Into the Deep

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Into the Deep Page 19

by Missy Fleming

  He frowns, never taking his attention from my stump, but the scrutiny only fills me with acceptance. “The past couple years, I haven’t done it. It’s a choice to participate. As I watched the conditions deteriorate, my discontent grew and I refused to share that form with those I blamed. I simply chose not to.”

  I digest this and decide to leave it be. Tonight I won a small battle and got him to see and accept me. That is a huge step, a first step.

  “How does it work? The Sojourns? Do you select the week?”

  He shrugs. “It’s the week of our birthday and we can change forms anytime, as much or as little as desired. It’s convenient when lovers desire to be uh, adventurous.” He reddens. “Or when we mate.”

  “Mate?” I hadn’t really stopped to consider the logistics involved in that.

  Nerio is reluctant to share, so I keep quiet and wait him out. Eventually, he says, “We conceive as human, carry the child to term in mermaid form, and give birth on land.”

  “Wow, not what I expected.” I smother a grin. “You don’t enjoy being human, so did you ever worry about having kids?”

  His fingers twitch on my leg. “When the time came, if the time came, I’d deal with it.”

  The answer is typical Nerio, a simple solution to a far more complicated question. I let it slide. Between the moon in the sky and the deserted island, I’m killing the mood. I can’t believe how happy I am in this moment. Excitement dances along my skin, increasing my breathing.

  “Will you show me?”

  Surprise shows as he answers, “It’s not special.”

  “It’s only fair. I showed you how imperfect I am. I promise not to call you names.” I tease.

  “I deserve to be called names after how I behaved.” He grimaces. “And you are absolutely perfect. I apologize for accusing you of being heartless. You are warm and brave and,” the corner of his mouth tips up, “exactly my type.”

  Then his fingers slip into my tangled hair and he pulls me forward, locking his lips on mine.

  The kiss obliterates my thoughts and I’m lost in the cascading emotions crashing through me like the pounding surf. I press closer, longing for contact with his skin, with every part of him. I’m on fire. No one has ever accepted me this completely besides my parents.

  He breaks for a moment and in his face I glimpse the same emotions bursting to life inside of me.

  “You realize this changes everything, right?” Nerio says.

  “I hope so.” I laugh and pull him in for another kiss, slower, just as devastating. Even with our world in danger, all I can think is how I never want to stop kissing him.

  A while later the sound of tinkling laughter drifts over and interrupts us. I glance at the source and spot three heads sticking out of the water—Eustacia and two other young mermaids.

  “Please, don’t let us interrupt.” Her snarky tone travels across the air.

  Nerio positions himself so he’s shielding my lower body and barks out, “What do you want, Eustacia?”

  “I was coming to warn you to return to your post, but now I’m here to check out the freak with legs.” Her friends snicker. “Or should I say with one leg. How embarrassing.”

  It isn’t shame burning to life inside me, it’s rage. The urge to hop down there and rake my nails across her face is incredibly strong. “Haven’t you caused enough drama for one night?” I ask, beginning to shake at her audacity. I’m practically naked and very vulnerable. She’s the last person I want to catch sight of me, to know my secret. Now, thanks to her, soon everyone will know.

  She lifts a dainty shoulder. “Probably not. You don’t look like a princess, Zoey. You look like a wanton human with no regard for your lover’s duty. Of course, Father will be very interested to hear about this.”

  With a wiggle of her fingers, she dips below and disappears with her minions. I struggle to dive in the water and chase after her, hoping to maybe change her mind, or just smack her, but Nerio restrains me.

  “It wouldn’t be smart to go after her. You’ll only be giving her what she wants which is a confrontation.”

  I whirl toward him. “Aren’t you worried? If she reports you, you’ll be in trouble. And what did she mean you left your post?”

  He sheepishly avoids my gaze. “I was on duty when Eustacia came to me and said she saw a dark creature pass by outside the palace. She’s the princess. I have no choice but to obey her. That’s when she took me to where you were with Xander.”

