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Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “What do you mean?” she asked in a timid voice.

  “You know what I mean.” He couldn’t help himself, couldn’t help the arousal pounding through him, the rage, jealousy, need to make her know she was his, consuming him. “What is he to you, Greta?”

  She stood, swallowed, and he watched her throat work as she did the act. “He’s a friend. Just a friend, but I love him like a brother. He’s been there for me, protected me. He’s my family.”

  He growled low in his throat, an automatic response to the fact the very male part of him was demanding he show her there would be no other male for her. Tolcan wanted to treat Greta, wanted to show her, she was more than just a warm hole to stick his dick in. But right now he was acting like some kind of possessive male about to drive her away.

  “You love him, Greta?” he asked and slowly stood.

  She shook her head, but there was a spark of fire in her eyes. “Not like that, but you can’t stop how I feel about anyone else. You can’t make me care about you, give myself to you willingly.”

  He moved around the table and inhaled deeply, scenting the aroma of her timid desire, her fearful arousal. “You can say you don’t want this, but you do. Some part of you wants me.”

  “Maybe, but it’s a part I can control.”

  She was being strong in the face of her fear. He admired that, got turned on by it, too.

  “My hatred for you and my disgust far outweigh any other emotion.”

  He smirked. “Maybe, but right now your nipples are hard, your breathing is shallow, your heart is racing, and your pupils are dilated.” He leaned down a little further toward her. “All because you are aroused, and you hate that.” He closed his eyes and let out a growl. “I am a warrior of the highest class, and no one has ever denied me.”

  “I don’t care who you are. All I know is you’re holding me against my will.”

  He smirked at her little outburst. “I suppose, but your life here will be very comfortable, and far safer than living in a cave or being a breeder. You will never want for anything.” She watched him, and although she tried to keep her face blank, he saw the way she clamped her jaw down, her anger coming out.

  “Nothing will ever make me want to stay here with you, will ever make me give myself to you willingly.”

  Tolcan was trying to stay in control, to be calm, but no one spoke to him this way, least of all a human. She must have seen the dark look move over his face because her lips parted and she breathed out forcefully. Greta didn’t say anything else.

  “Ask me, female.”

  She glanced down.

  Before he could order her to keep her eyes on him, she was looking at him once more. “Ask about the male, the Rogue, that owns every part of you now.” She was so very young compared to his kind, his age even, but she had a strength that rivaled his own. It wasn’t just desiring her body beneath his. He did want her willing submission, but he wanted so much more as well. He also wanted her fighting him, showing him that sprit. A weak mate was not what he wanted.

  He wanted a female that would fight him, would give as good as she could take, and he knew Greta was that female.

  “I won’t ask you anything.”

  He clenched his jaw.

  “How old are you? How long do you plan on keeping me here, keeping me a prisoner?” She rambled off the questions, but it wasn’t because she sounded interested or curious. She said them with a hard tone in her voice, as if she was asking, forcing herself to say the words because he’d told her to. He heard her willpower to stay strong, but he also sensed her need to stay alive. It was a very human instinct.

  But she would realize that he was the only dominant one in this coupling, the powerful one right now. She started breathing harder this time, and he took note of the rise and fall of her breasts, at the way the pheromones of her arousal slammed into him.

  Placing his hands on the wall beside her head he let out a primal growl. He wanted her happy, he did, and he knew making her happy her would please him. He thought about her need to make sure her friend was okay, to have him safe. “This Jayce male means a lot to you, as a friend?” he said in a low, dangerous voice. He opened his eyes and looked at her again.

  She nodded, licked her lips, and he smelled the pleasure move through her that he brought this up.

  He leaned in another inch. “Then I’ll see what I can do to find him, see what his duties are.” Tolcan stared at her lips for a second, then looked at her face again. She was so delicate, not like the females of his kind. Rogue females were bigger, stronger. They had to be to be able to fight beside the males if the time came and protect the young. But they lived in a different world now, a different time.

  The human females also tended to the interspecies young, cared for them, nursed them. They were good with comfort to the young, whereas the Rogue females tended to be harder in bringing up the children. It was a clear difference between species, but one he liked, especially when it concerned Greta.

  “You’ll check on Jayce, see if you can help him?”

  She sounded so hopeful, something he’d never really heard from a human, let alone a Rogue before. Was it his feelings for this female that had him seeing things differently, or were all humans like this? In the face of fear and danger did they have this hope inside of them, some of them not willing to show it like Greta was right now?

  “But on one condition.”

  Her eyes widened an inch, and he marveled at her beauty.

  “W-what?” she stuttered out, her breathing still fast, her fear right on the surface, but her arousal heavier.

  “If you want my help, want me to try to find your friend, help him even, I want you to try and relax, to understand I won’t hurt you, won’t force myself on you.” He stared in her dual-colored eyes. “I want you to understand that this is not something I do for anyone, but with you I find I want to give you anything you want.” He heard her breath stall and heard her heart race a little bit. “Just learn to trust me. Don’t fear me, don’t try to run. Just try to accept this, Greta.” Tolcan had never tried to reason with anyone, never tried to talk them into understanding something. But with her he wanted her to be here, wanted her to want to be here.

