Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2)

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Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2) Page 17

by Cm Hutton

  As soon as we were in the car, Antonio pulled me into his lap and kissed me. The sudden move shocked me and it took several seconds for me to respond. “Ho bisogno di te.” I need you. “Will you let me make love to you?”

  I wanted to say no. I didn’t know how I was going to avoid it, though. All I knew to say was, “Can we have the doctor check me first? I had bleeding, remember? It might not be safe…for the baby.” Dear God. How could I do this?

  “Oh, yes. I didn’t realize.” He spoke quickly to our driver, asking for the nearest hospital.

  “Hey, we don’t have to go to a hospital. I can make an appointment in a day or two with a doctor here.” Please say yes.

  “No. I need to know you are healthy…now.” I didn’t say anything. His mind was set. “Lay your head on me. Rest.” I did what I was told. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend it was Jason who was running his fingers up and down my arm, letting his fingers skim the outer edge of my breast. I could feel Antonio’s cock growing underneath me. He was breathing heavier, and his touches were roaming more and more. Still…I didn’t open my eyes. When his hand lifted the hem of my shirt, fumbled with the waistband of my pants, and skimmed lower to softly run his fingers across my covered folds, a moan unexpectedly slipped out. When my brain registered the sound and where Antonio was touching me, I immediately startled. The cell phone…oh God, I was so grateful I’d tossed Keri’s phone. I couldn’t imagine what he would have done to me had he found it.

  I didn’t open my eyes until his fingers slipped beneath the edge of my panties. I could see restrained lust on his face. I stared into his eyes, then opened my legs and let him touch me. I knew I was wet. I’d been thinking about Jason, but Antonio assumed only he had caused my arousal. In his deep voice, he told me in Italian all the things he wanted to do to me—all the ways he was going to apologize for his temper. I won’t lie and say it was a turn-off. I knew him and how he could be when he was in his lover mode. It was always incredible. He was gentle and attentive. I didn’t know what to do or say, so I decided I would let him have my body—for now—while Jason held my heart and my soul. I had to protect myself, the baby, and him. I only prayed Jace would understand one day.

  Chapter 22


  Just as soon as I hung up with Craig, my phone rang again. It was Frank.

  “London,” I answered.

  “We found a ping…from Keri’s phone. Damn thing disappeared after Denver, but it just popped up. And you’re not going to believe where.”

  I froze, standing by the door of my truck, feeling sick to my stomach. “Where?”

  “Hawaii—Maui, to be exact. That’s why we weren’t picking up the signal from that phone. They were over the damn ocean…just not the one we thought.”

  “Fuck, I’m glad I listened to my instincts, man. I’d be in the air right now, wasting time. Okay, what’s the plan?”

  “We go get her before he moves her. Looks like the phone is staying in one spot right now, but who knows if he found it and made her ditch it or if she still has it with her, but time is ticking. The fact that this signal just popped up a few hours ago is a good sign they flew straight there and are still on the island. I’ve put a call into the local police department and they are getting back to me after they do a little checking on the plane and its passengers.”

  “Frank, you are hero! I’m walking back inside the airport now. I’m not waiting another second to get my girl. Where are you?”

  “Driving your way. I was leaving without you, going to get her when Tyler called me and told me you canceled your flight to Italy. He’s calling Craig right now to tell him. We’re all right behind you. The rest of the team is staying here and keeping an eye on things.”

  I stopped walking, hung my head, and took a deep breath. “Frank?”


  “I don’t even know what to say. The fact that you would do that for me—well, I’m overwhelmed to say the least. I feel like a damn girl!” I laughed, shook my head, and started walking again. Hearing Frank laugh with me made me feel better.

  “Hey, it’s not just our job to help you get her back. You would be doing the exact same thing, so stop thanking me.”

  “Right. Okay, walking back inside the airport. I’ll text you the flight information. Hurry your ass up.”

  He laughed and said, “Will do,” then hung up.

