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Caged Page 2

by E. M. Leya

  He dried his hands and turned to face Larry, keeping his eyes cast down so he wasn't looking directly at him. Making eye contact would get him punched. Speaking without being spoken too would do the same. He knew his place, understood the rules, and did what he needed to so he could survive. One day, he'd find a way out and put an end to this hell.

  "Go get undressed and start your shower. I'll be there once I check the locks again." Larry turned away.

  Danny did as he was told, going down the short hallway and into the small bathroom. He stripped and stepped into the shower without bothering to let the water warm. If he was lucky, he could finish before Larry was there to watch for long. He washed his hair using bar soap, then did the same to his body. The soap ran off him and down the drain. How he wished he could do the same. If only escape was that easy for him.

  "Make sure you wash that cage well," Larry demanded.

  His voice had Danny's eyes popping open as he fought back a groan. He hated the cage. He'd been wearing it for so long. It never came off. He moved his hand between his legs and made sure to clean the cock cage that trapped his penis. It had been Larry's idea. A way to make sure Danny would never touch his precious boys. His cock had been encased in the metal cage so long that he'd forgotten what it was like to not wear it. He often wondered if Larry still had the key.

  He finished washing and left the water running as he stepped out. He waited quietly, dripping water onto the mat outside the shower until Larry handed him a towel. "Now you'll watch me."

  Danny quickly dried his hair and shoulders, but that was all he had time for before Larry was in the shower and ready for Danny to watch him. He fisted the towel in his hands, knowing better than to try and use it to cover his nakedness. He stared at Larry, faking interest in his shower, watching the way his hands moved over his body, and then fighting back nausea as he was forced to watch him masturbate.

  Danny's body had no reaction. It never did with him. He'd caused him so much pain that arousal wasn't ever going to be associated with Larry. Besides, he wore the cage. The few times his cock had tried to get hard in his sleep had been enough for his body to learn not to become aroused. He doubted he could ever get hard again, even if the cage came off, and that was okay. He didn't want to get aroused.

  Larry grunted his release as he leered at Danny.

  He didn't respond in any way other than continuing to stare at Larry. This was how it was every night.

  Danny stood aside as Larry dried off, then he finally allowed him to finish drying, which was pointless since he'd been standing there air-drying while Larry showered. Then naked, Danny followed him to the bedroom.

  As always, Larry watched as he eased down on the small crib mattress on the floor. It was hardly big enough for his body, but it was better than nothing and much better than Larry's bed which he demanded for years Danny share with him. He curled up in a ball, dragging the thin blanket over him. Once his eyes were closed, Larry got into his bed.

  Danny kept his eyes closed as he heard Larry's TV come on, then listened to the end of a show before the news started. It was his favorite time of the day. There was something about hearing the nightly news that reminded him there was a world outside this house that went on without him. There were people living normal lives. It gave him a hold on something other than Larry and this house he'd been stuck inside for so long.

  He didn't open his eyes until hours later when Larry finally clicked off the light. In the darkness of the room, he was wide awake, wondering just like he did every other night if there was a way out of this hell, and what would he do if he ever did escape?


  Marshall glanced up as Patrick walked into the computer room. "What's up?"

  "Was just checking in to see if there's anything new." Patrick took a seat beside him.

  "Bored?" Marshall raised a brow. It had been a slow week. They'd done plenty of research and had a ton of leads, but there wasn't anything solid enough to send the team out on a sting. When you were literally putting lives in jeopardy, you couldn't rush things. They needed to gather facts, set up files of proof and evidence to leave behind for the police, and make sure the site was safe and secure so no one got caught when they went in.

  Patrick shrugged. "In this business slow is a good thing, but I'm a bit restless."

  "I can send you over to mow my lawn," Marshall teased.

  "I can if you want," Patrick offered.

  "Nah, I'll get it done. If you're really that bored, I've got some simple background searches to run on a few names. If you want to do that and print off anything you find, I'll give you the names." Marshall nodded to a list of handwritten names he'd come across while digging through some photos on the dark web.

  "Sure." Patrick took the paper and turned to one of the unused computers.

  Marshall took a moment to set Patrick up and show him what programs to use for the search. It was simple stuff that anyone could handle. They weren't digging too deep yet, but Marshall wanted to know who these guys were and where they lived.

  Once he was back to his own computer and work, he thought about Patrick. The guy was quiet, having come to the team about the same time Marshall had. He didn't know much about him, only that D had met Patrick in jail and the two of them hit it off. Somehow, D and his old team in California had managed to help Patrick beat the charge of murder and offered him a job in Denver. He was a good guy from what Marshall could tell. As far as he was concerned, any person who could go into a site and take down the pedophiles was alright in his book. That was a job Marshall couldn't have stomached. The team didn't kill the men and women they hunted, but what they did do was violent enough that Marshall was glad his skills were at the computer and not helping out with the actual takedowns.

