Cameron 7: The Finale

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Cameron 7: The Finale Page 20

by Jade Jones

  Cameron crawled over to where Jag’s gun fell and grabbed it. When she looked at the chamber it was empty. He only had the one bullet he used on Jude’s homie. He never intended to shoot. He just wanted to disarm his enemy.

  After he exhausted himself from punching, Jude wearily stood to his feet and proceeded to stomp Jag. He kicked him all in the chest, face, and torso. By the time he finished giving it to him good Jag was barely recognizable.

  Jude tired himself out so much that he collapsed beside him winded.

  The crazy mothafucka actually had the nerve to laugh.

  “You think this shit’s a game?” he asked. Jude climbed on top of Jag and proceeded to strangle him.

  Cam lightly touched his shoulder to make him stop. At first, Jude thought she might actually want to spare this fucker like she did with Alessia. He was surprised to see his gun in her hand. She wanted him to finish it once and for all.

  Jude stood to his feet and pointed the gun at Jag. One of his eyes were swollen shut, his nose was twisted at an awkward angle, and his lips were swollen and cut.

  Jag still seemed unfazed. There was a devilish grin on his face. “You think a bullet will make it stop?” he asked Jude. “Mothafucka, even if I’m dead I’ll still be in her dreams. When you fuckin’ her I’mma be on her mind. It never goes away,” he said. “I never go away.”

  Jude cocked the gun. He was tired of listening to Jag talk about himself like he was a God. He was about to find out just how mortal he really was.

  “Your kids will remember me as their first father.” Jag laughed maniacally. “Don’t you get it?” he asked. “I win…even if I lose.”

  When Cam noticed that his words were getting to Jude she snatched the gun out his hand herself. She’d heard enough.

  Jag looked at her and started laughing. “I’ll see you in hell, bitch—”







  Cameron emptied the entire clip into his face, silencing Jag forever.


  Sadly, Juicy realized the truth and error of her ways when it was far too late. Sitting in court, she felt like a damn fool as each girl testified to her running a human trafficking ring.

  Every single one got on the stand and lied; Milena, Flo, and Kina. Hell, even Amanda—who was charged with 1st degree murder—hopped on the snitch bandwagon.

  If it wasn’t for the baby being rushed to the hospital in time, she would’ve been facing a double homicide instead.

  None of the girls would dare snitch on their beloved Rico—and instead Juicy was the one who had to take the fall. All along, he’d been conditioning her to go down should the day ever come.

  The truth was, Rico never knew T, had never visited Cleveland, and had lied about damn near everything—except being homeless. He’d done his homework on her, well before he even opened his mouth to say hi. Rico was fully aware that she was a mega stripper in her hometown, and he knew of her hustle via social media.

  He didn’t have to do much research. At least not enough to seem stalkerish. The streets talked. And he knew having a bitch like her on his team would only pay off in the end.

  It certainly did.

  Rico put the house rental and club in her name without her knowing. That was the only real reason he gave a fuck about her government. It wasn’t hard at all to pin the trafficking charges on her.

  It also turned out that Amanda was only 16. Juicy couldn’t believe that Rico had lied to her about her age. Because she wasn’t an adult, Juicy was additionally charged with exploiting a minor for sexual purposes, possession of depictions of minors, promoting sex with minors, and conspiracy to promote travel for the purpose of sex with minors.

  The judge threw the book at Juicy after calling her every filthy, slanderous term he could think of. Thirty years was what she received—despite yelling his name out in the court room repeatedly, further embarrassing herself.

  On top of that, she was charged in connection to Wayne’s untimely murder. Juicy didn’t even know he was dead. Apparently, Rico’s girls had done some slick shit to help pin it on her, should the Feds come sniffing.

  Juicy was so naïve and clueless. All the while, she was kicking it with them thinking they were friends, they were ready and willing to throw her under the bus at a moment’s notice.

  Juicy would be pushing 60 by the time she saw the light of day again, and Rico’s girls got nothing but fines, community service, and a slap on the wrist. And that mothafucka was probably somewhere with his feet kicked up laughing at her dumb ass.