  As soon as I got to the ticket counter and started making arrangements, my heart sank. Fifteen-hour flights with at least two stops. Which meant I wouldn’t get there until late…Shit! Anything could happen in fifteen hours…anything. But I didn’t have a choice. This was all I could do. So I booked my flight and trudged back through security to find my gate. I had an hour before my flight left, thankfully. I grabbed some food and stood nearby waiting to be called to board. I texted Craig a few minutes before my section was called.

  Jason: About to board. This whole thing is so fucked up. I haven’t even begun to wrap my mind around everything with Lori Ann, the baby, and what our future looks like. All I know is I want life with her, so I pray to God that fucker doesn’t do anything that can’t be undone.

  Craig: I hear you, brother. She’s not going to jeopardize anything. You know that. Just be careful, be smart, and we are right behind you. Our flight leaves two hours behind yours.

  Jason: Thanks, man. You should stay with Keri. Let me, Frank, and Ty handle this.

  Craig: Not responding.

  I laughed.

  Jason: Yeah, yeah…I know. She’s your girl, too. Thanks. See you there.

  My section was called to board, and as I found my seat, I texted Frank.

  Jason: Leaving now. See you on the island.

  Frank: Yep. We’ll be there. And Jason, you need to wait for us before you do anything. Recon…that’s it.

  Like hell. I powered down my phone and buckled up. Time to go get my woman back.

  Chapter 23

  Lori Ann

  The smile on Antonio’s face was pretty incredible.

  And I hated it.

  He was so proud, so happy that I was pregnant with his baby. There was no doubt it was his, and he knew it by seeing how far along I was on the ultrasound. The baby moved and wiggled, sucked its thumb, and Antonio was beside himself with joy. All I felt was sick. I knew he’d never let me go…never stop hunting me now that I was having his child.

  “Mia moglie.” My wife. Kiss.

  “Amore mio.” My love. Kiss.

  “Ti amo.” I love you. Kiss.

  “Tu mi perdoni?” Do you forgive me?

  I didn’t say a word. Yes, I was still his wife. Yes, I believed he loved me in his sick, twisted way. But forgive him? No. I had no forgiveness for a man who nearly beat me to death and had planned a life of torture for me had I not been pregnant with his child. He was happy about the baby. He wanted to be a father. But I was only the host. And I knew all too well that I was expendable as soon as that baby was born. I was no fool…not anymore. But for now, I had to play along. I needed time for Jason to find me. I knew without a doubt he was looking.

  As soon as the doctor left the room, I sat up and pulled my shirt down over my small bump. Then, with carefully chosen words, I said, “Antonio, you hated me just hours ago. You came for me because you were angry that I left you, and you know why I did. You are a smart man, and I loved you for a long time. It’s hard for me to understand your feelings right now. Your feelings are because of this baby, not because of me. So, please…I need you to look at me and tell me the truth.”

  “What truth, amore mio?” My love.

  “What happens when this baby is born? Will I be punished? Will I be exiled? What will happen to the mother of your child, Antonio? I am giving you a gift. What will you do with me?”

  “Lori Ann.” His voice was full of command. Forceful. It made the hair on my neck stand up.


  He stepped between my legs as I still sat on the exam table and cupped my cheeks. I tried no
t to flinch as he touched me, but I couldn’t help it. “Stop. I’m done. I was not a good husband to you. But now…knowing you did not do anything to this baby even though it was mine…a monster’s baby? I am in awe of you, my wife…mia moglie. I am sorry for what I have done to you. I want your forgiveness. Please. I need it.”

  I was at a total loss. I was confused and completely thrown by Antonio’s words. He couldn’t be trusted. I knew that. Didn’t I? “Antonio, I want to believe you. Show me that you are a man of your word and you won’t hurt me. Prove it, please.” I knew he would. It was an honor thing with the Italians. I had learned that a long time ago. Problem was…Antonio and I’d had a very rocky marriage the last few years, and I was determined to “break” him of his vices. It just didn’t work like that. I needed to beat him with his own game.