  She swallowed, her eyes still so wide, her heart still racing, but he did feel her relax against him. “Okay,” she said softly, licked her lips, and he actually heard her heart slowing, scented her fear lessening.

  He moved away from her, pleased they’d come to this understanding that she was willing to trust him after everything he’d done and what his people had done. She had every right to be afraid, to hate him, and she probably still did, but this was a first step, a starting point to making her want him willingly, submit to him because she wanted that, too.

  Chapter Eight

  Tolcan moved through the stalls in the market, scanned the Rogues and humans that were buying goods, and knew he wouldn’t find Jayce. The ones that frequented the shops were mainly human females with their Rogue owners, or humans caring for the young. There were also human males helping set up and break down the stalls, and although the majority of the males were working on more labor-intensive things, such as building structures, there were some Rogues that took on human males for their personal uses as well.

  He moved off to the side, stood in view so he could see the main entrance where Masters and their slaves came and went, and waited to see if any new shipment came through. He knew what Jayce looked like, remembered his face when he’d been trying to pull Greta away and flee the cave.

  As he stood there, taking in the sight of the slaves, how they followed their masters, their faces downcast, the looks of anger, hatred, even hopelessness covering their expressions, he couldn’t believe how in just a short time a human female could make him feel differently. This had always been his world, yet seeing the slaves, and picturing Greta like that, her hope and the light in her eyes fading, made him feel sick. He’d had her for such a short time in his life, yet already he thought o
f her as his mate, not his property, but … his nonetheless.

  As the time moved by he decided he’d inquire about the slaves, knowing standing here could prove fruitless. Moving up to the stalls, he started asking them one by one if they’d heard of the new shipment of slaves that had been captured. No one seemed to know anything, and his senses were able to pick up on the fact they weren’t lying.

  He went to another stall, the last one for the day because he wanted to get back to Greta, wanted to be able to show her he’d tried, and hoped to bring her good news. The male stood up straighter when he saw Tolcan come closer, took in the sight of his Enforcer’s uniform, and the scent of his respect filled Tolcan’s nose.

  “I’m looking for a male, a human slave that was just acquired from the most recent raid, a human that goes by the name of Jayce?” he asked one of the stall owners.

  “I do not know a male of that name, but have heard Redon purchased many humans from the recent raid, but he’s due at the shops today.” He held up a sack. “I always save bags of Gooba berries for him.” The male looked over his shoulder. “Enforcer, Sir, Redon just arrived.”

  Tolcan turned. There he saw Redon, an older Rogue that was of a higher class, who kept harems of female humans, and had a slew of male humans to do his labor at the estate he owned outside of the sectors. He watched the older man and instantly spotted Jayce. Although a slave held no value aside from what the master deemed, rarely did a master agree to resell a slave to another Rogue.

  But there was always the Dukka, a male Rogue competition for when another Rogue wanted something already owned and the master did not want to outright sell. If the Dukka was issued the owner had no choice but to fight. It wasn’t done as frequently here on earth, but back on their home planet it was done constantly, especially since their resources had been dwindling.

  He watched the male named Jayce struggle with his bonds, but Redon pulled him along harder. Trying to take the human male now, against the orders of the Royal family, and without issuing a Dukka, would have Jayce dead, and Greta taken from Tolcan. He couldn’t risk it. He’d see if Redon would sell at a later date, when the purchase wasn’t so new. If Redon wouldn’t sell then Tolcan would have to issue a Dukka. But right now he needed to get back to Greta, give her the news that would he hoped put her at ease slightly, and watch as that hope filled her eyes once more.


  He placed his hand on the scanner at his front door, let the laser move along his palm and finger, than another one moving along his eyes for verification. The door unlocked, and as soon as he stepped inside he saw Greta standing there, her hands in front of her, twisting together, and the worry and anticipation clear.

  For a moment all he did was stand there, staring at her, seeing the hope in her face, and knowing that he wouldn’t have the news she’d probably prayed to her God or gods about. But he’d tell her what she needed to hear, and he hoped to be able to give her what she wanted, because a part of him wanted her happy, wanted her looking at him like a male that could give her what she wanted and needed. He wanted to be that male that Greta looked up to when she knew something needed to be taken care of.

  “Did you find him?” she asked softly, hesitantly.

  He stepped inside, the door sliding shut and locking behind him. “I found where he is, saw him even, but didn’t actually make contact.” He moved closer to her, was pleased she didn’t shy away, and inhaled deeply. She smelled clean, fresh, sweet. “But he is owned by a particularly wealthy Rogue, one that will probably not sell what he’s purchased.”

  She clenched her jaw, her anger coming forth. “No one has the right to own anyone, least of all your people that came to our planet,” she huffed out, turning from him, and he wanted nothing more than to pull her forward.

  Things had changed in him when he was around her. He did notice he was the same hardened male when he was away from her, knowing he had to be the rough Enforcer that everyone feared. But then Tolcan came home, saw her, and something in him melted. He didn’t know why he felt his way, but he didn’t question it. He embraced it.