  What was most sad, above everything else, was Juicy finding out she was 3 weeks pregnant after being booked. Not only would she rot in the system, she wouldn’t even be able to raise her own child. It’d be ripped away from her the day it was born just like Delaney.

  All that time Juicy thought Rico was a rider. But he had fucked her raw with no Vaseline. She’d gotten the shitty end of the stick, and she had to walk that sad journey alone.

  Love was a mothafucka.


  Roxie was playing with Rain when someone knocked on her door. Jude and Cameron had already moved so she wasn’t sure who the visitor was. At first, she thought it was Magyc still trying to come around and make amends. For the most part, he did his best to respect her space, but he still had a hard time letting go.

  Roxie was pleasantly surprised to see Kwon instead. She should’ve known he wasn’t going to give up that easily. Roxie wondered how life would go if she didn’t open the door and if they continued their lives without each other. After all, she wasn’t ready to let another man in. But she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t just a little bit curious about him.

  What the hell, a tiny voice in her head said. You only live once.

  Kwon looked like he had hit the lottery when she opened the door and smiled at him.


  Cameron and Jude were relaxing together on the patio of their beautiful Hawaii home without a care in the world. The children were safe, their lives were drama free and best of all, there was no more Jag. No more feeling like she had to look over her shoulder, or be on her guards 24/7. After years of painful relationships, heartache, and abuse, it felt good to finally be happy.

  As promised, Jude passed the torch down to Magyc. He left him two sound pieces of advice. A boss creates fear, and a leader creates confidence. And buy or bury the competition. Magyc may’ve been a little hot-headed and uneven at times, but so was Jude when he first started out. He had a lot of faith in his protégée.

  Cameron reached over and slid her hand in Jude’s. He looked over at her and winked and it made her whole world seem perfect. Cam had helped him become a better man. His whole life changed the day she smiled at him. Cameron was 100% down for him. She’d been with him at his highest point and even at his lowest. She had his back when he wasn’t on top, and helped him get to where he was. If it was in God’s will they'd be together forever.



  After fucking Femi to sleep, Castle rushed out the house to call Luna. “Bitch, I’mma kill you!” he yelled into the phone. “Who the fuck you think you is pulling that shit? You must’ve lost yo’ mufuckin’ mind poppin’ up at my wife’s house!”

  “Why didn’t you tell her about us, Castle?”

  “Bitch, I don’t need to validate shit I do! You better pray I don’t ring ya fuckin’ neck when I see you!”

  Castle hopped in his Rolls Royce and started the engine. He was on his way over to Kirby’s place since he had a few choice words for her simple ass too.

  “So that’s what it takes to make you come around?” Luna asked sarcastically.

  “Bitch, don’t fuck with me!”

  “You fucked yaself! I should’ve made that visit sooner! You got these young ass hoes popping up at my house! You don’t even take care of yo’ fucking son—!”<
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  “Fuck dat lil’ mufucka! And fuck you too! Since you wanna bullshit, I got somethin’ for both ya’ll hoes. Let’s see how well you fend homeless ‘cuz you dead. Cut off. You hear me, bitch?”

  Even though he wasn’t active in their lives, Castle paid her rent faithfully because she didn’t work. Unfortunately, Luna had no back up plan. If Castle took her home, then she and her baby would be ass out. Sadly, it was something she hadn’t considered when agreeing to meet with Femi.

  “All I ever asked was for you to take care of your son and be a daddy! You couldn’t even do that, sorry ass nigga. Now you talking about putting us out? I wish you mothafucking would, Castle! Try me, and I will go to the courts and police on yo’ stupid ass! Now play with it.”


  Castle pulled the phone away from his face and looked at it crazy. He paid her bills; that should’ve been enough. He couldn’t believe Luna was trying to boss up on a nigga. She definitely had shit backwards. Nah, this bitch ain’t just say what I think she said. As if he needed proof, Castle called Luna back. Surprisingly, she picked up on the first ring.

