep watching the sunrise.”

  LJ grinned at her. “We are only friends; you don’t owe me an explanation. In fact, if Ava hadn’t barged in my room, screaming like a mad woman, I’d still be asleep.”

  Aimee took her cup and sipped her coffee. They sat quietly for nearly five minutes. LJ could hear her still crying.

  “Why are you still crying?”

  “Because, Ava is really mad at Aiden and it is all my fault.”

  LJ took Aimee back into his arms. “Aimee, honey, Aiden and Ava’s relationship has a lot of things wrong with it. But, you are not one of them. She is searching for something or someone to blame. Unfortunately, right now, it is you.”

  Aimee laid her head on his chest. “How do I change that?”

  “You don’t. You just wait for her to move on to something or someone else.”

  “I hate that she has such bad thoughts of me. What does that say about me as a Christian? If someone can think I am that bad, then they can’t see Christ through me.”

  “Aimee, you are the most pure and innocent person I have ever met. That is how I know what you say about all of this is true. That is also why what Ava thinks bothers you. Just try to keep in mind, we all have someone who does not like us.”


  “No problem.”

  Aimee and LJ moved over near the fireplace and sat in the oversize chair. He wrapped her in his arms and for the first time Aimee felt close to him. She even felt a small flicker of safety.

  “Aimee, if it helps, I saw Christ through you this morning. When Ava was in your face, you pulled your head back instead of clawing her eyeballs out.”

  “Thanks. That helps a lot.” Yeah, she was beginning to feel safe in his arms.

  ♥ ♥

  Ava was furious at Aiden. He dragged her on this horrible ski trip. She wanted to go to a nice, warm, sunny beach. But, oh no, he wanted to go skiing with his friends. He gave her a never ending speech on how they never do things he likes.

  “Aiden, I can’t believe you m
ade me come on this terrible trip. So you could what, constantly shove that American girl in my face?”

  “Ava, you are delusional. Aimee has barely been around us.”

  “Do not do that. Do not patronize me. I am not stupid or delusional, Aiden. I saw the way you looked at her when I woke you up. I see how you look at her when she walks in a room.”

  Aiden pulled Ava near him. “Ava, I wanted you to join us on this trip, so we could spend time together, and we have.”

  Ava crossed her arms. “What is wrong with us?”

  “I don’t know, Ava. I know that you have male friends and I don’t react like this. You need to learn to trust me.”

  “It’s her I don’t trust.”

  “Really, Ava, you said this trip has been horrible. The only reason you are having a bad time is because you are way too focused on making Aimee your enemy.”

  “Are you really sticking up for her?”

  “Ok. Let’s look at this logically. We were both fully dressed.”

  “Yeah, so.”

  “So, nothing happened. When you were down there screaming like a mad woman shoving your finger in her face, Aimee did nothing.”

  “Because she knew I was right.”

  “No, because that is who she is, Ava.” He brought her near him and gave her a kiss.

  “Do me a favor, and try to get to know her. Then, you will see how crazy this is.”

  Ava kissed him. “Keep my enemies close.”

  “She is not your enemy. Now, can we stop fighting?”


  It was the last day at the resort. Aimee had went out of her way the past few days to make sure she stayed away from Ava and Aiden. She watched the sunrise from her room. During the day, she hung out with LJ, Lexi, Piper, and James. Actually, she and LJ spent most of the days together and she was feeling more comfortable around him.

  Aimee totally smoked Drew and his friends at snowboarding, not once, but several times. She even gave Lexi some tips on snowboarding.

  Today was different. Ava and Lexi had planned a spa day. So, while the girls spent the day at the spa, the guys planned to load the vehicles and ski, until it was time to turn in all the ski gear. They would meet back at the main lodge at five.

  When they arrived at the spa, they had full body massages, facials, and Mani/Pedi’s. They had hair and makeup done last. It really rejuvenated their body after spending so much time outdoors the past few days.

  They had some time left, so they walked to the village square. They had lunch before shopping one last time. Everything was going great, then they stopped for coffee and Piper and Lexi began talking about James and Drew.

  Lexi mentioned Drew attends church in East Newport. She said that he agreed to come up and go to a few services at Wise with all of them. Aimee told Lexi how great that was, and that she hoped Lexi would see what wonderful things God has done for her. She told her it was great she wanted to go to church with them, but cautioned her to remember church was about God and not getting a guy to like her.

  Ava grinned at Aimee. “You and LJ seemed to be getting along great.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  Piper nudged Aimee. “You sure have come a long way on this trip.”

  “Yeah, but I am still so nervous.”

  Lexi laughed. “I can’t believe you are nervous over a guy. You are so sure of yourself in everything but love.”

  “One thing I have learned, is that I need to be me. This whole dating stuff is so new to me.”

  Ava laughed. “What do you mean?”

  They filled Ava partially in to the fact Aimee had never been in a relationship because of attending all girl schools. Aimee added that once a guy learns she is a Christian, they usually back off. Piper agreed, it was hard to find a boyfriend as a Christian, but reminded Aimee that she had found James and Aimee would find someone too.

  Piper talked about how dating James has been so different from all the other relationships she had been in. How great it was to have someone who shared the same values and beliefs as you. “I can tell God made James and me for each other.”