  My shoulders fall. “And then I dragged you off. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he says as he lifts my chin. “I’m not. You’re a princess, same as her, so by rights I was following your orders too.”

  We kiss again and I slink down into the water. I hold his hand in mine during my body’s change, loving how it captivates him. “I guess we better return to reality. She’s going to tell everyone.” I sigh.

  He locks me in his gaze. “Even if she does, it won’t change their opinions. They’d be stupid to perceive you as anything other than special,” he kisses my forehead, “amazing,” he kisses the tip of my nose, “and admirable.”

  His argument wins me over. He made a valid point. If they can’t accept me, it’s their problem. My newfound bravery and self-confidence feels good. And I owe a majority of it to this wonderful merman.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  The next morning, after hours of luxuriating in memories of my kiss with Nerio and wishing harm to my dear half-sister, I answer the door.

  Stavros smiles a greeting and my heart pounds in anticipation. All night I expected him to come, demanding the truth about me and Nerio. The knock never came and, judging by his expression, Eustacia has yet to say a word, which doubles my anxiety. She’s probably too busy announcing to everyone what I freak I am. Unfortunately, she could strike at any moment. Her games only freak me out more. I long to expose what I’m hiding, but I need to wait a couple more days, at least until Xander tells me what he’s found out and we’ve spoken to this woman.

  “I made time this morning and hoped we could spend it together.”

  “Absolutely.” I grin.

  We leave the palace and, in silent agreement, race to the surface. The sky above is dark, but the rain is refreshing. It’s beautiful, even at its most desolate. I notice Stavros throwing me worried glances and I gulp reflexively. Maybe she did tattle.

  “Are you happy here?”

  The question startles me. He’s bogged down as it is and shouldn’t have to worry about me.

  “I’m very happy here, regardless of the danger. I’m continuing to learn how I fit and what’s expected of me, but for the most part I appreciate where I am and the people. They’ve welcomed me, many without question.”

  He nods, relieved. “I heard you had dinner with Xander.”

  “Is that okay?” Nerves cause my words to falter.

  “Yes, although it might cause problems with your half-sister. He’s a fine young man and could possibly be a great leader. Most fathers would be proud.”


  “As I am with you more, I realize you’re like me. You crave adventure and excitement. Xander is not the same. He’s so wrapped up in his books and history. Then there’s Nerio, who I have a feeling is very similar to you.”

  Talking about my boy problems isn’t the most comfortable way to spend time with Stavros. It was awkward enough talking to my mom about it, let alone my dad. Where is Charlotte when I need her?

  “Nerio and I do have a lot in common, similar traits,” I agree. “I’m completely at ease with him. We’re both stubborn, but I trust him. We enjoy being out in open water above all else. A kindred spirit, I guess.”

  “As a father, I want a man or merman who’ll love you for who you are. Realistically, I can’t judge anyone for who they choose. I’m a poor example. I fell for a human in the course of a few days and it remains with me. Love is not conventional. And it cannot be forced.” His face crumples in sadness. “You’re young, but
not in this world. Many your age are already starting their lives. It’s only natural that I consider the future. You do realize what lies ahead if you choose to remain mer?”

  “I do. Galina explained that when you introduced me as your daughter, your firstborn, you put me in line for the throne. To be honest, it doesn’t freak me out as I expected. Not being with Mom kills me. I miss her every day. It boils down to whether or not I can say goodbye to her on a permanent basis. That said, I feel as though I’m meant to be here now, for some reason. I’m prepared for whatever comes with it.”

  “It’s your royal blood.” He puffs up proudly. “Thousands of years of instinct are guiding you to a position you were born to have. There is plenty of time to prepare, should you choose it, and I’d make certain you have opportunities to visit your mom more than once a year, I promise you that. Of course, you can also choose to remain mer and not be a princess. I won’t pressure you into a position you may not want.”

  It’s the complete opposite of what Galina told me, but he doesn’t mention what it would do to the kingdom, having Eustacia as the heir. If she marries Xander and he ends up king, she’s too similar to her mother and I fear the people wouldn’t respect her, or him. Xander would end up in the same position as the king, fighting unknown enemies and unhappy at home.