  “Hoe, what the fuck you just let slip from yo’ dicksucka?”

  “Mothafucka, I ain’t stutter! If you try to put me and CJ out I’ll go to the police and tell them every fucking thing! I swear to God I will! ”

  Castle immediately made a U-turn. Kirby would have to wait. First he had to set Luna’s monkey ass straight. “Yeah. Unh-huh. We’ll see about that.” He hung up on her and tossed his phone in the passenger seat. He couldn’t get to her crib fast enough.

  Twenty minutes later, Luna had just laid CJ down in his crib when someone came banging on her front door. She knew who it was without even having to look through the peephole. She pondered over the decision to let him in. He used to have a key, but since he never came around, she changed the locks being petty.

  Back when she first got pregnant, Castle promised he’d be there for her physically and emotionally. Now that CJ was here, she couldn’t even get the time of day. Castle didn’t return her calls or text messages. He talked a good game in the beginning, but she soon realized that’s all he was; talk. It wasn’t fair for him to play house with Femi while she raised their son alone.

  “Open the fuckin’ door! Bitch, you hear me out here!”

  Not wanting to rouse the neighbors, Luna rushed to the door and unlocked it. She barely had a chance to open it before Castle barged inside. He grabbed her throat and squeezed so tight that his nails dug into her skin.

  “Yo’ ass thought I was playin’?” he yelled. Spit sprayed onto her face.

  Luna clawed at his hand, but there was nothing she could do to make him let go. Her eyes bulged in their sockets; she was unable to suck in air. If Castle didn’t release his grip soon he was sure to kill her.

  “Have you lost yo’ fuckin’ mind?! Bitch, don’t ever in yo’ mufuckin’ life come at me on no hoe shit like that!”

  Just when Luna thought the end was approaching, Castle threw her down on the floor. She immediately coughed and gasped for oxygen. The bruise on her neck would be there for days, but it was a small price to pay.

  Castle stalked off in a huff, and Luna was left to wonder what he planned on doing next.

  “Castle?” she called out in a hoarse tone. Struggling to stand to her feet, she followed him to the back of the apartment. Her heart dropped when she saw him snatch the 4-month old out the crib by his leg. “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?” she screamed frantically.

  Luna tried to run at him, but he pushed her into the nearby wall. Determined to prove a point, Castle carried the tiny infant upside down and stepped out onto the patio. CJ cried hysterically the entire way. His father was heartless; cynical…but after today, Luna would never talk that cop shit again.

  When she finally ran out on her balcony, Castle was dangling CJ over the rail by his leg.

  “CASTLE, NO!” she cried. “Castle, no! No, Castle!”

  “What was all that shit you was hollin’ over da line?” he yelled. “You let that young bitch give you some nuts!”

  “Castle, I swear I didn’t mean it! You know I would never go to the police!”

  “I’ll drop this mufucka!”

  Luna started freaking out. “Castle, I’m begging you!” she bawled. “Don’t do this! I would never open my mouth about what you do! Please! Just give me my baby!”

  Castle faked like he was about to drop CJ, and Luna damn near fainted.

  “Castle, stop! Please! HE’S YOUR SON! Oh, God! God help me Please don’t drop my baby!”

  “Don’t pray to God! Pray to me, bitch! I’m yo’ mufuckin’ God!”

  Luna quickly clasped her hands together in prayer fashion. “Castle, please—”

  “Get down on yo mufuckin’ knees!” he demanded.

  Luna willingly did as he commanded. “I’m begging you, Castle!” she cried. “I’m begging you…Please! Have mercy! He’s your son! I’ll do anything, Castle! I’m so sorry!”

  Castle laughed heartlessly at her pitiful display. Satisfied with her humiliation, he finally raised the baby up. “Man, wasn’t nobody gon’ drop this lil’ nigga.”

  Luna practically snatched her son from him. She hugged and held CJ closely while trembling. With all that happened she was still shaken up.

  “I bet’cho ass don’t talk that shit again,” he said, walking past her. “Remember who you fuckin’ with.”

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