  “I will, my love,” he said in English rather than his usual Italian. “I will show you. Now, let us go. I need to take care of you and our little one.”

  I stood and walked to the door. Antonio’s hand was on my lower back, and his body was just inches from mine. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “The doctor said it was okay to make love. Will you let me show you, my lover?”

  I stopped and turned to look into his eyes. I knew him…well. His eyes were hungry, happy, and full of lust. “Antonio, I…”

  “No, il mio amante, I understand that you don’t trust me. I also understand that you are confused. Your friend Jason has had weeks with you to convince you that we don’t belong together. And I can’t possibly think of what you have been doing with him or anyone else. But I am trying to be calm and understanding about it right now. Please, let me have my wife back.”

  I stared at his face, trying to read the truth. I saw his worry and desperation. I saw the man I married—at least a glimpse of him—and I knew I needed to keep him happy…keep him on the “loving” path for a while longer. So, I said, “Okay, Antonio. I will let you show me. I will give myself to you. I am trusting you with my body, with our child, and I pray you will take care of us.”

  I was immediately thrust against his body as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. “I love you,” he spoke in English. “I will show you, mia moglie.” My wife.

  We left Maui Memorial Hospital and drove for almost two hours to a large home situated on what appeared to be a remote side of the island. It was the ultimate luxury retreat, including a beautiful pool, six-person hot tub, rooms and beds that slept at least a dozen people. The open walls of the living area looked out onto the beautiful blue ocean waters.

  “This place is really amazing.” I said, trying to keep the sadness out of my voice. It was a place of tranquility and remarkable luxury, and Antonio and I—there together—just didn’t fit.

  “It is.” He stepped behind me and circled his arms around my waist, carefully rubbing my stomach. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For not aborting. I know you could have, easily.”

  “You forget who I am, Antonio. That isn’t me. No matter the father.”

  He spun me around, lifted my chin with his hand, and looked into my eyes. I could see conflict there. He was angry, maybe frustrated was more like it, but regret and gratefulness were flickering in his eyes too. “I know. But I have not been the best man and husband. So I guess I’m saying a part of me would have tried to understand had you made that choice, amore mio.”

  “I don’t want to fight. Not now. I’m exhausted. Would you mind if I lie down and rest?” I touched my belly for good reference. I wanted to postpone any sexually close contact as long as possible. To some, it might seem like I was a bitch when he was trying so hard to please me. To others, well, they understood when an abusive man was in his “sweet or redemptive” mode. And I understood Antonio all too well. Once he’d tasted “blood,” so to speak, he would never go back to being just a normal guy. He felt and saw the power in it, and like all abusers, he’d never let that go. So, time and distance was good.

  “Certainly, amore mio.” My love. “May I lie with you, just for a while?”

  “Yes, but I really need to rest. No playing, okay?” I was sweet and a bit playful with my words, just to keep him happy.

  “Yes, of course.” He led me to the master bedroom that was open-aired and filled with a four-poster bed, all white linens, and a cool breeze.

  “This is really nice. Thank you.” As a reflex, I kissed his cheek. Stupid me.

  He groaned and grabbed my waist, pushing me back toward the bed as he slammed his mouth onto mine. His tongue pushed its way inside, and I couldn’t help but to meet his kiss with my own desire. “Antonio…slow…down…” I murmured through our kisses.

  “Oh, amore mio…I can’t. I need you. Please.” I hated myself for wanting him, but my hormones were all over the place.

  “Io sono tua.” I am yours. “Slow down. I will not fight you. Just give me a minute.”

  He stopped and looked at me. “Yes?”

  “Yes, but slow. I am still not healed.” From you beating me weeks ago.

  “Oh, my love. I am so sorry. Please forgive me.” His apology in English was really compelling.

  I kissed his lips and looked deep into his eyes. I could see small…very small traces of the man I married, but not enough to think he had miraculously changed. This was all for survival.