  This is years down the road, but I can’t ignore it. My decision, whatever it may be, will affect a lot of people and it would have to be made soon.

  “I’m relieved you’d give me the option. When I came here, I did so with the purpose of finding out who I am. I’m your daughter, which means I share your blood. Do you really think I’d run from my duty? It’s daunting, but I’ll grow up, gain maturity, and observe what it means to rule. I’ve got time to learn and a wonderful teacher in you.” As I say that, I worry it will hamper whatever is beginning between me and Nerio.

  “You have no idea how proud I am of you. With all that’s going on, it’s only natural I anticipate the future. You are the single bright spot in my days lately. I’ve been curious about your thoughts on the future. I will be completely selfish and say I want you around more.”

  I circle around to the current problem. “Do you have a plan as far as what you’re going to do about Calandra?”

  For a while, he remains silent. “Alexios told me what you and Nerio reported. It troubles me greatly. I fear when an invasion or attack begins, I’ll be unable to respond in an efficient manner. If I order the guard to be at the ready, it could tip off our enemy’s spies in the palace.” He sighs in frustration. “And my hesitation might cost us. If she’s here already, there is no time to waste. It leaves me no choice.” His chest heaves as he sighs. “In the next day or two, I’m setting off in search of her. If I have to hunt for a year, then I will. I can no longer be idle as my people are threatened.”

  He morphs into a troubled king with the weight of the world on his shoulders. His complexion is pale, stress shows in the set of his brows, and his hair appears to have more gray in it than when I met him. I hate the idea of him searching for Calandra when he has no clue where she is.

  “The settlements are willing to fight for you. They’ll come when you call.”

  “I heard and it’s more than I can hope for.” He spreads his hands in a gesture of disbelief. “The Meeting of the Four Kings has been changed repeatedly. Once a year the kings gather together and discuss important matters. It’s been done for centuries. At this point, I have to assume they’re all under her control.” His mouth settles in a firm line. “We’re truly alone. The only mer I can hope to rely on are the ones this ocean. Yet, I’m afraid even those closest to me cannot be trusted.”

  He’s quite possibly referring to his own queen, but broaching that subject is daunting. Betrayal by members of your kingdom is bad on its own. Betrayal by your wife is inexcusable.

  “I’m here, in whatever form you need,” I say resolutely.

  He reaches over and hugs me. It’s wonderful to be wrapped in his embrace. All these years I grew up without a father, I couldn’t have asked for a better man, or merman.

  “If it makes you feel any better,” I say as we separate, “I’m learning to fight. Defending myself is important.”

  His body goes rigid and it transfers to me. I’m instantly afraid sharing that with him was a bad idea.

  “Who? Nerio?” His voice is steady and I can’t tell if he is angry. Nervously, I nod once. “Follow me.”

  We return to the palace. Stavros orders the first guard we encounter to track down Nerio and send him to the throne room.

  “If you just let me explain,” I squeak.

  He shoots me a hard glare. “Not here.”

  In silence, we wait for Nerio to arrive. My heart gallops, ready to leap out of my chest. If I could, I’d be sweating incessantly. I don’t want to cause him trouble, especially after what happened on the island. If Stavros finds out about that, a little training will seem minor in comparison.

  Stavros sits on the throne and I pace in front of him, antsy and worried. When the door opens, Nerio enters and I wonder if his initial reaction is whether the king heard he kissed his daughter or if Eustacia tattled. His eyes quickly dart to me before resting on my father.

  Nerio stops next to me, leaving a respectable distance between us, and bows formally to Stavros.

  “Is it true you’re teaching the princess to fight?”

  His tone is intimidating, but Nerio shows no reaction. “It is. She made the request and I agreed.”

  “Please, it’s not his fault,” I begin.

  Stavros cuts me off again by holding up a finger. He turns to Nerio. “Show me.”

  Then he rises and extracts a sword from a secret compartment on his throne and passes it to me. It’s lighter than the sticks we used and serrated along the edge. It’s lethal and having it in my grasp sends a quiver of power through my body.