  “Our lives shouldn’t be held in fear, worry, and in hiding,” she said softly, and he couldn’t help himself. He moved toward her, grabbed her thin arm, and turned her around. She’d filled out a little since being in his home and eating the high protein meals he gave her, but she was still so small. She looked up at him, her fear no more, at least for this moment. Her pulse started moving faster, and the scent of her perspiration was a light, almost sweet fragrance in the air.

  “Your life matters to me,” he said in a deep, hard voice. “You matter to me.”

  Her breathing picked up, her pupils dilated, and the scent of her desire climbed. She was fighting her desire for him, but she was losing the battle. He scented that realization in her.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on,” she said, but he knew she was well aware of the situation. What he knew what she was referring to was the desire she had for him. “I shouldn’t want this, shouldn’t want any of this, Tolcan.”

  He loved hearing her say his name, loved that she wanted to fight it, fight him, but that it was a losing battle. “You understand what’s going on.” He pulled her closer. “You just don’t want to accept it.” Tolcan looked at her lips again, mesmerized by the bow-like appearance, the pink color … transfixed by everything about her.

  “This is wrong,” she said in a breathless voice.

  “No, it’s not.” He walked them backward until they were now in the cooking area, the counter stopping her.

  “Am I the first human female you’ve taken? Or do you have a harem stashed somewhere in this home?” He could tell by her voice that she wasn’t trying to fight with him, or tempt his anger. She was truly curious.

  “You are the first female, Rogue or human, I have ever wanted as my own.” He pressed his body more firmly to hers. “And the last.”

  She licked her bottom lip again, a nervous habit he was noticing with her. He watched her run her tongue along the swell of her bottom lip, and his cock, which had gotten instantly hard when he saw her standing there waiting for him, grew harder still.

  “You’ll really try and help Jayce?”

  He waited a moment before answering. “Will that make you happy if I can get him his freedom?” He didn’t been know if that was something he could do, but he realized he wanted to see that hope back on her face, wanted her looking at him with adoration because he made something she wanted possible.

  She nodded. “Yes, it would.”

  “Would you really trust me if I could show you I truly am only trying to make you happy?”

  She nodded again. “It would help, yes.”

  “But Greta,” he said low.

  “Yes?” she said and swallowed, her slender throat working from the act.

  “Just because I will try to help your friend doesn’t mean I’ll let you go when and if it’s done.”

  There was a moment of silence. “I know. If even one person from my camp is free I’d gladly stay here, and be in your debt.” She swallowed again. “I wouldn’t fight you, Tolcan.”

  His cock throbbed again, jerked behind his pants, and he knew he had to sample this female, his female. “When I first saw you something in me awoke. You were there for the taking, sweet Greta, all there for just me, and I wouldn’t let anyone else have you, not even freedom.”

  She gasped, maybe from his blunt honesty.

  “I saw something special in you, something that called to me, had me feeling alive. I’ve never felt anything like that, and I knew I couldn’t ignore it.” He smoothed his finger over her bottom lip. “There wasn’t anyone or anything that would stop me from what I wanted, and what I wanted was you.” She didn’t respond for several seconds. “Does that frighten you more?” He could scent her emotions, but he wanted her to verbally answer him. Normally he wouldn’t have cared what a female thought, or anyone for that matter. That was the way of the world, of his world. But Greta was di
fferent from the others. Yes, he owned her by the laws of the Rogues, but he didn’t want a piece of property. He wanted her to be his willingly.

  “It does,” she said low, soft. She gripped the edge of her shirt, and he knew she was nervous, but not resistant. If he knew giving into a simple desire had her trusting him a bit more, giving in a little more. He started breathing harder the longer he stared at her, the more he breathed in her scent. He wanted her, that was undeniable, and he didn’t try to lie about that fact.

  “I’m so confused,” she said and looked at his mouth, and then back at his face.

  “Trust me to take care of you. Trust me to make things right and good with you.” Gods, he felt like another male, like someone else occupied his body. But he didn’t care, because Greta made him feel so alive, made him feel so whole even. He had her up in his arms seconds later, and set her on the counter.

  He took a step forward, parting her thighs even farther. He placed both hands on the counter and leaned in until there was only an inch separating their mouths.

  “Tolcan…” she said with a hint of fear in her voice.

  “The sooner you realize that you’re mine, the easier this will be.” He didn’t mean to sound coarse or harsh, but the fact was he couldn’t help who he was, the male that was ingrained in him. He lowered his gaze to her chest, saw her breasts rise and fall violently over the top of her shirt, and looked back at her face. “Admittedly, I like the fight in you, and love the chase, but I also get hard, desire and crave your surrender, not because you’re forced, but because you’re eager to give it to me.”

  A small noise left her.

  “Do you want to give yourself to me right now?”

  It took her a second to answer, but she finally nodded. “Yes, and that frightens me.”

  “If I slipped my hand between your thighs would your pussy be wet for me?”

  She parted her lips but didn’t say anything.

  “You hate this, hate your desire for me, but you also crave it as much as I do.”


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