  Marshall went back to work, looking to find where several new photos had originated. They were of young children, most around the age of five, and they were some of the most horrific photos he'd ever seen, and that was saying something. He was determined to find out the original source of the photos and let the team put a stop to the monsters who were abusing the children. Nothing motivated him more than thinking about children being saved, and the violence being stopped.

  He'd never dreamed he could make a career out of hacking and digging into the dark areas of the web, but he was doing it. He loved his job, and while not legal, he was doing more for the world now than he ever could have working for some big company. He was also making more money. He didn't know exactly how Jeremy managed it, but before each sting, he found a way to take the money from the pedophiles and somehow without a trace put it towards the team's needs and pay. It was probably best he didn't know how it was done. Having that kind of power and knowledge wouldn't be good for him.

  "I'm going to cut out." Patrick set a stack of papers beside Marshall. "I hope I found you what you need."

  Marshall glanced at the clock on his computer, seeing it was almost five. Where had the time gone? They'd been at it for hours. "Thanks, I'm sure you did. You have big plans tonight?"

  Patrick shrugged. "Not sure. I'm meeting a guy for drinks and we'll go from there. We met briefly at a dealership where I bought my truck but didn't talk much there. I got the sense he didn't want his co-workers knowing. I'm hoping he's not in the closet. I'm not sure I have patience for that right now. We'll see how it goes."

  "Well, good luck. I hope it works out." Marshall nodded to the stack of papers. "Thanks again for your help."

  "Anytime. I'll see you tomorrow." Patrick took off.

  Marshall sat back and sighed, taking a moment to roll his shoulders and stretch before glancing through the background checks Patrick had run. There was enough information on most of the names to give him leads to dig deeper, but he didn't have the energy for it now. Hating to leave stuff unfinished, but knowing what he had to do could take days, he forced himself to shut off the computer. He needed to do things at home, and tonight was as good a night to get them done. He never knew when things with
the team would pick up and he'd end up putting in long hours. It was best he do what he could at home while he was able.

  Saying goodnight to Jeremy and D, he made his way home, debating on if he would work on his unfinished basement or if he would mow the yard. Both needed done, but he decided that working on what was visual to the public was more important. The lawn wasn't huge, and he might get some time to work on the basement before he went to bed.

  It was a perfect afternoon. A couple of kids played basketball across the street, pausing as he pulled into his driveway to give him a wave. He'd only been in the house a little over two weeks, but he'd slowly gotten to know a few of his neighbors. He liked the ones he'd met so far. The one he still wasn't sure of was the one right next door. He still heard yelling from time to time, but it wasn't constant. None of the neighbors seemed to know much about the people living there. Marshall hadn't seen anyone yet, but the car came and went in the driveway, so between that and the occasional yelling, it was clear someone was there. As long as they didn't cause him any problems, he could deal with it.

  Once in the house, he debated on eating, but that could wait. He'd get the lawn done, then figure out dinner. He had leftovers in the fridge he could warm but was thinking of ordering pizza instead. It was easy comfort food, and after the long hours in front of his computer looking at human monsters, he deserved comfort.

  Changing into shorts and a t-shirt, he made his way to the shed and pulled out his new lawnmower. It was one of the expenses he hadn't thought of when buying a new home, but one he'd had to get. There were a million little things he needed, and even more he wanted. Thank God for the nice paychecks he got from the team.

  He started with the backyard, thinking as he mowed about how his garden would look next spring. He also wanted to look into getting a hot tub, but that was something he'd look into further down the road. It was easy to get excited about everything being new, but he needed to pace himself. He was doing okay with money now, but he could easily take things too far if he got everything he wanted right away.

  As he enjoyed the warm evening, the smell of fresh-cut grass, and the sounds of a happy neighborhood around him, he wondered how he'd ever survived in his shithole apartment. Even living with his aunt hadn't been this good. Life was finally looking up, and he no longer worried where his next meal would come from. He had job security, he had a home, he had good friends. This was a life any man could enjoy.

  With the backyard finished, he paused for a drink before wheeling the lawnmower out front. The kids still played ball, and down the road, a group of teenage girls stood in a circle giggling. There was a park not too far from the house, but he hadn't ventured there yet. He kept telling himself he'd start taking walks, even thought about getting a dog, but with the long hours he worked, he wasn't sure that was a good idea. Though he could take the dog to work. He doubted anyone would care. It was something he'd ask Jeremy about next time they talked.

  Feeling as if he was on top of the world, he started the mower and focused on getting the job done.


  Danny ignored the way Larry was watching him and focused on making sure that he got the lines even with the vacuum. If they weren't straight, he would be punished. Punishment could mean anything from a beating to going a day without eating, and Danny didn't want to face either one. He hardly got enough food anyway. Which sucked because he cooked Larry a good meal every night.

  He wasn't sure why Larry wouldn't allow him or the boys to eat much. Maybe he hoped to keep them weak and thin, but it was one of the hardest parts of Danny's life. He was constantly tempted to sneak a bite or two while he cooked, but he'd been caught doing that more than once, and it hadn't been worth the beating that came after. Still, he longed for the chance to sit down at a table and eat a full meal like he did when he was little.