  “Yesterday we only used ocean debris,” Nerio explains.

  Stavros doesn’t say a word, only motions for us to begin.

  I tighten my grip, remembering what Nerio said about hand width. The hilt isn’t very long and I can’t spread my grip that wide. However, the weapon is sleeker and easier to move.

  Nerio advances with his sword, slowly at first, and I react on pure instinct, blocking out our audience. I let my newfound athletic ability take over and, as he picks up speed, I’m fairly capable of matching his moves.

  Stavros interrupts us, all business. “Zoey, you must anticipate his moves. It’s as if you’re doing a choreographed dance. Nerio, you have to change things up on her. Try again.”

  Nerio attacks with force and I struggle to fend him off. Stavros barks out instructions.

  “Use your tail to move. If you flick the end forward, it will cause you to shoot back and save you a second versus moving the entire tail. You’re moving your body, use your fins instead.”

  The more he coaches, the more I improve and master my balance. I gain speed as my arms scream in agony, but I end up enjoying it.

  Eventually Stavros orders us to stop and returns to his throne.

  A steely glare is fixed on the young merman. “Nerio, I don’t have to remind you about your behavior. You should have told her no.” I wait for the lecture I’m confident is coming. Instead, Stavros continues, “That being said, you’ve been an adequate teacher in giving her the fundamentals. Continue the lessons, hidden though, from anyone who might see. Don’t be easy, push her. She’s a natural athlete and should be challenged. I’ll expect you to update me daily.”

  I sneak a peek and catch surprise cross Nerio’s face before he clamps it down. “It will be an honor, sir. I shall keep you informed.” He puts his fist to his chest and bows.

  “You’re dismissed.”

  Nerio escapes with barely a glance in my direction.

  Once the door closes, Stavros’s entire demeanor changes. He surges off the throne and pulls me into another hug.

  “I can’t begin to explain how proud I am. You’ve g
ot an impressive ability and move naturally. I only pray you won’t have to use these skills.”

  I decide to relate the incident with Eustacia. From the way he talks to Nerio and the information he told me earlier, I’m beginning to trust he will understand.

  “There’s something else I have to tell you, but promise you won’t punish Nerio.”

  Suspicion darkens his blue eyes. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”

  “Probably not. Most importantly, just listen. Can you promise?”

  The expression softens. “Yes, you have my word.”

  So I recount the evening, starting with Eustacia bringing him to witness the unfortunate kiss and the events that occurred after. His expression doesn’t take on the thunderous one I expect but neither does he look happy. Once I’m finished he’s quiet for a while, scowling at a spot over my shoulder.

  Finally, he says, “This does complicate matters, but we can deal with that. I said it myself earlier when I mentioned Nerio is similar to you. He must mean a lot to you if you shared your other form with him. I’m worried it is too soon in your adjustment to this world to gain a romantic attachment and yet, I can’t fault you for it either. He’s been a big part of helping you adapt down here. All I request is that you keep this to yourselves, until we have Calandra’s threat under control.”

  “Why aren’t you mad, or disappointed?” I squeak out. His reaction is better than I hoped for.

  “Zoey, I could never be disappointed in you.” He touches my cheek. “If he makes you happy, I’m pleased. In this moment, I’m a father and not a king. My only advice is to be careful. You didn’t grow up in this environment, so how can I hold you to the same standard? You’re not like the others.”

  Wait until you find out how different, I mutter to myself. To him, I ask, “What about Eustacia?”

  “I’ll deal with her. She’s probably hoping to use this as blackmail and she still can. If the people hear about the kiss, it will be a scandal. Not because of who he is but because of the form you were in when it happened. The purists will sneer down their noses because it’s considered dirty for a mer and a human to mix. Not many knew about my dalliance so it wasn’t an issue.” He rubs his neck. “Eustacia gossiping to others about your leg is crossing a line, it’s cold, but I doubt it will change other’s opinions. The kiss, could. Be cautious, please.”


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