  I gently pushed him away and worked slowly to slide my pants down, taking my panties with them before I climbed up onto the bed. Antonio watched with hooded eyes as I lay back and waited. He slowly crept up onto the bed, like a lion to his prey. He kissed the insides of my legs all the way up from my ankles to my inner thighs, then stopped. Carefully, he lifted my shirt up and over my casted arm and head. “I hate that I did this, amore mia,” he said when he watched my broken arm struggle with the shirt.

  I didn’t reply.

  “I will be a better man,” he mumbled as his lips lingered around my stomach. “I promise.”

  I ran my hands through his hair but didn’t speak. I closed my eyes as Antonio continued to leave a trail of licks and kisses all over my body and thought of Jason. Tears formed, and I tried to keep them from dripping down my cheeks. My body wanted the sensual touches. It knew them well. But my heart and brain were protesting as loudly as they could, and the flood of emotions completely overwhelmed me. A sob accidentally escaped, stopping Antonio. I opened my eyes, afraid of what he might do, but as our eyes met, a sadness washed over him. He carefully crawled up next to me, turned me toward him, adjusting my body so that my head was on his chest and cradled me. “Shh…it’s okay. Not today. I can wait. You are still upset with me.”

  “Yes,” I said softly.

  “Your body wants me?”

  “Yes,” I said as a tear ran down my face and onto Antonio’s shirt. He groaned and wiped my wet cheek.

  “Stop, amore mio. I understand. Let me just hold you.” He reached to the side and pulled a blanket over my naked body. “There. Sleep. I am here to love you.”

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, thankful that I didn’t have to betray Jason yet. Sleep. That was what I needed. Sleep. Yes, things would be better when I wasn’t so tired.


  Warm hands running up and down my body woke me up. At first, I was confused as to where I was. Then, I saw his face. Antonio was naked in the bed next to me, his erection evident as it stabbed into my side. “It is time to wake up, my lover. You must be hungry. You’ve been sleeping for a long time.”

  “Antonio, why are you naked?”

  “I took off my clothes after you fell asleep. I just wanted to be close to you, my skin touching your skin,” he whispered and kissed my shoulder before slowly moving to hover over my body.

  “Oh.” I instinctively wrapped my good arm around his neck when he leaned in for a kiss. “How long did I sleep?” I asked.

  He leaned back slightly. “About five hours.”

  “Wow, I must have been wiped out. My head feels better, though.”

/>   “That’s good. Shall we get up and have something to eat? It is almost two o’clock. Or…” his voice trailed off as he pressed his cock against me “…perhaps we could make love first.” Well, Antonio, it wouldn’t be making love to me, but my body was screaming for release. “It has been too long, I need to be inside you. I need to mark you as mine once again. Please.”

  Before I could answer, he was already pushing into me. “Wait…”

  He paused, “What is it? Am I hurting you?”

  “No. I’m just…”

  “Shh,” he whispered against my lips before covering them, stopping my protest. “Let your body remember me, il mio amante, mia moglie.” My lover, my wife. His voice was gruff and needy as his cock continued its agonizingly slow pace all the way to the hilt. It was too much, and I gasped at the feeling. “Shh…it is me. Remember me.” He watched my face the entire time. I finally closed my eyes and relaxed, giving into him. “Yes, there—there. Relax and let me have you. You are mine. Forever.” As much as my body was enjoying the feeling of becoming aroused, my head kept contemplating how I was going to ever get away from him and back to Jason. Oh God! Jason…yes, think of Jason.

  I wrapped my legs around Antonio’s waist as I fantasized it was Jason making love to me. It was enough to spur Antonio on, and his thrusts became more and more urgent. “Do not come until I tell you. Understand.” His voice was sexy, but hearing it threatened my hot libido with an icy cold dousing.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Good.” He leaned down and wrapped his mouth around one sensitive nipple, sucking it hard.

  “Can’t…too much. I’m about to come.” I was panting like a dog in heat. What the hell.


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