  Ava looked down at her feet. “That means a lot to have that connection with each other. At first Aiden and I seemed to like the same things. Now, I think we just pretended we do, so we do not hurt the other person's feelings. Now, we just don’t care if we hurt them or not.”

  Aimee looked at her. “I know I have the least experience, but I got some great advice from a friend. They said not to try to be someone you are not to impress a guy.”

  Ava looked at Aimee, shocked. “That’s good advice. Aiden doesn’t understand my passion for fashion. I love designing clothes and attending fashion shows. But, he acts like it kills him to go.”

  Lexi stopped walking. “Ava, I don’t know very many guys who like to go to fashion shows.”

  Piper joined them. “You and Aiden need to talk about things. Find out what you have in common and start from there.”

  All of a sudden, Ava clammed up. “I have been in a relationship with Aiden for two years. I think I know more about how relationships work. When you love someone, you suffer for what they like.”

  Aimee wanted to point out that Ava wanted Aiden to do all the things she liked, but she did not want to return the favor. That sometimes people confuse love and lust, but, instead, she kept her thoughts to herself and walked toward the main lodge. Aiden had to figure out him and Ava on his own.

  “Aimee, did we lose you?” Piper caught up with her.

  “No, I was just thinking.”

  “What about?”

  “Life and love. I know this is silly, but I wonder how much my parents really loved each other.”

  “I am sure they did.”

  Aimee stopped. “Ok listen, life is too short to waste our time on loveless relationships. What if my parents had put off getting married or having kids? She died at the age of thirty one. We never know when our time on earth is through.”

  “I agree, Aimee.” Piper was thinking of her and James.

  Lexi sighed. “It would help if love was easy.”

  “Yeah, but love is not easy.” Aimee started walking again.

  Piper walked beside Aimee. “I think we have to find ourselves first.”

  Aimee held the door to the lodge for the others. “Finding me is just as hard as finding love.”

  ♥ ♥

  Finding someone to spy on Aimee during this ski trip proved to be a difficult task. But searching for the right person paid off. The couple was able to keep a safe distance, blending in with the crowd.

  The information they have brought back was priceless. Aimee and been out on a lot of dates with LJ Edward. They even managed to take photos of them holding hands and wrapped in one another arms on the slopes. But they never saw her kiss him.

  They also found out that Aiden’s girlfriend, Ava, did not trust Aimee. In fact, there may have been some sort of altercation that went down; because, nearly everyone in the lodge was awakened by Ava yelling at Aimee.

  Their last day proved to be interesting as well. The girls spent the day together. The part that interested Lady Y was that Aimee feared her parents did not love one another. She also seemed to struggle in relationships. That was heartbreaking, she was left alone during a time in her life when she needed a woman’s advice. Deandre was not there for her.

  The past could not be changed. So now, the focus needs to be on what the future holds for Aimee.

  Chapter Ten

  College life was back to normal. Ava flew back to Italy. James and Piper were falling more in love as the days passed by. They were attending a young couple’s class at church. It consisted of several young couples at church. Piper was really enjoying the class. It was being taught by a young married couple and they were discussing how to date and still stay true to their religious beliefs.

  Drew came down last weekend and took Lexi on a date. He text her a couple of times. He said he would call her about Valentine’s Day. He had yet s
et a Sunday to come to church with them. However, Lexi keeps talking about joining them soon. She even had Aimee take her to a Christian Bookstore and help her pick out a Bible.

  Colin was taking out a girl from one of his classes. So far, they had gone out for two weeks. Aimee was wondering if maybe he had found his real deal.

  Josiah, well who knows, he was rarely at the flat. He seemed to be more withdrawn lately.

  Sophia was just happy about her time at the NCS (Neahovia Culinary School). She was accepted and classes began two days after the spring semester at Ancaster ended. Everyone was happy for her, but said she would be leaving. She spent a lot of her time talking to a few friends she made during vacation.

  LJ had been over a few times, but had not officially ask Aimee out on another date; which was ok with her, because right now, she was using every waking minute she had not studying, reading her mom’s diary. So far, the diaries started when she was eighteen years old and she was having a hard time deciphering the abbreviations her mom used.

  Today was Saturday, and Aimee was doing some work for Introduction to Management class. It was a computer assignment, that took forever, but she just finished it when Aiden came down.

  “Did you get the Introduction to Management assignment done?” He sat down on one of the oversized chairs.

  “I just finished it.” Aimee laid her head back on the couch. She was sitting on the floor between the couch and coffee table.

  “Classes are harder this term.”


  Aiden started to say something, but his cell rang. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know who was on the other end. Aimee took the opportunity to go to the kitchen and prepare dinner.

  She was making a large Taco Salad for dinner. The meat was simmering on the stove with the spices that Sophia pre made for her to add to the meat. She was taking out the refrigerated ingredients when she heard Aiden enter.

  “Need help?”

  Aimee got a tomato knife from the utensil drawer and handed it, along with the tomatoes, to Aiden.

  “So, would you like to tell me why you are avoiding me?”

  Aimee took the lettuce and began cutting it in shreds the way Sophia taught her. “Do you really need to ask me that?”


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