  "Good. Now while I go out and mow the lawn, I want you to find my suit and make sure it's clean and pressed. I have a meeting tomorrow and want to look my best. Make sure you shine my shoes as well." Larry narrowed his eyes at Danny. "Don't try and sneak down to the boys. You know they're in trouble for trying to block me from their bedroom last night. If I find you've gone to them, you'll regret it."

  He swallowed hard. Larry was telling the truth. If he denied him, he'd beat him twice as bad as he usually did. Still, he worried about the boys. He'd heard the beatings the two of them had taken the night before, then heard the screams from the rapes, and he had to wonder if they were okay. Hell, he wondered if they were even alive. Things had been silent in the basement all day and he hadn't been allowed to go down and check on them.

  He didn't know what the boys had done to try and keep Larry from their room, but from the crashing and banging he'd heard, he guessed they'd pushed things up against the door to try and block Larry from getting inside. He'd tried the same thing when he'd been held downstairs, and he remembered the punishment he'd taken because of it.

  "Do you hear me?" Larry asked.

  "Yes." Danny gave a nod.

  Without a word, Larry headed outside.

  Danny froze, staring at the door as it shut behind Larry. Unlike every other time that Larry went outside, this time, Danny hadn't heard the lock click as Larry locked him inside. Could he have left the door unlocked?

  His heart raced as he thought about what that could mean. He could make a run for it. Get help for him and the boys. But was he wrong? Had Larry locked it? Did he dare check? What if Larry was standing on the other side waiting for him to do just that?

  He looked around, feeling as if someone was watching him, just waiting for him to attempt to leave. He'd never had this chance before. It was the first time Larry hadn't locked the door. Fear gripped him, but this could be his only chance. If he didn't go, what would happen to him? Larry was using him as a maid now, but in time, he'd tire of that. Would he kill him then? And what about the boys? They'd live years being abused by Larry before they would probably end up meeting the same fate as him once they got too old for Larry to use sexually.

  Tears stung his eyes as he tried to find the courage to try the door. He took a step closer, then paused. If Larry was waiting on the other side, he'd kill him for opening the door, but if he wasn't… He fisted his hands. Would he be able to get away? Where would he go? Could he risk pounding on a neighbor's door and hoping they'd help him? Would they even be home? If they weren't, then Larry would drag him back and punish him or even kill him.

  His body shook as he debated what to do. He'd never been more scared, even when Larry had first taken him and brought him here. Was he willing to take the chance?

  He didn't have a choice. Death would be better than the life he was living. He had to try. He waited a few minutes more, hoping to hear the sound of the lawnmower to assure him that Larry wasn't waiting for him. He could hear the sound of one next door, but it wasn't Larry's. His was older and louder, sounding as if it was going to explode any minute.

  Sweat dripped down his neck as he tried to think what to do once he was out the door. He had no idea where he was. He'd caught glimpses of the area around the house, but not enough to know where to run, who he could turn to. Still, it was worth the risk. He'd run out the door and head for the first person or place he could get to. The first place that looked like there was someone home. Then he would pray that they would help him before Larry got hold of him and dragged him back.

  He had to do this. Not just to save himself, but the boys too.

  The sound of Larry's lawnmower caused Danny to jump, the sound such a shock that it was like a bomb exploding beside him. His breath caught, but he only hesitated a second. This was it. His one chance. Rushing to the front door, he sealed his fate and twisted the knob, shocked when the door easily opened.

  He hadn't been outside in years, and the sunlight was strange to his eyes, but he couldn't let that stop him. He had to run. Ignoring the fear that filled him, he took off down the front steps, trying not to look behind him as he ran.

lp me!" He nearly tripped as he ran over the grass, vaguely aware of Larry on the other side of the yard. "Help!"

  "Stop!" Larry's voice bellowed behind him as the lawnmower cut off.

  Danny didn't stop. He ran hard, seeing a man not far from him, cutting his own yard. Tears of fear ran down his cheeks as he headed straight for the stranger, hoping that this wasn't all in vain. "Help me, please!"

  The man shut off his mower and stepped from behind it. "Easy, easy. What's wrong?" The man gripped Danny's arms, stopping him.

  "Don't let him get me. He's held me hostage for years. There're two more boys in the house. Help me please." Danny looked back, seeing Larry walking toward them. "Don't let him… He'll kill me."

  "It's okay. I won't let him touch you." The man kept hold of Danny but moved so he stood between Larry and the man.

  "Forgive us. Danny has some medical issues and gets scared at times. I'll take him home and get him his medication. He'll be fine once he relaxes. Sadly, this happens from time to time." Larry smiled as if he was the friendliest person in the world.

  "He says you've held him hostage." The man didn't seem intimidated by Larry. He also didn't sound as if he believed him.

  "He's lying. Don't believe him. There are two more boys in the basement. He took them a couple of years ago. He doesn't let us leave the house." Danny was crying hysterically, the words coming out in gasps. "Please, don't let him take me."


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